Class LibIOURing


public class LibIOURing extends Object
Native bindings to io_uring, a Linux-specific API for asynchronous I/O.

It allows the user to submit one or more I/O requests, which are processed asynchronously without blocking the calling process. io_uring gets its name from ring buffers which are shared between user space and kernel space. This arrangement allows for efficient I/O, while avoiding the overhead of copying buffers between them, where possible. This interface makes io_uring different from other UNIX I/O APIs, wherein, rather than just communicate between kernel and user space with system calls, ring buffers are used as the main mode of communication. This arrangement has various performance benefits which are discussed in a separate section below. This man page uses the terms shared buffers, shared ring buffers and queues interchangeably.

The general programming model you need to follow for io_uring is outlined below

  • Set up shared buffers with setup and mmap(2), mapping into user space shared buffers for the submission queue (SQ) and the completion queue (CQ). You place I/O requests you want to make on the SQ, while the kernel places the results of those operations on the CQ.
  • For every I/O request you need to make (like to read a file, write a file, accept a socket connection, etc), you create a submission queue entry, or SQE, describe the I/O operation you need to get done and add it to the tail of the submission queue (SQ). Each I/O operation is, in essence, the equivalent of a system call you would have made otherwise, if you were not using io_uring. You can add more than one SQE to the queue depending on the number of operations you want to request.
  • After you add one or more SQEs, you need to call enter to tell the kernel to dequeue your I/O requests off the SQ and begin processing them.
  • For each SQE you submit, once it is done processing the request, the kernel places a completion queue event or CQE at the tail of the completion queue or CQ. The kernel places exactly one matching CQE in the CQ for every SQE you submit on the SQ. After you retrieve a CQE, minimally, you might be interested in checking the res field of the CQE structure, which corresponds to the return value of the system call's equivalent, had you used it directly without using io_uring. For instance, a read operation under io_uring, started with the OP_READ operation, which issues the equivalent of the read(2) system call, would return as part of res what read(2) would have returned if called directly, without using io_uring.
  • Optionally, enter can also wait for a specified number of requests to be processed by the kernel before it returns. If you specified a certain number of completions to wait for, the kernel would have placed at least those many number of CQEs on the CQ, which you can then readily read, right after the return from io_uring_enter(2).
  • It is important to remember that I/O requests submitted to the kernel can complete in any order. It is not necessary for the kernel to process one request after another, in the order you placed them. Given that the interface is a ring, the requests are attempted in order, however that doesn't imply any sort of ordering on their completion. When more than one request is in flight, it is not possible to determine which one will complete first. When you dequeue CQEs off the CQ, you should always check which submitted request it corresponds to. The most common method for doing so is utilizing the user_data field in the request, which is passed back on the completion side.

Adding to and reading from the queues:

  • You add SQEs to the tail of the SQ. The kernel reads SQEs off the head of the queue.
  • The kernel adds CQEs to the tail of the CQ. You read CQEs off the head of the queue.

Submission queue polling

One of the goals of io_uring is to provide a means for efficient I/O. To this end, io_uring supports a polling mode that lets you avoid the call to enter, which you use to inform the kernel that you have queued SQEs on to the SQ. With SQ Polling, io_uring starts a kernel thread that polls the submission queue for any I/O requests you submit by adding SQEs. With SQ Polling enabled, there is no need for you to call io_uring_enter(2), letting you avoid the overhead of system calls. A designated kernel thread dequeues SQEs off the SQ as you add them and dispatches them for asynchronous processing.

Setting up io_uring

The main steps in setting up io_uring consist of mapping in the shared buffers with mmap(2) calls.

Submitting I/O requests

The process of submitting a request consists of describing the I/O operation you need to get done using an io_uring_sqe structure instance. These details describe the equivalent system call and its parameters. Because the range of I/O operations Linux supports are very varied and the io_uring_sqe structure needs to be able to describe them, it has several fields, some packed into unions for space efficiency.

To submit an I/O request to io_uring, you need to acquire a submission queue entry (SQE) from the submission queue (SQ), fill it up with details of the operation you want to submit and call enter. If you want to avoid calling io_uring_enter(2), you have the option of setting up Submission Queue Polling.

SQEs are added to the tail of the submission queue. The kernel picks up SQEs off the head of the SQ. The general algorithm to get the next available SQE and update the tail is as follows.

 struct io_uring_sqe *sqe;
 unsigned tail, index;
 tail = *sqring->tail;
 index = tail & (*sqring->ring_mask);
 sqe = &sqring->sqes[index];
 // fill up details about this I/O request
 // fill the sqe index into the SQ ring array
 sqring->array[index] = index;
 atomic_store_release(sqring->tail, tail);

To get the index of an entry, the application must mask the current tail index with the size mask of the ring. This holds true for both SQs and CQs. Once the SQE is acquired, the necessary fields are filled in, describing the request. While the CQ ring directly indexes the shared array of CQEs, the submission side has an indirection array between them. The submission side ring buffer is an index into this array, which in turn contains the index into the SQEs.

The following code snippet demonstrates how a read operation, an equivalent of a preadv2(2) system call is described by filling up an SQE with the necessary parameters.

 struct iovec iovecs[16];
 sqe->opcode = IORING_OP_READV;
 sqe->fd = fd;
 sqe->addr = (unsigned long) iovecs;
 sqe->len = 16;
 sqe->off = offset;
 sqe->flags = 0;

Memory ordering

Modern compilers and CPUs freely reorder reads and writes without affecting the program's outcome to optimize performance. Some aspects of this need to be kept in mind on SMP systems since io_uring involves buffers shared between kernel and user space. These buffers are both visible and modifiable from kernel and user space. As heads and tails belonging to these shared buffers are updated by kernel and user space, changes need to be coherently visible on either side, irrespective of whether a CPU switch took place after the kernel-user mode switch happened. We use memory barriers to enforce this coherency. Being significantly large subjects on their own, memory barriers are out of scope for further discussion on this man page.

Letting the kernel know about I/O submissions

Once you place one or more SQEs on to the SQ, you need to let the kernel know that you've done so. You can do this by calling the enter system call. This system call is also capable of waiting for a specified count of events to complete. This way, you can be sure to find completion events in the completion queue without having to poll it for events later.

Reading completion events

Similar to the submission queue (SQ), the completion queue (CQ) is a shared buffer between the kernel and user space. Whereas you placed submission queue entries on the tail of the SQ and the kernel read off the head, when it comes to the CQ, the kernel places completion queue events or CQEs on the tail of the CQ and you read off its head.

Submission is flexible (and thus a bit more complicated) since it needs to be able to encode different types of system calls that take various parameters. Completion, on the other hand is simpler since we're looking only for a return value back from the kernel. This is easily understood by looking at the completion queue event structure, IOURingCQE.

Here, user_data is custom data that is passed unchanged from submission to completion. That is, from SQEs to CQEs. This field can be used to set context, uniquely identifying submissions that got completed. Given that I/O requests can complete in any order, this field can be used to correlate a submission with a completion. res is the result from the system call that was performed as part of the submission; its return value. The flags field could carry request-specific metadata in the future, but is currently unused.

The general sequence to read completion events off the completion queue is as follows:

 unsigned head;
 head = *cqring->head;
 if (head != atomic_load_acquire(cqring->tail)) {
     struct io_uring_cqe *cqe;
     unsigned index;
     index = head & (cqring->mask);
     cqe = &cqring->cqes[index];
     // process completed CQE
     // CQE consumption complete
 atomic_store_release(cqring->head, head);

It helps to be reminded that the kernel adds CQEs to the tail of the CQ, while you need to dequeue them off the head. To get the index of an entry at the head, the application must mask the current head index with the size mask of the ring. Once the CQE has been consumed or processed, the head needs to be updated to reflect the consumption of the CQE. Attention should be paid to the read and write barriers to ensure successful read and update of the head.

io_uring performance

Because of the shared ring buffers between kernel and user space, io_uring can be a zero-copy system. Copying buffers to and from becomes necessary when system calls that transfer data between kernel and user space are involved. But since the bulk of the communication in io_uring is via buffers shared between the kernel and user space, this huge performance overhead is completely avoided.

While system calls may not seem like a significant overhead, in high performance applications, making a lot of them will begin to matter. While workarounds the operating system has in place to deal with Spectre and Meltdown are ideally best done away with, unfortunately, some of these workarounds are around the system call interface, making system calls not as cheap as before on affected hardware. While newer hardware should not need these workarounds, hardware with these vulnerabilities can be expected to be in the wild for a long time. While using synchronous programming interfaces or even when using asynchronous programming interfaces under Linux, there is at least one system call involved in the submission of each request. In io_uring, on the other hand, you can batch several requests in one go, simply by queueing up multiple SQEs, each describing an I/O operation you want and make a single call to enter. This is possible due to io_uring's shared buffers based design.

While this batching in itself can avoid the overhead associated with potentially multiple and frequent system calls, you can reduce even this overhead further with Submission Queue Polling, by having the kernel poll and pick up your SQEs for processing as you add them to the submission queue. This avoids the io_uring_enter(2) call you need to make to tell the kernel to pick SQEs up. For high-performance applications, this means even lesser system call overheads.

  • Field Details


      public static final int IORING_FILE_INDEX_ALLOC
      If sqe->file_index is set to this for opcodes that instantiate a new direct descriptor (like openat/openat2/accept), then io_uring will allocate an available direct descriptor instead of having the application pass one in.

      The picked direct descriptor will be returned in cqe->res, or -ENFILE if the space is full.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_MAX_ENTRIES
      See Also:

      public static final int IOSQE_FIXED_FILE_BIT
      See Also:

      public static final int IOSQE_IO_DRAIN_BIT
      See Also:

      public static final int IOSQE_ASYNC_BIT
      See Also:

      public static final int IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT_BIT
      See Also:

      public static final int IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS_BIT
      See Also:

      public static final int IOSQE_FIXED_FILE
      io_uring_sqe->flags bitfield values
      Enum values:
      • IOSQE_FIXED_FILE - When this flag is specified, fd is an index into the files array registered with the io_uring instance (see the REGISTER_FILES section of the register man page).

        Note that this isn't always available for all commands. If used on a command that doesn't support fixed files, the SQE will error with -EBADF.

        Available since 5.1.

      • IOSQE_IO_DRAIN - When this flag is specified, the SQE will not be started before previously submitted SQEs have completed, and new SQEs will not be started before this one completes.

        Available since 5.2.

      • IOSQE_IO_LINK - When this flag is specified, it forms a link with the next SQE in the submission ring.

        That next SQE will not be started before the previous request completes. This, in effect, forms a chain of SQEs, which can be arbitrarily long. The tail of the chain is denoted by the first SQE that does not have this flag set. Chains are not supported across submission boundaries. Even if the last SQE in a submission has this flag set, it will still terminate the current chain. This flag has no effect on previous SQE submissions, nor does it impact SQEs that are outside of the chain tail. This means that multiple chains can be executing in parallel, or chains and individual SQEs. Only members inside the chain are serialized. A chain of SQEs will be broken, if any request in that chain ends in error. io_uring considers any unexpected result an error. This means that, eg, a short read will also terminate the remainder of the chain. If a chain of SQE links is broken, the remaining unstarted part of the chain will be terminated and completed with -ECANCELED as the error code.

        Available since 5.3.

      • IOSQE_IO_HARDLINK - Like IOSQE_IO_LINK, but it doesn't sever regardless of the completion result.

        Note that the link will still sever if we fail submitting the parent request, hard links are only resilient in the presence of completion results for requests that did submit correctly. IOSQE_IO_HARDLINK implies IOSQE_IO_LINK.

        Available since 5.5.

      • IOSQE_ASYNC - Normal operation for io_uring is to try and issue an sqe as non-blocking first, and if that fails, execute it in an async manner.

        To support more efficient overlapped operation of requests that the application knows/assumes will always (or most of the time) block, the application can ask for an sqe to be issued async from the start.

        Available since 5.6.

      • IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT - Used in conjunction with the OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS command, which registers a pool of buffers to be used by commands that read or receive data.

        When buffers are registered for this use case, and this flag is set in the command, io_uring will grab a buffer from this pool when the request is ready to receive or read data. If successful, the resulting CQE will have CQE_F_BUFFER set in the flags part of the struct, and the upper CQE_BUFFER_SHIFT bits will contain the ID of the selected buffers. This allows the application to know exactly which buffer was selected for the operation. If no buffers are available and this flag is set, then the request will fail with -ENOBUFS as the error code. Once a buffer has been used, it is no longer available in the kernel pool. The application must re-register the given buffer again when it is ready to recycle it (eg has completed using it).

        Available since 5.7.

      • IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS - Don't generate a CQE if the request completes successfully.

        If the request fails, an appropriate CQE will be posted as usual and if there is no IOSQE_IO_HARDLINK, CQEs for all linked requests will be omitted. The notion of failure/success is opcode specific and is the same as with breaking chains of IOSQE_IO_LINK. One special case is when the request has a linked timeout, then the CQE generation for the linked timeout is decided solely by whether it has IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS set, regardless whether it timed out or was cancelled. In other words, if a linked timeout has the flag set, it's guaranteed to not post a CQE.

        The semantics are chosen to accommodate several use cases. First, when all but the last request of a normal link without linked timeouts are marked with the flag, only one CQE per link is posted. Additionally, it enables supression of CQEs in cases where the side effects of a successfully executed operation is enough for userspace to know the state of the system. One such example would be writing to a synchronisation file.

        This flag is incompatible with IOSQE_IO_DRAIN. Using both of them in a single ring is undefined behavior, even when they are not used together in a single request. Currently, after the first request with IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS, all subsequent requests marked with drain will be failed at submission time. Note that the error reporting is best effort only, and restrictions may change in the future.

        Available since 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IOSQE_IO_DRAIN
      io_uring_sqe->flags bitfield values
      Enum values:
      • IOSQE_FIXED_FILE - When this flag is specified, fd is an index into the files array registered with the io_uring instance (see the REGISTER_FILES section of the register man page).

        Note that this isn't always available for all commands. If used on a command that doesn't support fixed files, the SQE will error with -EBADF.

        Available since 5.1.

      • IOSQE_IO_DRAIN - When this flag is specified, the SQE will not be started before previously submitted SQEs have completed, and new SQEs will not be started before this one completes.

        Available since 5.2.

      • IOSQE_IO_LINK - When this flag is specified, it forms a link with the next SQE in the submission ring.

        That next SQE will not be started before the previous request completes. This, in effect, forms a chain of SQEs, which can be arbitrarily long. The tail of the chain is denoted by the first SQE that does not have this flag set. Chains are not supported across submission boundaries. Even if the last SQE in a submission has this flag set, it will still terminate the current chain. This flag has no effect on previous SQE submissions, nor does it impact SQEs that are outside of the chain tail. This means that multiple chains can be executing in parallel, or chains and individual SQEs. Only members inside the chain are serialized. A chain of SQEs will be broken, if any request in that chain ends in error. io_uring considers any unexpected result an error. This means that, eg, a short read will also terminate the remainder of the chain. If a chain of SQE links is broken, the remaining unstarted part of the chain will be terminated and completed with -ECANCELED as the error code.

        Available since 5.3.

      • IOSQE_IO_HARDLINK - Like IOSQE_IO_LINK, but it doesn't sever regardless of the completion result.

        Note that the link will still sever if we fail submitting the parent request, hard links are only resilient in the presence of completion results for requests that did submit correctly. IOSQE_IO_HARDLINK implies IOSQE_IO_LINK.

        Available since 5.5.

      • IOSQE_ASYNC - Normal operation for io_uring is to try and issue an sqe as non-blocking first, and if that fails, execute it in an async manner.

        To support more efficient overlapped operation of requests that the application knows/assumes will always (or most of the time) block, the application can ask for an sqe to be issued async from the start.

        Available since 5.6.

      • IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT - Used in conjunction with the OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS command, which registers a pool of buffers to be used by commands that read or receive data.

        When buffers are registered for this use case, and this flag is set in the command, io_uring will grab a buffer from this pool when the request is ready to receive or read data. If successful, the resulting CQE will have CQE_F_BUFFER set in the flags part of the struct, and the upper CQE_BUFFER_SHIFT bits will contain the ID of the selected buffers. This allows the application to know exactly which buffer was selected for the operation. If no buffers are available and this flag is set, then the request will fail with -ENOBUFS as the error code. Once a buffer has been used, it is no longer available in the kernel pool. The application must re-register the given buffer again when it is ready to recycle it (eg has completed using it).

        Available since 5.7.

      • IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS - Don't generate a CQE if the request completes successfully.

        If the request fails, an appropriate CQE will be posted as usual and if there is no IOSQE_IO_HARDLINK, CQEs for all linked requests will be omitted. The notion of failure/success is opcode specific and is the same as with breaking chains of IOSQE_IO_LINK. One special case is when the request has a linked timeout, then the CQE generation for the linked timeout is decided solely by whether it has IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS set, regardless whether it timed out or was cancelled. In other words, if a linked timeout has the flag set, it's guaranteed to not post a CQE.

        The semantics are chosen to accommodate several use cases. First, when all but the last request of a normal link without linked timeouts are marked with the flag, only one CQE per link is posted. Additionally, it enables supression of CQEs in cases where the side effects of a successfully executed operation is enough for userspace to know the state of the system. One such example would be writing to a synchronisation file.

        This flag is incompatible with IOSQE_IO_DRAIN. Using both of them in a single ring is undefined behavior, even when they are not used together in a single request. Currently, after the first request with IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS, all subsequent requests marked with drain will be failed at submission time. Note that the error reporting is best effort only, and restrictions may change in the future.

        Available since 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IOSQE_ASYNC
      io_uring_sqe->flags bitfield values
      Enum values:
      • IOSQE_FIXED_FILE - When this flag is specified, fd is an index into the files array registered with the io_uring instance (see the REGISTER_FILES section of the register man page).

        Note that this isn't always available for all commands. If used on a command that doesn't support fixed files, the SQE will error with -EBADF.

        Available since 5.1.

      • IOSQE_IO_DRAIN - When this flag is specified, the SQE will not be started before previously submitted SQEs have completed, and new SQEs will not be started before this one completes.

        Available since 5.2.

      • IOSQE_IO_LINK - When this flag is specified, it forms a link with the next SQE in the submission ring.

        That next SQE will not be started before the previous request completes. This, in effect, forms a chain of SQEs, which can be arbitrarily long. The tail of the chain is denoted by the first SQE that does not have this flag set. Chains are not supported across submission boundaries. Even if the last SQE in a submission has this flag set, it will still terminate the current chain. This flag has no effect on previous SQE submissions, nor does it impact SQEs that are outside of the chain tail. This means that multiple chains can be executing in parallel, or chains and individual SQEs. Only members inside the chain are serialized. A chain of SQEs will be broken, if any request in that chain ends in error. io_uring considers any unexpected result an error. This means that, eg, a short read will also terminate the remainder of the chain. If a chain of SQE links is broken, the remaining unstarted part of the chain will be terminated and completed with -ECANCELED as the error code.

        Available since 5.3.

      • IOSQE_IO_HARDLINK - Like IOSQE_IO_LINK, but it doesn't sever regardless of the completion result.

        Note that the link will still sever if we fail submitting the parent request, hard links are only resilient in the presence of completion results for requests that did submit correctly. IOSQE_IO_HARDLINK implies IOSQE_IO_LINK.

        Available since 5.5.

      • IOSQE_ASYNC - Normal operation for io_uring is to try and issue an sqe as non-blocking first, and if that fails, execute it in an async manner.

        To support more efficient overlapped operation of requests that the application knows/assumes will always (or most of the time) block, the application can ask for an sqe to be issued async from the start.

        Available since 5.6.

      • IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT - Used in conjunction with the OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS command, which registers a pool of buffers to be used by commands that read or receive data.

        When buffers are registered for this use case, and this flag is set in the command, io_uring will grab a buffer from this pool when the request is ready to receive or read data. If successful, the resulting CQE will have CQE_F_BUFFER set in the flags part of the struct, and the upper CQE_BUFFER_SHIFT bits will contain the ID of the selected buffers. This allows the application to know exactly which buffer was selected for the operation. If no buffers are available and this flag is set, then the request will fail with -ENOBUFS as the error code. Once a buffer has been used, it is no longer available in the kernel pool. The application must re-register the given buffer again when it is ready to recycle it (eg has completed using it).

        Available since 5.7.

      • IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS - Don't generate a CQE if the request completes successfully.

        If the request fails, an appropriate CQE will be posted as usual and if there is no IOSQE_IO_HARDLINK, CQEs for all linked requests will be omitted. The notion of failure/success is opcode specific and is the same as with breaking chains of IOSQE_IO_LINK. One special case is when the request has a linked timeout, then the CQE generation for the linked timeout is decided solely by whether it has IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS set, regardless whether it timed out or was cancelled. In other words, if a linked timeout has the flag set, it's guaranteed to not post a CQE.

        The semantics are chosen to accommodate several use cases. First, when all but the last request of a normal link without linked timeouts are marked with the flag, only one CQE per link is posted. Additionally, it enables supression of CQEs in cases where the side effects of a successfully executed operation is enough for userspace to know the state of the system. One such example would be writing to a synchronisation file.

        This flag is incompatible with IOSQE_IO_DRAIN. Using both of them in a single ring is undefined behavior, even when they are not used together in a single request. Currently, after the first request with IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS, all subsequent requests marked with drain will be failed at submission time. Note that the error reporting is best effort only, and restrictions may change in the future.

        Available since 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT
      io_uring_sqe->flags bitfield values
      Enum values:
      • IOSQE_FIXED_FILE - When this flag is specified, fd is an index into the files array registered with the io_uring instance (see the REGISTER_FILES section of the register man page).

        Note that this isn't always available for all commands. If used on a command that doesn't support fixed files, the SQE will error with -EBADF.

        Available since 5.1.

      • IOSQE_IO_DRAIN - When this flag is specified, the SQE will not be started before previously submitted SQEs have completed, and new SQEs will not be started before this one completes.

        Available since 5.2.

      • IOSQE_IO_LINK - When this flag is specified, it forms a link with the next SQE in the submission ring.

        That next SQE will not be started before the previous request completes. This, in effect, forms a chain of SQEs, which can be arbitrarily long. The tail of the chain is denoted by the first SQE that does not have this flag set. Chains are not supported across submission boundaries. Even if the last SQE in a submission has this flag set, it will still terminate the current chain. This flag has no effect on previous SQE submissions, nor does it impact SQEs that are outside of the chain tail. This means that multiple chains can be executing in parallel, or chains and individual SQEs. Only members inside the chain are serialized. A chain of SQEs will be broken, if any request in that chain ends in error. io_uring considers any unexpected result an error. This means that, eg, a short read will also terminate the remainder of the chain. If a chain of SQE links is broken, the remaining unstarted part of the chain will be terminated and completed with -ECANCELED as the error code.

        Available since 5.3.

      • IOSQE_IO_HARDLINK - Like IOSQE_IO_LINK, but it doesn't sever regardless of the completion result.

        Note that the link will still sever if we fail submitting the parent request, hard links are only resilient in the presence of completion results for requests that did submit correctly. IOSQE_IO_HARDLINK implies IOSQE_IO_LINK.

        Available since 5.5.

      • IOSQE_ASYNC - Normal operation for io_uring is to try and issue an sqe as non-blocking first, and if that fails, execute it in an async manner.

        To support more efficient overlapped operation of requests that the application knows/assumes will always (or most of the time) block, the application can ask for an sqe to be issued async from the start.

        Available since 5.6.

      • IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT - Used in conjunction with the OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS command, which registers a pool of buffers to be used by commands that read or receive data.

        When buffers are registered for this use case, and this flag is set in the command, io_uring will grab a buffer from this pool when the request is ready to receive or read data. If successful, the resulting CQE will have CQE_F_BUFFER set in the flags part of the struct, and the upper CQE_BUFFER_SHIFT bits will contain the ID of the selected buffers. This allows the application to know exactly which buffer was selected for the operation. If no buffers are available and this flag is set, then the request will fail with -ENOBUFS as the error code. Once a buffer has been used, it is no longer available in the kernel pool. The application must re-register the given buffer again when it is ready to recycle it (eg has completed using it).

        Available since 5.7.

      • IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS - Don't generate a CQE if the request completes successfully.

        If the request fails, an appropriate CQE will be posted as usual and if there is no IOSQE_IO_HARDLINK, CQEs for all linked requests will be omitted. The notion of failure/success is opcode specific and is the same as with breaking chains of IOSQE_IO_LINK. One special case is when the request has a linked timeout, then the CQE generation for the linked timeout is decided solely by whether it has IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS set, regardless whether it timed out or was cancelled. In other words, if a linked timeout has the flag set, it's guaranteed to not post a CQE.

        The semantics are chosen to accommodate several use cases. First, when all but the last request of a normal link without linked timeouts are marked with the flag, only one CQE per link is posted. Additionally, it enables supression of CQEs in cases where the side effects of a successfully executed operation is enough for userspace to know the state of the system. One such example would be writing to a synchronisation file.

        This flag is incompatible with IOSQE_IO_DRAIN. Using both of them in a single ring is undefined behavior, even when they are not used together in a single request. Currently, after the first request with IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS, all subsequent requests marked with drain will be failed at submission time. Note that the error reporting is best effort only, and restrictions may change in the future.

        Available since 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS
      io_uring_sqe->flags bitfield values
      Enum values:
      • IOSQE_FIXED_FILE - When this flag is specified, fd is an index into the files array registered with the io_uring instance (see the REGISTER_FILES section of the register man page).

        Note that this isn't always available for all commands. If used on a command that doesn't support fixed files, the SQE will error with -EBADF.

        Available since 5.1.

      • IOSQE_IO_DRAIN - When this flag is specified, the SQE will not be started before previously submitted SQEs have completed, and new SQEs will not be started before this one completes.

        Available since 5.2.

      • IOSQE_IO_LINK - When this flag is specified, it forms a link with the next SQE in the submission ring.

        That next SQE will not be started before the previous request completes. This, in effect, forms a chain of SQEs, which can be arbitrarily long. The tail of the chain is denoted by the first SQE that does not have this flag set. Chains are not supported across submission boundaries. Even if the last SQE in a submission has this flag set, it will still terminate the current chain. This flag has no effect on previous SQE submissions, nor does it impact SQEs that are outside of the chain tail. This means that multiple chains can be executing in parallel, or chains and individual SQEs. Only members inside the chain are serialized. A chain of SQEs will be broken, if any request in that chain ends in error. io_uring considers any unexpected result an error. This means that, eg, a short read will also terminate the remainder of the chain. If a chain of SQE links is broken, the remaining unstarted part of the chain will be terminated and completed with -ECANCELED as the error code.

        Available since 5.3.

      • IOSQE_IO_HARDLINK - Like IOSQE_IO_LINK, but it doesn't sever regardless of the completion result.

        Note that the link will still sever if we fail submitting the parent request, hard links are only resilient in the presence of completion results for requests that did submit correctly. IOSQE_IO_HARDLINK implies IOSQE_IO_LINK.

        Available since 5.5.

      • IOSQE_ASYNC - Normal operation for io_uring is to try and issue an sqe as non-blocking first, and if that fails, execute it in an async manner.

        To support more efficient overlapped operation of requests that the application knows/assumes will always (or most of the time) block, the application can ask for an sqe to be issued async from the start.

        Available since 5.6.

      • IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT - Used in conjunction with the OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS command, which registers a pool of buffers to be used by commands that read or receive data.

