Class CoreGraphics


public class CoreGraphics extends Object
Native bindings to <CoreGraphics.h>.
  • Field Details

    • kCGErrorSuccess

      public static final int kCGErrorSuccess
      See Also:
    • kCGErrorFailure

      public static final int kCGErrorFailure
      See Also:
    • kCGErrorIllegalArgument

      public static final int kCGErrorIllegalArgument
      See Also:
    • kCGErrorInvalidConnection

      public static final int kCGErrorInvalidConnection
      See Also:
    • kCGErrorInvalidContext

      public static final int kCGErrorInvalidContext
      See Also:
    • kCGErrorCannotComplete

      public static final int kCGErrorCannotComplete
      See Also:
    • kCGErrorNotImplemented

      public static final int kCGErrorNotImplemented
      See Also:
    • kCGErrorRangeCheck

      public static final int kCGErrorRangeCheck
      See Also:
    • kCGErrorTypeCheck

      public static final int kCGErrorTypeCheck
      See Also:
    • kCGErrorInvalidOperation

      public static final int kCGErrorInvalidOperation
      See Also:
    • kCGErrorNoneAvailable

      public static final int kCGErrorNoneAvailable
      See Also:
    • kCGEventNull

      public static final int kCGEventNull
      See Also:
    • kCGEventLeftMouseDown

      public static final int kCGEventLeftMouseDown
      See Also:
    • kCGEventLeftMouseUp

      public static final int kCGEventLeftMouseUp
      See Also:
    • kCGEventRightMouseDown

      public static final int kCGEventRightMouseDown
      See Also:
    • kCGEventRightMouseUp

      public static final int kCGEventRightMouseUp
      See Also:
    • kCGEventMouseMoved

      public static final int kCGEventMouseMoved
      See Also:
    • kCGEventLeftMouseDragged

      public static final int kCGEventLeftMouseDragged
      See Also:
    • kCGEventRightMouseDragged

      public static final int kCGEventRightMouseDragged
      See Also:
    • kCGEventKeyDown

      public static final int kCGEventKeyDown
      See Also:
    • kCGEventKeyUp

      public static final int kCGEventKeyUp
      See Also:
    • kCGEventFlagsChanged

      public static final int kCGEventFlagsChanged
      See Also:
    • kCGEventScrollWheel

      public static final int kCGEventScrollWheel
      See Also:
    • kCGEventTabletPointer

      public static final int kCGEventTabletPointer
      See Also:
    • kCGEventTabletProximity

      public static final int kCGEventTabletProximity
      See Also:
    • kCGEventOtherMouseDown

      public static final int kCGEventOtherMouseDown
      See Also:
    • kCGEventOtherMouseUp

      public static final int kCGEventOtherMouseUp
      See Also:
    • kCGEventOtherMouseDragged

      public static final int kCGEventOtherMouseDragged
      See Also:
    • kCGEventTapDisabledByTimeout

      public static final int kCGEventTapDisabledByTimeout
      See Also:
    • kCGEventTapDisabledByUserInput

      public static final int kCGEventTapDisabledByUserInput
      See Also:
    • kCGMouseButtonLeft

      public static final int kCGMouseButtonLeft
      Constants that specify buttons on a one, two, or three-button mouse. (CGMouseButton)
      Enum values:
      See Also:
    • kCGMouseButtonRight

      public static final int kCGMouseButtonRight
      Constants that specify buttons on a one, two, or three-button mouse. (CGMouseButton)
      Enum values:
      See Also:
    • kCGMouseButtonCenter

      public static final int kCGMouseButtonCenter
      Constants that specify buttons on a one, two, or three-button mouse. (CGMouseButton)
      Enum values:
      See Also:
    • kCGHIDEventTap

      public static final int kCGHIDEventTap
      Enum values:
      • HIDEventTap - Specifies that an event tap is placed at the point where HID system events enter the window server.
      • SessionEventTap - Specifies that an event tap is placed at the point where HID system and remote control events enter a login session.
      • AnnotatedSessionEventTap - Specifies that an event tap is placed at the point where session events have been annotated to flow to an application.
      See Also:
    • kCGSessionEventTap

