Class KiwiArrays

  • public class KiwiArrays
    extends Object
    Utility methods for working with Array instances.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static <T> void checkMinimumSize​(T[] items, int minSize)
      Checks that the given array is not null and has the given minimum size.
      static <T> void checkNonNullInputArray​(T[] items)
      Checks that the given array is not null.
      static <T> T[] distinct​(T[] collection, Class<T> arrayType)
      Returns a array of the collection elements with duplicates stripped out.
      static <T> T[] distinctOrNull​(T[] collection, Class<T> arrayType)
      Returns a array of the collection elements with duplicates stripped out or `null` if a null value is passed in.
      static <T> T fifth​(T[] items)
      Return the fifth element in the specified array of items.
      static <T> T first​(T[] items)
      Return the first element in the specified array of items.
      static <T> Optional<T> firstIfPresent​(T[] items)
      Returns an Optional containing the first element in specified array of items, or an empty optional if the array is null or empty.
      static <T> T[] firstN​(T[] items, int number)
      Returns a new array containing the "first N" elements of the input array.
      static <T> T fourth​(T[] items)
      Return the fourth element in the specified array of items.
      static <T> boolean hasOneElement​(T[] items)
      Checks whether the specified array is non-null and has only one item.
      static <T> boolean isNotNullOrEmpty​(T[] items)
      Checks whether the specified array is neither null nor empty.
      static <T> boolean isNullOrEmpty​(T[] items)
      Checks whether the specified array is null or empty.
      static <T> T last​(T[] items)
      Returns the last element in the specified array of items.
      static <T> Optional<T> lastIfPresent​(T[] items)
      Returns an Optional containing the last element in specified array of items, or an empty optional if the array is null or empty.
      static <T> T[] lastN​(T[] items, int number)
      Returns a new array containing the "last N" elements of the input array.
      static <T> T[] newArrayStartingAtCircularOffset​(T[] input, long startOffset, Class<T> arrayType)
      Returns a new array with the same elements and the same size as the original, however the initial position in the array is now the element specified by the "startOffset" and the array wraps around through the contents to end with "startOffset" - 1
      static <T> T nth​(T[] items, int number)
      Return the nth element in the specified array of items, starting at one for the first element, two for the second, etc.
      static <T> T penultimate​(T[] items)
      Returns the penultimate (second to last) element in the specified array.
      static <T> T second​(T[] items)
      Return the second element in the specified array of items.
      static <T> T secondToLast​(T[] items)
      static <T> T[] sorted​(T[] items, Class<T> arrayType)
      Given an array, sort it according to the natural order, returning a new list.
      static <T> T[] sorted​(T[] items, Comparator<T> comparator, Class<T> arrayType)
      Given an array, sort it according to the provided Comparator returning a new array.
      static <T> T[] subArrayExcludingFirst​(T[] items)
      Returns a new array containing the portion of the given array excluding the first element.
      static <T> T[] subArrayExcludingLast​(T[] items)
      Returns a new array containing the portion of the given array excluding the last element.
      static <T> T[] subArrayFrom​(T[] items, int number)
      Returns a new array containing the portion of the given array starting at the given logical element number, where the numbers start at one, until and including the last element in the array.
      static <T> T[] subArrayFromIndex​(T[] items, int index)
      Returns a new array containing the portion of the given array starting at the given index, until and including the last element in the array.
      static <T> T third​(T[] items)
      Return the third element in the specified array of items.
    • Constructor Detail

      • KiwiArrays

        public KiwiArrays()
    • Method Detail

      • isNullOrEmpty

        public static <T> boolean isNullOrEmpty​(T[] items)
        Checks whether the specified array is null or empty.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        true if array is null or empty; false otherwise
      • isNotNullOrEmpty

        public static <T> boolean isNotNullOrEmpty​(T[] items)
        Checks whether the specified array is neither null nor empty.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        true if array is NOT null or empty; false otherwise
      • hasOneElement

        public static <T> boolean hasOneElement​(T[] items)
        Checks whether the specified array is non-null and has only one item.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        true if array is non-null and has exactly one item; false otherwise
      • sorted

        public static <T> T[] sorted​(T[] items,
                                     Class<T> arrayType)
        Given an array, sort it according to the natural order, returning a new list.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        arrayType - the type of the items in the array. Needed to ensure the new array is not Object[]
        a new sorted array
      • sorted

        public static <T> T[] sorted​(T[] items,
                                     Comparator<T> comparator,
                                     Class<T> arrayType)
        Given an array, sort it according to the provided Comparator returning a new array.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        comparator - a Comparator to be used to compare stream elements
        arrayType - the type of the items in the array. Needed to ensure the new array is not Object[]
        a new sorted array
      • first

        public static <T> T first​(T[] items)
        Return the first element in the specified array of items.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        the first item in items
        IllegalArgumentException - if the array does not contain at least one item
        NullPointerException - if the array is null
      • firstIfPresent

        public static <T> Optional<T> firstIfPresent​(T[] items)
        Returns an Optional containing the first element in specified array of items, or an empty optional if the array is null or empty.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        Optional containing first element if exists, otherwise Optional.empty()
      • second

        public static <T> T second​(T[] items)
        Return the second element in the specified array of items.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        the second item in items
        IllegalArgumentException - if the array does not contain at least two items
        NullPointerException - if the array is null
      • third

        public static <T> T third​(T[] items)
        Return the third element in the specified array of items.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        the third item in items
        IllegalArgumentException - if the array does not contain at least three items
        NullPointerException - if the array is null
      • fourth