        When buffers are registered for this use case, and this flag is set in the command, io_uring will grab a buffer from this pool when the request is ready to receive or read data. If successful, the resulting CQE will have CQE_F_BUFFER set in the flags part of the struct, and the upper CQE_BUFFER_SHIFT bits will contain the ID of the selected buffers. This allows the application to know exactly which buffer was selected for the operation. If no buffers are available and this flag is set, then the request will fail with -ENOBUFS as the error code. Once a buffer has been used, it is no longer available in the kernel pool. The application must re-register the given buffer again when it is ready to recycle it (eg has completed using it).

        Available since 5.7.

      • IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS - Don't generate a CQE if the request completes successfully.

        If the request fails, an appropriate CQE will be posted as usual and if there is no IOSQE_IO_HARDLINK, CQEs for all linked requests will be omitted. The notion of failure/success is opcode specific and is the same as with breaking chains of IOSQE_IO_LINK. One special case is when the request has a linked timeout, then the CQE generation for the linked timeout is decided solely by whether it has IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS set, regardless whether it timed out or was cancelled. In other words, if a linked timeout has the flag set, it's guaranteed to not post a CQE.

        The semantics are chosen to accommodate several use cases. First, when all but the last request of a normal link without linked timeouts are marked with the flag, only one CQE per link is posted. Additionally, it enables supression of CQEs in cases where the side effects of a successfully executed operation is enough for userspace to know the state of the system. One such example would be writing to a synchronisation file.

        This flag is incompatible with IOSQE_IO_DRAIN. Using both of them in a single ring is undefined behavior, even when they are not used together in a single request. Currently, after the first request with IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS, all subsequent requests marked with drain will be failed at submission time. Note that the error reporting is best effort only, and restrictions may change in the future.

        Available since 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SETUP_IOPOLL
      io_uring_setup() flags
      Enum values:
      • SETUP_IOPOLL - Perform busy-waiting for an I/O completion, as opposed to getting notifications via an asynchronous IRQ (Interrupt Request).

        The file system (if any) and block device must support polling in order for this to work. Busy-waiting provides lower latency, but may consume more CPU resources than interrupt driven I/O. Currently, this feature is usable only on a file descriptor opened using the O_DIRECT flag. When a read or write is submitted to a polled context, the application must poll for completions on the CQ ring by calling enter. It is illegal to mix and match polled and non-polled I/O on an io_uring instance.

      • SETUP_SQPOLL - When this flag is specified, a kernel thread is created to perform submission queue polling.

        An io_uring instance configured in this way enables an application to issue I/O without ever context switching into the kernel. By using the submission queue to fill in new submission queue entries and watching for completions on the completion queue, the application can submit and reap I/Os without doing a single system call.

        If the kernel thread is idle for more than sq_thread_idle milliseconds, it will set the SQ_NEED_WAKEUP bit in the flags field of the struct io_sq_ring. When this happens, the application must call enter to wake the kernel thread. If I/O is kept busy, the kernel thread will never sleep. An application making use of this feature will need to guard the io_uring_enter() call with the following code sequence:

         // Ensure that the wakeup flag is read after the tail pointer
         // has been written. It's important to use memory load acquire
         // semantics for the flags read, as otherwise the application
         // and the kernel might not agree on the consistency of the
         // wakeup flag.
         unsigned flags = atomic_load_relaxed(sq_ring->flags);
         if (flags & IORING_SQ_NEED_WAKEUP)
             io_uring_enter(fd, 0, 0, IORING_ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP);

        where sq_ring is a submission queue ring setup using the struct io_sqring_offsets described below.

        Before version 5.11 of the Linux kernel, to successfully use this feature, the application must register a set of files to be used for IO through register using the REGISTER_FILES opcode. Failure to do so will result in submitted IO being errored with EBADF. The presence of this feature can be detected by the FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED feature flag. In version 5.11 and later, it is no longer necessary to register files to use this feature. 5.11 also allows using this as non-root, if the user has the CAP_SYS_NICE capability.

      • SETUP_SQ_AFF - If this flag is specified, then the poll thread will be bound to the cpu set in the sq_thread_cpu field of the struct io_uring_params. This flag is only meaningful when SETUP_SQPOLL is specified. When cgroup setting cpuset.cpus changes (typically in container environment), the bounded cpu set may be changed as well.
      • SETUP_CQSIZE - Create the completion queue with struct io_uring_params.cq_entries entries.

        The value must be greater than entries, and may be rounded up to the next power-of-two.

      • SETUP_CLAMP - If this flag is specified, and if entries exceeds MAX_ENTRIES, then entries will be clamped at IORING_MAX_ENTRIES.

        If the flag SETUP_SQPOLL is set, and if the value of struct io_uring_params.cq_entries exceeds IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES, then it will be clamped at IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES.

      • SETUP_ATTACH_WQ - This flag should be set in conjunction with struct io_uring_params.wq_fd being set to an existing io_uring ring file descriptor.

        When set, the io_uring instance being created will share the asynchronous worker thread backend of the specified io_uring ring, rather than create a new separate thread pool.

      • SETUP_R_DISABLED - If this flag is specified, the io_uring ring starts in a disabled state.

        In this state, restrictions can be registered, but submissions are not allowed. See register for details on how to enable the ring.

        Available since 5.10.

      • SETUP_SUBMIT_ALL - Continue submit on error.

        Normally io_uring stops submitting a batch of request, if one of these requests results in an error. This can cause submission of less than what is expected, if a request ends in error while being submitted. If the ring is created with this flag, enter will continue submitting requests even if it encounters an error submitting a request. CQEs are still posted for errored request regardless of whether or not this flag is set at ring creation time, the only difference is if the submit sequence is halted or continued when an error is observed.

        Available since 5.18.

      • SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN - Cooperative task running.

        By default, io_uring will interrupt a task running in userspace when a completion event comes in. This is to ensure that completions run in a timely manner. For a lot of use cases, this is overkill and can cause reduced performance from both the inter-processor interrupt used to do this, the kernel/user transition, the needless interruption of the tasks userspace activities, and reduced batching if completions come in at a rapid rate. Most applications don't need the forceful interruption, as the events are processed at any kernel/user transition. The exception are setups where the application uses multiple threads operating on the same ring, where the application waiting on completions isn't the one that submitted them. For most other use cases, setting this flag will improve performance.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG - Used in conjunction with SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN, this provides a flag, SQ_TASKRUN, which is set in the SQ ring flags whenever completions are pending that should be processed. liburing will check for this flag even when doing peek_cqe and enter the kernel to process them, and applications can do the same. This makes IORING_SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG safe to use even when applications rely on a peek style operation on the CQ ring to see if anything might be pending to reap.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SQE128 - If set, io_uring will use 128-byte SQEs rather than the normal 64-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_CQE32 - If set, io_uring will use 32-byte CQEs rather than the normal 32-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER - A hint to the kernel that only a single task can submit requests, which is used for internal optimisations.

        The kernel enforces the rule, which only affects enter calls submitting requests and will fail them with -EEXIST if the restriction is violated. The submitter task may differ from the task that created the ring. Note that when SETUP_SQPOLL is set it is considered that the polling task is doing all submissions on behalf of the userspace and so it always complies with the rule disregarding how many userspace tasks do io_uring_enter.

        Available since 5.20.

      • SETUP_DEFER_TASKRUN - Defer running task work to get events.

        By default, io_uring will process all outstanding work at the end of any system call or thread interrupt. This can delay the application from making other progress. Setting this flag will hint to io_uring that it should defer work until an enter call with the ENTER_GETEVENTS flag set. This allows the application to request work to run just before it wants to process completions. This flag requires the SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER flag to be set, and also enforces that the call to io_uring_enter is called from the same thread that submitted requests. Note that if this flag is set then it is the application's responsibility to periodically trigger work (for example via any of the CQE waiting functions) or else completions may not be delivered.

        Available since 6.1.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SETUP_SQPOLL
      io_uring_setup() flags
      Enum values:
      • SETUP_IOPOLL - Perform busy-waiting for an I/O completion, as opposed to getting notifications via an asynchronous IRQ (Interrupt Request).

        The file system (if any) and block device must support polling in order for this to work. Busy-waiting provides lower latency, but may consume more CPU resources than interrupt driven I/O. Currently, this feature is usable only on a file descriptor opened using the O_DIRECT flag. When a read or write is submitted to a polled context, the application must poll for completions on the CQ ring by calling enter. It is illegal to mix and match polled and non-polled I/O on an io_uring instance.

      • SETUP_SQPOLL - When this flag is specified, a kernel thread is created to perform submission queue polling.

        An io_uring instance configured in this way enables an application to issue I/O without ever context switching into the kernel. By using the submission queue to fill in new submission queue entries and watching for completions on the completion queue, the application can submit and reap I/Os without doing a single system call.

        If the kernel thread is idle for more than sq_thread_idle milliseconds, it will set the SQ_NEED_WAKEUP bit in the flags field of the struct io_sq_ring. When this happens, the application must call enter to wake the kernel thread. If I/O is kept busy, the kernel thread will never sleep. An application making use of this feature will need to guard the io_uring_enter() call with the following code sequence:

         // Ensure that the wakeup flag is read after the tail pointer
         // has been written. It's important to use memory load acquire
         // semantics for the flags read, as otherwise the application
         // and the kernel might not agree on the consistency of the
         // wakeup flag.
         unsigned flags = atomic_load_relaxed(sq_ring->flags);
         if (flags & IORING_SQ_NEED_WAKEUP)
             io_uring_enter(fd, 0, 0, IORING_ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP);

        where sq_ring is a submission queue ring setup using the struct io_sqring_offsets described below.

        Before version 5.11 of the Linux kernel, to successfully use this feature, the application must register a set of files to be used for IO through register using the REGISTER_FILES opcode. Failure to do so will result in submitted IO being errored with EBADF. The presence of this feature can be detected by the FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED feature flag. In version 5.11 and later, it is no longer necessary to register files to use this feature. 5.11 also allows using this as non-root, if the user has the CAP_SYS_NICE capability.

      • SETUP_SQ_AFF - If this flag is specified, then the poll thread will be bound to the cpu set in the sq_thread_cpu field of the struct io_uring_params. This flag is only meaningful when SETUP_SQPOLL is specified. When cgroup setting cpuset.cpus changes (typically in container environment), the bounded cpu set may be changed as well.
      • SETUP_CQSIZE - Create the completion queue with struct io_uring_params.cq_entries entries.

        The value must be greater than entries, and may be rounded up to the next power-of-two.

      • SETUP_CLAMP - If this flag is specified, and if entries exceeds MAX_ENTRIES, then entries will be clamped at IORING_MAX_ENTRIES.

        If the flag SETUP_SQPOLL is set, and if the value of struct io_uring_params.cq_entries exceeds IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES, then it will be clamped at IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES.

      • SETUP_ATTACH_WQ - This flag should be set in conjunction with struct io_uring_params.wq_fd being set to an existing io_uring ring file descriptor.

        When set, the io_uring instance being created will share the asynchronous worker thread backend of the specified io_uring ring, rather than create a new separate thread pool.

      • SETUP_R_DISABLED - If this flag is specified, the io_uring ring starts in a disabled state.

        In this state, restrictions can be registered, but submissions are not allowed. See register for details on how to enable the ring.

        Available since 5.10.

      • SETUP_SUBMIT_ALL - Continue submit on error.

        Normally io_uring stops submitting a batch of request, if one of these requests results in an error. This can cause submission of less than what is expected, if a request ends in error while being submitted. If the ring is created with this flag, enter will continue submitting requests even if it encounters an error submitting a request. CQEs are still posted for errored request regardless of whether or not this flag is set at ring creation time, the only difference is if the submit sequence is halted or continued when an error is observed.

        Available since 5.18.

      • SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN - Cooperative task running.

        By default, io_uring will interrupt a task running in userspace when a completion event comes in. This is to ensure that completions run in a timely manner. For a lot of use cases, this is overkill and can cause reduced performance from both the inter-processor interrupt used to do this, the kernel/user transition, the needless interruption of the tasks userspace activities, and reduced batching if completions come in at a rapid rate. Most applications don't need the forceful interruption, as the events are processed at any kernel/user transition. The exception are setups where the application uses multiple threads operating on the same ring, where the application waiting on completions isn't the one that submitted them. For most other use cases, setting this flag will improve performance.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG - Used in conjunction with SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN, this provides a flag, SQ_TASKRUN, which is set in the SQ ring flags whenever completions are pending that should be processed. liburing will check for this flag even when doing peek_cqe and enter the kernel to process them, and applications can do the same. This makes IORING_SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG safe to use even when applications rely on a peek style operation on the CQ ring to see if anything might be pending to reap.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SQE128 - If set, io_uring will use 128-byte SQEs rather than the normal 64-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_CQE32 - If set, io_uring will use 32-byte CQEs rather than the normal 32-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER - A hint to the kernel that only a single task can submit requests, which is used for internal optimisations.

        The kernel enforces the rule, which only affects enter calls submitting requests and will fail them with -EEXIST if the restriction is violated. The submitter task may differ from the task that created the ring. Note that when SETUP_SQPOLL is set it is considered that the polling task is doing all submissions on behalf of the userspace and so it always complies with the rule disregarding how many userspace tasks do io_uring_enter.

        Available since 5.20.

      • SETUP_DEFER_TASKRUN - Defer running task work to get events.

        By default, io_uring will process all outstanding work at the end of any system call or thread interrupt. This can delay the application from making other progress. Setting this flag will hint to io_uring that it should defer work until an enter call with the ENTER_GETEVENTS flag set. This allows the application to request work to run just before it wants to process completions. This flag requires the SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER flag to be set, and also enforces that the call to io_uring_enter is called from the same thread that submitted requests. Note that if this flag is set then it is the application's responsibility to periodically trigger work (for example via any of the CQE waiting functions) or else completions may not be delivered.

        Available since 6.1.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SETUP_SQ_AFF
      io_uring_setup() flags
      Enum values:
      • SETUP_IOPOLL - Perform busy-waiting for an I/O completion, as opposed to getting notifications via an asynchronous IRQ (Interrupt Request).

        The file system (if any) and block device must support polling in order for this to work. Busy-waiting provides lower latency, but may consume more CPU resources than interrupt driven I/O. Currently, this feature is usable only on a file descriptor opened using the O_DIRECT flag. When a read or write is submitted to a polled context, the application must poll for completions on the CQ ring by calling enter. It is illegal to mix and match polled and non-polled I/O on an io_uring instance.

      • SETUP_SQPOLL - When this flag is specified, a kernel thread is created to perform submission queue polling.

        An io_uring instance configured in this way enables an application to issue I/O without ever context switching into the kernel. By using the submission queue to fill in new submission queue entries and watching for completions on the completion queue, the application can submit and reap I/Os without doing a single system call.

        If the kernel thread is idle for more than sq_thread_idle milliseconds, it will set the SQ_NEED_WAKEUP bit in the flags field of the struct io_sq_ring. When this happens, the application must call enter to wake the kernel thread. If I/O is kept busy, the kernel thread will never sleep. An application making use of this feature will need to guard the io_uring_enter() call with the following code sequence:

         // Ensure that the wakeup flag is read after the tail pointer
         // has been written. It's important to use memory load acquire
         // semantics for the flags read, as otherwise the application
         // and the kernel might not agree on the consistency of the
         // wakeup flag.
         unsigned flags = atomic_load_relaxed(sq_ring->flags);
         if (flags & IORING_SQ_NEED_WAKEUP)
             io_uring_enter(fd, 0, 0, IORING_ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP);

        where sq_ring is a submission queue ring setup using the struct io_sqring_offsets described below.

        Before version 5.11 of the Linux kernel, to successfully use this feature, the application must register a set of files to be used for IO through register using the REGISTER_FILES opcode. Failure to do so will result in submitted IO being errored with EBADF. The presence of this feature can be detected by the FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED feature flag. In version 5.11 and later, it is no longer necessary to register files to use this feature. 5.11 also allows using this as non-root, if the user has the CAP_SYS_NICE capability.

      • SETUP_SQ_AFF - If this flag is specified, then the poll thread will be bound to the cpu set in the sq_thread_cpu field of the struct io_uring_params. This flag is only meaningful when SETUP_SQPOLL is specified. When cgroup setting cpuset.cpus changes (typically in container environment), the bounded cpu set may be changed as well.
      • SETUP_CQSIZE - Create the completion queue with struct io_uring_params.cq_entries entries.

        The value must be greater than entries, and may be rounded up to the next power-of-two.

      • SETUP_CLAMP - If this flag is specified, and if entries exceeds MAX_ENTRIES, then entries will be clamped at IORING_MAX_ENTRIES.

        If the flag SETUP_SQPOLL is set, and if the value of struct io_uring_params.cq_entries exceeds IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES, then it will be clamped at IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES.

      • SETUP_ATTACH_WQ - This flag should be set in conjunction with struct io_uring_params.wq_fd being set to an existing io_uring ring file descriptor.

        When set, the io_uring instance being created will share the asynchronous worker thread backend of the specified io_uring ring, rather than create a new separate thread pool.

      • SETUP_R_DISABLED - If this flag is specified, the io_uring ring starts in a disabled state.

        In this state, restrictions can be registered, but submissions are not allowed. See register for details on how to enable the ring.

        Available since 5.10.

      • SETUP_SUBMIT_ALL - Continue submit on error.

        Normally io_uring stops submitting a batch of request, if one of these requests results in an error. This can cause submission of less than what is expected, if a request ends in error while being submitted. If the ring is created with this flag, enter will continue submitting requests even if it encounters an error submitting a request. CQEs are still posted for errored request regardless of whether or not this flag is set at ring creation time, the only difference is if the submit sequence is halted or continued when an error is observed.

        Available since 5.18.

      • SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN - Cooperative task running.

        By default, io_uring will interrupt a task running in userspace when a completion event comes in. This is to ensure that completions run in a timely manner. For a lot of use cases, this is overkill and can cause reduced performance from both the inter-processor interrupt used to do this, the kernel/user transition, the needless interruption of the tasks userspace activities, and reduced batching if completions come in at a rapid rate. Most applications don't need the forceful interruption, as the events are processed at any kernel/user transition. The exception are setups where the application uses multiple threads operating on the same ring, where the application waiting on completions isn't the one that submitted them. For most other use cases, setting this flag will improve performance.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG - Used in conjunction with SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN, this provides a flag, SQ_TASKRUN, which is set in the SQ ring flags whenever completions are pending that should be processed. liburing will check for this flag even when doing peek_cqe and enter the kernel to process them, and applications can do the same. This makes IORING_SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG safe to use even when applications rely on a peek style operation on the CQ ring to see if anything might be pending to reap.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SQE128 - If set, io_uring will use 128-byte SQEs rather than the normal 64-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_CQE32 - If set, io_uring will use 32-byte CQEs rather than the normal 32-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER - A hint to the kernel that only a single task can submit requests, which is used for internal optimisations.

        The kernel enforces the rule, which only affects enter calls submitting requests and will fail them with -EEXIST if the restriction is violated. The submitter task may differ from the task that created the ring. Note that when SETUP_SQPOLL is set it is considered that the polling task is doing all submissions on behalf of the userspace and so it always complies with the rule disregarding how many userspace tasks do io_uring_enter.

        Available since 5.20.

      • SETUP_DEFER_TASKRUN - Defer running task work to get events.

        By default, io_uring will process all outstanding work at the end of any system call or thread interrupt. This can delay the application from making other progress. Setting this flag will hint to io_uring that it should defer work until an enter call with the ENTER_GETEVENTS flag set. This allows the application to request work to run just before it wants to process completions. This flag requires the SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER flag to be set, and also enforces that the call to io_uring_enter is called from the same thread that submitted requests. Note that if this flag is set then it is the application's responsibility to periodically trigger work (for example via any of the CQE waiting functions) or else completions may not be delivered.

        Available since 6.1.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SETUP_CQSIZE
      io_uring_setup() flags
      Enum values:
      • SETUP_IOPOLL - Perform busy-waiting for an I/O completion, as opposed to getting notifications via an asynchronous IRQ (Interrupt Request).

        The file system (if any) and block device must support polling in order for this to work. Busy-waiting provides lower latency, but may consume more CPU resources than interrupt driven I/O. Currently, this feature is usable only on a file descriptor opened using the O_DIRECT flag. When a read or write is submitted to a polled context, the application must poll for completions on the CQ ring by calling enter. It is illegal to mix and match polled and non-polled I/O on an io_uring instance.

      • SETUP_SQPOLL - When this flag is specified, a kernel thread is created to perform submission queue polling.

        An io_uring instance configured in this way enables an application to issue I/O without ever context switching into the kernel. By using the submission queue to fill in new submission queue entries and watching for completions on the completion queue, the application can submit and reap I/Os without doing a single system call.

        If the kernel thread is idle for more than sq_thread_idle milliseconds, it will set the SQ_NEED_WAKEUP bit in the flags field of the struct io_sq_ring. When this happens, the application must call enter to wake the kernel thread. If I/O is kept busy, the kernel thread will never sleep. An application making use of this feature will need to guard the io_uring_enter() call with the following code sequence:

         // Ensure that the wakeup flag is read after the tail pointer
         // has been written. It's important to use memory load acquire
         // semantics for the flags read, as otherwise the application
         // and the kernel might not agree on the consistency of the
         // wakeup flag.
         unsigned flags = atomic_load_relaxed(sq_ring->flags);
         if (flags & IORING_SQ_NEED_WAKEUP)
             io_uring_enter(fd, 0, 0, IORING_ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP);

        where sq_ring is a submission queue ring setup using the struct io_sqring_offsets described below.

        Before version 5.11 of the Linux kernel, to successfully use this feature, the application must register a set of files to be used for IO through register using the REGISTER_FILES opcode. Failure to do so will result in submitted IO being errored with EBADF. The presence of this feature can be detected by the FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED feature flag. In version 5.11 and later, it is no longer necessary to register files to use this feature. 5.11 also allows using this as non-root, if the user has the CAP_SYS_NICE capability.

      • SETUP_SQ_AFF - If this flag is specified, then the poll thread will be bound to the cpu set in the sq_thread_cpu field of the struct io_uring_params. This flag is only meaningful when SETUP_SQPOLL is specified. When cgroup setting cpuset.cpus changes (typically in container environment), the bounded cpu set may be changed as well.
      • SETUP_CQSIZE - Create the completion queue with struct io_uring_params.cq_entries entries.

        The value must be greater than entries, and may be rounded up to the next power-of-two.

      • SETUP_CLAMP - If this flag is specified, and if entries exceeds MAX_ENTRIES, then entries will be clamped at IORING_MAX_ENTRIES.

        If the flag SETUP_SQPOLL is set, and if the value of struct io_uring_params.cq_entries exceeds IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES, then it will be clamped at IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES.

      • SETUP_ATTACH_WQ - This flag should be set in conjunction with struct io_uring_params.wq_fd being set to an existing io_uring ring file descriptor.

        When set, the io_uring instance being created will share the asynchronous worker thread backend of the specified io_uring ring, rather than create a new separate thread pool.

      • SETUP_R_DISABLED - If this flag is specified, the io_uring ring starts in a disabled state.

        In this state, restrictions can be registered, but submissions are not allowed. See register for details on how to enable the ring.

        Available since 5.10.

      • SETUP_SUBMIT_ALL - Continue submit on error.

        Normally io_uring stops submitting a batch of request, if one of these requests results in an error. This can cause submission of less than what is expected, if a request ends in error while being submitted. If the ring is created with this flag, enter will continue submitting requests even if it encounters an error submitting a request. CQEs are still posted for errored request regardless of whether or not this flag is set at ring creation time, the only difference is if the submit sequence is halted or continued when an error is observed.

        Available since 5.18.

      • SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN - Cooperative task running.

        By default, io_uring will interrupt a task running in userspace when a completion event comes in. This is to ensure that completions run in a timely manner. For a lot of use cases, this is overkill and can cause reduced performance from both the inter-processor interrupt used to do this, the kernel/user transition, the needless interruption of the tasks userspace activities, and reduced batching if completions come in at a rapid rate. Most applications don't need the forceful interruption, as the events are processed at any kernel/user transition. The exception are setups where the application uses multiple threads operating on the same ring, where the application waiting on completions isn't the one that submitted them. For most other use cases, setting this flag will improve performance.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG - Used in conjunction with SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN, this provides a flag, SQ_TASKRUN, which is set in the SQ ring flags whenever completions are pending that should be processed. liburing will check for this flag even when doing peek_cqe and enter the kernel to process them, and applications can do the same. This makes IORING_SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG safe to use even when applications rely on a peek style operation on the CQ ring to see if anything might be pending to reap.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SQE128 - If set, io_uring will use 128-byte SQEs rather than the normal 64-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_CQE32 - If set, io_uring will use 32-byte CQEs rather than the normal 32-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER - A hint to the kernel that only a single task can submit requests, which is used for internal optimisations.

        The kernel enforces the rule, which only affects enter calls submitting requests and will fail them with -EEXIST if the restriction is violated. The submitter task may differ from the task that created the ring. Note that when SETUP_SQPOLL is set it is considered that the polling task is doing all submissions on behalf of the userspace and so it always complies with the rule disregarding how many userspace tasks do io_uring_enter.

        Available since 5.20.

      • SETUP_DEFER_TASKRUN - Defer running task work to get events.

        By default, io_uring will process all outstanding work at the end of any system call or thread interrupt. This can delay the application from making other progress. Setting this flag will hint to io_uring that it should defer work until an enter call with the ENTER_GETEVENTS flag set. This allows the application to request work to run just before it wants to process completions. This flag requires the SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER flag to be set, and also enforces that the call to io_uring_enter is called from the same thread that submitted requests. Note that if this flag is set then it is the application's responsibility to periodically trigger work (for example via any of the CQE waiting functions) or else completions may not be delivered.

        Available since 6.1.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SETUP_CLAMP
      io_uring_setup() flags
      Enum values:
      • SETUP_IOPOLL - Perform busy-waiting for an I/O completion, as opposed to getting notifications via an asynchronous IRQ (Interrupt Request).

        The file system (if any) and block device must support polling in order for this to work. Busy-waiting provides lower latency, but may consume more CPU resources than interrupt driven I/O. Currently, this feature is usable only on a file descriptor opened using the O_DIRECT flag. When a read or write is submitted to a polled context, the application must poll for completions on the CQ ring by calling enter. It is illegal to mix and match polled and non-polled I/O on an io_uring instance.

      • SETUP_SQPOLL - When this flag is specified, a kernel thread is created to perform submission queue polling.

        An io_uring instance configured in this way enables an application to issue I/O without ever context switching into the kernel. By using the submission queue to fill in new submission queue entries and watching for completions on the completion queue, the application can submit and reap I/Os without doing a single system call.

        If the kernel thread is idle for more than sq_thread_idle milliseconds, it will set the SQ_NEED_WAKEUP bit in the flags field of the struct io_sq_ring. When this happens, the application must call enter to wake the kernel thread. If I/O is kept busy, the kernel thread will never sleep. An application making use of this feature will need to guard the io_uring_enter() call with the following code sequence:

         // Ensure that the wakeup flag is read after the tail pointer
         // has been written. It's important to use memory load acquire
         // semantics for the flags read, as otherwise the application
         // and the kernel might not agree on the consistency of the
         // wakeup flag.
         unsigned flags = atomic_load_relaxed(sq_ring->flags);
         if (flags & IORING_SQ_NEED_WAKEUP)
             io_uring_enter(fd, 0, 0, IORING_ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP);

        where sq_ring is a submission queue ring setup using the struct io_sqring_offsets described below.

        Before version 5.11 of the Linux kernel, to successfully use this feature, the application must register a set of files to be used for IO through register using the REGISTER_FILES opcode. Failure to do so will result in submitted IO being errored with EBADF. The presence of this feature can be detected by the FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED feature flag. In version 5.11 and later, it is no longer necessary to register files to use this feature. 5.11 also allows using this as non-root, if the user has the CAP_SYS_NICE capability.

