All Classes and Interfaces

A AuthorizationProvider that returns an empty authorization.
An AuthorizationProvider that performs automatic token refresh for an organization's AppInstallation.
Provides an interface that returns an app to be used by an AppInstallationAuthorizationProvider
Provides a functional interface that returns a valid encodedAuthorization.
Indicates that the method/class/etc marked is a beta implementation of an sdk feature.
Internal class that selects what kind of GitHubConnector will be the default.
Utils for Enums.
A functional interface, equivalent to Function but that allows throwing Throwable
A Github App.
Creates a access token for a GitHub App Installation.
A GitHub App with the additional attributes returned during its creation.
A Github App Installation.
A Github App Installation Token.
An artifact from a workflow run.
Asset in a release.
The Github App Installation corresponding to the installation token used in a client.
Generated OAuth token.
The type GHBlob.
Builder pattern for creating a new blob.
A branch in a repository.
The type Commit.
The type GHBranchProtection.
The type AllowDeletions.
The type AllowForcePushes.
The type AllowForkSyncing.
The type BlockCreations.
The type EnforceAdmins.
The type LockBranch.
The type RequiredConversationResolution.
The type RequiredLinearHistory.
The type RequiredReviews.
The type RequiredStatusChecks.
The type Restrictions.
Builder to configure the branch protection settings.
Represents a check run.
The Enum AnnotationLevel.
Final conclusion of the check.
Represents an output in a check run to include summary and other results.
The Enum Status.
Drafts or updates a check run.
The Class Action.
The Class Annotation.
The Class Image.
The Class Output.
Represents a check suite.
The Class HeadCommit.
Represents an error in a CODEOWNERS file.
How is an user associated with a repository?.
A commit in a repository.
A file that was modified.
Use GitUser instead.
The type Parent.
Short summary of this commit.
The type Stats.
Builder pattern for creating a new commit.
A comment attached to a commit (or a specific line in a specific file of a commit.)
Identifies a commit in GHPullRequest.
Builds up query for listing commits.
Search commits.
The enum Sort.
Represents the state of commit.
Represents a status of a commit.
The model user for comparing 2 commits in the GitHub API.
Compare commits had a child commit element with additional details we want to capture.
The type InnerCommit.
The enum Status.
The type Tree.
use GitUser instead.
A Content of a repository.
Used to create/update content.
Search code for GHContent.
The enum Sort.
The response that is returned when updating repository content.
Creates a repository.
The type GHDeployKey.
Represents a deployment.
The type GHDeploymentBuilder.
Represents the state of deployment.
The type GHDeploymentStatus.
Creates a new deployment status.
Sort direction.
A discussion in GitHub Team.
A GHLabelBuilder that creates a new GHLabel Consumer must call AbstractBuilder.done() to create the new instance.
A GHLabelBuilder that updates a single property per request AbstractBuilder.done() is called automatically after the property is set.
A GHLabelBuilder that allows multiple properties to be updated per request.
Represents an email of GitHub.
Hook event type.
Represents an event.
Inside the event JSON model, GitHub uses a slightly different format.
Base type for types used in databinding of the event payload.
A check run event has been created, rerequested, completed, or has a requested_action.
A check suite event has been requested, rerequested or completed.
Wrapper for changes on issue and pull request review comments action="edited".
Wrapper for changed values.
A comment was added to a commit.
A repository, branch, or tag was created.
A branch, or tag was deleted.
A deployment.
A deployment status.
A discussion was closed, reopened, created, edited, deleted, pinned, unpinned, locked, unlocked, transferred, category_changed, answered, or unanswered.
A discussion comment was created, deleted, or edited.
A user forked a repository.
An installation has been installed, uninstalled, or its permissions have been changed.
A special minimal implementation of a GHRepository which contains only fields from "Properties of repositories" from here
A repository has been added or removed from an installation.
A Issue has been assigned, unassigned, labeled, unlabeled, opened, edited, milestoned, demilestoned, closed, or reopened.
A comment was added to an issue.
A label was created, edited or deleted.
A member event was triggered.
A membership event was triggered.
A ping.
A project v2 item was archived, converted, created, edited, restored, deleted, or reordered.
A repository was made public.
A pull request status has changed.
A review was added to a pull request.
A review comment was added to a pull request.
A commit was pushed.
