Class KiwiCollectors

  • public class KiwiCollectors
    extends Object
    Utility for custom Collector implementations
    • Constructor Detail

      • KiwiCollectors

        public KiwiCollectors()
    • Method Detail

      • toImmutableListBuilder

        public static <T> Collector<T,​<T>,​<T>> toImmutableListBuilder()
        Return a Collector that collects into a Guava ImmutableList.Builder. You only then need to call
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type in the list
        ImmutableList of T
      • toEnumMap

        public static <T,​K extends Enum<K>,​U> Collector<T,​?,​Map<K,​U>> toEnumMap​(Class<K> enumClass,
                                                                                                              Function<? super T,​? extends K> keyMapper,
                                                                                                              Function<? super T,​? extends U> valueMapper)
        Returns a Collector that collects into an EnumMap.

        If the mapped keys contain duplicates (according to Object.equals(Object), an IllegalStateException is thrown when the collection operation is performed.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the input elements
        K - the output type of the key mapping function
        U - the outptu type of the value mapping function
        enumClass - the key type for the returned map
        keyMapper - a mapping function to produce keys
        valueMapper - a mapping function to produce values
        a Collector which collects elements into an EnumMap whose keys are the result of applying key and value mapping functions.
      • toLinkedMap

        public static <T,​K,​U> Collector<T,​?,​Map<K,​U>> toLinkedMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> keyMapper,
                                                                                                Function<? super T,​? extends U> valueMapper)
        Returns a Collector that collects intoa LinkedHashMap.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the input elements
        K - the output type of the key mapping function
        U - the output type of the value mapping function
        keyMapper - a mapping function to produce keys
        valueMapper - a mapping function to produce values
        a Collector which collects elements into a LinkedHashMap whose keys are the result of applying key and value mapping functions.