      • SETUP_SQ_AFF - If this flag is specified, then the poll thread will be bound to the cpu set in the sq_thread_cpu field of the struct io_uring_params. This flag is only meaningful when SETUP_SQPOLL is specified. When cgroup setting cpuset.cpus changes (typically in container environment), the bounded cpu set may be changed as well.
      • SETUP_CQSIZE - Create the completion queue with struct io_uring_params.cq_entries entries.

        The value must be greater than entries, and may be rounded up to the next power-of-two.

      • SETUP_CLAMP - If this flag is specified, and if entries exceeds MAX_ENTRIES, then entries will be clamped at IORING_MAX_ENTRIES.

        If the flag SETUP_SQPOLL is set, and if the value of struct io_uring_params.cq_entries exceeds IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES, then it will be clamped at IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES.

      • SETUP_ATTACH_WQ - This flag should be set in conjunction with struct io_uring_params.wq_fd being set to an existing io_uring ring file descriptor.

        When set, the io_uring instance being created will share the asynchronous worker thread backend of the specified io_uring ring, rather than create a new separate thread pool.

      • SETUP_R_DISABLED - If this flag is specified, the io_uring ring starts in a disabled state.

        In this state, restrictions can be registered, but submissions are not allowed. See register for details on how to enable the ring.

        Available since 5.10.

      • SETUP_SUBMIT_ALL - Continue submit on error.

        Normally io_uring stops submitting a batch of request, if one of these requests results in an error. This can cause submission of less than what is expected, if a request ends in error while being submitted. If the ring is created with this flag, enter will continue submitting requests even if it encounters an error submitting a request. CQEs are still posted for errored request regardless of whether or not this flag is set at ring creation time, the only difference is if the submit sequence is halted or continued when an error is observed.

        Available since 5.18.

      • SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN - Cooperative task running.

        By default, io_uring will interrupt a task running in userspace when a completion event comes in. This is to ensure that completions run in a timely manner. For a lot of use cases, this is overkill and can cause reduced performance from both the inter-processor interrupt used to do this, the kernel/user transition, the needless interruption of the tasks userspace activities, and reduced batching if completions come in at a rapid rate. Most applications don't need the forceful interruption, as the events are processed at any kernel/user transition. The exception are setups where the application uses multiple threads operating on the same ring, where the application waiting on completions isn't the one that submitted them. For most other use cases, setting this flag will improve performance.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG - Used in conjunction with SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN, this provides a flag, SQ_TASKRUN, which is set in the SQ ring flags whenever completions are pending that should be processed. liburing will check for this flag even when doing peek_cqe and enter the kernel to process them, and applications can do the same. This makes IORING_SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG safe to use even when applications rely on a peek style operation on the CQ ring to see if anything might be pending to reap.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SQE128 - If set, io_uring will use 128-byte SQEs rather than the normal 64-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_CQE32 - If set, io_uring will use 32-byte CQEs rather than the normal 32-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER - A hint to the kernel that only a single task can submit requests, which is used for internal optimisations.

        The kernel enforces the rule, which only affects enter calls submitting requests and will fail them with -EEXIST if the restriction is violated. The submitter task may differ from the task that created the ring. Note that when SETUP_SQPOLL is set it is considered that the polling task is doing all submissions on behalf of the userspace and so it always complies with the rule disregarding how many userspace tasks do io_uring_enter.

        Available since 5.20.

      • SETUP_DEFER_TASKRUN - Defer running task work to get events.

        By default, io_uring will process all outstanding work at the end of any system call or thread interrupt. This can delay the application from making other progress. Setting this flag will hint to io_uring that it should defer work until an enter call with the ENTER_GETEVENTS flag set. This allows the application to request work to run just before it wants to process completions. This flag requires the SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER flag to be set, and also enforces that the call to io_uring_enter is called from the same thread that submitted requests. Note that if this flag is set then it is the application's responsibility to periodically trigger work (for example via any of the CQE waiting functions) or else completions may not be delivered.

        Available since 6.1.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SETUP_ATTACH_WQ
      io_uring_setup() flags
      Enum values:
      • SETUP_IOPOLL - Perform busy-waiting for an I/O completion, as opposed to getting notifications via an asynchronous IRQ (Interrupt Request).

        The file system (if any) and block device must support polling in order for this to work. Busy-waiting provides lower latency, but may consume more CPU resources than interrupt driven I/O. Currently, this feature is usable only on a file descriptor opened using the O_DIRECT flag. When a read or write is submitted to a polled context, the application must poll for completions on the CQ ring by calling enter. It is illegal to mix and match polled and non-polled I/O on an io_uring instance.

      • SETUP_SQPOLL - When this flag is specified, a kernel thread is created to perform submission queue polling.

        An io_uring instance configured in this way enables an application to issue I/O without ever context switching into the kernel. By using the submission queue to fill in new submission queue entries and watching for completions on the completion queue, the application can submit and reap I/Os without doing a single system call.

        If the kernel thread is idle for more than sq_thread_idle milliseconds, it will set the SQ_NEED_WAKEUP bit in the flags field of the struct io_sq_ring. When this happens, the application must call enter to wake the kernel thread. If I/O is kept busy, the kernel thread will never sleep. An application making use of this feature will need to guard the io_uring_enter() call with the following code sequence:

         // Ensure that the wakeup flag is read after the tail pointer
         // has been written. It's important to use memory load acquire
         // semantics for the flags read, as otherwise the application
         // and the kernel might not agree on the consistency of the
         // wakeup flag.
         unsigned flags = atomic_load_relaxed(sq_ring->flags);
         if (flags & IORING_SQ_NEED_WAKEUP)
             io_uring_enter(fd, 0, 0, IORING_ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP);

        where sq_ring is a submission queue ring setup using the struct io_sqring_offsets described below.

        Before version 5.11 of the Linux kernel, to successfully use this feature, the application must register a set of files to be used for IO through register using the REGISTER_FILES opcode. Failure to do so will result in submitted IO being errored with EBADF. The presence of this feature can be detected by the FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED feature flag. In version 5.11 and later, it is no longer necessary to register files to use this feature. 5.11 also allows using this as non-root, if the user has the CAP_SYS_NICE capability.

      • SETUP_SQ_AFF - If this flag is specified, then the poll thread will be bound to the cpu set in the sq_thread_cpu field of the struct io_uring_params. This flag is only meaningful when SETUP_SQPOLL is specified. When cgroup setting cpuset.cpus changes (typically in container environment), the bounded cpu set may be changed as well.
      • SETUP_CQSIZE - Create the completion queue with struct io_uring_params.cq_entries entries.

        The value must be greater than entries, and may be rounded up to the next power-of-two.

      • SETUP_CLAMP - If this flag is specified, and if entries exceeds MAX_ENTRIES, then entries will be clamped at IORING_MAX_ENTRIES.

        If the flag SETUP_SQPOLL is set, and if the value of struct io_uring_params.cq_entries exceeds IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES, then it will be clamped at IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES.

      • SETUP_ATTACH_WQ - This flag should be set in conjunction with struct io_uring_params.wq_fd being set to an existing io_uring ring file descriptor.

        When set, the io_uring instance being created will share the asynchronous worker thread backend of the specified io_uring ring, rather than create a new separate thread pool.

      • SETUP_R_DISABLED - If this flag is specified, the io_uring ring starts in a disabled state.

        In this state, restrictions can be registered, but submissions are not allowed. See register for details on how to enable the ring.

        Available since 5.10.

      • SETUP_SUBMIT_ALL - Continue submit on error.

        Normally io_uring stops submitting a batch of request, if one of these requests results in an error. This can cause submission of less than what is expected, if a request ends in error while being submitted. If the ring is created with this flag, enter will continue submitting requests even if it encounters an error submitting a request. CQEs are still posted for errored request regardless of whether or not this flag is set at ring creation time, the only difference is if the submit sequence is halted or continued when an error is observed.

        Available since 5.18.

      • SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN - Cooperative task running.

        By default, io_uring will interrupt a task running in userspace when a completion event comes in. This is to ensure that completions run in a timely manner. For a lot of use cases, this is overkill and can cause reduced performance from both the inter-processor interrupt used to do this, the kernel/user transition, the needless interruption of the tasks userspace activities, and reduced batching if completions come in at a rapid rate. Most applications don't need the forceful interruption, as the events are processed at any kernel/user transition. The exception are setups where the application uses multiple threads operating on the same ring, where the application waiting on completions isn't the one that submitted them. For most other use cases, setting this flag will improve performance.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG - Used in conjunction with SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN, this provides a flag, SQ_TASKRUN, which is set in the SQ ring flags whenever completions are pending that should be processed. liburing will check for this flag even when doing peek_cqe and enter the kernel to process them, and applications can do the same. This makes IORING_SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG safe to use even when applications rely on a peek style operation on the CQ ring to see if anything might be pending to reap.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SQE128 - If set, io_uring will use 128-byte SQEs rather than the normal 64-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_CQE32 - If set, io_uring will use 32-byte CQEs rather than the normal 32-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER - A hint to the kernel that only a single task can submit requests, which is used for internal optimisations.

        The kernel enforces the rule, which only affects enter calls submitting requests and will fail them with -EEXIST if the restriction is violated. The submitter task may differ from the task that created the ring. Note that when SETUP_SQPOLL is set it is considered that the polling task is doing all submissions on behalf of the userspace and so it always complies with the rule disregarding how many userspace tasks do io_uring_enter.

        Available since 5.20.

      • SETUP_DEFER_TASKRUN - Defer running task work to get events.

        By default, io_uring will process all outstanding work at the end of any system call or thread interrupt. This can delay the application from making other progress. Setting this flag will hint to io_uring that it should defer work until an enter call with the ENTER_GETEVENTS flag set. This allows the application to request work to run just before it wants to process completions. This flag requires the SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER flag to be set, and also enforces that the call to io_uring_enter is called from the same thread that submitted requests. Note that if this flag is set then it is the application's responsibility to periodically trigger work (for example via any of the CQE waiting functions) or else completions may not be delivered.

        Available since 6.1.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SETUP_R_DISABLED
      io_uring_setup() flags
      Enum values:
      • SETUP_IOPOLL - Perform busy-waiting for an I/O completion, as opposed to getting notifications via an asynchronous IRQ (Interrupt Request).

        The file system (if any) and block device must support polling in order for this to work. Busy-waiting provides lower latency, but may consume more CPU resources than interrupt driven I/O. Currently, this feature is usable only on a file descriptor opened using the O_DIRECT flag. When a read or write is submitted to a polled context, the application must poll for completions on the CQ ring by calling enter. It is illegal to mix and match polled and non-polled I/O on an io_uring instance.

      • SETUP_SQPOLL - When this flag is specified, a kernel thread is created to perform submission queue polling.

        An io_uring instance configured in this way enables an application to issue I/O without ever context switching into the kernel. By using the submission queue to fill in new submission queue entries and watching for completions on the completion queue, the application can submit and reap I/Os without doing a single system call.

        If the kernel thread is idle for more than sq_thread_idle milliseconds, it will set the SQ_NEED_WAKEUP bit in the flags field of the struct io_sq_ring. When this happens, the application must call enter to wake the kernel thread. If I/O is kept busy, the kernel thread will never sleep. An application making use of this feature will need to guard the io_uring_enter() call with the following code sequence:

         // Ensure that the wakeup flag is read after the tail pointer
         // has been written. It's important to use memory load acquire
         // semantics for the flags read, as otherwise the application
         // and the kernel might not agree on the consistency of the
         // wakeup flag.
         unsigned flags = atomic_load_relaxed(sq_ring->flags);
         if (flags & IORING_SQ_NEED_WAKEUP)
             io_uring_enter(fd, 0, 0, IORING_ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP);

        where sq_ring is a submission queue ring setup using the struct io_sqring_offsets described below.

        Before version 5.11 of the Linux kernel, to successfully use this feature, the application must register a set of files to be used for IO through register using the REGISTER_FILES opcode. Failure to do so will result in submitted IO being errored with EBADF. The presence of this feature can be detected by the FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED feature flag. In version 5.11 and later, it is no longer necessary to register files to use this feature. 5.11 also allows using this as non-root, if the user has the CAP_SYS_NICE capability.

      • SETUP_SQ_AFF - If this flag is specified, then the poll thread will be bound to the cpu set in the sq_thread_cpu field of the struct io_uring_params. This flag is only meaningful when SETUP_SQPOLL is specified. When cgroup setting cpuset.cpus changes (typically in container environment), the bounded cpu set may be changed as well.
      • SETUP_CQSIZE - Create the completion queue with struct io_uring_params.cq_entries entries.

        The value must be greater than entries, and may be rounded up to the next power-of-two.

      • SETUP_CLAMP - If this flag is specified, and if entries exceeds MAX_ENTRIES, then entries will be clamped at IORING_MAX_ENTRIES.

        If the flag SETUP_SQPOLL is set, and if the value of struct io_uring_params.cq_entries exceeds IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES, then it will be clamped at IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES.

      • SETUP_ATTACH_WQ - This flag should be set in conjunction with struct io_uring_params.wq_fd being set to an existing io_uring ring file descriptor.

        When set, the io_uring instance being created will share the asynchronous worker thread backend of the specified io_uring ring, rather than create a new separate thread pool.

      • SETUP_R_DISABLED - If this flag is specified, the io_uring ring starts in a disabled state.

        In this state, restrictions can be registered, but submissions are not allowed. See register for details on how to enable the ring.

        Available since 5.10.

      • SETUP_SUBMIT_ALL - Continue submit on error.

        Normally io_uring stops submitting a batch of request, if one of these requests results in an error. This can cause submission of less than what is expected, if a request ends in error while being submitted. If the ring is created with this flag, enter will continue submitting requests even if it encounters an error submitting a request. CQEs are still posted for errored request regardless of whether or not this flag is set at ring creation time, the only difference is if the submit sequence is halted or continued when an error is observed.

        Available since 5.18.

      • SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN - Cooperative task running.

        By default, io_uring will interrupt a task running in userspace when a completion event comes in. This is to ensure that completions run in a timely manner. For a lot of use cases, this is overkill and can cause reduced performance from both the inter-processor interrupt used to do this, the kernel/user transition, the needless interruption of the tasks userspace activities, and reduced batching if completions come in at a rapid rate. Most applications don't need the forceful interruption, as the events are processed at any kernel/user transition. The exception are setups where the application uses multiple threads operating on the same ring, where the application waiting on completions isn't the one that submitted them. For most other use cases, setting this flag will improve performance.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG - Used in conjunction with SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN, this provides a flag, SQ_TASKRUN, which is set in the SQ ring flags whenever completions are pending that should be processed. liburing will check for this flag even when doing peek_cqe and enter the kernel to process them, and applications can do the same. This makes IORING_SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG safe to use even when applications rely on a peek style operation on the CQ ring to see if anything might be pending to reap.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SQE128 - If set, io_uring will use 128-byte SQEs rather than the normal 64-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_CQE32 - If set, io_uring will use 32-byte CQEs rather than the normal 32-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER - A hint to the kernel that only a single task can submit requests, which is used for internal optimisations.

        The kernel enforces the rule, which only affects enter calls submitting requests and will fail them with -EEXIST if the restriction is violated. The submitter task may differ from the task that created the ring. Note that when SETUP_SQPOLL is set it is considered that the polling task is doing all submissions on behalf of the userspace and so it always complies with the rule disregarding how many userspace tasks do io_uring_enter.

        Available since 5.20.

      • SETUP_DEFER_TASKRUN - Defer running task work to get events.

        By default, io_uring will process all outstanding work at the end of any system call or thread interrupt. This can delay the application from making other progress. Setting this flag will hint to io_uring that it should defer work until an enter call with the ENTER_GETEVENTS flag set. This allows the application to request work to run just before it wants to process completions. This flag requires the SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER flag to be set, and also enforces that the call to io_uring_enter is called from the same thread that submitted requests. Note that if this flag is set then it is the application's responsibility to periodically trigger work (for example via any of the CQE waiting functions) or else completions may not be delivered.

        Available since 6.1.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SETUP_SUBMIT_ALL
      io_uring_setup() flags
      Enum values:
      • SETUP_IOPOLL - Perform busy-waiting for an I/O completion, as opposed to getting notifications via an asynchronous IRQ (Interrupt Request).

        The file system (if any) and block device must support polling in order for this to work. Busy-waiting provides lower latency, but may consume more CPU resources than interrupt driven I/O. Currently, this feature is usable only on a file descriptor opened using the O_DIRECT flag. When a read or write is submitted to a polled context, the application must poll for completions on the CQ ring by calling enter. It is illegal to mix and match polled and non-polled I/O on an io_uring instance.

      • SETUP_SQPOLL - When this flag is specified, a kernel thread is created to perform submission queue polling.

        An io_uring instance configured in this way enables an application to issue I/O without ever context switching into the kernel. By using the submission queue to fill in new submission queue entries and watching for completions on the completion queue, the application can submit and reap I/Os without doing a single system call.

        If the kernel thread is idle for more than sq_thread_idle milliseconds, it will set the SQ_NEED_WAKEUP bit in the flags field of the struct io_sq_ring. When this happens, the application must call enter to wake the kernel thread. If I/O is kept busy, the kernel thread will never sleep. An application making use of this feature will need to guard the io_uring_enter() call with the following code sequence:

         // Ensure that the wakeup flag is read after the tail pointer
         // has been written. It's important to use memory load acquire
         // semantics for the flags read, as otherwise the application
         // and the kernel might not agree on the consistency of the
         // wakeup flag.
         unsigned flags = atomic_load_relaxed(sq_ring->flags);
         if (flags & IORING_SQ_NEED_WAKEUP)
             io_uring_enter(fd, 0, 0, IORING_ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP);

        where sq_ring is a submission queue ring setup using the struct io_sqring_offsets described below.

        Before version 5.11 of the Linux kernel, to successfully use this feature, the application must register a set of files to be used for IO through register using the REGISTER_FILES opcode. Failure to do so will result in submitted IO being errored with EBADF. The presence of this feature can be detected by the FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED feature flag. In version 5.11 and later, it is no longer necessary to register files to use this feature. 5.11 also allows using this as non-root, if the user has the CAP_SYS_NICE capability.

      • SETUP_SQ_AFF - If this flag is specified, then the poll thread will be bound to the cpu set in the sq_thread_cpu field of the struct io_uring_params. This flag is only meaningful when SETUP_SQPOLL is specified. When cgroup setting cpuset.cpus changes (typically in container environment), the bounded cpu set may be changed as well.
      • SETUP_CQSIZE - Create the completion queue with struct io_uring_params.cq_entries entries.

        The value must be greater than entries, and may be rounded up to the next power-of-two.

      • SETUP_CLAMP - If this flag is specified, and if entries exceeds MAX_ENTRIES, then entries will be clamped at IORING_MAX_ENTRIES.

        If the flag SETUP_SQPOLL is set, and if the value of struct io_uring_params.cq_entries exceeds IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES, then it will be clamped at IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES.

      • SETUP_ATTACH_WQ - This flag should be set in conjunction with struct io_uring_params.wq_fd being set to an existing io_uring ring file descriptor.

        When set, the io_uring instance being created will share the asynchronous worker thread backend of the specified io_uring ring, rather than create a new separate thread pool.

      • SETUP_R_DISABLED - If this flag is specified, the io_uring ring starts in a disabled state.

        In this state, restrictions can be registered, but submissions are not allowed. See register for details on how to enable the ring.

        Available since 5.10.

      • SETUP_SUBMIT_ALL - Continue submit on error.

        Normally io_uring stops submitting a batch of request, if one of these requests results in an error. This can cause submission of less than what is expected, if a request ends in error while being submitted. If the ring is created with this flag, enter will continue submitting requests even if it encounters an error submitting a request. CQEs are still posted for errored request regardless of whether or not this flag is set at ring creation time, the only difference is if the submit sequence is halted or continued when an error is observed.

        Available since 5.18.

      • SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN - Cooperative task running.

        By default, io_uring will interrupt a task running in userspace when a completion event comes in. This is to ensure that completions run in a timely manner. For a lot of use cases, this is overkill and can cause reduced performance from both the inter-processor interrupt used to do this, the kernel/user transition, the needless interruption of the tasks userspace activities, and reduced batching if completions come in at a rapid rate. Most applications don't need the forceful interruption, as the events are processed at any kernel/user transition. The exception are setups where the application uses multiple threads operating on the same ring, where the application waiting on completions isn't the one that submitted them. For most other use cases, setting this flag will improve performance.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG - Used in conjunction with SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN, this provides a flag, SQ_TASKRUN, which is set in the SQ ring flags whenever completions are pending that should be processed. liburing will check for this flag even when doing peek_cqe and enter the kernel to process them, and applications can do the same. This makes IORING_SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG safe to use even when applications rely on a peek style operation on the CQ ring to see if anything might be pending to reap.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SQE128 - If set, io_uring will use 128-byte SQEs rather than the normal 64-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_CQE32 - If set, io_uring will use 32-byte CQEs rather than the normal 32-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER - A hint to the kernel that only a single task can submit requests, which is used for internal optimisations.

        The kernel enforces the rule, which only affects enter calls submitting requests and will fail them with -EEXIST if the restriction is violated. The submitter task may differ from the task that created the ring. Note that when SETUP_SQPOLL is set it is considered that the polling task is doing all submissions on behalf of the userspace and so it always complies with the rule disregarding how many userspace tasks do io_uring_enter.

        Available since 5.20.

      • SETUP_DEFER_TASKRUN - Defer running task work to get events.

        By default, io_uring will process all outstanding work at the end of any system call or thread interrupt. This can delay the application from making other progress. Setting this flag will hint to io_uring that it should defer work until an enter call with the ENTER_GETEVENTS flag set. This allows the application to request work to run just before it wants to process completions. This flag requires the SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER flag to be set, and also enforces that the call to io_uring_enter is called from the same thread that submitted requests. Note that if this flag is set then it is the application's responsibility to periodically trigger work (for example via any of the CQE waiting functions) or else completions may not be delivered.

        Available since 6.1.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN
      io_uring_setup() flags
      Enum values:
      • SETUP_IOPOLL - Perform busy-waiting for an I/O completion, as opposed to getting notifications via an asynchronous IRQ (Interrupt Request).

        The file system (if any) and block device must support polling in order for this to work. Busy-waiting provides lower latency, but may consume more CPU resources than interrupt driven I/O. Currently, this feature is usable only on a file descriptor opened using the O_DIRECT flag. When a read or write is submitted to a polled context, the application must poll for completions on the CQ ring by calling enter. It is illegal to mix and match polled and non-polled I/O on an io_uring instance.

      • SETUP_SQPOLL - When this flag is specified, a kernel thread is created to perform submission queue polling.

        An io_uring instance configured in this way enables an application to issue I/O without ever context switching into the kernel. By using the submission queue to fill in new submission queue entries and watching for completions on the completion queue, the application can submit and reap I/Os without doing a single system call.

        If the kernel thread is idle for more than sq_thread_idle milliseconds, it will set the SQ_NEED_WAKEUP bit in the flags field of the struct io_sq_ring. When this happens, the application must call enter to wake the kernel thread. If I/O is kept busy, the kernel thread will never sleep. An application making use of this feature will need to guard the io_uring_enter() call with the following code sequence:

         // Ensure that the wakeup flag is read after the tail pointer
         // has been written. It's important to use memory load acquire
         // semantics for the flags read, as otherwise the application
         // and the kernel might not agree on the consistency of the
         // wakeup flag.
         unsigned flags = atomic_load_relaxed(sq_ring->flags);
         if (flags & IORING_SQ_NEED_WAKEUP)
             io_uring_enter(fd, 0, 0, IORING_ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP);

        where sq_ring is a submission queue ring setup using the struct io_sqring_offsets described below.

        Before version 5.11 of the Linux kernel, to successfully use this feature, the application must register a set of files to be used for IO through register using the REGISTER_FILES opcode. Failure to do so will result in submitted IO being errored with EBADF. The presence of this feature can be detected by the FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED feature flag. In version 5.11 and later, it is no longer necessary to register files to use this feature. 5.11 also allows using this as non-root, if the user has the CAP_SYS_NICE capability.

      • SETUP_SQ_AFF - If this flag is specified, then the poll thread will be bound to the cpu set in the sq_thread_cpu field of the struct io_uring_params. This flag is only meaningful when SETUP_SQPOLL is specified. When cgroup setting cpuset.cpus changes (typically in container environment), the bounded cpu set may be changed as well.
      • SETUP_CQSIZE - Create the completion queue with struct io_uring_params.cq_entries entries.

        The value must be greater than entries, and may be rounded up to the next power-of-two.

      • SETUP_CLAMP - If this flag is specified, and if entries exceeds MAX_ENTRIES, then entries will be clamped at IORING_MAX_ENTRIES.

        If the flag SETUP_SQPOLL is set, and if the value of struct io_uring_params.cq_entries exceeds IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES, then it will be clamped at IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES.

      • SETUP_ATTACH_WQ - This flag should be set in conjunction with struct io_uring_params.wq_fd being set to an existing io_uring ring file descriptor.

        When set, the io_uring instance being created will share the asynchronous worker thread backend of the specified io_uring ring, rather than create a new separate thread pool.

      • SETUP_R_DISABLED - If this flag is specified, the io_uring ring starts in a disabled state.

        In this state, restrictions can be registered, but submissions are not allowed. See register for details on how to enable the ring.

        Available since 5.10.

      • SETUP_SUBMIT_ALL - Continue submit on error.

        Normally io_uring stops submitting a batch of request, if one of these requests results in an error. This can cause submission of less than what is expected, if a request ends in error while being submitted. If the ring is created with this flag, enter will continue submitting requests even if it encounters an error submitting a request. CQEs are still posted for errored request regardless of whether or not this flag is set at ring creation time, the only difference is if the submit sequence is halted or continued when an error is observed.

        Available since 5.18.

      • SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN - Cooperative task running.

        By default, io_uring will interrupt a task running in userspace when a completion event comes in. This is to ensure that completions run in a timely manner. For a lot of use cases, this is overkill and can cause reduced performance from both the inter-processor interrupt used to do this, the kernel/user transition, the needless interruption of the tasks userspace activities, and reduced batching if completions come in at a rapid rate. Most applications don't need the forceful interruption, as the events are processed at any kernel/user transition. The exception are setups where the application uses multiple threads operating on the same ring, where the application waiting on completions isn't the one that submitted them. For most other use cases, setting this flag will improve performance.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG - Used in conjunction with SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN, this provides a flag, SQ_TASKRUN, which is set in the SQ ring flags whenever completions are pending that should be processed. liburing will check for this flag even when doing peek_cqe and enter the kernel to process them, and applications can do the same. This makes IORING_SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG safe to use even when applications rely on a peek style operation on the CQ ring to see if anything might be pending to reap.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SQE128 - If set, io_uring will use 128-byte SQEs rather than the normal 64-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_CQE32 - If set, io_uring will use 32-byte CQEs rather than the normal 32-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER - A hint to the kernel that only a single task can submit requests, which is used for internal optimisations.

        The kernel enforces the rule, which only affects enter calls submitting requests and will fail them with -EEXIST if the restriction is violated. The submitter task may differ from the task that created the ring. Note that when SETUP_SQPOLL is set it is considered that the polling task is doing all submissions on behalf of the userspace and so it always complies with the rule disregarding how many userspace tasks do io_uring_enter.

        Available since 5.20.

      • SETUP_DEFER_TASKRUN - Defer running task work to get events.