Commit in a push.
The type Pusher.
A release was added to the repo.
A repository was created, deleted, made public, or made private.
A star was created or deleted on a repository.
A git commit status was changed.
A team event was triggered.
A team_add event was triggered.
Occurs when someone triggered a workflow run or sends a POST request to the "Create a workflow dispatch event" endpoint.
A workflow job has been queued, is in progress, or has been completed.
A workflow run was requested or completed.
The type GHException.
Request/response contains useful metadata.
The enum for Fork search mode.
Builder pattern for creating a new Gist.
A file inside GHGist.
Builder pattern for updating a Gist.
The type GHHook.
The type GHInvitation.
Request/response contains useful metadata.
Represents an issue on GitHub.
The type PullRequest.
The type GHIssueBuilder.
Wrapper to define changed fields on issues action="edited".
Wrapper for changed values.
Comment to the issue.
Builds a query for listing comments on an issue.
The type GHIssueEvent.
The Class GHIssueQueryBuilder.
The Class ForRepository.
The enum Sort.
The type GHIssueRename.
Search issues.
The enum Sort.
The enum GHIssueState.
The enum GHIssueStateReason.
SSH public key.
The type GHLabel.
A GHLabelBuilder that creates a new GHLabel Consumer must call AbstractBuilder.done() to create the new instance.
A GHLabelBuilder that updates a single property per request AbstractBuilder.done() is called automatically after the property is set.
A GHLabelBuilder that allows multiple properties to be updated per request.
Wrapper to define changed fields on label action="edited".
Wrapper for changed values.
The GitHub Preview API's license information.
Base class for Github Marketplace Account.
A Github Marketplace Account Plan.
GitHub Marketplace Account type.
Returns any accounts associated with a plan, including free plans.
The enum Sort.
A Github Marketplace purchase pending change.
A Github Marketplace plan.
Returns the plan associated with current account.
GitHub Marketplace plan pricing model.
A Github Marketplace purchase.
Github Marketplace User Purchase.
Changes made to a team.
Changes to permission.
Represents a membership of a user in an organization.
Role of a user in an organization.
Whether a role is currently active or waiting for acceptance (pending).
Class that wraps the list of GitHub's IP addresses.
The type GHMilestone.
The enum GHMilestoneState.
Represents the account that's logging into GitHub.
Type of repositories returned during listing.
Listens to GitHub notification stream.
Most (all?) domain objects in GitHub seems to have these 4 properties.
The type GHOrganization.
The enum Permission.
Repository permissions (roles) for teams and collaborators.
Member's role in an organization.
This exception is thrown when GitHub is requesting an OTP from the user.
The enum GHPermissionType.
Common part of GHUser and GHOrganization.
Set of GHPerson with helper lookup methods.
A GitHub project.
The enum ProjectState.
The enum ProjectStateFilter.
The type GHProjectCard.
The type GHProjectColumn.
A Projects V2 item in the organization.
The Enum ContentType.
An object to track changes in projects_v2_item payloads.
The Enum FieldType.
The Class FieldValue.
The Class FromTo.
The Class FromToDate.
A pull request.
The status of auto merging a GHPullRequest.
The enum MergeMethod.
Wrapper to define changed fields on pull_request action="edited".
The Class GHCommitPointer.
Wrapper for changed values.
Commit detail inside a GHPullRequest.
The type Commit.
The type CommitPointer.
The type Tree.
File detail inside a GHPullRequest.
Lists up pull requests with some filtering and sorting.
The enum Sort.
Review to a pull request.
Builds up a creation of new GHPullRequestReview.
Review comment to the pull request.
The side of the diff to which the comment applies
Reactions for a Pull Request Review comment.
Action to perform on GHPullRequestReview.
Current state of GHPullRequestReview.
Search for pull requests by main search terms in order to narrow down search results.
The sort order values.
Used to specify filters, sort order, etc for listing items in a collection.
Rate limit.
A rate limit record.
A limit record used as a placeholder when the actual limit is not known.
Reaction to issue, comment, PR, and so on.
Provides information on a Git ref from GitHub.
The type GHObject.
Release in a github repository.
Builder pattern for creating a GHRelease.
Values for whether this release should be the latest.
Modifies GHRelease.
A repository on GitHub.
Affiliation of a repository collaborator.
The type Contributor.
