Package liquibase.ui

Class CompositeUIService

    • Method Detail

      • sendMessage

        public void sendMessage​(String message)
        Description copied from interface: UIService
        Send a "normal" message to the user.
        Specified by:
        sendMessage in interface UIService
      • sendErrorMessage

        public void sendErrorMessage​(String message)
        Description copied from interface: UIService
        Send an "error" message to the user.
        Specified by:
        sendErrorMessage in interface UIService
      • sendErrorMessage

        public void sendErrorMessage​(String message,
                                     Throwable exception)
        Description copied from interface: UIService
        Send an "error" message to the user along with a stacktrace.
        Specified by:
        sendErrorMessage in interface UIService
      • prompt

        public <T> T prompt​(String prompt,
                            T valueIfNoEntry,
                            InputHandler<T> inputHandler,
                            Class<T> type)
        Description copied from interface: UIService
        Prompt the user with the message and wait for a response.
        If this UIService implementation does not support user prompts, return the default value.
        If inputHandler is null, DefaultInputHandler will be used.
        If inputHandler throws an IllegalArgumentException, the user will be given the chance to re-enter the value.
        If the inputHandler returns true for InputHandler.shouldAllowEmptyInput() and the user enters an empty value when prompted, or hits "enter", the valueIfNoEntry will be returned. If the inputHandler returns false for InputHandler.shouldAllowEmptyInput(), the user will be reprompted until they enter a non-empty value, which will then be returned.
        Specified by:
        prompt in interface UIService
      • getAllowPrompt

        public boolean getAllowPrompt()
        Description copied from interface: UIService
        Return current setting of allow prompt flag
        Specified by:
        getAllowPrompt in interface UIService