All Classes and Interfaces

Base configuration class for Consul registry usage
Set of utilities that assist in populating a service registration.
Configuration class to specify various Consul settings
RegistryService implementation for Consul discovery servers
Base configuration class for Eureka registry client configuration.
This model matches the format of the data being sent to the Eureka server
Configuration model needed for registering a service with Eureka
RegistryClient implementation for looking up services from Eureka registry server.
A RegistryClient that finds services in more than one registry.
Enum that defines whether all data from the native service registry should be included in ServiceInstance objects returned by the registry, e.g.
A "no-op" implementation of RegistryClient.
A No-op implementation of the RegistryService.
Model that defines a port being used by a service, including the port number, the purpose of the port, and whether the port is secure or not.
Enum defining the type of connector the port is used for.
Enum defining whether the port is secure or not.
Utility methods for finding a desired port out of a list of port definitions
Exception used to indicate a failure to register with the service registry.
Listener that registers and de-registers the service based on server start up and shutdown events.
Manager to register and unregister a service.
Base of all registry client implementations in order to find running services
Encapsulates search parameters for finding service instances
Contract for implementations of a service registry.
Interface to assist in providing information about a service for registering.
Model containing information about a running service
The status of a service
Utility class that provides version filtering of lists of ServiceInstance objects.
Utility methods for generating URLs from the service information
Model defining various known paths used by services