Sort orders for listing forks.
A GHRepositoryBuilder that allows multiple properties to be updated per request.
A GHRepositoryBuilder that allows multiple properties to be updated per request.
Visibility of a repository.
Repository clone statistics.
The type DailyInfo.
A discussion in the repository.
Category of a discussion.
The Enum State.
A discussion comment in the repository.
A public key for the given repository.
Search repositories.
Kept for backward compatibility.
The enum Sort.
App installation repository selection.
Statistics for a GitHub repository.
The type CodeFrequency.
The type CommitActivity.
The type ContributorStats.
The type Week.
The type Participation.
The type PunchCardItem.
The type GHRepositoryTraffic.
The type DailyInfo.
The type Gh repository variable.
A GHRepositoryVariableBuilder that updates a single property per request
The type Gh repository variable builder.
Repository view statistics.
The type DailyInfo.
The Class GHRequestedAction.
Base class for various search builders.
A stargazer at a repository on GitHub.
Represents your subscribing to a repository / conversation thread..
Represents a tag in GHRepository.
Represents an annotated tag in a GHRepository.
App installation target type.
A team in GitHub organization.
The Enum Privacy.
Member's role in a team.
Creates a team.
Changes made to a team.
Changes made to privacy.
Changes made for repository events.
Changes made to permissions.
Changes made to a string value.
A conversation in the notification API.
Provides information for Git Trees
Builder pattern for creating a new tree.
Provides information for Git Trees
Represents an user of GitHub.
Search users.
The enum Sort.
The commit/tag can be signed by user.
The possible values for reason in verification object from github.
The type GHVerifiedKey.
A workflow.
A workflow run job.
The Class Step.
Lists up jobs of a workflow run with some filtering.
A workflow run.
The Enum Conclusion.
The Class HeadCommit.
The Enum Status.
Lists up workflow runs with some filtering and sorting.
The Class GitCommit.
Root of the GitHub API.
The Class DependentAuthorizationProvider.
Pluggable strategy to determine what to do when the API rate limit is reached.
Configures connection details and produces GitHub.
Interface for customizing HTTP request behaviors or using any HTTP client library for interacting with GitHub.
Adapts an HttpConnector to be usable as GitHubConnector.
Initial response information supplied when a response is received but before the body is processed.
Response information supplied when a response is received and before the body is processed.
A ByteArrayResponse class
Pluggable strategy to determine what to do when the API rate limit is reached.
Class GitHubRequest represents an immutable instance used by the client to determine what information to retrieve from a GitHub server.
The Class Entry.
Represents a user in Git who authors/commits a commit.
GitHubConnector for platforms that do not support Java 11 HttpClient.
Use GitHubConnector instead.
IOException for http exceptions because HttpURLConnection throws un-discerned IOException and it can help to know the http response code to decide how to handle an http exceptions.
An AuthorizationProvider that always returns the same credentials.
HttpConnector wrapper that sets timeout
A functional interface, equivalent to Function but that allows throwing Throwable
A authorization provider that gives valid JWT tokens.
Rendering mode of markdown.
This class depends on an unsupported version of OkHttp.
GitHubConnector for OkHttpClient.
Iterable that returns PagedIterator.
Iterator over a paginated data source.
PagedIterable enhanced to report search result specific information.
Indicates that the method/class/etc marked maps to GitHub API in the preview period.
Provides the media type strings for GitHub API previews
A GitHub API Rate Limit Checker called before each request
A RateLimitChecker with a simple number as the limit.
Switch to GitHubRateLimitHandler or even better provide RateLimitCheckers.
Specifies the rate limit record of an operation.
Those GHObjects that can have reactions.
Content of reactions.
GHMeta wraps the list of GitHub's IP addresses.
All GHMeta data objects should expose these values.
This version uses only public getters and returns unmodifiable lists and has final fields
This version uses only public getters and returns unmodifiable lists
This version uses only public getters and returns unmodifiable lists.
This version uses public getters and shows that package or private setters both can be used by jackson.
This version uses public getters and setters and leaves it up to Jackson how it wants to fill them.
The interface Refreshable.
Special IOException case for http exceptions, when HttpException is thrown due to GitHub service being down.
A functional interface, equivalent to Supplier but that allows throwing Throwable
The interface TrafficInfo.
Interface for all user-related authorization providers.