Package liquibase.change
The change package contains the available database "changes". "Change" was chosen as a term over "refactoring"
because refactoring should technically result in the same functionality whereas the database changes do affect
Liquibase ships with a set of changes that range from low-level create table style changes to higher level
"introduce lookup table" style changes, but additional custom changes can be added via by creating new
implementations and including them in the classpath.- See Also:
Interface Summary Interface Description Change Interface all changes (refactorings) implement.ChangeWithColumns<T extends ColumnConfig> Markers a Change class as containing one or moreColumnConfig
configuration.DbmsTargetedChange Adding this interface to your Change class allows you to specify a dbms attribute listing the databases the change is applied to.ReplaceIfExists ReplaceIfExists interface will control whether an implementation change object class will set the replaceIfExists flag that basically will tell generate-changelog/diffToChangelog commands the given change object needs to generate the SQL for replace the stored logic if it already exists -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractChange Standard superclass to simplifyChange
implementations.AbstractSQLChange A common parent for all raw SQL related changes regardless of where the sql was sourced from.AbstractSQLChange.NormalizingStream AbstractTableChange AddColumnConfig ChangeFactory Factory class for constructing the correct liquibase.change.Change implementation based on a command name.ChangeMetaData Static metadata about alink Change
.ChangeParameterMetaData Static metadata about aChange
parameter.ChangeStatus CheckSum CheckSums are used by liquibase to determine if a Change has been modified since it was originally ran.ColumnConfig The standard configuration used by Change classes to represent a column.ColumnConfig.ValueNumeric ConstraintsConfig The standard configuration used by Change classes to represent a constraints on a column.NormalizingStreamV8 Deprecated. -
Enum Summary Enum Description ChangeStatus.Status -
Annotation Types Summary Annotation Type Description DatabaseChange Annotation used byAbstractChange
to declareChangeMetaData
information.DatabaseChangeNote DatabaseChangeProperties Container object which allows multipleDatabaseChangeProperty
annotations to be used on a single property.DatabaseChangeProperty Annotation used byAbstractChange
to declareChangeParameterMetaData