        By default, io_uring will process all outstanding work at the end of any system call or thread interrupt. This can delay the application from making other progress. Setting this flag will hint to io_uring that it should defer work until an enter call with the ENTER_GETEVENTS flag set. This allows the application to request work to run just before it wants to process completions. This flag requires the SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER flag to be set, and also enforces that the call to io_uring_enter is called from the same thread that submitted requests. Note that if this flag is set then it is the application's responsibility to periodically trigger work (for example via any of the CQE waiting functions) or else completions may not be delivered.

        Available since 6.1.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG
      io_uring_setup() flags
      Enum values:
      • SETUP_IOPOLL - Perform busy-waiting for an I/O completion, as opposed to getting notifications via an asynchronous IRQ (Interrupt Request).

        The file system (if any) and block device must support polling in order for this to work. Busy-waiting provides lower latency, but may consume more CPU resources than interrupt driven I/O. Currently, this feature is usable only on a file descriptor opened using the O_DIRECT flag. When a read or write is submitted to a polled context, the application must poll for completions on the CQ ring by calling enter. It is illegal to mix and match polled and non-polled I/O on an io_uring instance.

      • SETUP_SQPOLL - When this flag is specified, a kernel thread is created to perform submission queue polling.

        An io_uring instance configured in this way enables an application to issue I/O without ever context switching into the kernel. By using the submission queue to fill in new submission queue entries and watching for completions on the completion queue, the application can submit and reap I/Os without doing a single system call.

        If the kernel thread is idle for more than sq_thread_idle milliseconds, it will set the SQ_NEED_WAKEUP bit in the flags field of the struct io_sq_ring. When this happens, the application must call enter to wake the kernel thread. If I/O is kept busy, the kernel thread will never sleep. An application making use of this feature will need to guard the io_uring_enter() call with the following code sequence:

         // Ensure that the wakeup flag is read after the tail pointer
         // has been written. It's important to use memory load acquire
         // semantics for the flags read, as otherwise the application
         // and the kernel might not agree on the consistency of the
         // wakeup flag.
         unsigned flags = atomic_load_relaxed(sq_ring->flags);
         if (flags & IORING_SQ_NEED_WAKEUP)
             io_uring_enter(fd, 0, 0, IORING_ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP);

        where sq_ring is a submission queue ring setup using the struct io_sqring_offsets described below.

        Before version 5.11 of the Linux kernel, to successfully use this feature, the application must register a set of files to be used for IO through register using the REGISTER_FILES opcode. Failure to do so will result in submitted IO being errored with EBADF. The presence of this feature can be detected by the FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED feature flag. In version 5.11 and later, it is no longer necessary to register files to use this feature. 5.11 also allows using this as non-root, if the user has the CAP_SYS_NICE capability.

      • SETUP_SQ_AFF - If this flag is specified, then the poll thread will be bound to the cpu set in the sq_thread_cpu field of the struct io_uring_params. This flag is only meaningful when SETUP_SQPOLL is specified. When cgroup setting cpuset.cpus changes (typically in container environment), the bounded cpu set may be changed as well.
      • SETUP_CQSIZE - Create the completion queue with struct io_uring_params.cq_entries entries.

        The value must be greater than entries, and may be rounded up to the next power-of-two.

      • SETUP_CLAMP - If this flag is specified, and if entries exceeds MAX_ENTRIES, then entries will be clamped at IORING_MAX_ENTRIES.

        If the flag SETUP_SQPOLL is set, and if the value of struct io_uring_params.cq_entries exceeds IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES, then it will be clamped at IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES.

      • SETUP_ATTACH_WQ - This flag should be set in conjunction with struct io_uring_params.wq_fd being set to an existing io_uring ring file descriptor.

        When set, the io_uring instance being created will share the asynchronous worker thread backend of the specified io_uring ring, rather than create a new separate thread pool.

      • SETUP_R_DISABLED - If this flag is specified, the io_uring ring starts in a disabled state.

        In this state, restrictions can be registered, but submissions are not allowed. See register for details on how to enable the ring.

        Available since 5.10.

      • SETUP_SUBMIT_ALL - Continue submit on error.

        Normally io_uring stops submitting a batch of request, if one of these requests results in an error. This can cause submission of less than what is expected, if a request ends in error while being submitted. If the ring is created with this flag, enter will continue submitting requests even if it encounters an error submitting a request. CQEs are still posted for errored request regardless of whether or not this flag is set at ring creation time, the only difference is if the submit sequence is halted or continued when an error is observed.

        Available since 5.18.

      • SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN - Cooperative task running.

        By default, io_uring will interrupt a task running in userspace when a completion event comes in. This is to ensure that completions run in a timely manner. For a lot of use cases, this is overkill and can cause reduced performance from both the inter-processor interrupt used to do this, the kernel/user transition, the needless interruption of the tasks userspace activities, and reduced batching if completions come in at a rapid rate. Most applications don't need the forceful interruption, as the events are processed at any kernel/user transition. The exception are setups where the application uses multiple threads operating on the same ring, where the application waiting on completions isn't the one that submitted them. For most other use cases, setting this flag will improve performance.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG - Used in conjunction with SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN, this provides a flag, SQ_TASKRUN, which is set in the SQ ring flags whenever completions are pending that should be processed. liburing will check for this flag even when doing peek_cqe and enter the kernel to process them, and applications can do the same. This makes IORING_SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG safe to use even when applications rely on a peek style operation on the CQ ring to see if anything might be pending to reap.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SQE128 - If set, io_uring will use 128-byte SQEs rather than the normal 64-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_CQE32 - If set, io_uring will use 32-byte CQEs rather than the normal 32-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER - A hint to the kernel that only a single task can submit requests, which is used for internal optimisations.

        The kernel enforces the rule, which only affects enter calls submitting requests and will fail them with -EEXIST if the restriction is violated. The submitter task may differ from the task that created the ring. Note that when SETUP_SQPOLL is set it is considered that the polling task is doing all submissions on behalf of the userspace and so it always complies with the rule disregarding how many userspace tasks do io_uring_enter.

        Available since 5.20.

      • SETUP_DEFER_TASKRUN - Defer running task work to get events.

        By default, io_uring will process all outstanding work at the end of any system call or thread interrupt. This can delay the application from making other progress. Setting this flag will hint to io_uring that it should defer work until an enter call with the ENTER_GETEVENTS flag set. This allows the application to request work to run just before it wants to process completions. This flag requires the SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER flag to be set, and also enforces that the call to io_uring_enter is called from the same thread that submitted requests. Note that if this flag is set then it is the application's responsibility to periodically trigger work (for example via any of the CQE waiting functions) or else completions may not be delivered.

        Available since 6.1.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SETUP_SQE128
      io_uring_setup() flags
      Enum values:
      • SETUP_IOPOLL - Perform busy-waiting for an I/O completion, as opposed to getting notifications via an asynchronous IRQ (Interrupt Request).

        The file system (if any) and block device must support polling in order for this to work. Busy-waiting provides lower latency, but may consume more CPU resources than interrupt driven I/O. Currently, this feature is usable only on a file descriptor opened using the O_DIRECT flag. When a read or write is submitted to a polled context, the application must poll for completions on the CQ ring by calling enter. It is illegal to mix and match polled and non-polled I/O on an io_uring instance.

      • SETUP_SQPOLL - When this flag is specified, a kernel thread is created to perform submission queue polling.

        An io_uring instance configured in this way enables an application to issue I/O without ever context switching into the kernel. By using the submission queue to fill in new submission queue entries and watching for completions on the completion queue, the application can submit and reap I/Os without doing a single system call.

        If the kernel thread is idle for more than sq_thread_idle milliseconds, it will set the SQ_NEED_WAKEUP bit in the flags field of the struct io_sq_ring. When this happens, the application must call enter to wake the kernel thread. If I/O is kept busy, the kernel thread will never sleep. An application making use of this feature will need to guard the io_uring_enter() call with the following code sequence:

         // Ensure that the wakeup flag is read after the tail pointer
         // has been written. It's important to use memory load acquire
         // semantics for the flags read, as otherwise the application
         // and the kernel might not agree on the consistency of the
         // wakeup flag.
         unsigned flags = atomic_load_relaxed(sq_ring->flags);
         if (flags & IORING_SQ_NEED_WAKEUP)
             io_uring_enter(fd, 0, 0, IORING_ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP);

        where sq_ring is a submission queue ring setup using the struct io_sqring_offsets described below.

        Before version 5.11 of the Linux kernel, to successfully use this feature, the application must register a set of files to be used for IO through register using the REGISTER_FILES opcode. Failure to do so will result in submitted IO being errored with EBADF. The presence of this feature can be detected by the FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED feature flag. In version 5.11 and later, it is no longer necessary to register files to use this feature. 5.11 also allows using this as non-root, if the user has the CAP_SYS_NICE capability.

      • SETUP_SQ_AFF - If this flag is specified, then the poll thread will be bound to the cpu set in the sq_thread_cpu field of the struct io_uring_params. This flag is only meaningful when SETUP_SQPOLL is specified. When cgroup setting cpuset.cpus changes (typically in container environment), the bounded cpu set may be changed as well.
      • SETUP_CQSIZE - Create the completion queue with struct io_uring_params.cq_entries entries.

        The value must be greater than entries, and may be rounded up to the next power-of-two.

      • SETUP_CLAMP - If this flag is specified, and if entries exceeds MAX_ENTRIES, then entries will be clamped at IORING_MAX_ENTRIES.

        If the flag SETUP_SQPOLL is set, and if the value of struct io_uring_params.cq_entries exceeds IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES, then it will be clamped at IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES.

      • SETUP_ATTACH_WQ - This flag should be set in conjunction with struct io_uring_params.wq_fd being set to an existing io_uring ring file descriptor.

        When set, the io_uring instance being created will share the asynchronous worker thread backend of the specified io_uring ring, rather than create a new separate thread pool.

      • SETUP_R_DISABLED - If this flag is specified, the io_uring ring starts in a disabled state.

        In this state, restrictions can be registered, but submissions are not allowed. See register for details on how to enable the ring.

        Available since 5.10.

      • SETUP_SUBMIT_ALL - Continue submit on error.

        Normally io_uring stops submitting a batch of request, if one of these requests results in an error. This can cause submission of less than what is expected, if a request ends in error while being submitted. If the ring is created with this flag, enter will continue submitting requests even if it encounters an error submitting a request. CQEs are still posted for errored request regardless of whether or not this flag is set at ring creation time, the only difference is if the submit sequence is halted or continued when an error is observed.

        Available since 5.18.

      • SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN - Cooperative task running.

        By default, io_uring will interrupt a task running in userspace when a completion event comes in. This is to ensure that completions run in a timely manner. For a lot of use cases, this is overkill and can cause reduced performance from both the inter-processor interrupt used to do this, the kernel/user transition, the needless interruption of the tasks userspace activities, and reduced batching if completions come in at a rapid rate. Most applications don't need the forceful interruption, as the events are processed at any kernel/user transition. The exception are setups where the application uses multiple threads operating on the same ring, where the application waiting on completions isn't the one that submitted them. For most other use cases, setting this flag will improve performance.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG - Used in conjunction with SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN, this provides a flag, SQ_TASKRUN, which is set in the SQ ring flags whenever completions are pending that should be processed. liburing will check for this flag even when doing peek_cqe and enter the kernel to process them, and applications can do the same. This makes IORING_SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG safe to use even when applications rely on a peek style operation on the CQ ring to see if anything might be pending to reap.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SQE128 - If set, io_uring will use 128-byte SQEs rather than the normal 64-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_CQE32 - If set, io_uring will use 32-byte CQEs rather than the normal 32-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER - A hint to the kernel that only a single task can submit requests, which is used for internal optimisations.

        The kernel enforces the rule, which only affects enter calls submitting requests and will fail them with -EEXIST if the restriction is violated. The submitter task may differ from the task that created the ring. Note that when SETUP_SQPOLL is set it is considered that the polling task is doing all submissions on behalf of the userspace and so it always complies with the rule disregarding how many userspace tasks do io_uring_enter.

        Available since 5.20.

      • SETUP_DEFER_TASKRUN - Defer running task work to get events.

        By default, io_uring will process all outstanding work at the end of any system call or thread interrupt. This can delay the application from making other progress. Setting this flag will hint to io_uring that it should defer work until an enter call with the ENTER_GETEVENTS flag set. This allows the application to request work to run just before it wants to process completions. This flag requires the SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER flag to be set, and also enforces that the call to io_uring_enter is called from the same thread that submitted requests. Note that if this flag is set then it is the application's responsibility to periodically trigger work (for example via any of the CQE waiting functions) or else completions may not be delivered.

        Available since 6.1.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SETUP_CQE32
      io_uring_setup() flags
      Enum values:
      • SETUP_IOPOLL - Perform busy-waiting for an I/O completion, as opposed to getting notifications via an asynchronous IRQ (Interrupt Request).

        The file system (if any) and block device must support polling in order for this to work. Busy-waiting provides lower latency, but may consume more CPU resources than interrupt driven I/O. Currently, this feature is usable only on a file descriptor opened using the O_DIRECT flag. When a read or write is submitted to a polled context, the application must poll for completions on the CQ ring by calling enter. It is illegal to mix and match polled and non-polled I/O on an io_uring instance.

      • SETUP_SQPOLL - When this flag is specified, a kernel thread is created to perform submission queue polling.

        An io_uring instance configured in this way enables an application to issue I/O without ever context switching into the kernel. By using the submission queue to fill in new submission queue entries and watching for completions on the completion queue, the application can submit and reap I/Os without doing a single system call.

        If the kernel thread is idle for more than sq_thread_idle milliseconds, it will set the SQ_NEED_WAKEUP bit in the flags field of the struct io_sq_ring. When this happens, the application must call enter to wake the kernel thread. If I/O is kept busy, the kernel thread will never sleep. An application making use of this feature will need to guard the io_uring_enter() call with the following code sequence:

         // Ensure that the wakeup flag is read after the tail pointer
         // has been written. It's important to use memory load acquire
         // semantics for the flags read, as otherwise the application
         // and the kernel might not agree on the consistency of the
         // wakeup flag.
         unsigned flags = atomic_load_relaxed(sq_ring->flags);
         if (flags & IORING_SQ_NEED_WAKEUP)
             io_uring_enter(fd, 0, 0, IORING_ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP);

        where sq_ring is a submission queue ring setup using the struct io_sqring_offsets described below.

        Before version 5.11 of the Linux kernel, to successfully use this feature, the application must register a set of files to be used for IO through register using the REGISTER_FILES opcode. Failure to do so will result in submitted IO being errored with EBADF. The presence of this feature can be detected by the FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED feature flag. In version 5.11 and later, it is no longer necessary to register files to use this feature. 5.11 also allows using this as non-root, if the user has the CAP_SYS_NICE capability.

      • SETUP_SQ_AFF - If this flag is specified, then the poll thread will be bound to the cpu set in the sq_thread_cpu field of the struct io_uring_params. This flag is only meaningful when SETUP_SQPOLL is specified. When cgroup setting cpuset.cpus changes (typically in container environment), the bounded cpu set may be changed as well.
      • SETUP_CQSIZE - Create the completion queue with struct io_uring_params.cq_entries entries.

        The value must be greater than entries, and may be rounded up to the next power-of-two.

      • SETUP_CLAMP - If this flag is specified, and if entries exceeds MAX_ENTRIES, then entries will be clamped at IORING_MAX_ENTRIES.

        If the flag SETUP_SQPOLL is set, and if the value of struct io_uring_params.cq_entries exceeds IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES, then it will be clamped at IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES.

      • SETUP_ATTACH_WQ - This flag should be set in conjunction with struct io_uring_params.wq_fd being set to an existing io_uring ring file descriptor.

        When set, the io_uring instance being created will share the asynchronous worker thread backend of the specified io_uring ring, rather than create a new separate thread pool.

      • SETUP_R_DISABLED - If this flag is specified, the io_uring ring starts in a disabled state.

        In this state, restrictions can be registered, but submissions are not allowed. See register for details on how to enable the ring.

        Available since 5.10.

      • SETUP_SUBMIT_ALL - Continue submit on error.

        Normally io_uring stops submitting a batch of request, if one of these requests results in an error. This can cause submission of less than what is expected, if a request ends in error while being submitted. If the ring is created with this flag, enter will continue submitting requests even if it encounters an error submitting a request. CQEs are still posted for errored request regardless of whether or not this flag is set at ring creation time, the only difference is if the submit sequence is halted or continued when an error is observed.

        Available since 5.18.

      • SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN - Cooperative task running.

        By default, io_uring will interrupt a task running in userspace when a completion event comes in. This is to ensure that completions run in a timely manner. For a lot of use cases, this is overkill and can cause reduced performance from both the inter-processor interrupt used to do this, the kernel/user transition, the needless interruption of the tasks userspace activities, and reduced batching if completions come in at a rapid rate. Most applications don't need the forceful interruption, as the events are processed at any kernel/user transition. The exception are setups where the application uses multiple threads operating on the same ring, where the application waiting on completions isn't the one that submitted them. For most other use cases, setting this flag will improve performance.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG - Used in conjunction with SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN, this provides a flag, SQ_TASKRUN, which is set in the SQ ring flags whenever completions are pending that should be processed. liburing will check for this flag even when doing peek_cqe and enter the kernel to process them, and applications can do the same. This makes IORING_SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG safe to use even when applications rely on a peek style operation on the CQ ring to see if anything might be pending to reap.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SQE128 - If set, io_uring will use 128-byte SQEs rather than the normal 64-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_CQE32 - If set, io_uring will use 32-byte CQEs rather than the normal 32-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER - A hint to the kernel that only a single task can submit requests, which is used for internal optimisations.

        The kernel enforces the rule, which only affects enter calls submitting requests and will fail them with -EEXIST if the restriction is violated. The submitter task may differ from the task that created the ring. Note that when SETUP_SQPOLL is set it is considered that the polling task is doing all submissions on behalf of the userspace and so it always complies with the rule disregarding how many userspace tasks do io_uring_enter.

        Available since 5.20.

      • SETUP_DEFER_TASKRUN - Defer running task work to get events.

        By default, io_uring will process all outstanding work at the end of any system call or thread interrupt. This can delay the application from making other progress. Setting this flag will hint to io_uring that it should defer work until an enter call with the ENTER_GETEVENTS flag set. This allows the application to request work to run just before it wants to process completions. This flag requires the SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER flag to be set, and also enforces that the call to io_uring_enter is called from the same thread that submitted requests. Note that if this flag is set then it is the application's responsibility to periodically trigger work (for example via any of the CQE waiting functions) or else completions may not be delivered.

        Available since 6.1.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER
      io_uring_setup() flags
      Enum values:
      • SETUP_IOPOLL - Perform busy-waiting for an I/O completion, as opposed to getting notifications via an asynchronous IRQ (Interrupt Request).

        The file system (if any) and block device must support polling in order for this to work. Busy-waiting provides lower latency, but may consume more CPU resources than interrupt driven I/O. Currently, this feature is usable only on a file descriptor opened using the O_DIRECT flag. When a read or write is submitted to a polled context, the application must poll for completions on the CQ ring by calling enter. It is illegal to mix and match polled and non-polled I/O on an io_uring instance.

      • SETUP_SQPOLL - When this flag is specified, a kernel thread is created to perform submission queue polling.

        An io_uring instance configured in this way enables an application to issue I/O without ever context switching into the kernel. By using the submission queue to fill in new submission queue entries and watching for completions on the completion queue, the application can submit and reap I/Os without doing a single system call.

        If the kernel thread is idle for more than sq_thread_idle milliseconds, it will set the SQ_NEED_WAKEUP bit in the flags field of the struct io_sq_ring. When this happens, the application must call enter to wake the kernel thread. If I/O is kept busy, the kernel thread will never sleep. An application making use of this feature will need to guard the io_uring_enter() call with the following code sequence:

         // Ensure that the wakeup flag is read after the tail pointer
         // has been written. It's important to use memory load acquire
         // semantics for the flags read, as otherwise the application
         // and the kernel might not agree on the consistency of the
         // wakeup flag.
         unsigned flags = atomic_load_relaxed(sq_ring->flags);
         if (flags & IORING_SQ_NEED_WAKEUP)
             io_uring_enter(fd, 0, 0, IORING_ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP);

        where sq_ring is a submission queue ring setup using the struct io_sqring_offsets described below.

        Before version 5.11 of the Linux kernel, to successfully use this feature, the application must register a set of files to be used for IO through register using the REGISTER_FILES opcode. Failure to do so will result in submitted IO being errored with EBADF. The presence of this feature can be detected by the FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED feature flag. In version 5.11 and later, it is no longer necessary to register files to use this feature. 5.11 also allows using this as non-root, if the user has the CAP_SYS_NICE capability.

      • SETUP_SQ_AFF - If this flag is specified, then the poll thread will be bound to the cpu set in the sq_thread_cpu field of the struct io_uring_params. This flag is only meaningful when SETUP_SQPOLL is specified. When cgroup setting cpuset.cpus changes (typically in container environment), the bounded cpu set may be changed as well.
      • SETUP_CQSIZE - Create the completion queue with struct io_uring_params.cq_entries entries.

        The value must be greater than entries, and may be rounded up to the next power-of-two.

      • SETUP_CLAMP - If this flag is specified, and if entries exceeds MAX_ENTRIES, then entries will be clamped at IORING_MAX_ENTRIES.

        If the flag SETUP_SQPOLL is set, and if the value of struct io_uring_params.cq_entries exceeds IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES, then it will be clamped at IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES.

      • SETUP_ATTACH_WQ - This flag should be set in conjunction with struct io_uring_params.wq_fd being set to an existing io_uring ring file descriptor.

        When set, the io_uring instance being created will share the asynchronous worker thread backend of the specified io_uring ring, rather than create a new separate thread pool.

      • SETUP_R_DISABLED - If this flag is specified, the io_uring ring starts in a disabled state.

        In this state, restrictions can be registered, but submissions are not allowed. See register for details on how to enable the ring.

        Available since 5.10.

      • SETUP_SUBMIT_ALL - Continue submit on error.

        Normally io_uring stops submitting a batch of request, if one of these requests results in an error. This can cause submission of less than what is expected, if a request ends in error while being submitted. If the ring is created with this flag, enter will continue submitting requests even if it encounters an error submitting a request. CQEs are still posted for errored request regardless of whether or not this flag is set at ring creation time, the only difference is if the submit sequence is halted or continued when an error is observed.

        Available since 5.18.

      • SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN - Cooperative task running.

        By default, io_uring will interrupt a task running in userspace when a completion event comes in. This is to ensure that completions run in a timely manner. For a lot of use cases, this is overkill and can cause reduced performance from both the inter-processor interrupt used to do this, the kernel/user transition, the needless interruption of the tasks userspace activities, and reduced batching if completions come in at a rapid rate. Most applications don't need the forceful interruption, as the events are processed at any kernel/user transition. The exception are setups where the application uses multiple threads operating on the same ring, where the application waiting on completions isn't the one that submitted them. For most other use cases, setting this flag will improve performance.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG - Used in conjunction with SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN, this provides a flag, SQ_TASKRUN, which is set in the SQ ring flags whenever completions are pending that should be processed. liburing will check for this flag even when doing peek_cqe and enter the kernel to process them, and applications can do the same. This makes IORING_SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG safe to use even when applications rely on a peek style operation on the CQ ring to see if anything might be pending to reap.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SQE128 - If set, io_uring will use 128-byte SQEs rather than the normal 64-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_CQE32 - If set, io_uring will use 32-byte CQEs rather than the normal 32-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER - A hint to the kernel that only a single task can submit requests, which is used for internal optimisations.

        The kernel enforces the rule, which only affects enter calls submitting requests and will fail them with -EEXIST if the restriction is violated. The submitter task may differ from the task that created the ring. Note that when SETUP_SQPOLL is set it is considered that the polling task is doing all submissions on behalf of the userspace and so it always complies with the rule disregarding how many userspace tasks do io_uring_enter.

        Available since 5.20.

      • SETUP_DEFER_TASKRUN - Defer running task work to get events.

        By default, io_uring will process all outstanding work at the end of any system call or thread interrupt. This can delay the application from making other progress. Setting this flag will hint to io_uring that it should defer work until an enter call with the ENTER_GETEVENTS flag set. This allows the application to request work to run just before it wants to process completions. This flag requires the SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER flag to be set, and also enforces that the call to io_uring_enter is called from the same thread that submitted requests. Note that if this flag is set then it is the application's responsibility to periodically trigger work (for example via any of the CQE waiting functions) or else completions may not be delivered.

        Available since 6.1.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SETUP_DEFER_TASKRUN
      io_uring_setup() flags
      Enum values:
      • SETUP_IOPOLL - Perform busy-waiting for an I/O completion, as opposed to getting notifications via an asynchronous IRQ (Interrupt Request).

        The file system (if any) and block device must support polling in order for this to work. Busy-waiting provides lower latency, but may consume more CPU resources than interrupt driven I/O. Currently, this feature is usable only on a file descriptor opened using the O_DIRECT flag. When a read or write is submitted to a polled context, the application must poll for completions on the CQ ring by calling enter. It is illegal to mix and match polled and non-polled I/O on an io_uring instance.

      • SETUP_SQPOLL - When this flag is specified, a kernel thread is created to perform submission queue polling.

        An io_uring instance configured in this way enables an application to issue I/O without ever context switching into the kernel. By using the submission queue to fill in new submission queue entries and watching for completions on the completion queue, the application can submit and reap I/Os without doing a single system call.

        If the kernel thread is idle for more than sq_thread_idle milliseconds, it will set the SQ_NEED_WAKEUP bit in the flags field of the struct io_sq_ring. When this happens, the application must call enter to wake the kernel thread. If I/O is kept busy, the kernel thread will never sleep. An application making use of this feature will need to guard the io_uring_enter() call with the following code sequence:

         // Ensure that the wakeup flag is read after the tail pointer
         // has been written. It's important to use memory load acquire
         // semantics for the flags read, as otherwise the application
         // and the kernel might not agree on the consistency of the
         // wakeup flag.
         unsigned flags = atomic_load_relaxed(sq_ring->flags);
         if (flags & IORING_SQ_NEED_WAKEUP)
             io_uring_enter(fd, 0, 0, IORING_ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP);

        where sq_ring is a submission queue ring setup using the struct io_sqring_offsets described below.

        Before version 5.11 of the Linux kernel, to successfully use this feature, the application must register a set of files to be used for IO through register using the REGISTER_FILES opcode. Failure to do so will result in submitted IO being errored with EBADF. The presence of this feature can be detected by the FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED feature flag. In version 5.11 and later, it is no longer necessary to register files to use this feature. 5.11 also allows using this as non-root, if the user has the CAP_SYS_NICE capability.

      • SETUP_SQ_AFF - If this flag is specified, then the poll thread will be bound to the cpu set in the sq_thread_cpu field of the struct io_uring_params. This flag is only meaningful when SETUP_SQPOLL is specified. When cgroup setting cpuset.cpus changes (typically in container environment), the bounded cpu set may be changed as well.
      • SETUP_CQSIZE - Create the completion queue with struct io_uring_params.cq_entries entries.

        The value must be greater than entries, and may be rounded up to the next power-of-two.

      • SETUP_CLAMP - If this flag is specified, and if entries exceeds MAX_ENTRIES, then entries will be clamped at IORING_MAX_ENTRIES.

        If the flag SETUP_SQPOLL is set, and if the value of struct io_uring_params.cq_entries exceeds IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES, then it will be clamped at IORING_MAX_CQ_ENTRIES.

      • SETUP_ATTACH_WQ - This flag should be set in conjunction with struct io_uring_params.wq_fd being set to an existing io_uring ring file descriptor.