      public static final int kCGSessionEventTap
      Enum values:
      • HIDEventTap - Specifies that an event tap is placed at the point where HID system events enter the window server.
      • SessionEventTap - Specifies that an event tap is placed at the point where HID system and remote control events enter a login session.
      • AnnotatedSessionEventTap - Specifies that an event tap is placed at the point where session events have been annotated to flow to an application.
      See Also:
    • kCGAnnotatedSessionEventTap

      public static final int kCGAnnotatedSessionEventTap
      Enum values:
      • HIDEventTap - Specifies that an event tap is placed at the point where HID system events enter the window server.
      • SessionEventTap - Specifies that an event tap is placed at the point where HID system and remote control events enter a login session.
      • AnnotatedSessionEventTap - Specifies that an event tap is placed at the point where session events have been annotated to flow to an application.
      See Also:
    • kCGScrollEventUnitPixel

      public static final int kCGScrollEventUnitPixel
      Constants that specify the unit of measurement for a scrolling event. (CGScrollEventUnit)
      Enum values:
      See Also:
    • kCGScrollEventUnitLine

      public static final int kCGScrollEventUnitLine
      Constants that specify the unit of measurement for a scrolling event. (CGScrollEventUnit)
      Enum values:
      See Also:
    • kCGMouseEventNumber

      public static final int kCGMouseEventNumber
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGMouseEventClickState

      public static final int kCGMouseEventClickState
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGMouseEventPressure

      public static final int kCGMouseEventPressure
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGMouseEventButtonNumber

      public static final int kCGMouseEventButtonNumber
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGMouseEventDeltaX

      public static final int kCGMouseEventDeltaX
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGMouseEventDeltaY

      public static final int kCGMouseEventDeltaY
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGMouseEventInstantMouser

      public static final int kCGMouseEventInstantMouser
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGMouseEventSubtype

      public static final int kCGMouseEventSubtype
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGKeyboardEventAutorepeat

      public static final int kCGKeyboardEventAutorepeat
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGKeyboardEventKeycode

      public static final int kCGKeyboardEventKeycode
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGKeyboardEventKeyboardType

      public static final int kCGKeyboardEventKeyboardType
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1

      public static final int kCGScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2

      public static final int kCGScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3

      public static final int kCGScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1

      public static final int kCGScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2

      public static final int kCGScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3

      public static final int kCGScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1

      public static final int kCGScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2

      public static final int kCGScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3

      public static final int kCGScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGScrollWheelEventScrollPhase

      public static final int kCGScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGScrollWheelEventScrollCount

      public static final int kCGScrollWheelEventScrollCount
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase

      public static final int kCGScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGScrollWheelEventInstantMouser

      public static final int kCGScrollWheelEventInstantMouser
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletEventPointX

      public static final int kCGTabletEventPointX
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletEventPointY

      public static final int kCGTabletEventPointY
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletEventPointZ

      public static final int kCGTabletEventPointZ
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletEventPointButtons

      public static final int kCGTabletEventPointButtons
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletEventPointPressure

      public static final int kCGTabletEventPointPressure
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletEventTiltX

      public static final int kCGTabletEventTiltX
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletEventTiltY

      public static final int kCGTabletEventTiltY
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletEventRotation

      public static final int kCGTabletEventRotation
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletEventTangentialPressure

      public static final int kCGTabletEventTangentialPressure
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletEventDeviceID

      public static final int kCGTabletEventDeviceID
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletEventVendor1

      public static final int kCGTabletEventVendor1
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletEventVendor2

      public static final int kCGTabletEventVendor2
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletEventVendor3

      public static final int kCGTabletEventVendor3
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletProximityEventVendorID

      public static final int kCGTabletProximityEventVendorID
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletProximityEventTabletID

      public static final int kCGTabletProximityEventTabletID
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletProximityEventPointerID

      public static final int kCGTabletProximityEventPointerID
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletProximityEventDeviceID

      public static final int kCGTabletProximityEventDeviceID
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletProximityEventSystemTabletID

      public static final int kCGTabletProximityEventSystemTabletID
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletProximityEventVendorPointerType

      public static final int kCGTabletProximityEventVendorPointerType
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber

      public static final int kCGTabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID

      public static final int kCGTabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletProximityEventCapabilityMask

      public static final int kCGTabletProximityEventCapabilityMask
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletProximityEventPointerType

