



package ptype

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Type Members

  1. case class Index[P] extends Product with Serializable


    an index for a persistent type

    an index for a persistent type


    the persistent type

  2. abstract class Key[P] extends AnyRef


    a natural key for this persistent type.

    a natural key for this persistent type. wraps a property that, given specific a property value, will match the corresponding member of no more than one persistent object.


    the persistent type

  3. case class Partition[P] extends Product with Serializable


    a series of properties that determines the partitioning used by the underlying database to distribute data across multiple nodes.

    a series of properties that determines the partitioning used by the underlying database to distribute data across multiple nodes. used to form a PrimaryKey

  4. abstract class PrimaryKey[P] extends Key[P]


    the primary key for this persistent type.

    the primary key for this persistent type. a persistent type can have no more than one primary key. primary keys are just like other keys, but they take advantage of any performance features of the underlying database that can only be applied once per persistent type.


    the persistent type

  5. class Prop[P, A] extends AnyRef


    a property for this persistent type.

    a property for this persistent type. properties map to underlying members within the persistent object, at any depth.

    properties can be used to define keys and indexes, as well as for building queries. a property can descend from the root into child entities at any depth.

    at present, a property cannot pass through any collections or terminate with a polymorphic embeddable. violations will cause an exception to be thrown on DomainModel construction.

  6. class QueryDsl[P] extends AnyRef


    a DSL for creating queries.

    a DSL for creating queries. you can find it in your persistent type at PType.queryDsl
