Class PooledConnectionStatistics

  • public class PooledConnectionStatistics
    extends Object
    Statistics associated with a connection's activity in the pool. Exposes the timestamps when this connection entered both the available pool and the active pool. A size of 512 uses approximately 50 kilobytes of memory per connection.
    • Field Detail

      • size

        private final int size
        Number of available and active timestamps to store.
      • availableStats

        private final Deque<Instant> availableStats
        Available stats.
      • activeStats

        private final Deque<Instant> activeStats
        Active stats.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PooledConnectionStatistics

        public PooledConnectionStatistics​(int i)
        Creates a new pooled connection statistics.
        i - number of timestamps to store
    • Method Detail

      • getAvailableStats

        public Deque<Instant> getAvailableStats()
        Returns all the available timestamp statistics.
        available timestamp statistics
      • getLastAvailableStat

        public Instant getLastAvailableStat()
        Returns the last timestamp at which this connection was made available.
        millisecond timestamp
      • addAvailableStat

        public void addAvailableStat()
        Inserts the current timestamp into the available statistics.
      • getActiveStats

        public Deque<Instant> getActiveStats()
        Returns all the active timestamp statistics.
        active timestamp statistics
      • getLastActiveStat

        public Instant getLastActiveStat()
        Returns the last timestamp at which this connection was made active.
        millisecond timestamp
      • addActiveStat

        public void addActiveStat()
        Inserts the current timestamp into the active statistics.