      public static final int kCGTabletProximityEventPointerType
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGTabletProximityEventEnterProximity

      public static final int kCGTabletProximityEventEnterProximity
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGEventTargetProcessSerialNumber

      public static final int kCGEventTargetProcessSerialNumber
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGEventTargetUnixProcessID

      public static final int kCGEventTargetUnixProcessID
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGEventSourceUnixProcessID

      public static final int kCGEventSourceUnixProcessID
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGEventSourceUserData

      public static final int kCGEventSourceUserData
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGEventSourceUserID

      public static final int kCGEventSourceUserID
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGEventSourceGroupID

      public static final int kCGEventSourceGroupID
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGEventSourceStateID

      public static final int kCGEventSourceStateID
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGScrollWheelEventIsContinuous

      public static final int kCGScrollWheelEventIsContinuous
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGMouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer

      public static final int kCGMouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGMouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent

      public static final int kCGMouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      Constants used as keys to access specialized fields in low-level events. (CGEventField)
      Enum values:
      • MouseEventNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button event number.

        Matching mouse-down and mouse-up events will have the same event number.

      • MouseEventClickState - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button click state.

        A click state of 1 represents a single click. A click state of 2 represents a double-click. A click state of 3 represents a triple-click.

      • MouseEventPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the mouse button pressure.

        The pressure value may range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing the mouse being up. This value is commonly set by tablet pens mimicking a mouse.

      • MouseEventButtonNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the mouse button number.
      • MouseEventDeltaX - Key to access an integer field that contains the horizontal mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventDeltaY - Key to access an integer field that contains the vertical mouse delta since the last mouse movement event.
      • MouseEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field. The value is non-zero if the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.
      • MouseEventSubtype - Key to access an integer field that encodes the mouse event subtype as a kCFNumberIntType.
      • KeyboardEventAutorepeat - Key to access an integer field, non-zero when this is an autorepeat of a key-down, and zero otherwise.
      • KeyboardEventKeycode - Key to access an integer field that contains the virtual keycode of the key-down or key-up event.
      • KeyboardEventKeyboardType - Key to access an integer field that contains the keyboard type identifier.
      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains scrolling data.

        This field typically contains the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 - Key to access a field that contains scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents a line-based or pixel-based change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller. The scrolling data uses a fixed-point 16.16 signed integer format. If this key is passed to EventGetDoubleValueField, the fixed-point value is converted to a double value.

      • ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in vertical position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller or a single-wheel mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 - Key to access an integer field that contains pixel-based scrolling data.

        The scrolling data represents the change in horizontal position since the last scrolling event from a Mighty Mouse scroller.

      • ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 - This field is not used.
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventScrollCount - rdar://11259169
      • ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase
      • ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the event should be ignored by the Inkwell subsystem.

        If the value is non-zero, the event should be ignored.

      • TabletEventPointX - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute X coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointY - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Y coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointZ - Key to access an integer field that contains the absolute Z coordinate in tablet space at full tablet resolution.
      • TabletEventPointButtons - Key to access an integer field that contains the tablet button state.

        Bit 0 is the first button, and a set bit represents a closed or pressed button. Up to 16 buttons are supported.

      • TabletEventPointPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen pressure.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventTiltX - Key to access a double field that contains the horizontal tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventTiltY - Key to access a double field that contains the vertical tablet pen tilt.

        A value of 0 represents no tilt, and 1 represents maximum tilt.

      • TabletEventRotation - Key to access a double field that contains the tablet pen rotation.
      • TabletEventTangentialPressure - Key to access a double field that contains the tangential pressure on the device.

        A value of 0.0 represents no pressure, and 1.0 represents maximum pressure.

      • TabletEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique device ID.
      • TabletEventVendor1 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor2 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletEventVendor3 - Key to access an integer field that contains a vendor-specified value.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID, typically the USB vendor ID.
      • TabletProximityEventTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined tablet ID, typically the USB product ID.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined ID of the pointing device.
      • TabletProximityEventDeviceID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned device ID.
      • TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID - Key to access an integer field that contains the system-assigned unique tablet ID.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-assigned pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined pointer serial number.
      • TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID - Key to access an integer field that contains the vendor-defined unique ID.
      • TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask - Key to access an integer field that contains the device capabilities mask.
      • TabletProximityEventPointerType - Key to access an integer field that contains the pointer type.
      • TabletProximityEventEnterProximity - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether the pen is in proximity to the tablet.

