Class BooleanType

    • Field Detail

      • TRUE_BYTE

        private static final byte TRUE_BYTE
        Boolean true byte representation.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FALSE_BYTE

        private static final byte FALSE_BYTE
        Boolean false byte representation.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • derItem

        private final byte[] derItem
        Boolean to encode.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BooleanType

        public BooleanType​(boolean item)
        Creates a new boolean type.
        item - to DER encode
      • BooleanType

        public BooleanType​(DERTag tag,
                           boolean item)
        Creates a new boolean type.
        tag - der tag associated with this type
        item - to DER encode
        IllegalArgumentException - if the der tag is constructed
    • Method Detail

      • encode

        public byte[] encode()
        Description copied from interface: DEREncoder
        Encode this object into it's DER type.
        Specified by:
        encode in interface DEREncoder
        DER encoded object
      • decode

        public static boolean decode​(DERBuffer encoded)
        Converts bytes in the buffer to a boolean by reading from the current position to the limit.
        encoded - buffer containing DER-encoded data where the buffer is positioned at the start of boolean bytes and the limit is set beyond the last byte of integer data.
        decoded bytes as a boolean.
      • toBytes

        public static byte[] toBytes​(boolean b)
        Converts the supplied boolean to a byte array.
        b - to convert
        byte array