


package tags

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class BasicTags(bitsPerSample: Int = 1, colorMap: Seq[(Short, Short, Short)] = ..., imageLength: Int = 0, imageWidth: Int = 0, compression: Int = 1, photometricInterp: Int = -1, resolutionUnit: Option[Int] = scala.None, rowsPerStrip: Long = -1, samplesPerPixel: Int = 1, stripByteCounts: Option[Array[Long]] = scala.None, stripOffsets: Option[Array[Long]] = scala.None, xResolution: Option[(Long, Long)] = scala.None, yResolution: Option[(Long, Long)] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  2. case class CmykTags(inkSet: Option[Int] = scala.None, numberOfInks: Option[Int] = scala.None, inkNames: Option[String] = scala.None, dotRange: Option[Array[Int]] = scala.None, targetPrinters: Option[String] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  3. case class ColimetryTags(whitePoints: Option[Array[(Long, Long)]] = scala.None, primaryChromaticities: Option[Array[(Long, Long)]] = scala.None, transferFunction: Option[Array[Int]] = scala.None, transferRange: Option[Array[Int]] = scala.None, referenceBlackWhite: Option[Array[Long]] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  4. case class ConfigKeys(gtModelType: Int = -1, gtRasterType: Option[Int] = scala.None, gtCitation: Option[Array[String]] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  5. case class DataSampleFormatTags(sampleFormat: Int = 1, maxSampleValue: Option[Array[Long]] = scala.None, minSampleValue: Option[Array[Long]] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  6. case class DocumentationTags(documentName: Option[String] = scala.None, pageName: Option[String] = scala.None, pageNumber: Option[Array[Int]] = scala.None, xPositions: Option[Array[(Long, Long)]] = scala.None, yPositions: Option[Array[(Long, Long)]] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  7. case class GeoKeyDirectory(count: Int, configKeys: ConfigKeys = ..., geogCSParameterKeys: GeogCSParameterKeys = ..., projectedCSParameterKeys: ProjectedCSParameterKeys = ..., verticalCSKeys: VerticalCSKeys = ..., nonStandardizedKeys: NonStandardizedKeys = ...) extends Product with Serializable

  8. case class GeoKeyDirectoryMetadata(version: Int, keyRevision: Int, minorRevision: Int, numberOfKeys: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  9. case class GeoKeyMetadata(keyID: Int, tiffTagLocation: Int, count: Int, valueOffset: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  10. case class GeoTiffTags(modelTiePoints: Option[Array[(Pixel3D, Pixel3D)]] = scala.None, modelTransformation: Option[Array[Array[Double]]] = scala.None, modelPixelScale: Option[(Double, Double, Double)] = scala.None, geoKeyDirectory: Option[GeoKeyDirectory] = scala.None, doubles: Option[Array[Double]] = scala.None, asciis: Option[String] = scala.None, metadata: Option[String] = scala.None, gdalInternalNoData: Option[Double] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  11. case class GeogCSParameterKeys(geogType: Option[Int] = scala.None, geogCitation: Option[Array[String]] = scala.None, geogGeodeticDatum: Option[Int] = scala.None, geogPrimeMeridian: Option[Int] = scala.None, geogLinearUnits: Option[Int] = scala.None, geogLinearUnitSize: Option[Double] = scala.None, geogAngularUnits: Option[Int] = scala.None, geogAngularUnitSize: Option[Double] = scala.None, geogEllipsoid: Option[Int] = scala.None, geogSemiMajorAxis: Option[Double] = scala.None, geogSemiMinorAxis: Option[Double] = scala.None, geogInvFlattening: Option[Double] = scala.None, geogAzimuthUnits: Option[Int] = scala.None, geogPrimeMeridianLong: Option[Double] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  12. case class JpegTags(jpegTables: Option[Array[Byte]] = scala.None, jpegProc: Option[Int] = scala.None, jpegInterchangeFormat: Option[Long] = scala.None, jpegInterchangeFormatLength: Option[Long] = scala.None, jpegRestartInterval: Option[Int] = scala.None, jpegLosslessPredictors: Option[Array[Int]] = scala.None, jpegPointTransforms: Option[Array[Int]] = scala.None, jpegQTables: Option[Array[Long]] = scala.None, jpegDCTables: Option[Array[Long]] = scala.None, jpegACTables: Option[Array[Long]] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  13. case class MetadataTags(artist: Option[String] = scala.None, copyright: Option[String] = scala.None, dateTime: Option[String] = scala.None, hostComputer: Option[String] = scala.None, imageDesc: Option[String] = scala.None, maker: Option[String] = scala.None, model: Option[String] = scala.None, software: Option[String] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  14. case class NonBasicTags(cellLength: Option[Int] = scala.None, cellWidth: Option[Int] = scala.None, extraSamples: Option[Array[Int]] = scala.None, fillOrder: Int = 1, freeByteCounts: Option[Array[Long]] = scala.None, freeOffsets: Option[Array[Long]] = scala.None, grayResponseCurve: Option[Array[Int]] = scala.None, grayResponseUnit: Option[Int] = scala.None, newSubfileType: Option[Long] = scala.None, orientation: Int = 1, planarConfiguration: Option[Int] = scala.None, subfileType: Option[Int] = scala.None, thresholding: Int = 1, t4Options: Int = 0, t6Options: Option[Int] = scala.None, halftoneHints: Option[Array[Int]] = scala.None, predictor: Option[Int] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  15. case class NonStandardizedKeys(shortMap: HashMap[Int, Int] = ..., doublesMap: HashMap[Int, Array[Double]] = ..., asciisMap: HashMap[Int, Array[String]] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