        The value is non-zero if the pen is in proximity to the tablet and zero when leaving the tablet.

      • EventTargetProcessSerialNumber - Key to access a field that contains the event target process serial number. The value is a 64-bit value.
      • EventTargetUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event target Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUnixProcessID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix process ID.
      • EventSourceUserData - Key to access a field that contains the event source user-supplied data, up to 64 bits.
      • EventSourceUserID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective UID.
      • EventSourceGroupID - Key to access a field that contains the event source Unix effective GID.
      • EventSourceStateID - Key to access a field that contains the event source state ID used to create this event.
      • ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous - Key to access an integer field that indicates whether a scrolling event contains continuous, pixel-based scrolling data.

        The value is non-zero when the scrolling data is pixel-based and zero when the scrolling data is line-based.

      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer
      • MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent
      See Also:
    • kCGEventMouseSubtypeDefault

      public static final int kCGEventMouseSubtypeDefault
      Constants used with the MouseEventSubtype event field. (CGEventMouseSubtype)
      Enum values:
      See Also:
    • kCGEventMouseSubtypeTabletPoint

      public static final int kCGEventMouseSubtypeTabletPoint
      Constants used with the MouseEventSubtype event field. (CGEventMouseSubtype)
      Enum values:
      See Also:
    • kCGEventMouseSubtypeTabletProximity

      public static final int kCGEventMouseSubtypeTabletProximity
      Constants used with the MouseEventSubtype event field. (CGEventMouseSubtype)
      Enum values:
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getLibrary

      public static org.lwjgl.system.SharedLibrary getLibrary()
      Returns the CoreGraphics SharedLibrary.
    • CGEventGetTypeID

      public static long CGEventGetTypeID()
      Returns the type identifier for the opaque type CGEventRef.
    • CGEventCreate

      public static long CGEventCreate(long source)
      Returns a new event using the event source source. If source is NULL, the default source is used.
    • CGEventCreateData

      public static long CGEventCreateData(long allocator, long event)
      Return a "flattened" data representation of an event.
    • CGEventCreateFromData

      public static long CGEventCreateFromData(long allocator, long data)
      Returns an event created from a "flattened" data representation of the event.
    • nCGEventCreateMouseEvent

      public static long nCGEventCreateMouseEvent(long source, int mouseType, long mouseCursorPosition, int mouseButton, long __functionAddress)
      Unsafe version of: EventCreateMouseEvent
    • nCGEventCreateMouseEvent

      public static long nCGEventCreateMouseEvent(long source, int mouseType, long mouseCursorPosition, int mouseButton)
      Unsafe version of: EventCreateMouseEvent
    • CGEventCreateMouseEvent

      public static long CGEventCreateMouseEvent(long source, int mouseType, CGPoint mouseCursorPosition, int mouseButton)
      Returns a new mouse event.

      The event source may be taken from another event, or may be NULL. mouseType should be one of the mouse event types. mouseCursorPosition should be the position of the mouse cursor in global coordinates. mouseButton should be the button that's changing state; mouseButton is ignored unless mouseType is one of EventOtherMouseDown, EventOtherMouseDragged, or EventOtherMouseUp.

      The current implemementation of the event system supports a maximum of thirty-two buttons. Mouse button 0 is the primary button on the mouse. Mouse button 1 is the secondary mouse button (right). Mouse button 2 is the center button, and the remaining buttons are in USB device order.

    • CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent

      public static long CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(long source, short virtualKey, boolean keyDown)
      Returns a new keyboard event.

      The event source may be taken from another event, or may be NULL. Based on the virtual key code values entered, the appropriate key down, key up, or flags changed events are generated.

      All keystrokes needed to generate a character must be entered, including SHIFT, CONTROL, OPTION, and COMMAND keys. For example, to produce a 'Z', the SHIFT key must be down, the 'z' key must go down, and then the SHIFT and 'z' key must be released:

       CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(source, (CGKeyCode)56, true);  // shift down
       CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(source, (CGKeyCode) 6, true);  // 'z' down
       CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(source, (CGKeyCode) 6, false); // 'z' up
       CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(source, (CGKeyCode)56, false); // 'shift up
    • CGEventCreateScrollWheelEvent

      public static long CGEventCreateScrollWheelEvent(long source, int units, int wheelCount, int wheel1)
      Returns a new scrollwheel event.