        public static <T> T fourth​(T[] items)
        Return the fourth element in the specified array of items.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        the fourth item in items
        IllegalArgumentException - if the array does not contain at least four items
        NullPointerException - if the array is null
      • fifth

        public static <T> T fifth​(T[] items)
        Return the fifth element in the specified array of items.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        the fifth item in items
        IllegalArgumentException - if the array does not contain at least five items
        NullPointerException - if the array is null
      • penultimate

        public static <T> T penultimate​(T[] items)
        Returns the penultimate (second to last) element in the specified array.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        the penultimate item in items
        IllegalArgumentException - if the array does not contain at least two items
        NullPointerException - if the array is null
        See Also:
      • last

        public static <T> T last​(T[] items)
        Returns the last element in the specified array of items.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        the last item in the list
        IllegalArgumentException - if the array does not contain at least one item
        NullPointerException - if the array is null
      • lastIfPresent

        public static <T> Optional<T> lastIfPresent​(T[] items)
        Returns an Optional containing the last element in specified array of items, or an empty optional if the array is null or empty.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        Optional containing last element if exists, otherwise Optional.empty()
      • nth

        public static <T> T nth​(T[] items,
                                int number)
        Return the nth element in the specified array of items, starting at one for the first element, two for the second, etc.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        number - the number of the element to retrieve, starting at one (not zero)
        the nth item in items
        IllegalArgumentException - if the array does not contain at least number items
        NullPointerException - if the array is null
      • distinct

        public static <T> T[] distinct​(T[] collection,
                                       Class<T> arrayType)
        Returns a array of the collection elements with duplicates stripped out.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the collection
        collection - the collection of values
        arrayType - the type of the items in the array. Needed to ensure the new array is not Object[]
        a new array with only unique elements
        IllegalArgumentException - if the collection is null
      • distinctOrNull

        public static <T> T[] distinctOrNull​(T[] collection,
                                             Class<T> arrayType)
        Returns a array of the collection elements with duplicates stripped out or `null` if a null value is passed in.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the collection
        collection - the collection of values
        arrayType - the type of the items in the array. Needed to ensure the new array is not Object[]
        a new array with only unique elements or null.
      • newArrayStartingAtCircularOffset

        public static <T> T[] newArrayStartingAtCircularOffset​(T[] input,
                                                               long startOffset,
                                                               Class<T> arrayType)
        Returns a new array with the same elements and the same size as the original, however the initial position in the array is now the element specified by the "startOffset" and the array wraps around through the contents to end with "startOffset" - 1
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the items in the array
        input - the original array
        startOffset - the desired offset to start the new array
        arrayType - the type of the items in the array. Needed to ensure the new array is not Object[]
        a new array starting at the desired offset
      • subArrayExcludingFirst

        public static <T> T[] subArrayExcludingFirst​(T[] items)
        Returns a new array containing the portion of the given array excluding the first element.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the items in the array
        items - the array
        a new array containing the given array excluding the first item
        NullPointerException - if the array is null
      • subArrayExcludingLast

        public static <T> T[] subArrayExcludingLast​(T[] items)
        Returns a new array containing the portion of the given array excluding the last element.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the items in the array
        items - the array
        a new array containing the given array excluding the last item
        NullPointerException - if the array is null
      • subArrayFrom

        public static <T> T[] subArrayFrom​(T[] items,
                                           int number)
        Returns a new array containing the portion of the given array starting at the given logical element number, where the numbers start at one, until and including the last element in the array. This is useful if something is using one-based element numbers for some reason. Use subArrayFromIndex(Object[], int) if you want to use zero-based list indices.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        number - the number of the element to start the subarray, starting at one (not zero)
        a new array containing the given array, starting at the given one-based number
        NullPointerException - if the array is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given number is negative or is higher than the size of the array
      • subArrayFromIndex

        public static <T> T[] subArrayFromIndex​(T[] items,
                                                int index)
        Returns a new array containing the portion of the given array starting at the given index, until and including the last element in the array.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        index - the index in the array to start the subarray, zero-based like normal Array accessors
        a new array containing the given array, starting at the given zero-based index
        NullPointerException - if the array is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given index is negative or is higher than the last index in the array
      • firstN

        public static <T> T[] firstN​(T[] items,
                                     int number)
        Returns a new array containing the "first N" elements of the input array.

        If the given number is larger than the size of the array, the entire array is returned, rather than throw an exception. In this case, the input array is returned directly, i.e. return items.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        number - the number of items wanted from the start of the array
        a new array containing the given array containing the last number elements
      • lastN

        public static <T> T[] lastN​(T[] items,
                                    int number)
        Returns a new array containing the "last N" elements of the input array.

        If the given number is larger than the size of the array, the entire array is returned, rather than throw an exception. In this case, the input array is returned directly, i.e. return items.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        number - the number of items wanted from the end of the array
        a new array containing the given array containing the first number elements
      • checkMinimumSize

        public static <T> void checkMinimumSize​(T[] items,
                                                int minSize)
        Checks that the given array is not null and has the given minimum size.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the items in the array
        items - the array
        minSize - the minimum required size
        NullPointerException - if the array is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if minSize is not positive or the array does not contain minSize elements
      • checkNonNullInputArray

        public static <T> void checkNonNullInputArray​(T[] items)
        Checks that the given array is not null.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of items in the array
        items - the array
        NullPointerException - if the array is null