Class AppInstallationAuthorizationProvider

    • Constructor Detail

      • AppInstallationAuthorizationProvider

        public AppInstallationAuthorizationProvider​(AppInstallationAuthorizationProvider.AppInstallationProvider appInstallationProvider,
                                                    AuthorizationProvider authorizationProvider)
        Provides an AuthorizationProvider that performs automatic token refresh, based on an previously authenticated github client.
        appInstallationProvider - An AppInstallationProvider that the authorization provider will use to retrieve the App.
        authorizationProvider - A authorization provider that returns a JWT token that can be used to refresh the App Installation token from GitHub.
    • Method Detail

      • getEncodedAuthorization

        public String getEncodedAuthorization()
                                       throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: AuthorizationProvider
        Returns the credentials to be used with a given request. As an example, a authorization provider for a bearer token will return something like:
          public String getEncodedAuthorization() {
          return "Bearer myBearerToken";
        encoded authorization string, can be null
        IOException - on any error that prevents the provider from returning a valid authorization