      The event source may be taken from another event, or may be NULL. The scrolling units may be specified in lines using ScrollEventUnitLine or in pixels using ScrollEventUnitPixel. ScrollEventUnitPixel will produce an event that most applications interpret as a smooth scrolling event.

      One or more wheels must be specified. The current implementation supports up to three wheels.

      Every scrollwheel event can be interpreted to be scrolling by pixel or by line. The scale between the two is about 10 pixels per line by default. The scale can be altered by setting a custom value for the event source, using CGEventSourceSetPixelsPerLine.

    • CGEventCreateScrollWheelEvent

      public static long CGEventCreateScrollWheelEvent(long source, int units, int wheel1)
      Returns a new scrollwheel event.

      The event source may be taken from another event, or may be NULL. The scrolling units may be specified in lines using ScrollEventUnitLine or in pixels using ScrollEventUnitPixel. ScrollEventUnitPixel will produce an event that most applications interpret as a smooth scrolling event.

      One or more wheels must be specified. The current implementation supports up to three wheels.

      Every scrollwheel event can be interpreted to be scrolling by pixel or by line. The scale between the two is about 10 pixels per line by default. The scale can be altered by setting a custom value for the event source, using CGEventSourceSetPixelsPerLine.

    • CGEventCreateScrollWheelEvent2

      public static long CGEventCreateScrollWheelEvent2(long source, int units, int wheelCount, int wheel1, int wheel2, int wheel3)
      A non-variadic variant version of EventCreateScrollWheelEvent.
      macOS 10.13
    • CGEventCreateCopy

      public static long CGEventCreateCopy(long event)
      Return a copy of event.
    • CGEventCreateSourceFromEvent

      public static long CGEventCreateSourceFromEvent(long event)
      Returns an event source created from an existing event.

      Event filters may use the event source to generate events that are compatible with an event being filtered.

      Note that CGEventCreateSourceFromEvent may return NULL if the event was generated with a private CGEventSourceStateID owned by another process. Such events should be filtered based on the public state.

    • CGEventSetSource

      public static void CGEventSetSource(long event, long source)
      Set the event source of an event.
    • CGEventGetType

      public static int CGEventGetType(long event)
      Returns the event type of an event (left mouse down, for example).
    • CGEventSetType

      public static void CGEventSetType(long event, int type)
      Sets the event type of an event.
    • CGEventGetTimestamp

      public static long CGEventGetTimestamp(long event)
      Returns the timestamp of an event.
    • CGEventSetTimestamp

      public static void CGEventSetTimestamp(long event, long timestamp)
      Sets the timestamp of an event.
    • nCGEventGetLocation

      public static void nCGEventGetLocation(long event, long __functionAddress, long __result)
      Unsafe version of: EventGetLocation
    • nCGEventGetLocation

      public static void nCGEventGetLocation(long event, long __result)
      Unsafe version of: EventGetLocation
    • CGEventGetLocation

      public static CGPoint CGEventGetLocation(long event, CGPoint __result)
      Returns the location of an event in global display coordinates.

      CGPointZero is returned if event is not a valid CGEventRef.

    • nCGEventGetUnflippedLocation

      public static void nCGEventGetUnflippedLocation(long event, long __functionAddress, long __result)
      Unsafe version of: EventGetUnflippedLocation
    • nCGEventGetUnflippedLocation

      public static void nCGEventGetUnflippedLocation(long event, long __result)
      Unsafe version of: EventGetUnflippedLocation
    • CGEventGetUnflippedLocation

      public static CGPoint CGEventGetUnflippedLocation(long event, CGPoint __result)
      Return the location of an event relative to the lower-left corner of the main display.

      CGPointZero is returned if event is not a valid CGEventRef.

    • nCGEventSetLocation

      public static void nCGEventSetLocation(long event, long location, long __functionAddress)
      Unsafe version of: EventSetLocation
    • nCGEventSetLocation

      public static void nCGEventSetLocation(long event, long location)
      Unsafe version of: EventSetLocation
    • CGEventSetLocation

      public static void CGEventSetLocation(long event, CGPoint location)
      Sets the location of an event in global display coordinates.
    • CGEventGetFlags

      public static long CGEventGetFlags(long event)
      Returns the event flags of an event.