        When set, the io_uring instance being created will share the asynchronous worker thread backend of the specified io_uring ring, rather than create a new separate thread pool.

      • SETUP_R_DISABLED - If this flag is specified, the io_uring ring starts in a disabled state.

        In this state, restrictions can be registered, but submissions are not allowed. See register for details on how to enable the ring.

        Available since 5.10.

      • SETUP_SUBMIT_ALL - Continue submit on error.

        Normally io_uring stops submitting a batch of request, if one of these requests results in an error. This can cause submission of less than what is expected, if a request ends in error while being submitted. If the ring is created with this flag, enter will continue submitting requests even if it encounters an error submitting a request. CQEs are still posted for errored request regardless of whether or not this flag is set at ring creation time, the only difference is if the submit sequence is halted or continued when an error is observed.

        Available since 5.18.

      • SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN - Cooperative task running.

        By default, io_uring will interrupt a task running in userspace when a completion event comes in. This is to ensure that completions run in a timely manner. For a lot of use cases, this is overkill and can cause reduced performance from both the inter-processor interrupt used to do this, the kernel/user transition, the needless interruption of the tasks userspace activities, and reduced batching if completions come in at a rapid rate. Most applications don't need the forceful interruption, as the events are processed at any kernel/user transition. The exception are setups where the application uses multiple threads operating on the same ring, where the application waiting on completions isn't the one that submitted them. For most other use cases, setting this flag will improve performance.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG - Used in conjunction with SETUP_COOP_TASKRUN, this provides a flag, SQ_TASKRUN, which is set in the SQ ring flags whenever completions are pending that should be processed. liburing will check for this flag even when doing peek_cqe and enter the kernel to process them, and applications can do the same. This makes IORING_SETUP_TASKRUN_FLAG safe to use even when applications rely on a peek style operation on the CQ ring to see if anything might be pending to reap.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SQE128 - If set, io_uring will use 128-byte SQEs rather than the normal 64-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_CQE32 - If set, io_uring will use 32-byte CQEs rather than the normal 32-byte sized variant.

        This is a requirement for using certain request types, as of 5.19 only the OP_URING_CMD passthrough command for NVMe passthrough needs this.

        Available since 5.19.

      • SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER - A hint to the kernel that only a single task can submit requests, which is used for internal optimisations.

        The kernel enforces the rule, which only affects enter calls submitting requests and will fail them with -EEXIST if the restriction is violated. The submitter task may differ from the task that created the ring. Note that when SETUP_SQPOLL is set it is considered that the polling task is doing all submissions on behalf of the userspace and so it always complies with the rule disregarding how many userspace tasks do io_uring_enter.

        Available since 5.20.

      • SETUP_DEFER_TASKRUN - Defer running task work to get events.

        By default, io_uring will process all outstanding work at the end of any system call or thread interrupt. This can delay the application from making other progress. Setting this flag will hint to io_uring that it should defer work until an enter call with the ENTER_GETEVENTS flag set. This allows the application to request work to run just before it wants to process completions. This flag requires the SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER flag to be set, and also enforces that the call to io_uring_enter is called from the same thread that submitted requests. Note that if this flag is set then it is the application's responsibility to periodically trigger work (for example via any of the CQE waiting functions) or else completions may not be delivered.

        Available since 6.1.

      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_NOP
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_READV
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_WRITEV
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_FSYNC
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_READ_FIXED
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_WRITE_FIXED
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_POLL_ADD
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_POLL_REMOVE
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_SENDMSG
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_RECVMSG
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_TIMEOUT
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_ACCEPT
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_ASYNC_CANCEL
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_CONNECT
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_FALLOCATE
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_OPENAT
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_CLOSE
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_FILES_UPDATE
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_STATX
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_READ
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_WRITE
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_FADVISE
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_MADVISE
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_SEND
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_RECV
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_OPENAT2
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_EPOLL_CTL
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_SPLICE
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_TEE
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_SHUTDOWN
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_RENAMEAT
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_UNLINKAT
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_MKDIRAT
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_SYMLINKAT
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_LINKAT
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_MSG_RING
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_FSETXATTR
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_SETXATTR
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_FGETXATTR
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_GETXATTR
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_SOCKET
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_URING_CMD
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_SEND_ZC
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_SENDMSG_ZC
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final byte IORING_OP_LAST
      Enum values:
      • OP_NOP - Do not perform any I/O. This is useful for testing the performance of the io_uring implementation itself.
      • OP_READV - Vectored read operation, similar to preadv2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_WRITEV - Vectored write operation, similar to pwritev2(2). If the file is not seekable, off must be set to zero.
      • OP_FSYNC - File sync. See also fsync(2).

        Note that, while I/O is initiated in the order in which it appears inthe submission queue, completions are unordered. For example, an application which places a write I/O followed by an fsync in the submission queue cannot expect the fsync to apply to the write. The two operations execute in parallel, so the fsync may complete before the write is issued to the storage. The same is also true for previously issued writes that have not completed prior to the fsync.

      • OP_READ_FIXED - Read from pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed reads.
      • OP_WRITE_FIXED - Write to pre-mapped buffers. See register for details on how to setup a context for fixed writes.
      • OP_POLL_ADD - Poll the fd specified in the submission queue entry for the events specified in the poll_events field.

        Unlike poll or epoll without EPOLLONESHOT, by default this interface always works in one shot mode. That is, once the poll operation is completed, it will have to be resubmitted.

        If POLL_ADD_MULTI is set in the SQE len field, then the poll will work in multi shot mode instead. That means it'll repatedly trigger when the requested event becomes true, and hence multiple CQEs can be generated from this single SQE. The CQE flags field will have CQE_F_MORE set on completion if the application should expect further CQE entries from the original request. If this flag isn't set on completion, then the poll request has been terminated and no further events will be generated. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update an existing poll request with the mask of events passed in with this request. The lookup is based on the user_data field of the original SQE submitted, and this values is passed in the addr field of the SQE. This mode is available since 5.13.

        If POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA is set in the SQE len field, then the request will update the user_data of an existing poll request based on the value passed in the off field. This mode is available since 5.13.

        This command works like an asyncpoll(2) and the completion event result is the returned mask of events. For the variants that update user_data or events, the completion result will be similar to OP_POLL_REMOVE.

      • OP_POLL_REMOVE - Remove an existing poll request.

        If found, the res field of the struct io_uring_cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT, or -EALREADY if the poll request was in the process of completing already.

      • OP_SYNC_FILE_RANGE - Issue the equivalent of a sync_file_range(2) on the file descriptor.

        The fd field is the file descriptor to sync, the off field holds the offset in bytes, the len field holds the length in bytes, and the sync_range_flags field holds the flags for the command. See also sync_file_range(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.2.

      • OP_SENDMSG - Issue the equivalent of a sendmsg(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the msghdr structure, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also sendmsg(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_RECVMSG - Works just like OP_SENDMSG, except for recvmsg(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SENDMSG.

        Available since 5.3.

      • OP_TIMEOUT - This command will register a timeout operation.

        The addr field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure, len must contain 1 to signify one timespec64 structure, timeout_flags may contain TIMEOUT_ABS for an absolute timeout value, or 0 for a relative timeout. off may contain a completion event count. A timeout will trigger a wakeup event on the completion ring for anyone waiting for events. A timeout condition is met when either the specified timeout expires, or the specified number of events have completed. Either condition will trigger the event. If set to 0, completed events are not counted, which effectively acts like a timer. io_uring timeouts use the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock source. The request will complete with -ETIME if the timeout got completed through expiration of the timer, or 0 if the timeout got completed through requests completing on their own. If the timeout was cancelled before it expired, the request will complete with -ECANCELED.

        Available since 5.4.

        Since 5.15, this command also supports the following modifiers in timeout_flags:

        • TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This clock source differs in that it includes time elapsed if the system was suspend while having a timeout request in-flight.
        • TIMEOUT_REALTIME: If set, then the clock source used is CLOCK_BOOTTIME instead of CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
      • OP_TIMEOUT_REMOVE - If timeout_flags are zero, then it attempts to remove an existing timeout operation. addr must contain the user_data field of the previously issued timeout operation. If the specified timeout request is found and cancelled successfully, this request will terminate with a result value of 0. If the timeout request was found but expiration was already in progress, this request will terminate with a result value of -EBUSY. If the timeout request wasn't found, the request will terminate with a result value of -ENOENT.

        Available since 5.5.

        If timeout_flags contain TIMEOUT_UPDATE, instead of removing an existing operation, it updates it. addr and return values are same as before. addr2 field must contain a pointer to a struct timespec64 structure. timeout_flags may also contain TIMEOUT_ABS, in which case the value given is an absolute one, not a relative one.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_ACCEPT - Issue the equivalent of an accept4(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the pointer to the sockaddr structure, and addr2 must contain a pointer to the socklen_t addrlen field. Flags can be passed using the accept_flags field. See also accept4(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If the index points to a valid empty slot, the installation is guaranteed to not fail. If there is already a file in the slot, it will be replaced, similar to OP_FILES_UPDATE. Please note that only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_ASYNC_CANCEL - Attempt to cancel an already issued request.

        addr must contain the user_data field of the request that should be cancelled. The cancellation request will complete with one of the following results codes. If found, the res field of the cqe will contain 0. If not found, res will contain -ENOENT. If found and attempted cancelled, the res field will contain -EALREADY. In this case, the request may or may not terminate. In general, requests that are interruptible (like socket IO) will get cancelled, while disk IO requests cannot be cancelled if already started.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_LINK_TIMEOUT - This request must be linked with another request through IOSQE_IO_LINK which is described below.

        Unlike OP_TIMEOUT, IORING_OP_LINK_TIMEOUT acts on the linked request, not the completion queue. The format of the command is otherwise like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT, except there's no completion event count as it's tied to a specific request. If used, the timeout specified in the command will cancel the linked command, unless the linked command completes before the timeout. The timeout will complete with -ETIME if the timer expired and the linked request was attempted cancelled, or -ECANCELED if the timer got cancelled because of completion of the linked request. Like IORING_OP_TIMEOUT the clock source used is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_CONNECT - Issue the equivalent of a connect(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain the const pointer to the sockaddr structure, and off must contain the socklen_t addrlen field. See also connect(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.5.

      • OP_FALLOCATE - Issue the equivalent of a fallocate(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, len must contain the mode associated with the operation, off must contain the offset on which to operate, and addr must contain the length. See also fallocate(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT - Issue the equivalent of a openat(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, open_flags should contain any flags passed in, and len is access mode of the file. See also openat(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_CLOSE - Issue the equivalent of a close(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be closed. See also close(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, this command can be used to close files that were direct opened through OP_OPENAT, OP_OPENAT2, or OP_ACCEPT using the io_uring specific direct descriptors. Note that only one of the descriptor fields may be set. The direct close feature is available since the 5.15 kernel, where direct descriptors were introduced.

      • OP_FILES_UPDATE - This command is an alternative to using REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE which then works in an async fashion, like the rest of the io_uring commands.

        The arguments passed in are the same. addr must contain a pointer to the array of file descriptors, len must contain the length of the array, and off must contain the offset at which to operate. Note that the array of file descriptors pointed to in addr must remain valid until this operation has completed.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_STATX - Issue the equivalent of a statx(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname string, statx_flags is the flags argument, len should be the mask argument, and off must contain a pointer to the statxbuf to be filled in. See also statx(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_READ - Issue the equivalent of a pread(2) or pwrite(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to be operated on, addr contains the buffer in question, len contains the length of the IO operation, and offs contains the read or write offset. If fd does not refer to a seekable file, off must be set to zero. If offs is set to -1, the offset will use (and advance) the file position, like the read(2) and write(2) system calls. These are non-vectored versions of the OP_READV and OP_WRITEV opcodes. See also read(2) and write(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_WRITE - See OP_READ.
      • OP_FADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a posix_fadvise(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the file descriptor, off must contain the offset on which to operate, len must contain the length, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also posix_fadvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_MADVISE - Issue the equivalent of a madvise(2) system call.

        addr must contain the address to operate on, len must contain the length on which to operate, and fadvise_advice must contain the advice associated with the operation. See also madvise(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SEND - Issue the equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. See also send(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_RECV - Works just like OP_SEND, except for recv(2) instead. See the description of IORING_OP_SEND.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_OPENAT2 - Issue the equivalent of a openat2(2) system call.

        fd is the dirfd argument, addr must contain a pointer to the *pathname argument, len should contain the size of the open_how structure, and off should be set to the address of the open_how structure. See also openat2(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.6.

        If the file_index field is set to a positive number, the file won't be installed into the normal file table as usual but will be placed into the fixed file table at index file_index - 1. In this case, instead of returning a file descriptor, the result will contain either 0 on success or an error. If there is already a file registered at this index, the request will fail with -EBADF. Only io_uring has access to such files and no other syscall can use them. See IOSQE_FIXED_FILE and REGISTER_FILES.

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_EPOLL_CTL - Add, remove or modify entries in the interest list of epoll(7). See epoll_ctl(2) for details of the system call.

        fd holds the file descriptor that represents the epoll instance, addr holds the file descriptor to add, remove or modify, len holds the operation (EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, EPOLL_CTL_MOD) to perform and, off holds a pointer to the epoll_events structure.

        Available since 5.6.

      • OP_SPLICE - Issue the equivalent of a splice(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, splice_off_in is an offset to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, off is an offset from which to start writing to. A sentinel value of -1 is used to pass the equivalent of a NULL for the offsets to splice(2). len contains the number of bytes to copy. splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that one of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also splice(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS - This command allows an application to register a group of buffers to be used by commands that read/receive data.

        Using buffers in this manner can eliminate the need to separate the poll + read, which provides a convenient point in time to allocate a buffer for a given request. It's often infeasible to have as many buffers available as pending reads or receive. With this feature, the application can have its pool of buffers ready in the kernel, and when the file or socket is ready to read/receive data, a buffer can be selected for the operation.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to provide, addr must contain the starting address to add buffers from, len must contain the length of each buffer to add from the range, buf_group must contain the group ID of this range of buffers, and off must contain the starting buffer ID of this range of buffers. With that set, the kernel adds buffers starting with the memory address in addr, each with a length of len. Hence the application should provide len * fd worth of memory in addr. Buffers are grouped by the group ID, and each buffer within this group will be identical in size according to the above arguments. This allows the application to provide different groups of buffers, and this is often used to have differently sized buffers available depending on what the expectations are of the individual request. When submitting a request that should use a provided buffer, the IOSQE_BUFFER_SELECT flag must be set, and buf_group must be set to the desired buffer group ID where the buffer should be selected from.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_REMOVE_BUFFERS - Remove buffers previously registered with OP_PROVIDE_BUFFERS.

        fd must contain the number of buffers to remove, and buf_group must contain the buffer group ID from which to remove the buffers.

        Available since 5.7.

      • OP_TEE - Issue the equivalent of a tee(2) system call.

        splice_fd_in is the file descriptor to read from, fd is the file descriptor to write to, len contains the number of bytes to copy, and splice_flags contains a bit mask for the flag field associated with the system call. Please note that both of the file descriptors must refer to a pipe. See also tee(2) for the general description of the related system call.

        Available since 5.8.

      • OP_SHUTDOWN - Issue the equivalent of a shutdown(2) system call.

        fd is the file descriptor to the socket being shutdown and len must be set to the how argument. No other fields should be set.

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_RENAMEAT - Issue the equivalent of a renameat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and finally rename_flags should be set to the flags passed in to renameat2(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_UNLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a unlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and unlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in to unlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.11.

      • OP_MKDIRAT - Issue the equivalent of a mkdirat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the dirfd, addr should be set to the pathname, and len should be set to the mode being passed in to mkdirat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_SYMLINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a symlinkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the newdirfd, addr should be set to the target and addr2 should be set to the linkpath being passed in to symlinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_LINKAT - Issue the equivalent of a linkat2(2) system call.

        fd should be set to the olddirfd, addr should be set to the oldpath, len should be set to the newdirfd, addr2 should be set to the newpath, and hardlink_flags should be set to the flags being passed in tolinkat(2).

        Available since 5.15.

      • OP_MSG_RING - Send a message to an io_uring.

        fd must be set to a file descriptor of a ring that the application has access to, len can be set to any 32-bit value that the application wishes to pass on, and off should be set any 64-bit value that the application wishes to send. On the target ring, a CQE will be posted with the res field matching the len set, and a user_data field matching the off value being passed in. This request type can be used to either just wake or interrupt anyone waiting for completions on the target ring, or it can be used to pass messages via the two fields.

        Available since 5.18.

      • OP_SOCKET
      • OP_URING_CMD
      • OP_SEND_ZC - Issue the zerocopy equivalent of a send(2) system call.

        Similar to OP_SEND, but tries to avoid making intermediate copies of data. Zerocopy execution is not guaranteed and it may fall back to copying.

        The flags field of the first "struct io_uring_cqe" may likely contain CQE_F_MORE, which means that there will be a second completion event / notification for the request, with the user_data field set to the same value. The user must not modify the data buffer until the notification is posted. The first cqe follows the usual rules and so its res field will contain the number of bytes sent or a negative error code. The notification's res field will be set to zero and the flags field will contain CQE_F_NOTIF. The two step model is needed because the kernel may hold on to buffers for a long time, e.g. waiting for a TCP ACK, and having a separate cqe for request completions allows userspace to push more data without extra delays. Note, notifications are only responsible for controlling the lifetime of the buffers, and as such don't mean anything about whether the data has atually been sent out or received by the other end.

        fd must be set to the socket file descriptor, addr must contain a pointer to the buffer, len denotes the length of the buffer to send, and msg_flags holds the flags associated with the system call. When addr2 is non-zero it points to the address of the target with addr_len specifying its size, turning the request into a sendto(2) system call equivalent.

        Available since 6.0.

      • OP_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_URING_CMD_FIXED
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_FSYNC_DATASYNC
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_TIMEOUT_ABS
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_TIMEOUT_UPDATE
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_TIMEOUT_BOOTTIME
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_TIMEOUT_REALTIME
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_TIMEOUT_ETIME_SUCCESS
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_TIMEOUT_MULTISHOT
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_TIMEOUT_CLOCK_MASK
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_TIMEOUT_UPDATE_MASK
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SPLICE_F_FD_IN_FIXED
      sqe->splice_flags, extends splice(2) flags
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_POLL_ADD_MULTI
      POLL_ADD flags. Note that since sqe->poll_events is the flag space, the command flags for POLL_ADD are stored in sqe->len.

      IORING_POLL_UPDATE: Update existing poll request, matching sqe->addr as the old user_data field.

      IORING_POLL_LEVEL: Level triggered poll.

      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_POLL_UPDATE_EVENTS
      POLL_ADD flags. Note that since sqe->poll_events is the flag space, the command flags for POLL_ADD are stored in sqe->len.

      IORING_POLL_UPDATE: Update existing poll request, matching sqe->addr as the old user_data field.

      IORING_POLL_LEVEL: Level triggered poll.

      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_POLL_UPDATE_USER_DATA
      POLL_ADD flags. Note that since sqe->poll_events is the flag space, the command flags for POLL_ADD are stored in sqe->len.

      IORING_POLL_UPDATE: Update existing poll request, matching sqe->addr as the old user_data field.

      IORING_POLL_LEVEL: Level triggered poll.

      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_POLL_ADD_LEVEL
      POLL_ADD flags. Note that since sqe->poll_events is the flag space, the command flags for POLL_ADD are stored in sqe->len.

      IORING_POLL_UPDATE: Update existing poll request, matching sqe->addr as the old user_data field.

      IORING_POLL_LEVEL: Level triggered poll.

      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_ASYNC_CANCEL_ALL
      ASYNC_CANCEL flags.
      Enum values:
      • ASYNC_CANCEL_ALL - Cancel all requests that match the given criteria, rather than just canceling the first one found.

        Available since 5.19.

      • ASYNC_CANCEL_FD - Match based on the file descriptor used in the original request rather than the user_data.

        This is what prep_cancel_fd sets up.

        Available since 5.19.

      • ASYNC_CANCEL_ANY - Match any request in the ring, regardless of user_data or file descriptor.

        Can be used to cancel any pending request in the ring.

        Available since 5.19.

      • ASYNC_CANCEL_FD_FIXED - fd passed in is a fixed descriptor
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_ASYNC_CANCEL_FD
      ASYNC_CANCEL flags.
      Enum values:
      • ASYNC_CANCEL_ALL - Cancel all requests that match the given criteria, rather than just canceling the first one found.

        Available since 5.19.

      • ASYNC_CANCEL_FD - Match based on the file descriptor used in the original request rather than the user_data.

        This is what prep_cancel_fd sets up.

        Available since 5.19.

      • ASYNC_CANCEL_ANY - Match any request in the ring, regardless of user_data or file descriptor.

        Can be used to cancel any pending request in the ring.

        Available since 5.19.

      • ASYNC_CANCEL_FD_FIXED - fd passed in is a fixed descriptor
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_ASYNC_CANCEL_ANY
      ASYNC_CANCEL flags.
      Enum values:
      • ASYNC_CANCEL_ALL - Cancel all requests that match the given criteria, rather than just canceling the first one found.

        Available since 5.19.

      • ASYNC_CANCEL_FD - Match based on the file descriptor used in the original request rather than the user_data.

        This is what prep_cancel_fd sets up.

        Available since 5.19.

      • ASYNC_CANCEL_ANY - Match any request in the ring, regardless of user_data or file descriptor.

        Can be used to cancel any pending request in the ring.

        Available since 5.19.

      • ASYNC_CANCEL_FD_FIXED - fd passed in is a fixed descriptor
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_ASYNC_CANCEL_FD_FIXED
      ASYNC_CANCEL flags.
      Enum values:
      • ASYNC_CANCEL_ALL - Cancel all requests that match the given criteria, rather than just canceling the first one found.

        Available since 5.19.

      • ASYNC_CANCEL_FD - Match based on the file descriptor used in the original request rather than the user_data.

        This is what prep_cancel_fd sets up.

        Available since 5.19.

      • ASYNC_CANCEL_ANY - Match any request in the ring, regardless of user_data or file descriptor.

        Can be used to cancel any pending request in the ring.

        Available since 5.19.

      • ASYNC_CANCEL_FD_FIXED - fd passed in is a fixed descriptor
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_RECVSEND_POLL_FIRST
      send/sendmsg and recv/recvmsg flags (sqe->ioprio)
      Enum values:
      • RECVSEND_POLL_FIRST - If set, io_uring will assume the socket is currently empty and attempting to receive data will be unsuccessful.

        For this case, io_uring will arm internal poll and trigger a receive of the data when the socket has data to be read. This initial receive attempt can be wasteful for the case where the socket is expected to be empty, setting this flag will bypass the initial receive attempt and go straight to arming poll. If poll does indicate that data is ready to be received, the operation will proceed.

        Can be used with the CQE CQE_F_SOCK_NONEMPTY flag, which io_uring will set on CQEs after a recv(2) or recvmsg(2) operation. If set, the socket still had data to be read after the operation completed.

        Both these flags are available since 5.19.

      • RECV_MULTISHOT - Multishot recv.

        Sets CQE_F_MORE if the handler will continue to report CQEs on behalf of the same SQE.

      • RECVSEND_FIXED_BUF - Use registered buffers, the index is stored in the buf_index field.
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_RECV_MULTISHOT
      send/sendmsg and recv/recvmsg flags (sqe->ioprio)
      Enum values:
      • RECVSEND_POLL_FIRST - If set, io_uring will assume the socket is currently empty and attempting to receive data will be unsuccessful.

        For this case, io_uring will arm internal poll and trigger a receive of the data when the socket has data to be read. This initial receive attempt can be wasteful for the case where the socket is expected to be empty, setting this flag will bypass the initial receive attempt and go straight to arming poll. If poll does indicate that data is ready to be received, the operation will proceed.

        Can be used with the CQE CQE_F_SOCK_NONEMPTY flag, which io_uring will set on CQEs after a recv(2) or recvmsg(2) operation. If set, the socket still had data to be read after the operation completed.

        Both these flags are available since 5.19.

      • RECV_MULTISHOT - Multishot recv.

        Sets CQE_F_MORE if the handler will continue to report CQEs on behalf of the same SQE.

      • RECVSEND_FIXED_BUF - Use registered buffers, the index is stored in the buf_index field.
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_RECVSEND_FIXED_BUF
      send/sendmsg and recv/recvmsg flags (sqe->ioprio)
      Enum values:
      • RECVSEND_POLL_FIRST - If set, io_uring will assume the socket is currently empty and attempting to receive data will be unsuccessful.

        For this case, io_uring will arm internal poll and trigger a receive of the data when the socket has data to be read. This initial receive attempt can be wasteful for the case where the socket is expected to be empty, setting this flag will bypass the initial receive attempt and go straight to arming poll. If poll does indicate that data is ready to be received, the operation will proceed.

        Can be used with the CQE CQE_F_SOCK_NONEMPTY flag, which io_uring will set on CQEs after a recv(2) or recvmsg(2) operation. If set, the socket still had data to be read after the operation completed.

        Both these flags are available since 5.19.

      • RECV_MULTISHOT - Multishot recv.

        Sets CQE_F_MORE if the handler will continue to report CQEs on behalf of the same SQE.

      • RECVSEND_FIXED_BUF - Use registered buffers, the index is stored in the buf_index field.
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SEND_ZC_REPORT_USAGE
      send/sendmsg and recv/recvmsg flags (sqe->ioprio)
      Enum values:
      • RECVSEND_POLL_FIRST - If set, io_uring will assume the socket is currently empty and attempting to receive data will be unsuccessful.

        For this case, io_uring will arm internal poll and trigger a receive of the data when the socket has data to be read. This initial receive attempt can be wasteful for the case where the socket is expected to be empty, setting this flag will bypass the initial receive attempt and go straight to arming poll. If poll does indicate that data is ready to be received, the operation will proceed.

        Can be used with the CQE CQE_F_SOCK_NONEMPTY flag, which io_uring will set on CQEs after a recv(2) or recvmsg(2) operation. If set, the socket still had data to be read after the operation completed.

        Both these flags are available since 5.19.

      • RECV_MULTISHOT - Multishot recv.

        Sets CQE_F_MORE if the handler will continue to report CQEs on behalf of the same SQE.

