Interface RegistryClient

    • Method Detail

      • findServiceInstanceBy

        default Optional<ServiceInstance> findServiceInstanceBy​(String serviceName)
        Attempts to find a service instance with the given service name.

        If there are more than one instance, the implementation should decide the order in which the service is returned (e.g. round robin, random, LIFO, FIFO, etc)

        serviceName - The name of the service that is being requested
        an Optional containing the found service or Optional.empty()
      • findServiceInstanceBy

        Optional<ServiceInstance> findServiceInstanceBy​(String serviceName,
                                                        String instanceId)
        Attempts to find a service instance with the given service name and the given instance id.
        serviceName - The name of the service that is being requested
        instanceId - The id of the instance that is wanted
        an Optional containing the found service or Optional.empty()
      • findAllServiceInstancesBy

        default List<ServiceInstance> findAllServiceInstancesBy​(String serviceName)
        Attempts to find all service instances with the given service name.
        serviceName - The name of the service that is being requested
        a List containing the found services