      (CGEventFlags)0 if event is not a valid CGEventRef.

    • CGEventSetFlags

      public static void CGEventSetFlags(long event, long flags)
      Sets the event flags of an event.
    • nCGEventKeyboardGetUnicodeString

      public static void nCGEventKeyboardGetUnicodeString(long event, long maxStringLength, long actualStringLength, long unicodeString)
    • CGEventKeyboardGetUnicodeString

      public static void CGEventKeyboardGetUnicodeString(long event, @Nullable org.lwjgl.CLongBuffer actualStringLength, @Nullable ShortBuffer unicodeString)
      Returns the Unicode string associated with a keyboard event.

      When you call this function with a NULL string or a maximum string length of 0, the function still returns the actual count of Unicode characters in the event.

    • nCGEventKeyboardSetUnicodeString

      public static void nCGEventKeyboardSetUnicodeString(long event, long stringLength, long unicodeString)
    • CGEventKeyboardSetUnicodeString

      public static void CGEventKeyboardSetUnicodeString(long event, ShortBuffer unicodeString)
      Sets the Unicode string associated with a keyboard event.

      By default, the system translates the virtual key code in a keyboard event into a Unicode string based on the keyboard ID in the event source. This function allows you to manually override this string. Note that application frameworks may ignore the Unicode string in a keyboard event and do their own translation based on the virtual keycode and perceived event state.

    • CGEventGetIntegerValueField

      public static long CGEventGetIntegerValueField(long event, int field)
      Returns the integer value of a field in an event.
    • CGEventSetIntegerValueField

      public static void CGEventSetIntegerValueField(long event, int field, long value)
      Sets the integer value of a field in an event.

      Before calling this function, the event type must be set using a typed event creation function such as EventCreateMouseEvent, or by calling EventSetType.

      If you are creating a mouse event generated by a tablet, call this function and specify the field MouseEventSubtype with a value of EventMouseSubtypeTabletPoint or EventMouseSubtypeTabletProximity before setting other parameters.

    • CGEventGetDoubleValueField

      public static double CGEventGetDoubleValueField(long event, int field)
      Returns the floating-point value of a field in an event.

      In cases where the field value is represented within the event by a fixed point number or an integer, the result is scaled to the appropriate range as part of creating the floating-point representation.

    • CGEventSetDoubleValueField

      public static void CGEventSetDoubleValueField(long event, int field, double value)
      Sets the floating-point value of a field in an event.

      Before calling this function, the event type must be set using a typed event creation function such as EventCreateMouseEvent, or by calling EventSetType.

      In cases where the field’s value is represented within the event by a fixed point number or integer, the value parameter is scaled as needed and converted to the appropriate type.

    • nCGEventTapCreate

      public static long nCGEventTapCreate(int tap, int place, int options, long eventsOfInterest, long callback, long userInfo)
      Unsafe version of: EventTapCreate
    • CGEventTapCreate

      public static long CGEventTapCreate(int tap, int place, int options, long eventsOfInterest, CGEventTapCallBackI callback, long userInfo)
      Creates an event tap.

      Taps may be placed at the point where HIDSystem events enter the server, at the point where HIDSystem and remote control events enter a session, at the point where events have been annotated to flow to a specific application, or at the point where events are delivered to the application. Taps may be inserted at a specified point at the head of pre-existing filters, or appended after any pre-existing filters.

      Taps may be passive event listeners, or active filters. An active filter may pass an event through unmodified, modify an event, or discard an event. When a tap is registered, it identifies the set of events to be observed with a mask, and indicates if it is a passive or active event filter. Multiple event type bitmasks may be ORed together.

      Taps may only be placed at HIDEventTap by a process running as the root user. NULL is returned for other users.

      Taps placed at HIDEventTap, SessionEventTap, AnnotatedSessionEventTap, or on a specific process may only receive key up and down events if access for assistive devices is enabled (Preferences Accessibility panel, Keyboard view) or the caller is enabled for assistive device access, as by AXMakeProcessTrusted. If the tap is not permitted to monitor these events when the tap is created, then the appropriate bits in the mask are cleared. If that results in an empty mask, then NULL is returned.