      • RECVSEND_FIXED_BUF - Use registered buffers, the index is stored in the buf_index field.
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_NOTIF_USAGE_ZC_COPIED
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_ACCEPT_MULTISHOT
      Accept flags stored in sqe->ioprio
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_MSG_DATA
      OP_MSG_RING command types, stored in sqe->addr
      Enum values:
      • MSG_DATA - pass sqe->len as res and off as user_data
      • MSG_SEND_FD - send a registered fd to another ring
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_MSG_SEND_FD
      OP_MSG_RING command types, stored in sqe->addr
      Enum values:
      • MSG_DATA - pass sqe->len as res and off as user_data
      • MSG_SEND_FD - send a registered fd to another ring
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_MSG_RING_CQE_SKIP
      OP_MSG_RING flags (sqe->msg_ring_flags)
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_MSG_RING_FLAGS_PASS
      OP_MSG_RING flags (sqe->msg_ring_flags)
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_CQE_F_BUFFER
      Enum values:
      • CQE_F_BUFFER - If set, the upper 16 bits are the buffer ID
      • CQE_F_MORE - If set, parent SQE will generate more CQE entries
      • CQE_F_SOCK_NONEMPTY - If set, more data to read after socket recv.
      • CQE_F_NOTIF - Set for notification CQEs. Can be used to distinct them from sends.
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_CQE_F_MORE
      Enum values:
      • CQE_F_BUFFER - If set, the upper 16 bits are the buffer ID
      • CQE_F_MORE - If set, parent SQE will generate more CQE entries
      • CQE_F_SOCK_NONEMPTY - If set, more data to read after socket recv.
      • CQE_F_NOTIF - Set for notification CQEs. Can be used to distinct them from sends.
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_CQE_F_SOCK_NONEMPTY
      Enum values:
      • CQE_F_BUFFER - If set, the upper 16 bits are the buffer ID
      • CQE_F_MORE - If set, parent SQE will generate more CQE entries
      • CQE_F_SOCK_NONEMPTY - If set, more data to read after socket recv.
      • CQE_F_NOTIF - Set for notification CQEs. Can be used to distinct them from sends.
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_CQE_F_NOTIF
      Enum values:
      • CQE_F_BUFFER - If set, the upper 16 bits are the buffer ID
      • CQE_F_MORE - If set, parent SQE will generate more CQE entries
      • CQE_F_SOCK_NONEMPTY - If set, more data to read after socket recv.
      • CQE_F_NOTIF - Set for notification CQEs. Can be used to distinct them from sends.
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_CQE_BUFFER_SHIFT
      See Also:

      public static final long IORING_OFF_SQ_RING
      Magic offsets for the application to mmap the data it needs
      See Also:

      public static final long IORING_OFF_CQ_RING
      Magic offsets for the application to mmap the data it needs
      See Also:

      public static final long IORING_OFF_SQES
      Magic offsets for the application to mmap the data it needs
      See Also:

      public static final long IORING_OFF_PBUF_RING
      Magic offsets for the application to mmap the data it needs
      See Also:

      public static final long IORING_OFF_PBUF_SHIFT
      Magic offsets for the application to mmap the data it needs
      See Also:

      public static final long IORING_OFF_MMAP_MASK
      Magic offsets for the application to mmap the data it needs
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SQ_NEED_WAKEUP
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SQ_CQ_OVERFLOW
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_SQ_TASKRUN
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_ENTER_GETEVENTS
      io_uring_enter(2) flags
      Enum values:
      • ENTER_GETEVENTS - If this flag is set, then the system call will wait for the specificied number of events in min_complete before returning.

        This flag can be set along with to_submit to both submit and complete events in a single system call.

      • ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP - If the ring has been created with SETUP_SQPOLL, then this flag asks the kernel to wakeup the SQ kernel thread to submit IO.
      • ENTER_SQ_WAIT - If the ring has been created with SETUP_SQPOLL, then the application has no real insight into when the SQ kernel thread has consumed entries from the SQ ring. This can lead to a situation where the application can no longer get a free SQE entry to submit, without knowing when it one becomes available as the SQ kernel thread consumes them. If the system call is used with this flag set, then it will wait until at least one entry is free in the SQ ring.
      • ENTER_EXT_ARG - Since kernel 5.11, the system calls arguments have been modified to look like the following:
         int io_uring_enter(unsigned int fd, unsigned int to_submit,
                            unsigned int min_complete, unsigned int flags,
                            const void *arg, size_t argsz);

        which is behaves just like the original definition by default. However, if IORING_ENTER_EXT_ARG is set, then instead of a sigset_t being passed in, a pointer to a struct io_uring_getevents_arg is used instead and argsz must be set to the size of this structure.

        The definition is IOURingGeteventsArg which allows passing in both a signal mask as well as pointer to a struct __kernel_timespec timeout value. If ts is set to a valid pointer, then this time value indicates the timeout for waiting on events. If an application is waiting on events and wishes to stop waiting after a specified amount of time, then this can be accomplished directly in version 5.11 and newer by using this feature.

      • ENTER_REGISTERED_RING - If the ring file descriptor has been registered through use of REGISTER_RING_FDS, then setting this flag will tell the kernel that the ring_fd passed in is the registered ring offset rather than a normal file descriptor.
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP
      io_uring_enter(2) flags
      Enum values:
      • ENTER_GETEVENTS - If this flag is set, then the system call will wait for the specificied number of events in min_complete before returning.

        This flag can be set along with to_submit to both submit and complete events in a single system call.

      • ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP - If the ring has been created with SETUP_SQPOLL, then this flag asks the kernel to wakeup the SQ kernel thread to submit IO.
      • ENTER_SQ_WAIT - If the ring has been created with SETUP_SQPOLL, then the application has no real insight into when the SQ kernel thread has consumed entries from the SQ ring. This can lead to a situation where the application can no longer get a free SQE entry to submit, without knowing when it one becomes available as the SQ kernel thread consumes them. If the system call is used with this flag set, then it will wait until at least one entry is free in the SQ ring.
      • ENTER_EXT_ARG - Since kernel 5.11, the system calls arguments have been modified to look like the following:
         int io_uring_enter(unsigned int fd, unsigned int to_submit,
                            unsigned int min_complete, unsigned int flags,
                            const void *arg, size_t argsz);

        which is behaves just like the original definition by default. However, if IORING_ENTER_EXT_ARG is set, then instead of a sigset_t being passed in, a pointer to a struct io_uring_getevents_arg is used instead and argsz must be set to the size of this structure.

        The definition is IOURingGeteventsArg which allows passing in both a signal mask as well as pointer to a struct __kernel_timespec timeout value. If ts is set to a valid pointer, then this time value indicates the timeout for waiting on events. If an application is waiting on events and wishes to stop waiting after a specified amount of time, then this can be accomplished directly in version 5.11 and newer by using this feature.

      • ENTER_REGISTERED_RING - If the ring file descriptor has been registered through use of REGISTER_RING_FDS, then setting this flag will tell the kernel that the ring_fd passed in is the registered ring offset rather than a normal file descriptor.
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_ENTER_SQ_WAIT
      io_uring_enter(2) flags
      Enum values:
      • ENTER_GETEVENTS - If this flag is set, then the system call will wait for the specificied number of events in min_complete before returning.

        This flag can be set along with to_submit to both submit and complete events in a single system call.

      • ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP - If the ring has been created with SETUP_SQPOLL, then this flag asks the kernel to wakeup the SQ kernel thread to submit IO.
      • ENTER_SQ_WAIT - If the ring has been created with SETUP_SQPOLL, then the application has no real insight into when the SQ kernel thread has consumed entries from the SQ ring. This can lead to a situation where the application can no longer get a free SQE entry to submit, without knowing when it one becomes available as the SQ kernel thread consumes them. If the system call is used with this flag set, then it will wait until at least one entry is free in the SQ ring.
      • ENTER_EXT_ARG - Since kernel 5.11, the system calls arguments have been modified to look like the following:
         int io_uring_enter(unsigned int fd, unsigned int to_submit,
                            unsigned int min_complete, unsigned int flags,
                            const void *arg, size_t argsz);

        which is behaves just like the original definition by default. However, if IORING_ENTER_EXT_ARG is set, then instead of a sigset_t being passed in, a pointer to a struct io_uring_getevents_arg is used instead and argsz must be set to the size of this structure.

        The definition is IOURingGeteventsArg which allows passing in both a signal mask as well as pointer to a struct __kernel_timespec timeout value. If ts is set to a valid pointer, then this time value indicates the timeout for waiting on events. If an application is waiting on events and wishes to stop waiting after a specified amount of time, then this can be accomplished directly in version 5.11 and newer by using this feature.

      • ENTER_REGISTERED_RING - If the ring file descriptor has been registered through use of REGISTER_RING_FDS, then setting this flag will tell the kernel that the ring_fd passed in is the registered ring offset rather than a normal file descriptor.
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_ENTER_EXT_ARG
      io_uring_enter(2) flags
      Enum values:
      • ENTER_GETEVENTS - If this flag is set, then the system call will wait for the specificied number of events in min_complete before returning.

        This flag can be set along with to_submit to both submit and complete events in a single system call.

      • ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP - If the ring has been created with SETUP_SQPOLL, then this flag asks the kernel to wakeup the SQ kernel thread to submit IO.
      • ENTER_SQ_WAIT - If the ring has been created with SETUP_SQPOLL, then the application has no real insight into when the SQ kernel thread has consumed entries from the SQ ring. This can lead to a situation where the application can no longer get a free SQE entry to submit, without knowing when it one becomes available as the SQ kernel thread consumes them. If the system call is used with this flag set, then it will wait until at least one entry is free in the SQ ring.
      • ENTER_EXT_ARG - Since kernel 5.11, the system calls arguments have been modified to look like the following:
         int io_uring_enter(unsigned int fd, unsigned int to_submit,
                            unsigned int min_complete, unsigned int flags,
                            const void *arg, size_t argsz);

        which is behaves just like the original definition by default. However, if IORING_ENTER_EXT_ARG is set, then instead of a sigset_t being passed in, a pointer to a struct io_uring_getevents_arg is used instead and argsz must be set to the size of this structure.

        The definition is IOURingGeteventsArg which allows passing in both a signal mask as well as pointer to a struct __kernel_timespec timeout value. If ts is set to a valid pointer, then this time value indicates the timeout for waiting on events. If an application is waiting on events and wishes to stop waiting after a specified amount of time, then this can be accomplished directly in version 5.11 and newer by using this feature.

      • ENTER_REGISTERED_RING - If the ring file descriptor has been registered through use of REGISTER_RING_FDS, then setting this flag will tell the kernel that the ring_fd passed in is the registered ring offset rather than a normal file descriptor.
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING
      io_uring_enter(2) flags
      Enum values:
      • ENTER_GETEVENTS - If this flag is set, then the system call will wait for the specificied number of events in min_complete before returning.

        This flag can be set along with to_submit to both submit and complete events in a single system call.

      • ENTER_SQ_WAKEUP - If the ring has been created with SETUP_SQPOLL, then this flag asks the kernel to wakeup the SQ kernel thread to submit IO.
      • ENTER_SQ_WAIT - If the ring has been created with SETUP_SQPOLL, then the application has no real insight into when the SQ kernel thread has consumed entries from the SQ ring. This can lead to a situation where the application can no longer get a free SQE entry to submit, without knowing when it one becomes available as the SQ kernel thread consumes them. If the system call is used with this flag set, then it will wait until at least one entry is free in the SQ ring.
      • ENTER_EXT_ARG - Since kernel 5.11, the system calls arguments have been modified to look like the following:
         int io_uring_enter(unsigned int fd, unsigned int to_submit,
                            unsigned int min_complete, unsigned int flags,
                            const void *arg, size_t argsz);

        which is behaves just like the original definition by default. However, if IORING_ENTER_EXT_ARG is set, then instead of a sigset_t being passed in, a pointer to a struct io_uring_getevents_arg is used instead and argsz must be set to the size of this structure.

        The definition is IOURingGeteventsArg which allows passing in both a signal mask as well as pointer to a struct __kernel_timespec timeout value. If ts is set to a valid pointer, then this time value indicates the timeout for waiting on events. If an application is waiting on events and wishes to stop waiting after a specified amount of time, then this can be accomplished directly in version 5.11 and newer by using this feature.

      • ENTER_REGISTERED_RING - If the ring file descriptor has been registered through use of REGISTER_RING_FDS, then setting this flag will tell the kernel that the ring_fd passed in is the registered ring offset rather than a normal file descriptor.
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_FEAT_SINGLE_MMAP
      io_uring_params->features flags
      Enum values:
      • FEAT_SINGLE_MMAP - If this flag is set, the two SQ and CQ rings can be mapped with a single mmap(2) call.

        The SQEs must still be allocated separately. This brings the necessary mmap(2) calls down from three to two.

        Available since kernel 5.4.

      • FEAT_NODROP - If this flag is set, io_uring supports never dropping completion events.

        If a completion event occurs and the CQ ring is full, the kernel stores the event internally until such a time that the CQ ring has room for more entries. If this overflow condition is entered, attempting to submit more IO will fail with the -EBUSY error value, if it can't flush the overflown events to the CQ ring. If this happens, the application must reap events from the CQ ring and attempt the submit again.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_SUBMIT_STABLE - If this flag is set, applications can be certain that any data for async offload has been consumed when the kernel has consumed the SQE.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_RW_CUR_POS - If this flag is set, applications can specify offset == -1 with IORING_OP_{READV,WRITEV}, IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE}_FIXED, and IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE} to mean current file position, which behaves like preadv2(2) and pwritev2(2) with offset == -1.

        It'll use (and update) the current file position. This obviously comes with the caveat that if the application has multiple reads or writes in flight, then the end result will not be as expected. This is similar to threads sharing a file descriptor and doing IO using the current file position.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_CUR_PERSONALITY - If this flag is set, then io_uring guarantees that both sync and async execution of a request assumes the credentials of the task that called enter to queue the requests.

        If this flag isn't set, then requests are issued with the credentials of the task that originally registered the io_uring. If only one task is using a ring, then this flag doesn't matter as the credentials will always be the same. Note that this is the default behavior, tasks can still register different personalities through register with REGISTER_PERSONALITY and specify the personality to use in the sqe.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_FAST_POLL - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports using an internal poll mechanism to drive data/space readiness.

        This means that requests that cannot read or write data to a file no longer need to be punted to an async thread for handling, instead they will begin operation when the file is ready. This is similar to doing poll + read/write in userspace, but eliminates the need to do so. If this flag is set, requests waiting on space/data consume a lot less resources doing so as they are not blocking a thread.

        Available since kernel 5.7.

      • FEAT_POLL_32BITS - If this flag is set, the OP_POLL_ADD command accepts the full 32-bit range of epoll based flags.

        Most notably EPOLLEXCLUSIVE which allows exclusive (waking single waiters) behavior.

        Available since kernel 5.9.

      • FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED - If this flag is set, the SETUP_SQPOLL feature no longer requires the use of fixed files.

        Any normal file descriptor can be used for IO commands without needing registration.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_EXT_ARG - If this flag is set, then the enter system call supports passing in an extended argument instead of just the sigset_t of earlier kernels.

        This extended argument is of type struct io_uring_getevents_arg and allows the caller to pass in both a sigset_t and a timeout argument for waiting on events. A pointer to this struct must be passed in if ENTER_EXT_ARG is set in the flags for the enter system call.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_NATIVE_WORKERS - If this flag is set, io_uring is using native workers for its async helpers.

        Previous kernels used kernel threads that assumed the identity of the original io_uring owning task, but later kernels will actively create what looks more like regular process threads instead.

        Available since kernel 5.12.

      • FEAT_RSRC_TAGS - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports a variety of features related to fixed files and buffers.

        In particular, it indicates that registered buffers can be updated in-place, whereas before the full set would have to be unregistered first.

        Available since kernel 5.13.

      • FEAT_CQE_SKIP - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports setting IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS in the submitted SQE, indicating that no CQE should be generated for this SQE if it executes normally. If an error happens processing the SQE, a CQE with the appropriate error value will still be generated.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      • FEAT_LINKED_FILE - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports sane assignment of files for SQEs that have dependencies. For example, if a chain of SQEs are submitted with IOSQE_IO_LINK, then kernels without this flag will prepare the file for each link upfront. If a previous link opens a file with a known index, eg if direct descriptors are used with open or accept, then file assignment needs to happen post execution of that SQE. If this flag is set, then the kernel will defer file assignment until execution of a given request is started.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_FEAT_NODROP
      io_uring_params->features flags
      Enum values:
      • FEAT_SINGLE_MMAP - If this flag is set, the two SQ and CQ rings can be mapped with a single mmap(2) call.

        The SQEs must still be allocated separately. This brings the necessary mmap(2) calls down from three to two.

        Available since kernel 5.4.

      • FEAT_NODROP - If this flag is set, io_uring supports never dropping completion events.

        If a completion event occurs and the CQ ring is full, the kernel stores the event internally until such a time that the CQ ring has room for more entries. If this overflow condition is entered, attempting to submit more IO will fail with the -EBUSY error value, if it can't flush the overflown events to the CQ ring. If this happens, the application must reap events from the CQ ring and attempt the submit again.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_SUBMIT_STABLE - If this flag is set, applications can be certain that any data for async offload has been consumed when the kernel has consumed the SQE.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_RW_CUR_POS - If this flag is set, applications can specify offset == -1 with IORING_OP_{READV,WRITEV}, IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE}_FIXED, and IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE} to mean current file position, which behaves like preadv2(2) and pwritev2(2) with offset == -1.

        It'll use (and update) the current file position. This obviously comes with the caveat that if the application has multiple reads or writes in flight, then the end result will not be as expected. This is similar to threads sharing a file descriptor and doing IO using the current file position.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_CUR_PERSONALITY - If this flag is set, then io_uring guarantees that both sync and async execution of a request assumes the credentials of the task that called enter to queue the requests.

        If this flag isn't set, then requests are issued with the credentials of the task that originally registered the io_uring. If only one task is using a ring, then this flag doesn't matter as the credentials will always be the same. Note that this is the default behavior, tasks can still register different personalities through register with REGISTER_PERSONALITY and specify the personality to use in the sqe.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_FAST_POLL - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports using an internal poll mechanism to drive data/space readiness.

        This means that requests that cannot read or write data to a file no longer need to be punted to an async thread for handling, instead they will begin operation when the file is ready. This is similar to doing poll + read/write in userspace, but eliminates the need to do so. If this flag is set, requests waiting on space/data consume a lot less resources doing so as they are not blocking a thread.

        Available since kernel 5.7.

      • FEAT_POLL_32BITS - If this flag is set, the OP_POLL_ADD command accepts the full 32-bit range of epoll based flags.

        Most notably EPOLLEXCLUSIVE which allows exclusive (waking single waiters) behavior.

        Available since kernel 5.9.

      • FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED - If this flag is set, the SETUP_SQPOLL feature no longer requires the use of fixed files.

        Any normal file descriptor can be used for IO commands without needing registration.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_EXT_ARG - If this flag is set, then the enter system call supports passing in an extended argument instead of just the sigset_t of earlier kernels.

        This extended argument is of type struct io_uring_getevents_arg and allows the caller to pass in both a sigset_t and a timeout argument for waiting on events. A pointer to this struct must be passed in if ENTER_EXT_ARG is set in the flags for the enter system call.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_NATIVE_WORKERS - If this flag is set, io_uring is using native workers for its async helpers.

        Previous kernels used kernel threads that assumed the identity of the original io_uring owning task, but later kernels will actively create what looks more like regular process threads instead.

        Available since kernel 5.12.

      • FEAT_RSRC_TAGS - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports a variety of features related to fixed files and buffers.

        In particular, it indicates that registered buffers can be updated in-place, whereas before the full set would have to be unregistered first.

        Available since kernel 5.13.

      • FEAT_CQE_SKIP - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports setting IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS in the submitted SQE, indicating that no CQE should be generated for this SQE if it executes normally. If an error happens processing the SQE, a CQE with the appropriate error value will still be generated.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      • FEAT_LINKED_FILE - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports sane assignment of files for SQEs that have dependencies. For example, if a chain of SQEs are submitted with IOSQE_IO_LINK, then kernels without this flag will prepare the file for each link upfront. If a previous link opens a file with a known index, eg if direct descriptors are used with open or accept, then file assignment needs to happen post execution of that SQE. If this flag is set, then the kernel will defer file assignment until execution of a given request is started.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_FEAT_SUBMIT_STABLE
      io_uring_params->features flags
      Enum values:
      • FEAT_SINGLE_MMAP - If this flag is set, the two SQ and CQ rings can be mapped with a single mmap(2) call.

        The SQEs must still be allocated separately. This brings the necessary mmap(2) calls down from three to two.

        Available since kernel 5.4.

      • FEAT_NODROP - If this flag is set, io_uring supports never dropping completion events.

        If a completion event occurs and the CQ ring is full, the kernel stores the event internally until such a time that the CQ ring has room for more entries. If this overflow condition is entered, attempting to submit more IO will fail with the -EBUSY error value, if it can't flush the overflown events to the CQ ring. If this happens, the application must reap events from the CQ ring and attempt the submit again.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_SUBMIT_STABLE - If this flag is set, applications can be certain that any data for async offload has been consumed when the kernel has consumed the SQE.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_RW_CUR_POS - If this flag is set, applications can specify offset == -1 with IORING_OP_{READV,WRITEV}, IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE}_FIXED, and IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE} to mean current file position, which behaves like preadv2(2) and pwritev2(2) with offset == -1.

        It'll use (and update) the current file position. This obviously comes with the caveat that if the application has multiple reads or writes in flight, then the end result will not be as expected. This is similar to threads sharing a file descriptor and doing IO using the current file position.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_CUR_PERSONALITY - If this flag is set, then io_uring guarantees that both sync and async execution of a request assumes the credentials of the task that called enter to queue the requests.

        If this flag isn't set, then requests are issued with the credentials of the task that originally registered the io_uring. If only one task is using a ring, then this flag doesn't matter as the credentials will always be the same. Note that this is the default behavior, tasks can still register different personalities through register with REGISTER_PERSONALITY and specify the personality to use in the sqe.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_FAST_POLL - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports using an internal poll mechanism to drive data/space readiness.

        This means that requests that cannot read or write data to a file no longer need to be punted to an async thread for handling, instead they will begin operation when the file is ready. This is similar to doing poll + read/write in userspace, but eliminates the need to do so. If this flag is set, requests waiting on space/data consume a lot less resources doing so as they are not blocking a thread.

        Available since kernel 5.7.

      • FEAT_POLL_32BITS - If this flag is set, the OP_POLL_ADD command accepts the full 32-bit range of epoll based flags.

        Most notably EPOLLEXCLUSIVE which allows exclusive (waking single waiters) behavior.

        Available since kernel 5.9.

      • FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED - If this flag is set, the SETUP_SQPOLL feature no longer requires the use of fixed files.

        Any normal file descriptor can be used for IO commands without needing registration.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_EXT_ARG - If this flag is set, then the enter system call supports passing in an extended argument instead of just the sigset_t of earlier kernels.

        This extended argument is of type struct io_uring_getevents_arg and allows the caller to pass in both a sigset_t and a timeout argument for waiting on events. A pointer to this struct must be passed in if ENTER_EXT_ARG is set in the flags for the enter system call.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_NATIVE_WORKERS - If this flag is set, io_uring is using native workers for its async helpers.

        Previous kernels used kernel threads that assumed the identity of the original io_uring owning task, but later kernels will actively create what looks more like regular process threads instead.

        Available since kernel 5.12.

      • FEAT_RSRC_TAGS - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports a variety of features related to fixed files and buffers.

        In particular, it indicates that registered buffers can be updated in-place, whereas before the full set would have to be unregistered first.

        Available since kernel 5.13.

      • FEAT_CQE_SKIP - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports setting IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS in the submitted SQE, indicating that no CQE should be generated for this SQE if it executes normally. If an error happens processing the SQE, a CQE with the appropriate error value will still be generated.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      • FEAT_LINKED_FILE - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports sane assignment of files for SQEs that have dependencies. For example, if a chain of SQEs are submitted with IOSQE_IO_LINK, then kernels without this flag will prepare the file for each link upfront. If a previous link opens a file with a known index, eg if direct descriptors are used with open or accept, then file assignment needs to happen post execution of that SQE. If this flag is set, then the kernel will defer file assignment until execution of a given request is started.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_FEAT_RW_CUR_POS
      io_uring_params->features flags
      Enum values:
      • FEAT_SINGLE_MMAP - If this flag is set, the two SQ and CQ rings can be mapped with a single mmap(2) call.

        The SQEs must still be allocated separately. This brings the necessary mmap(2) calls down from three to two.

        Available since kernel 5.4.

      • FEAT_NODROP - If this flag is set, io_uring supports never dropping completion events.

        If a completion event occurs and the CQ ring is full, the kernel stores the event internally until such a time that the CQ ring has room for more entries. If this overflow condition is entered, attempting to submit more IO will fail with the -EBUSY error value, if it can't flush the overflown events to the CQ ring. If this happens, the application must reap events from the CQ ring and attempt the submit again.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_SUBMIT_STABLE - If this flag is set, applications can be certain that any data for async offload has been consumed when the kernel has consumed the SQE.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_RW_CUR_POS - If this flag is set, applications can specify offset == -1 with IORING_OP_{READV,WRITEV}, IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE}_FIXED, and IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE} to mean current file position, which behaves like preadv2(2) and pwritev2(2) with offset == -1.

        It'll use (and update) the current file position. This obviously comes with the caveat that if the application has multiple reads or writes in flight, then the end result will not be as expected. This is similar to threads sharing a file descriptor and doing IO using the current file position.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_CUR_PERSONALITY - If this flag is set, then io_uring guarantees that both sync and async execution of a request assumes the credentials of the task that called enter to queue the requests.

        If this flag isn't set, then requests are issued with the credentials of the task that originally registered the io_uring. If only one task is using a ring, then this flag doesn't matter as the credentials will always be the same. Note that this is the default behavior, tasks can still register different personalities through register with REGISTER_PERSONALITY and specify the personality to use in the sqe.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_FAST_POLL - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports using an internal poll mechanism to drive data/space readiness.

        This means that requests that cannot read or write data to a file no longer need to be punted to an async thread for handling, instead they will begin operation when the file is ready. This is similar to doing poll + read/write in userspace, but eliminates the need to do so. If this flag is set, requests waiting on space/data consume a lot less resources doing so as they are not blocking a thread.

        Available since kernel 5.7.

      • FEAT_POLL_32BITS - If this flag is set, the OP_POLL_ADD command accepts the full 32-bit range of epoll based flags.

        Most notably EPOLLEXCLUSIVE which allows exclusive (waking single waiters) behavior.

        Available since kernel 5.9.

      • FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED - If this flag is set, the SETUP_SQPOLL feature no longer requires the use of fixed files.

        Any normal file descriptor can be used for IO commands without needing registration.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_EXT_ARG - If this flag is set, then the enter system call supports passing in an extended argument instead of just the sigset_t of earlier kernels.

        This extended argument is of type struct io_uring_getevents_arg and allows the caller to pass in both a sigset_t and a timeout argument for waiting on events. A pointer to this struct must be passed in if ENTER_EXT_ARG is set in the flags for the enter system call.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_NATIVE_WORKERS - If this flag is set, io_uring is using native workers for its async helpers.

        Previous kernels used kernel threads that assumed the identity of the original io_uring owning task, but later kernels will actively create what looks more like regular process threads instead.

        Available since kernel 5.12.

      • FEAT_RSRC_TAGS - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports a variety of features related to fixed files and buffers.

        In particular, it indicates that registered buffers can be updated in-place, whereas before the full set would have to be unregistered first.

        Available since kernel 5.13.

      • FEAT_CQE_SKIP - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports setting IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS in the submitted SQE, indicating that no CQE should be generated for this SQE if it executes normally. If an error happens processing the SQE, a CQE with the appropriate error value will still be generated.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      • FEAT_LINKED_FILE - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports sane assignment of files for SQEs that have dependencies. For example, if a chain of SQEs are submitted with IOSQE_IO_LINK, then kernels without this flag will prepare the file for each link upfront. If a previous link opens a file with a known index, eg if direct descriptors are used with open or accept, then file assignment needs to happen post execution of that SQE. If this flag is set, then the kernel will defer file assignment until execution of a given request is started.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_FEAT_CUR_PERSONALITY
      io_uring_params->features flags
      Enum values:
      • FEAT_SINGLE_MMAP - If this flag is set, the two SQ and CQ rings can be mapped with a single mmap(2) call.

        The SQEs must still be allocated separately. This brings the necessary mmap(2) calls down from three to two.

        Available since kernel 5.4.

      • FEAT_NODROP - If this flag is set, io_uring supports never dropping completion events.