  16. case class NonStandardizedTags(asciisMap: HashMap[Int, String] = ..., longsMap: HashMap[Int, Array[Long]] = ..., fractionalsMap: HashMap[Int, Array[(Long, Long)]] = ..., undefinedMap: HashMap[Int, Array[Byte]] = ..., doublesMap: HashMap[Int, Array[Double]] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

  17. case class Pixel3D(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double) extends Product with Serializable

  18. case class ProjectedCSParameterKeys(projectedCSType: Int = ..., pcsCitation: Option[Array[String]] = scala.None, projection: Option[Int] = scala.None, projCoordTrans: Option[Int] = scala.None, projLinearUnits: Option[Int] = scala.None, projLinearUnitSize: Option[Double] = scala.None, projStdParallel1: Option[Double] = scala.None, projStdParallel2: Option[Double] = scala.None, projNatOriginLong: Option[Double] = scala.None, projNatOriginLat: Option[Double] = scala.None, projectedFalsings: ProjectedFalsings = ..., projCenterLong: Option[Double] = scala.None, projCenterLat: Option[Double] = scala.None, projCenterEasting: Option[Double] = scala.None, projCenterNorthing: Option[Double] = scala.None, projScaleAtNatOrigin: Option[Double] = scala.None, projScaleAtCenter: Option[Double] = scala.None, projAzimuthAngle: Option[Double] = scala.None, projStraightVertPoleLong: Option[Double] = scala.None, projRectifiedGridAngle: Option[Double] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  19. case class ProjectedFalsings(projFalseEasting: Option[Double] = scala.None, projFalseNorthing: Option[Double] = scala.None, projFalseOriginLong: Option[Double] = scala.None, projFalseOriginLat: Option[Double] = scala.None, projFalseOriginEasting: Option[Double] = scala.None, projFalseOriginNorthing: Option[Double] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  20. case class TiffTagMetadata(tag: Int, fieldType: Int, length: Long, offset: Long) extends Product with Serializable

  21. case class TiffTags(metadataTags: MetadataTags = ..., basicTags: BasicTags = ..., nonBasicTags: NonBasicTags = ..., geoTiffTags: GeoTiffTags = ..., documentationTags: DocumentationTags = ..., tileTags: TileTags = ..., cmykTags: CmykTags = ..., dataSampleFormatTags: DataSampleFormatTags = ..., colimetryTags: ColimetryTags = ..., jpegTags: JpegTags = ..., yCbCrTags: YCbCrTags = ..., nonStandardizedTags: NonStandardizedTags = ..., tiffType: TiffType =, overviews: List[TiffTags] = immutable.this.Nil) extends Product with Serializable

  22. case class TileTags(tileWidth: Option[Long] = scala.None, tileLength: Option[Long] = scala.None, tileOffsets: Option[Array[Long]] = scala.None, tileByteCounts: Option[Array[Long]] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  23. case class VerticalCSKeys(verticalCSType: Option[Int] = scala.None, verticalCitation: Option[Array[String]] = scala.None, verticalDatum: Option[Int] = scala.None, verticalUnits: Option[Int] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  24. case class YCbCrTags(yCbCrCoefficients: Option[Array[(Long, Long)]] = scala.None, yCbCrSubSampling: Option[Array[Int]] = scala.None, yCbCrPositioning: Option[Int] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