      An event tap is represented as a CFMachPortRef. The event tap may be added to an appropriate run loop by calling CFRunLoopAddSource.

      Releasing the CFMachPortRef will release the tap.

      A CGEventTapProxy is an opaque reference to state within the client application associated with the tap. The tap function may pass this reference to other functions, such as the event-posting routines.

      The event tap callback runs from the CFRunLoop to which the tap CFMachPort is added as a source. Thread safety is defined by the CFRunLoop and its environment.

    • nCGEventTapCreateForPid

      public static long nCGEventTapCreateForPid(long pid, int place, int options, long eventsOfInterest, long callback, long userInfo)
      Unsafe version of: EventTapCreateForPid
    • CGEventTapCreateForPid

      public static long CGEventTapCreateForPid(long pid, int place, int options, long eventsOfInterest, CGEventTapCallBackI callback, long userInfo)
      Create an event tap for a specified process.

      Events routed to individual applications may be tapped using another function. CGEventTapCreateForPSN will report all events routed to the specified application.

      macOS 10.11
    • CGEventTapEnable

      public static void CGEventTapEnable(long tap, boolean enable)
      Enables or disables an event tap.

      Taps are normally enabled when created. If a tap becomes unresponsive or a user requests taps be disabled, an appropriate kCGEventTapDisabled... event is passed to the registered CGEventTapCallBack function. An event tap may be re-enabled by calling this function.

    • CGEventTapIsEnabled

      public static boolean CGEventTapIsEnabled(long tap)
      Return true if tap is enabled; false otherwise.
    • CGEventTapPostEvent

      public static void CGEventTapPostEvent(long proxy, long event)
      Post an event from an event tap into the event stream.

      You can use this function to post a new event at the same point to which an event returned from an event tap callback function would be posted. The new event enters the system before the event returned by the callback enters the system. Events posted into the system will be seen by all taps placed after the tap posting the event.

    • CGEventPost

      public static void CGEventPost(int tap, long event)
      Posts an event into the event stream at a specified location.

      This function posts the specified event immediately before any event taps instantiated for that location, and the event passes through any such taps.

      tap - the location at which to post the event
      event - the event to post
    • CGEventPostToPid

      public static void CGEventPostToPid(long pid, long event)
      Post an event into the event stream for a specific application.

      This function makes it possible for an application to establish an event routing policy, for example, by tapping events at the AnnotatedSessionEventTap location and then posting the events to another desired process.

      This function posts the specified event immediately before any event taps instantiated for the specified process, and the event passes through any such taps.

      macOS 10.11
    • nCGGetEventTapList

      public static int nCGGetEventTapList(int maxNumberOfTaps, long tapList, long eventTapCount)
      Unsafe version of: GetEventTapList
    • CGGetEventTapList

      public static int CGGetEventTapList(@Nullable CGEventTapInformation.Buffer tapList, @Nullable IntBuffer eventTapCount)
      Gets a list of currently installed event taps.

      tapList is an array of event tap information structures of length maxNumberOfTaps. You are responsible for allocating storage for this array. On return, your array contains a list of currently installed event taps. On return, the number of event taps that are currently installed is stored in eventTapCount. If you pass NULL in this parameter, the maxNumberOfTaps parameter is ignored, and the number of event taps that are currently installed is stored in eventTapCount.

      Each call to this function has the side effect of resetting the minimum and maximum latencies in the tapList parameter to the corresponding average values. Values reported in these fields reflect the minimum and maximum values seen since the preceding call, or the instantiation of the tap. This allows a monitoring tool to evaluate the best and worst case latency over time and under various operating conditions.

    • CGEventKeyboardGetUnicodeString

      public static void CGEventKeyboardGetUnicodeString(long event, @Nullable org.lwjgl.CLongBuffer actualStringLength, @Nullable short[] unicodeString)
    • CGEventKeyboardSetUnicodeString

      public static void CGEventKeyboardSetUnicodeString(long event, short[] unicodeString)
    • CGGetEventTapList

      public static int CGGetEventTapList(@Nullable CGEventTapInformation.Buffer tapList, @Nullable int[] eventTapCount)
      Array version of: GetEventTapList