Class GHPullRequestReviewBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • commitId

        public GHPullRequestReviewBuilder commitId​(String commitId)
        The SHA of the commit that needs a review. Not using the latest commit SHA may render your review comment outdated if a subsequent commit modifies the line you specify as the position. Defaults to the most recent commit in the pull request when you do not specify a value.
        commitId - the commit id
        the gh pull request review builder
      • body

        public GHPullRequestReviewBuilder body​(String body)
        Required when using REQUEST_CHANGES or COMMENT for the event parameter. The body text of the pull request review.
        body - the body
        the gh pull request review builder
      • event

        public GHPullRequestReviewBuilder event​(GHPullRequestReviewEvent event)
        The review action you want to perform. The review actions include: APPROVE, REQUEST_CHANGES, or COMMENT. By leaving this blank, you set the review action state to PENDING, which means you will need to submit the pull request review when you are ready.
        event - the event
        the gh pull request review builder
      • comment

        public GHPullRequestReviewBuilder comment​(String body,
                                                  String path,
                                                  int position)
        Comment gh pull request review builder.
        body - The relative path to the file that necessitates a review comment.
        path - The position in the diff where you want to add a review comment. Note this value is not the same as the line number in the file. For help finding the position value, read the note below.
        position - Text of the review comment.
        the gh pull request review builder