        If a completion event occurs and the CQ ring is full, the kernel stores the event internally until such a time that the CQ ring has room for more entries. If this overflow condition is entered, attempting to submit more IO will fail with the -EBUSY error value, if it can't flush the overflown events to the CQ ring. If this happens, the application must reap events from the CQ ring and attempt the submit again.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_SUBMIT_STABLE - If this flag is set, applications can be certain that any data for async offload has been consumed when the kernel has consumed the SQE.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_RW_CUR_POS - If this flag is set, applications can specify offset == -1 with IORING_OP_{READV,WRITEV}, IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE}_FIXED, and IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE} to mean current file position, which behaves like preadv2(2) and pwritev2(2) with offset == -1.

        It'll use (and update) the current file position. This obviously comes with the caveat that if the application has multiple reads or writes in flight, then the end result will not be as expected. This is similar to threads sharing a file descriptor and doing IO using the current file position.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_CUR_PERSONALITY - If this flag is set, then io_uring guarantees that both sync and async execution of a request assumes the credentials of the task that called enter to queue the requests.

        If this flag isn't set, then requests are issued with the credentials of the task that originally registered the io_uring. If only one task is using a ring, then this flag doesn't matter as the credentials will always be the same. Note that this is the default behavior, tasks can still register different personalities through register with REGISTER_PERSONALITY and specify the personality to use in the sqe.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_FAST_POLL - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports using an internal poll mechanism to drive data/space readiness.

        This means that requests that cannot read or write data to a file no longer need to be punted to an async thread for handling, instead they will begin operation when the file is ready. This is similar to doing poll + read/write in userspace, but eliminates the need to do so. If this flag is set, requests waiting on space/data consume a lot less resources doing so as they are not blocking a thread.

        Available since kernel 5.7.

      • FEAT_POLL_32BITS - If this flag is set, the OP_POLL_ADD command accepts the full 32-bit range of epoll based flags.

        Most notably EPOLLEXCLUSIVE which allows exclusive (waking single waiters) behavior.

        Available since kernel 5.9.

      • FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED - If this flag is set, the SETUP_SQPOLL feature no longer requires the use of fixed files.

        Any normal file descriptor can be used for IO commands without needing registration.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_EXT_ARG - If this flag is set, then the enter system call supports passing in an extended argument instead of just the sigset_t of earlier kernels.

        This extended argument is of type struct io_uring_getevents_arg and allows the caller to pass in both a sigset_t and a timeout argument for waiting on events. A pointer to this struct must be passed in if ENTER_EXT_ARG is set in the flags for the enter system call.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_NATIVE_WORKERS - If this flag is set, io_uring is using native workers for its async helpers.

        Previous kernels used kernel threads that assumed the identity of the original io_uring owning task, but later kernels will actively create what looks more like regular process threads instead.

        Available since kernel 5.12.

      • FEAT_RSRC_TAGS - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports a variety of features related to fixed files and buffers.

        In particular, it indicates that registered buffers can be updated in-place, whereas before the full set would have to be unregistered first.

        Available since kernel 5.13.

      • FEAT_CQE_SKIP - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports setting IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS in the submitted SQE, indicating that no CQE should be generated for this SQE if it executes normally. If an error happens processing the SQE, a CQE with the appropriate error value will still be generated.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      • FEAT_LINKED_FILE - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports sane assignment of files for SQEs that have dependencies. For example, if a chain of SQEs are submitted with IOSQE_IO_LINK, then kernels without this flag will prepare the file for each link upfront. If a previous link opens a file with a known index, eg if direct descriptors are used with open or accept, then file assignment needs to happen post execution of that SQE. If this flag is set, then the kernel will defer file assignment until execution of a given request is started.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_FEAT_FAST_POLL
      io_uring_params->features flags
      Enum values:
      • FEAT_SINGLE_MMAP - If this flag is set, the two SQ and CQ rings can be mapped with a single mmap(2) call.

        The SQEs must still be allocated separately. This brings the necessary mmap(2) calls down from three to two.

        Available since kernel 5.4.

      • FEAT_NODROP - If this flag is set, io_uring supports never dropping completion events.

        If a completion event occurs and the CQ ring is full, the kernel stores the event internally until such a time that the CQ ring has room for more entries. If this overflow condition is entered, attempting to submit more IO will fail with the -EBUSY error value, if it can't flush the overflown events to the CQ ring. If this happens, the application must reap events from the CQ ring and attempt the submit again.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_SUBMIT_STABLE - If this flag is set, applications can be certain that any data for async offload has been consumed when the kernel has consumed the SQE.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_RW_CUR_POS - If this flag is set, applications can specify offset == -1 with IORING_OP_{READV,WRITEV}, IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE}_FIXED, and IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE} to mean current file position, which behaves like preadv2(2) and pwritev2(2) with offset == -1.

        It'll use (and update) the current file position. This obviously comes with the caveat that if the application has multiple reads or writes in flight, then the end result will not be as expected. This is similar to threads sharing a file descriptor and doing IO using the current file position.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_CUR_PERSONALITY - If this flag is set, then io_uring guarantees that both sync and async execution of a request assumes the credentials of the task that called enter to queue the requests.

        If this flag isn't set, then requests are issued with the credentials of the task that originally registered the io_uring. If only one task is using a ring, then this flag doesn't matter as the credentials will always be the same. Note that this is the default behavior, tasks can still register different personalities through register with REGISTER_PERSONALITY and specify the personality to use in the sqe.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_FAST_POLL - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports using an internal poll mechanism to drive data/space readiness.

        This means that requests that cannot read or write data to a file no longer need to be punted to an async thread for handling, instead they will begin operation when the file is ready. This is similar to doing poll + read/write in userspace, but eliminates the need to do so. If this flag is set, requests waiting on space/data consume a lot less resources doing so as they are not blocking a thread.

        Available since kernel 5.7.

      • FEAT_POLL_32BITS - If this flag is set, the OP_POLL_ADD command accepts the full 32-bit range of epoll based flags.

        Most notably EPOLLEXCLUSIVE which allows exclusive (waking single waiters) behavior.

        Available since kernel 5.9.

      • FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED - If this flag is set, the SETUP_SQPOLL feature no longer requires the use of fixed files.

        Any normal file descriptor can be used for IO commands without needing registration.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_EXT_ARG - If this flag is set, then the enter system call supports passing in an extended argument instead of just the sigset_t of earlier kernels.

        This extended argument is of type struct io_uring_getevents_arg and allows the caller to pass in both a sigset_t and a timeout argument for waiting on events. A pointer to this struct must be passed in if ENTER_EXT_ARG is set in the flags for the enter system call.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_NATIVE_WORKERS - If this flag is set, io_uring is using native workers for its async helpers.

        Previous kernels used kernel threads that assumed the identity of the original io_uring owning task, but later kernels will actively create what looks more like regular process threads instead.

        Available since kernel 5.12.

      • FEAT_RSRC_TAGS - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports a variety of features related to fixed files and buffers.

        In particular, it indicates that registered buffers can be updated in-place, whereas before the full set would have to be unregistered first.

        Available since kernel 5.13.

      • FEAT_CQE_SKIP - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports setting IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS in the submitted SQE, indicating that no CQE should be generated for this SQE if it executes normally. If an error happens processing the SQE, a CQE with the appropriate error value will still be generated.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      • FEAT_LINKED_FILE - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports sane assignment of files for SQEs that have dependencies. For example, if a chain of SQEs are submitted with IOSQE_IO_LINK, then kernels without this flag will prepare the file for each link upfront. If a previous link opens a file with a known index, eg if direct descriptors are used with open or accept, then file assignment needs to happen post execution of that SQE. If this flag is set, then the kernel will defer file assignment until execution of a given request is started.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_FEAT_POLL_32BITS
      io_uring_params->features flags
      Enum values:
      • FEAT_SINGLE_MMAP - If this flag is set, the two SQ and CQ rings can be mapped with a single mmap(2) call.

        The SQEs must still be allocated separately. This brings the necessary mmap(2) calls down from three to two.

        Available since kernel 5.4.

      • FEAT_NODROP - If this flag is set, io_uring supports never dropping completion events.

        If a completion event occurs and the CQ ring is full, the kernel stores the event internally until such a time that the CQ ring has room for more entries. If this overflow condition is entered, attempting to submit more IO will fail with the -EBUSY error value, if it can't flush the overflown events to the CQ ring. If this happens, the application must reap events from the CQ ring and attempt the submit again.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_SUBMIT_STABLE - If this flag is set, applications can be certain that any data for async offload has been consumed when the kernel has consumed the SQE.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_RW_CUR_POS - If this flag is set, applications can specify offset == -1 with IORING_OP_{READV,WRITEV}, IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE}_FIXED, and IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE} to mean current file position, which behaves like preadv2(2) and pwritev2(2) with offset == -1.

        It'll use (and update) the current file position. This obviously comes with the caveat that if the application has multiple reads or writes in flight, then the end result will not be as expected. This is similar to threads sharing a file descriptor and doing IO using the current file position.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_CUR_PERSONALITY - If this flag is set, then io_uring guarantees that both sync and async execution of a request assumes the credentials of the task that called enter to queue the requests.

        If this flag isn't set, then requests are issued with the credentials of the task that originally registered the io_uring. If only one task is using a ring, then this flag doesn't matter as the credentials will always be the same. Note that this is the default behavior, tasks can still register different personalities through register with REGISTER_PERSONALITY and specify the personality to use in the sqe.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_FAST_POLL - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports using an internal poll mechanism to drive data/space readiness.

        This means that requests that cannot read or write data to a file no longer need to be punted to an async thread for handling, instead they will begin operation when the file is ready. This is similar to doing poll + read/write in userspace, but eliminates the need to do so. If this flag is set, requests waiting on space/data consume a lot less resources doing so as they are not blocking a thread.

        Available since kernel 5.7.

      • FEAT_POLL_32BITS - If this flag is set, the OP_POLL_ADD command accepts the full 32-bit range of epoll based flags.

        Most notably EPOLLEXCLUSIVE which allows exclusive (waking single waiters) behavior.

        Available since kernel 5.9.

      • FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED - If this flag is set, the SETUP_SQPOLL feature no longer requires the use of fixed files.

        Any normal file descriptor can be used for IO commands without needing registration.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_EXT_ARG - If this flag is set, then the enter system call supports passing in an extended argument instead of just the sigset_t of earlier kernels.

        This extended argument is of type struct io_uring_getevents_arg and allows the caller to pass in both a sigset_t and a timeout argument for waiting on events. A pointer to this struct must be passed in if ENTER_EXT_ARG is set in the flags for the enter system call.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_NATIVE_WORKERS - If this flag is set, io_uring is using native workers for its async helpers.

        Previous kernels used kernel threads that assumed the identity of the original io_uring owning task, but later kernels will actively create what looks more like regular process threads instead.

        Available since kernel 5.12.

      • FEAT_RSRC_TAGS - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports a variety of features related to fixed files and buffers.

        In particular, it indicates that registered buffers can be updated in-place, whereas before the full set would have to be unregistered first.

        Available since kernel 5.13.

      • FEAT_CQE_SKIP - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports setting IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS in the submitted SQE, indicating that no CQE should be generated for this SQE if it executes normally. If an error happens processing the SQE, a CQE with the appropriate error value will still be generated.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      • FEAT_LINKED_FILE - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports sane assignment of files for SQEs that have dependencies. For example, if a chain of SQEs are submitted with IOSQE_IO_LINK, then kernels without this flag will prepare the file for each link upfront. If a previous link opens a file with a known index, eg if direct descriptors are used with open or accept, then file assignment needs to happen post execution of that SQE. If this flag is set, then the kernel will defer file assignment until execution of a given request is started.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED
      io_uring_params->features flags
      Enum values:
      • FEAT_SINGLE_MMAP - If this flag is set, the two SQ and CQ rings can be mapped with a single mmap(2) call.

        The SQEs must still be allocated separately. This brings the necessary mmap(2) calls down from three to two.

        Available since kernel 5.4.

      • FEAT_NODROP - If this flag is set, io_uring supports never dropping completion events.

        If a completion event occurs and the CQ ring is full, the kernel stores the event internally until such a time that the CQ ring has room for more entries. If this overflow condition is entered, attempting to submit more IO will fail with the -EBUSY error value, if it can't flush the overflown events to the CQ ring. If this happens, the application must reap events from the CQ ring and attempt the submit again.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_SUBMIT_STABLE - If this flag is set, applications can be certain that any data for async offload has been consumed when the kernel has consumed the SQE.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_RW_CUR_POS - If this flag is set, applications can specify offset == -1 with IORING_OP_{READV,WRITEV}, IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE}_FIXED, and IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE} to mean current file position, which behaves like preadv2(2) and pwritev2(2) with offset == -1.

        It'll use (and update) the current file position. This obviously comes with the caveat that if the application has multiple reads or writes in flight, then the end result will not be as expected. This is similar to threads sharing a file descriptor and doing IO using the current file position.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_CUR_PERSONALITY - If this flag is set, then io_uring guarantees that both sync and async execution of a request assumes the credentials of the task that called enter to queue the requests.

        If this flag isn't set, then requests are issued with the credentials of the task that originally registered the io_uring. If only one task is using a ring, then this flag doesn't matter as the credentials will always be the same. Note that this is the default behavior, tasks can still register different personalities through register with REGISTER_PERSONALITY and specify the personality to use in the sqe.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_FAST_POLL - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports using an internal poll mechanism to drive data/space readiness.

        This means that requests that cannot read or write data to a file no longer need to be punted to an async thread for handling, instead they will begin operation when the file is ready. This is similar to doing poll + read/write in userspace, but eliminates the need to do so. If this flag is set, requests waiting on space/data consume a lot less resources doing so as they are not blocking a thread.

        Available since kernel 5.7.

      • FEAT_POLL_32BITS - If this flag is set, the OP_POLL_ADD command accepts the full 32-bit range of epoll based flags.

        Most notably EPOLLEXCLUSIVE which allows exclusive (waking single waiters) behavior.

        Available since kernel 5.9.

      • FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED - If this flag is set, the SETUP_SQPOLL feature no longer requires the use of fixed files.

        Any normal file descriptor can be used for IO commands without needing registration.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_EXT_ARG - If this flag is set, then the enter system call supports passing in an extended argument instead of just the sigset_t of earlier kernels.

        This extended argument is of type struct io_uring_getevents_arg and allows the caller to pass in both a sigset_t and a timeout argument for waiting on events. A pointer to this struct must be passed in if ENTER_EXT_ARG is set in the flags for the enter system call.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_NATIVE_WORKERS - If this flag is set, io_uring is using native workers for its async helpers.

        Previous kernels used kernel threads that assumed the identity of the original io_uring owning task, but later kernels will actively create what looks more like regular process threads instead.

        Available since kernel 5.12.

      • FEAT_RSRC_TAGS - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports a variety of features related to fixed files and buffers.

        In particular, it indicates that registered buffers can be updated in-place, whereas before the full set would have to be unregistered first.

        Available since kernel 5.13.

      • FEAT_CQE_SKIP - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports setting IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS in the submitted SQE, indicating that no CQE should be generated for this SQE if it executes normally. If an error happens processing the SQE, a CQE with the appropriate error value will still be generated.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      • FEAT_LINKED_FILE - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports sane assignment of files for SQEs that have dependencies. For example, if a chain of SQEs are submitted with IOSQE_IO_LINK, then kernels without this flag will prepare the file for each link upfront. If a previous link opens a file with a known index, eg if direct descriptors are used with open or accept, then file assignment needs to happen post execution of that SQE. If this flag is set, then the kernel will defer file assignment until execution of a given request is started.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_FEAT_EXT_ARG
      io_uring_params->features flags
      Enum values:
      • FEAT_SINGLE_MMAP - If this flag is set, the two SQ and CQ rings can be mapped with a single mmap(2) call.

        The SQEs must still be allocated separately. This brings the necessary mmap(2) calls down from three to two.

        Available since kernel 5.4.

      • FEAT_NODROP - If this flag is set, io_uring supports never dropping completion events.

        If a completion event occurs and the CQ ring is full, the kernel stores the event internally until such a time that the CQ ring has room for more entries. If this overflow condition is entered, attempting to submit more IO will fail with the -EBUSY error value, if it can't flush the overflown events to the CQ ring. If this happens, the application must reap events from the CQ ring and attempt the submit again.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_SUBMIT_STABLE - If this flag is set, applications can be certain that any data for async offload has been consumed when the kernel has consumed the SQE.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_RW_CUR_POS - If this flag is set, applications can specify offset == -1 with IORING_OP_{READV,WRITEV}, IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE}_FIXED, and IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE} to mean current file position, which behaves like preadv2(2) and pwritev2(2) with offset == -1.

        It'll use (and update) the current file position. This obviously comes with the caveat that if the application has multiple reads or writes in flight, then the end result will not be as expected. This is similar to threads sharing a file descriptor and doing IO using the current file position.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_CUR_PERSONALITY - If this flag is set, then io_uring guarantees that both sync and async execution of a request assumes the credentials of the task that called enter to queue the requests.

        If this flag isn't set, then requests are issued with the credentials of the task that originally registered the io_uring. If only one task is using a ring, then this flag doesn't matter as the credentials will always be the same. Note that this is the default behavior, tasks can still register different personalities through register with REGISTER_PERSONALITY and specify the personality to use in the sqe.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_FAST_POLL - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports using an internal poll mechanism to drive data/space readiness.

        This means that requests that cannot read or write data to a file no longer need to be punted to an async thread for handling, instead they will begin operation when the file is ready. This is similar to doing poll + read/write in userspace, but eliminates the need to do so. If this flag is set, requests waiting on space/data consume a lot less resources doing so as they are not blocking a thread.

        Available since kernel 5.7.

      • FEAT_POLL_32BITS - If this flag is set, the OP_POLL_ADD command accepts the full 32-bit range of epoll based flags.

        Most notably EPOLLEXCLUSIVE which allows exclusive (waking single waiters) behavior.

        Available since kernel 5.9.

      • FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED - If this flag is set, the SETUP_SQPOLL feature no longer requires the use of fixed files.

        Any normal file descriptor can be used for IO commands without needing registration.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_EXT_ARG - If this flag is set, then the enter system call supports passing in an extended argument instead of just the sigset_t of earlier kernels.

        This extended argument is of type struct io_uring_getevents_arg and allows the caller to pass in both a sigset_t and a timeout argument for waiting on events. A pointer to this struct must be passed in if ENTER_EXT_ARG is set in the flags for the enter system call.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_NATIVE_WORKERS - If this flag is set, io_uring is using native workers for its async helpers.

        Previous kernels used kernel threads that assumed the identity of the original io_uring owning task, but later kernels will actively create what looks more like regular process threads instead.

        Available since kernel 5.12.

      • FEAT_RSRC_TAGS - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports a variety of features related to fixed files and buffers.

        In particular, it indicates that registered buffers can be updated in-place, whereas before the full set would have to be unregistered first.

        Available since kernel 5.13.

      • FEAT_CQE_SKIP - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports setting IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS in the submitted SQE, indicating that no CQE should be generated for this SQE if it executes normally. If an error happens processing the SQE, a CQE with the appropriate error value will still be generated.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      • FEAT_LINKED_FILE - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports sane assignment of files for SQEs that have dependencies. For example, if a chain of SQEs are submitted with IOSQE_IO_LINK, then kernels without this flag will prepare the file for each link upfront. If a previous link opens a file with a known index, eg if direct descriptors are used with open or accept, then file assignment needs to happen post execution of that SQE. If this flag is set, then the kernel will defer file assignment until execution of a given request is started.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_FEAT_NATIVE_WORKERS
      io_uring_params->features flags
      Enum values:
      • FEAT_SINGLE_MMAP - If this flag is set, the two SQ and CQ rings can be mapped with a single mmap(2) call.

        The SQEs must still be allocated separately. This brings the necessary mmap(2) calls down from three to two.

        Available since kernel 5.4.

      • FEAT_NODROP - If this flag is set, io_uring supports never dropping completion events.

        If a completion event occurs and the CQ ring is full, the kernel stores the event internally until such a time that the CQ ring has room for more entries. If this overflow condition is entered, attempting to submit more IO will fail with the -EBUSY error value, if it can't flush the overflown events to the CQ ring. If this happens, the application must reap events from the CQ ring and attempt the submit again.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_SUBMIT_STABLE - If this flag is set, applications can be certain that any data for async offload has been consumed when the kernel has consumed the SQE.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_RW_CUR_POS - If this flag is set, applications can specify offset == -1 with IORING_OP_{READV,WRITEV}, IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE}_FIXED, and IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE} to mean current file position, which behaves like preadv2(2) and pwritev2(2) with offset == -1.

        It'll use (and update) the current file position. This obviously comes with the caveat that if the application has multiple reads or writes in flight, then the end result will not be as expected. This is similar to threads sharing a file descriptor and doing IO using the current file position.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_CUR_PERSONALITY - If this flag is set, then io_uring guarantees that both sync and async execution of a request assumes the credentials of the task that called enter to queue the requests.

        If this flag isn't set, then requests are issued with the credentials of the task that originally registered the io_uring. If only one task is using a ring, then this flag doesn't matter as the credentials will always be the same. Note that this is the default behavior, tasks can still register different personalities through register with REGISTER_PERSONALITY and specify the personality to use in the sqe.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_FAST_POLL - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports using an internal poll mechanism to drive data/space readiness.

        This means that requests that cannot read or write data to a file no longer need to be punted to an async thread for handling, instead they will begin operation when the file is ready. This is similar to doing poll + read/write in userspace, but eliminates the need to do so. If this flag is set, requests waiting on space/data consume a lot less resources doing so as they are not blocking a thread.

        Available since kernel 5.7.

      • FEAT_POLL_32BITS - If this flag is set, the OP_POLL_ADD command accepts the full 32-bit range of epoll based flags.

        Most notably EPOLLEXCLUSIVE which allows exclusive (waking single waiters) behavior.

        Available since kernel 5.9.

      • FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED - If this flag is set, the SETUP_SQPOLL feature no longer requires the use of fixed files.

        Any normal file descriptor can be used for IO commands without needing registration.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_EXT_ARG - If this flag is set, then the enter system call supports passing in an extended argument instead of just the sigset_t of earlier kernels.

        This extended argument is of type struct io_uring_getevents_arg and allows the caller to pass in both a sigset_t and a timeout argument for waiting on events. A pointer to this struct must be passed in if ENTER_EXT_ARG is set in the flags for the enter system call.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_NATIVE_WORKERS - If this flag is set, io_uring is using native workers for its async helpers.

        Previous kernels used kernel threads that assumed the identity of the original io_uring owning task, but later kernels will actively create what looks more like regular process threads instead.

        Available since kernel 5.12.

      • FEAT_RSRC_TAGS - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports a variety of features related to fixed files and buffers.

        In particular, it indicates that registered buffers can be updated in-place, whereas before the full set would have to be unregistered first.

        Available since kernel 5.13.

      • FEAT_CQE_SKIP - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports setting IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS in the submitted SQE, indicating that no CQE should be generated for this SQE if it executes normally. If an error happens processing the SQE, a CQE with the appropriate error value will still be generated.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      • FEAT_LINKED_FILE - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports sane assignment of files for SQEs that have dependencies. For example, if a chain of SQEs are submitted with IOSQE_IO_LINK, then kernels without this flag will prepare the file for each link upfront. If a previous link opens a file with a known index, eg if direct descriptors are used with open or accept, then file assignment needs to happen post execution of that SQE. If this flag is set, then the kernel will defer file assignment until execution of a given request is started.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_FEAT_RSRC_TAGS
      io_uring_params->features flags
      Enum values:
      • FEAT_SINGLE_MMAP - If this flag is set, the two SQ and CQ rings can be mapped with a single mmap(2) call.

        The SQEs must still be allocated separately. This brings the necessary mmap(2) calls down from three to two.

        Available since kernel 5.4.

      • FEAT_NODROP - If this flag is set, io_uring supports never dropping completion events.

        If a completion event occurs and the CQ ring is full, the kernel stores the event internally until such a time that the CQ ring has room for more entries. If this overflow condition is entered, attempting to submit more IO will fail with the -EBUSY error value, if it can't flush the overflown events to the CQ ring. If this happens, the application must reap events from the CQ ring and attempt the submit again.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_SUBMIT_STABLE - If this flag is set, applications can be certain that any data for async offload has been consumed when the kernel has consumed the SQE.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_RW_CUR_POS - If this flag is set, applications can specify offset == -1 with IORING_OP_{READV,WRITEV}, IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE}_FIXED, and IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE} to mean current file position, which behaves like preadv2(2) and pwritev2(2) with offset == -1.

        It'll use (and update) the current file position. This obviously comes with the caveat that if the application has multiple reads or writes in flight, then the end result will not be as expected. This is similar to threads sharing a file descriptor and doing IO using the current file position.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_CUR_PERSONALITY - If this flag is set, then io_uring guarantees that both sync and async execution of a request assumes the credentials of the task that called enter to queue the requests.

        If this flag isn't set, then requests are issued with the credentials of the task that originally registered the io_uring. If only one task is using a ring, then this flag doesn't matter as the credentials will always be the same. Note that this is the default behavior, tasks can still register different personalities through register with REGISTER_PERSONALITY and specify the personality to use in the sqe.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_FAST_POLL - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports using an internal poll mechanism to drive data/space readiness.

        This means that requests that cannot read or write data to a file no longer need to be punted to an async thread for handling, instead they will begin operation when the file is ready. This is similar to doing poll + read/write in userspace, but eliminates the need to do so. If this flag is set, requests waiting on space/data consume a lot less resources doing so as they are not blocking a thread.

        Available since kernel 5.7.

      • FEAT_POLL_32BITS - If this flag is set, the OP_POLL_ADD command accepts the full 32-bit range of epoll based flags.

        Most notably EPOLLEXCLUSIVE which allows exclusive (waking single waiters) behavior.

        Available since kernel 5.9.

      • FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED - If this flag is set, the SETUP_SQPOLL feature no longer requires the use of fixed files.

        Any normal file descriptor can be used for IO commands without needing registration.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_EXT_ARG - If this flag is set, then the enter system call supports passing in an extended argument instead of just the sigset_t of earlier kernels.

        This extended argument is of type struct io_uring_getevents_arg and allows the caller to pass in both a sigset_t and a timeout argument for waiting on events. A pointer to this struct must be passed in if ENTER_EXT_ARG is set in the flags for the enter system call.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_NATIVE_WORKERS - If this flag is set, io_uring is using native workers for its async helpers.

        Previous kernels used kernel threads that assumed the identity of the original io_uring owning task, but later kernels will actively create what looks more like regular process threads instead.

        Available since kernel 5.12.

      • FEAT_RSRC_TAGS - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports a variety of features related to fixed files and buffers.

        In particular, it indicates that registered buffers can be updated in-place, whereas before the full set would have to be unregistered first.

        Available since kernel 5.13.

      • FEAT_CQE_SKIP - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports setting IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS in the submitted SQE, indicating that no CQE should be generated for this SQE if it executes normally. If an error happens processing the SQE, a CQE with the appropriate error value will still be generated.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      • FEAT_LINKED_FILE - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports sane assignment of files for SQEs that have dependencies. For example, if a chain of SQEs are submitted with IOSQE_IO_LINK, then kernels without this flag will prepare the file for each link upfront. If a previous link opens a file with a known index, eg if direct descriptors are used with open or accept, then file assignment needs to happen post execution of that SQE. If this flag is set, then the kernel will defer file assignment until execution of a given request is started.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_FEAT_CQE_SKIP
      io_uring_params->features flags
      Enum values:
      • FEAT_SINGLE_MMAP - If this flag is set, the two SQ and CQ rings can be mapped with a single mmap(2) call.

        The SQEs must still be allocated separately. This brings the necessary mmap(2) calls down from three to two.

        Available since kernel 5.4.

      • FEAT_NODROP - If this flag is set, io_uring supports never dropping completion events.

        If a completion event occurs and the CQ ring is full, the kernel stores the event internally until such a time that the CQ ring has room for more entries. If this overflow condition is entered, attempting to submit more IO will fail with the -EBUSY error value, if it can't flush the overflown events to the CQ ring. If this happens, the application must reap events from the CQ ring and attempt the submit again.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_SUBMIT_STABLE - If this flag is set, applications can be certain that any data for async offload has been consumed when the kernel has consumed the SQE.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_RW_CUR_POS - If this flag is set, applications can specify offset == -1 with IORING_OP_{READV,WRITEV}, IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE}_FIXED, and IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE} to mean current file position, which behaves like preadv2(2) and pwritev2(2) with offset == -1.

        It'll use (and update) the current file position. This obviously comes with the caveat that if the application has multiple reads or writes in flight, then the end result will not be as expected. This is similar to threads sharing a file descriptor and doing IO using the current file position.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_CUR_PERSONALITY - If this flag is set, then io_uring guarantees that both sync and async execution of a request assumes the credentials of the task that called enter to queue the requests.

        If this flag isn't set, then requests are issued with the credentials of the task that originally registered the io_uring. If only one task is using a ring, then this flag doesn't matter as the credentials will always be the same. Note that this is the default behavior, tasks can still register different personalities through register with REGISTER_PERSONALITY and specify the personality to use in the sqe.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_FAST_POLL - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports using an internal poll mechanism to drive data/space readiness.

        This means that requests that cannot read or write data to a file no longer need to be punted to an async thread for handling, instead they will begin operation when the file is ready. This is similar to doing poll + read/write in userspace, but eliminates the need to do so. If this flag is set, requests waiting on space/data consume a lot less resources doing so as they are not blocking a thread.

        Available since kernel 5.7.

      • FEAT_POLL_32BITS - If this flag is set, the OP_POLL_ADD command accepts the full 32-bit range of epoll based flags.

        Most notably EPOLLEXCLUSIVE which allows exclusive (waking single waiters) behavior.

        Available since kernel 5.9.

      • FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED - If this flag is set, the SETUP_SQPOLL feature no longer requires the use of fixed files.

        Any normal file descriptor can be used for IO commands without needing registration.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_EXT_ARG - If this flag is set, then the enter system call supports passing in an extended argument instead of just the sigset_t of earlier kernels.

        This extended argument is of type struct io_uring_getevents_arg and allows the caller to pass in both a sigset_t and a timeout argument for waiting on events. A pointer to this struct must be passed in if ENTER_EXT_ARG is set in the flags for the enter system call.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_NATIVE_WORKERS - If this flag is set, io_uring is using native workers for its async helpers.

        Previous kernels used kernel threads that assumed the identity of the original io_uring owning task, but later kernels will actively create what looks more like regular process threads instead.

        Available since kernel 5.12.

      • FEAT_RSRC_TAGS - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports a variety of features related to fixed files and buffers.

        In particular, it indicates that registered buffers can be updated in-place, whereas before the full set would have to be unregistered first.

        Available since kernel 5.13.

      • FEAT_CQE_SKIP - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports setting IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS in the submitted SQE, indicating that no CQE should be generated for this SQE if it executes normally. If an error happens processing the SQE, a CQE with the appropriate error value will still be generated.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      • FEAT_LINKED_FILE - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports sane assignment of files for SQEs that have dependencies. For example, if a chain of SQEs are submitted with IOSQE_IO_LINK, then kernels without this flag will prepare the file for each link upfront. If a previous link opens a file with a known index, eg if direct descriptors are used with open or accept, then file assignment needs to happen post execution of that SQE. If this flag is set, then the kernel will defer file assignment until execution of a given request is started.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_FEAT_LINKED_FILE
      io_uring_params->features flags
      Enum values:
      • FEAT_SINGLE_MMAP - If this flag is set, the two SQ and CQ rings can be mapped with a single mmap(2) call.

        The SQEs must still be allocated separately. This brings the necessary mmap(2) calls down from three to two.

        Available since kernel 5.4.

      • FEAT_NODROP - If this flag is set, io_uring supports never dropping completion events.

        If a completion event occurs and the CQ ring is full, the kernel stores the event internally until such a time that the CQ ring has room for more entries. If this overflow condition is entered, attempting to submit more IO will fail with the -EBUSY error value, if it can't flush the overflown events to the CQ ring. If this happens, the application must reap events from the CQ ring and attempt the submit again.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_SUBMIT_STABLE - If this flag is set, applications can be certain that any data for async offload has been consumed when the kernel has consumed the SQE.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_RW_CUR_POS - If this flag is set, applications can specify offset == -1 with IORING_OP_{READV,WRITEV}, IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE}_FIXED, and IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE} to mean current file position, which behaves like preadv2(2) and pwritev2(2) with offset == -1.

        It'll use (and update) the current file position. This obviously comes with the caveat that if the application has multiple reads or writes in flight, then the end result will not be as expected. This is similar to threads sharing a file descriptor and doing IO using the current file position.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_CUR_PERSONALITY - If this flag is set, then io_uring guarantees that both sync and async execution of a request assumes the credentials of the task that called enter to queue the requests.

        If this flag isn't set, then requests are issued with the credentials of the task that originally registered the io_uring. If only one task is using a ring, then this flag doesn't matter as the credentials will always be the same. Note that this is the default behavior, tasks can still register different personalities through register with REGISTER_PERSONALITY and specify the personality to use in the sqe.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_FAST_POLL - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports using an internal poll mechanism to drive data/space readiness.

        This means that requests that cannot read or write data to a file no longer need to be punted to an async thread for handling, instead they will begin operation when the file is ready. This is similar to doing poll + read/write in userspace, but eliminates the need to do so. If this flag is set, requests waiting on space/data consume a lot less resources doing so as they are not blocking a thread.

        Available since kernel 5.7.

      • FEAT_POLL_32BITS - If this flag is set, the OP_POLL_ADD command accepts the full 32-bit range of epoll based flags.

        Most notably EPOLLEXCLUSIVE which allows exclusive (waking single waiters) behavior.

        Available since kernel 5.9.

      • FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED - If this flag is set, the SETUP_SQPOLL feature no longer requires the use of fixed files.

        Any normal file descriptor can be used for IO commands without needing registration.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_EXT_ARG - If this flag is set, then the enter system call supports passing in an extended argument instead of just the sigset_t of earlier kernels.

        This extended argument is of type struct io_uring_getevents_arg and allows the caller to pass in both a sigset_t and a timeout argument for waiting on events. A pointer to this struct must be passed in if ENTER_EXT_ARG is set in the flags for the enter system call.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_NATIVE_WORKERS - If this flag is set, io_uring is using native workers for its async helpers.

        Previous kernels used kernel threads that assumed the identity of the original io_uring owning task, but later kernels will actively create what looks more like regular process threads instead.

        Available since kernel 5.12.

      • FEAT_RSRC_TAGS - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports a variety of features related to fixed files and buffers.

        In particular, it indicates that registered buffers can be updated in-place, whereas before the full set would have to be unregistered first.

        Available since kernel 5.13.

      • FEAT_CQE_SKIP - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports setting IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS in the submitted SQE, indicating that no CQE should be generated for this SQE if it executes normally. If an error happens processing the SQE, a CQE with the appropriate error value will still be generated.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      • FEAT_LINKED_FILE - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports sane assignment of files for SQEs that have dependencies. For example, if a chain of SQEs are submitted with IOSQE_IO_LINK, then kernels without this flag will prepare the file for each link upfront. If a previous link opens a file with a known index, eg if direct descriptors are used with open or accept, then file assignment needs to happen post execution of that SQE. If this flag is set, then the kernel will defer file assignment until execution of a given request is started.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_FEAT_REG_REG_RING
      io_uring_params->features flags
      Enum values:
      • FEAT_SINGLE_MMAP - If this flag is set, the two SQ and CQ rings can be mapped with a single mmap(2) call.

        The SQEs must still be allocated separately. This brings the necessary mmap(2) calls down from three to two.

        Available since kernel 5.4.

      • FEAT_NODROP - If this flag is set, io_uring supports never dropping completion events.

        If a completion event occurs and the CQ ring is full, the kernel stores the event internally until such a time that the CQ ring has room for more entries. If this overflow condition is entered, attempting to submit more IO will fail with the -EBUSY error value, if it can't flush the overflown events to the CQ ring. If this happens, the application must reap events from the CQ ring and attempt the submit again.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_SUBMIT_STABLE - If this flag is set, applications can be certain that any data for async offload has been consumed when the kernel has consumed the SQE.

        Available since kernel 5.5.

      • FEAT_RW_CUR_POS - If this flag is set, applications can specify offset == -1 with IORING_OP_{READV,WRITEV}, IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE}_FIXED, and IORING_OP_{READ,WRITE} to mean current file position, which behaves like preadv2(2) and pwritev2(2) with offset == -1.

        It'll use (and update) the current file position. This obviously comes with the caveat that if the application has multiple reads or writes in flight, then the end result will not be as expected. This is similar to threads sharing a file descriptor and doing IO using the current file position.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_CUR_PERSONALITY - If this flag is set, then io_uring guarantees that both sync and async execution of a request assumes the credentials of the task that called enter to queue the requests.

        If this flag isn't set, then requests are issued with the credentials of the task that originally registered the io_uring. If only one task is using a ring, then this flag doesn't matter as the credentials will always be the same. Note that this is the default behavior, tasks can still register different personalities through register with REGISTER_PERSONALITY and specify the personality to use in the sqe.

        Available since kernel 5.6.

      • FEAT_FAST_POLL - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports using an internal poll mechanism to drive data/space readiness.

        This means that requests that cannot read or write data to a file no longer need to be punted to an async thread for handling, instead they will begin operation when the file is ready. This is similar to doing poll + read/write in userspace, but eliminates the need to do so. If this flag is set, requests waiting on space/data consume a lot less resources doing so as they are not blocking a thread.

        Available since kernel 5.7.

      • FEAT_POLL_32BITS - If this flag is set, the OP_POLL_ADD command accepts the full 32-bit range of epoll based flags.

        Most notably EPOLLEXCLUSIVE which allows exclusive (waking single waiters) behavior.

        Available since kernel 5.9.

      • FEAT_SQPOLL_NONFIXED - If this flag is set, the SETUP_SQPOLL feature no longer requires the use of fixed files.

        Any normal file descriptor can be used for IO commands without needing registration.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_EXT_ARG - If this flag is set, then the enter system call supports passing in an extended argument instead of just the sigset_t of earlier kernels.

        This extended argument is of type struct io_uring_getevents_arg and allows the caller to pass in both a sigset_t and a timeout argument for waiting on events. A pointer to this struct must be passed in if ENTER_EXT_ARG is set in the flags for the enter system call.

        Available since kernel 5.11.

      • FEAT_NATIVE_WORKERS - If this flag is set, io_uring is using native workers for its async helpers.

        Previous kernels used kernel threads that assumed the identity of the original io_uring owning task, but later kernels will actively create what looks more like regular process threads instead.

        Available since kernel 5.12.

      • FEAT_RSRC_TAGS - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports a variety of features related to fixed files and buffers.

        In particular, it indicates that registered buffers can be updated in-place, whereas before the full set would have to be unregistered first.

        Available since kernel 5.13.

      • FEAT_CQE_SKIP - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports setting IOSQE_CQE_SKIP_SUCCESS in the submitted SQE, indicating that no CQE should be generated for this SQE if it executes normally. If an error happens processing the SQE, a CQE with the appropriate error value will still be generated.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      • FEAT_LINKED_FILE - If this flag is set, then io_uring supports sane assignment of files for SQEs that have dependencies. For example, if a chain of SQEs are submitted with IOSQE_IO_LINK, then kernels without this flag will prepare the file for each link upfront. If a previous link opens a file with a known index, eg if direct descriptors are used with open or accept, then file assignment needs to happen post execution of that SQE. If this flag is set, then the kernel will defer file assignment until execution of a given request is started.

        Available since kernel 5.17.

      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_BUFFERS
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_UNREGISTER_BUFFERS
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_FILES
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_UNREGISTER_FILES
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_UNREGISTER_EVENTFD
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_PROBE
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_PERSONALITY
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_FILES2
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_BUFFERS2
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_UNREGISTER_RING_FDS
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_PBUF_RING
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_LAST
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_USE_REGISTERED_RING
      register opcodes and arguments
      Enum values:
      • REGISTER_BUFFERS - arg points to a struct iovec array of nr_args entries.

        The buffers associated with the iovecs will be locked in memory and charged against the user's RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit. See getrlimit(2) for more information. Additionally, there is a size limit of 1GiB per buffer. Currently, the buffers must be anonymous, non-file-backed memory, such as that returned by malloc(3) or mmap(2) with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set. It is expected that this limitation will be lifted in the future. Huge pages are supported as well. Note that the entire huge page will be pinned in the kernel, even if only a portion of it is used.

        After a successful call, the supplied buffers are mapped into the kernel and eligible for I/O. To make use of them, the application must specify the OP_READ_FIXED or OP_WRITE_FIXED opcodes in the submission queue entry (see the struct io_uring_sqe definition in enter), and set the buf_index field to the desired buffer index. The memory range described by the submission queue entry's addr and len fields must fall within the indexed buffer.

        It is perfectly valid to setup a large buffer and then only use part of it for an I/O, as long as the range is within the originally mapped region.

        An application can increase or decrease the size or number of registered buffers by first unregistering the existing buffers, and then issuing a new call to io_uring_register() with the new buffers.

        Note that before 5.13 registering buffers would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding.

        An application need not unregister buffers explicitly before shutting down the io_uring instance.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_BUFFERS - This operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered buffers associated with the io_uring instance will be released.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_FILES - Register files for I/O.

        arg contains a pointer to an array of nr_args file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). To make use of the registered files, the IOSQE_FIXED_FILE flag must be set in the flags member of the struct io_uring_sqe, and the fd member is set to the index of the file in the file descriptor array.

        The file set may be sparse, meaning that the fd field in the array may be set to -1. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update files in place.

        Note that before 5.13 registering files would wait for the ring to idle. If the application currently has requests in-flight, the registration will wait for those to finish before proceeding. See REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE for how to update an existing set without that limitation.

        Files are automatically unregistered when the io_uring instance is torn down. An application needs only unregister if it wishes to register a new set of fds.

        Available since 5.1.

      • UNREGISTER_FILES - This operation requires no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL.

        All previously registered files associated with the io_uring instance will be unregistered.

        Available since 5.1.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD - It's possible to use eventfd(2) to get notified of completion events on an io_uring instance. If this is desired, an eventfd file descriptor can be registered through this operation.

        arg must contain a pointer to the eventfd file descriptor, and nr_args must be 1.

        Available since 5.2.

        An application can temporarily disable notifications, coming through the registered eventfd, by setting the CQ_EVENTFD_DISABLED bit in the flags field of the CQ ring.

        Available since 5.8.

      • UNREGISTER_EVENTFD - Unregister an eventfd file descriptor to stop notifications.

        Since only one eventfd descriptor is currently supported, this operation takes no argument, and arg must be passed as NULL and nr_args must be zero.

        Available since 5.2.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE - This operation replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_files_update, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update. nr_args must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in array.

        Available since 5.5.

        File descriptors can be skipped if they are set to REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. Skipping an fd will not touch the file associated with the previous fd at that index.

        Available since 5.12.

      • REGISTER_EVENTFD_ASYNC - This works just like REGISTER_EVENTFD, except notifications are only posted for events that complete in an async manner.

        This means that events that complete inline while being submitted do not trigger a notification event. The arguments supplied are the same as for IORING_REGISTER_EVENTFD.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PROBE - This operation returns a structure, io_uring_probe, which contains information about the opcodes supported by io_uring on the running kernel.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_probe, and nr_args must contain the size of the ops array in that probe struct. The ops array is of the type io_uring_probe_op, which holds the value of the opcode and a flags field. If the flags field has IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED set, then this opcode is supported on the running kernel.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation registers credentials of the running application with io_uring, and returns an id associated with these credentials.

        Applications wishing to share a ring between separate users/processes can pass in this credential id in the sqe personality field. If set, that particular sqe will be issued with these credentials. Must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.6.

      • UNREGISTER_PERSONALITY - This operation unregisters a previously registered personality with io_uring.

        nr_args must be set to the id in question, and arg must be set to NULL.

        Available since 5.6.

      • REGISTER_RESTRICTIONS - arg points to a struct io_uring_restriction array of nr_args entries.

        With an entry it is possible to allow an register opcode, or specify which opcode and flags of the submission queue entry are allowed, or require certain flags to be specified (these flags must be set on each submission queue entry).

        All the restrictions must be submitted with a single io_uring_register() call and they are handled as an allowlist (opcodes and flags not registered, are not allowed).

        Restrictions can be registered only if the io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED must be specified in the call to setup).

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_ENABLE_RINGS - This operation enables an io_uring ring started in a disabled state (SETUP_R_DISABLED was specified in the call to setup).

        While the io_uring ring is disabled, submissions are not allowed and registrations are not restricted. After the execution of this operation, the io_uring ring is enabled: submissions and registration are allowed, but they will be validated following the registered restrictions (if any). This operation takes no argument, must be invoked with arg set to NULL and nr_args set to zero.

        Available since 5.10.

      • REGISTER_FILES2 - Register files for I/O. Similar to REGISTER_FILES.

        arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to an array of nr file descriptors (signed 32 bit integers). tags field should either be 0 or or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for more info on resource tagging.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources, they might be held until all requests using that resource complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE2 - Similar to REGISTER_FILES_UPDATE, replaces existing files in the registered file set with new ones, either turning a sparse entry (one where fd is equal to -1) into a real one, removing an existing entry (new one is set to -1), or replacing an existing entry with a new existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of file descriptors to use for the update stored in data. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS2 - Register buffers for I/O.

        Similar to REGISTER_BUFFERS but aims to have a more extensible ABI. arg points to a struct io_uring_rsrc_register, and nr_args should be set to the number of bytes in the structure.

        The data field contains a pointer to a struct iovec array of nr entries. The tags field should either be 0, then tagging is disabled, or point to an array of nr "tags" (unsigned 64 bit integers). If a tag is zero, then tagging for this particular resource (a buffer in this case) is disabled. Otherwise, after the resource had been unregistered and it's not used anymore, a CQE will be posted with user_data set to the specified tag and all other fields zeroed.

        Note that resource updates, e.g. REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE, don't necessarily deallocate resources by the time it returns, but they might be held alive until all requests using it complete.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_BUFFERS_UPDATE - Updates registered buffers with new ones, either turning a sparse entry into a real one, or replacing an existing entry.

        arg must contain a pointer to a struct io_uring_rsrc_update2, which contains an offset on which to start the update, and an array of struct iovec. tags points to an array of tags. nr must contain the number of descriptors in the passed in arrays. See REGISTER_BUFFERS2 for the resource tagging description.

        Available since 5.13.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - By default, async workers created by io_uring will inherit the CPU mask of its parent.

        This is usually all the CPUs in the system, unless the parent is being run with a limited set. If this isn't the desired outcome, the application may explicitly tell io_uring what CPUs the async workers may run on.

        arg must point to a cpu_set_t mask, and nr_args the byte size of that mask.

        Available since 5.14.

      • UNREGISTER_IOWQ_AFF - Undoes a CPU mask previously set with REGISTER_IOWQ_AFF.

        Must not have arg or nr_args set.

        Available since 5.14.

      • REGISTER_IOWQ_MAX_WORKERS - By default, io_uring limits the unbounded workers created to the maximum processor count set by RLIMIT_NPROC and the bounded workers is a function of the SQ ring size and the number of CPUs in the system. Sometimes this can be excessive (or too little, for bounded), and this command provides a way to change the count per ring (per NUMA node) instead.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of two values, with the values in the array being set to the maximum count of workers per NUMA node. Index 0 holds the bounded worker count, and index 1 holds the unbounded worker count. On successful return, the passed in array will contain the previous maximum valyes for each type. If the count being passed in is 0, then this command returns the current maximum values and doesn't modify the current setting. nr_args must be set to 2, as the command takes two values.

        Available since 5.15.

      • REGISTER_RING_FDS - Whenever enter is called to submit request or wait for completions, the kernel must grab a reference to the file descriptor. If the application using io_uring is threaded, the file table is marked as shared, and the reference grab and put of the file descriptor count is more expensive than it is for a non-threaded application.

        Similarly to how io_uring allows registration of files, this allow registration of the ring file descriptor itself. This reduces the overhead of the io_uring_enter (2) system call.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. The data field of this struct must point to an io_uring file descriptor, and the offset field can be either -1 or an explicit offset desired for the registered file descriptor value. If -1 is used, then upon successful return of this system call, the field will contain the value of the registered file descriptor to be used for future io_uring_enter (2) system calls.

        On successful completion of this request, the returned descriptors may be used instead of the real file descriptor for io_uring_enter (2), provided that IORING_ENTER_REGISTERED_RING is set in the flags for the system call. This flag tells the kernel that a registered descriptor is used rather than a real file descriptor.

        Each thread or process using a ring must register the file descriptor directly by issuing this request.

        The maximum number of supported registered ring descriptors is currently limited to 16.

        Available since 5.18.

      • UNREGISTER_RING_FDS - Unregister descriptors previously registered with REGISTER_RING_FDS.

        arg must be set to an unsigned int pointer to an array of type struct io_uring_rsrc_register of nr_args number of entries. Only the offset field should be set in the structure, containing the registered file descriptor offset previously returned from IORING_REGISTER_RING_FDS that the application wishes to unregister.

        Note that this isn't done automatically on ring exit, if the thread or task that previously registered a ring file descriptor isn't exiting. It is recommended to manually unregister any previously registered ring descriptors if the ring is closed and the task persists. This will free up a registration slot, making it available for future use.

        Available since 5.18.

      • REGISTER_PBUF_RING - register ring based provide buffer group
      • UNREGISTER_PBUF_RING - unregister ring based provide buffer group
      • REGISTER_SYNC_CANCEL - sync cancelation API
      • REGISTER_FILE_ALLOC_RANGE - register a range of fixed file slots for automatic slot allocation
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_RSRC_REGISTER_SPARSE
      Register a fully sparse file space, rather than pass in an array of all -1 file descriptors.
      See Also:

      public static final int IO_WQ_BOUND
      io-wq worker categories
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int IO_WQ_UNBOUND
      io-wq worker categories
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_REGISTER_FILES_SKIP
      Skip updating fd indexes set to this value in the fd table.
      See Also:

      public static final int IO_URING_OP_SUPPORTED
      See Also:

      public static final int IOU_PBUF_RING_MMAP
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_RESTRICTION_REGISTER_OP
      io_uring_restriction->opcode values
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_RESTRICTION_SQE_OP
      io_uring_restriction->opcode values
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_RESTRICTION_SQE_FLAGS_ALLOWED
      io_uring_restriction->opcode values
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_RESTRICTION_SQE_FLAGS_REQUIRED
      io_uring_restriction->opcode values
      Enum values:
      See Also:

      public static final int IORING_RESTRICTION_LAST
      io_uring_restriction->opcode values
      Enum values:
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • nio_uring_setup

      public static int nio_uring_setup(int entries, long p)
      Unsafe version of: setup
    • io_uring_setup

      public static int io_uring_setup(int entries, IOURingParams p)
      The io_uring_setup() system call sets up a submission queue (SQ) and completion queue (CQ) with at least entries entries, and returns a file descriptor which can be used to perform subsequent operations on the io_uring instance.

      The submission and completion queues are shared between userspace and the kernel, which eliminates the need to copy data when initiating and completing I/O.

      Closing the file descriptor returned by io_uring_setup(2) will free all resources associated with the io_uring context.

      p - used by the application to pass options to the kernel, and by the kernel to convey information about the ring buffers
      a new file descriptor on success.

      The application may then provide the file descriptor in a subsequent mmap(2) call to map the submission and completion queues, or to the register or enter system calls.

      On error, -1 is returned and errno is set appropriately.

    • nio_uring_register

      public static int nio_uring_register(int fd, int opcode, long arg, int nr_args)
      Unsafe version of: register
    • io_uring_register

      public static int io_uring_register(int fd, int opcode, long arg, int nr_args)
      The io_uring_register() system call registers resources (e.g. user buffers, files, eventfd, personality, restrictions) for use in an io_uring instance referenced by fd.

      Registering files or user buffers allows the kernel to take long term references to internal data structures or create long term mappings of application memory, greatly reducing per-I/O overhead.

      fd - the file descriptor returned by a call to setup
      opcode - one of:
      on success, returns 0. On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set accordingly.
    • nio_uring_enter2

      public static int nio_uring_enter2(int fd, int to_submit, int min_complete, int flags, long sig, int sz)
    • io_uring_enter2

      public static int io_uring_enter2(int fd, int to_submit, int min_complete, int flags, long sig, int sz)
    • nio_uring_enter

      public static int nio_uring_enter(int fd, int to_submit, int min_complete, int flags, long sig)
      Unsafe version of: enter
    • io_uring_enter

      public static int io_uring_enter(int fd, int to_submit, int min_complete, int flags, long sig)
      io_uring_enter() is used to initiate and complete I/O using the shared submission and completion queues setup by a call to setup.

      A single call can both submit new I/O and wait for completions of I/O initiated by this call or previous calls to io_uring_enter().

      If the io_uring instance was configured for polling, by specifying SETUP_IOPOLL in the call to io_uring_setup(), then min_complete has a slightly different meaning. Passing a value of 0 instructs the kernel to return any events which are already complete, without blocking. If min_complete is a non-zero value, the kernel will still return immediately if any completion events are available. If no event completions are available, then the call will poll either until one or more completions become available, or until the process has exceeded its scheduler time slice.

      Note that, for interrupt driven I/O (where IORING_SETUP_IOPOLL was not specified in the call to io_uring_setup()), an application may check the completion queue for event completions without entering the kernel at all.

      When the system call returns that a certain amount of SQEs have been consumed and submitted, it's safe to reuse SQE entries in the ring. This is true even if the actual IO submission had to be punted to async context, which means that the SQE may in fact not have been submitted yet. If the kernel requires later use of a particular SQE entry, it will have made a private copy of it.

      fd - the file descriptor returned by setup
      to_submit - the number of I/Os to submit from the submission queue
      flags - one or more of:
      sig - a pointer to a signal mask (see sigprocmask(2)); if sig is not NULL, io_uring_enter() first replaces the current signal mask by the one pointed to by sig, then waits for events to become available in the completion queue, and then restores the original signal mask. The following io_uring_enter() call:
                        ret = io_uring_enter(fd, 0, 1, IORING_ENTER_GETEVENTS, &sig);

      is equivalent to atomically executing the following calls:

                        pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &sig, &orig);
                        ret = io_uring_enter(fd, 0, 1, IORING_ENTER_GETEVENTS, NULL);
                        pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &orig, NULL);

      See the description of pselect(2) for an explanation of why the sig parameter is necessary.

      the number of I/Os successfully consumed.

      This can be zero if to_submit was zero or if the submission queue was empty. Note that if the ring was created with SETUP_SQPOLL specified, then the return value will generally be the same as to_submit as submission happens outside the context of the system call.

      The errors related to a submission queue entry will be returned through a completion queue entry, rather than through the system call itself.

      Errors that occur not on behalf of a submission queue entry are returned via the system call directly. On such an error, -1 is returned and errno is set appropriately.