Class TileDownloadLayer

    • Constructor Detail

      • TileDownloadLayer

        public TileDownloadLayer​(TileCache tileCache,
                                 IMapViewPosition mapViewPosition,
                                 TileSource tileSource,
    • Method Detail

      • draw

        public void draw​(org.mapsforge.core.model.BoundingBox boundingBox,
                         byte zoomLevel,
                         org.mapsforge.core.model.Point topLeftPoint)
        Description copied from class: Layer
        Draws this Layer on the given canvas.
        draw in class TileLayer<DownloadJob>
        boundingBox - the geographical area which should be drawn.
        zoomLevel - the zoom level at which this Layer should draw itself.
        canvas - the canvas on which this Layer should draw itself.
        topLeftPoint - the top-left pixel position of the canvas relative to the top-left map position.
      • getCacheTimeToLive

        public long getCacheTimeToLive()
        Returns the time-to-live (TTL) for tiles in the cache, or 0 if not set.

        Refer to isTileStale(Tile, TileBitmap) for information on how the TTL is enforced.

      • onDestroy

        public void onDestroy()
        onDestroy in class Layer
      • onPause

        public void onPause()
      • onResume

        public void onResume()
      • setCacheTimeToLive

        public void setCacheTimeToLive​(long ttl)
        Sets the time-to-live (TTL) for tiles in the cache.

        The initial TTL is obtained by calling the TileSource's TileSource.getDefaultTimeToLive() ()} method. Refer to isTileStale(Tile, TileBitmap) for information on how the TTL is enforced.

        ttl - The TTL. If set to 0, no TTL will be enforced.
      • setDisplayModel

        public void setDisplayModel​(DisplayModel displayModel)
        Description copied from class: Layer
        The DisplayModel comes from a MapView, so is generally not known when the layer itself is created. Maybe a better way would be to have a MapView as a parameter when creating a layer.
        setDisplayModel in class TileLayer<DownloadJob>
        displayModel - the displayModel to use.
      • start

        public void start()
      • isTileStale

        protected boolean isTileStale​(org.mapsforge.core.model.Tile tile,
        Whether the tile is stale and should be refreshed.

        This method is called from draw(BoundingBox, byte, Canvas, Point) to determine whether the tile needs to be refreshed.

        A tile is considered stale if one or more of the following two conditions apply:

        • The bitmap's TileBitmap.isExpired() method returns True.
        • The layer has a time-to-live (TTL) set (getCacheTimeToLive() returns a nonzero value) and the sum of the bitmap's TileBitmap.getTimestamp() and TTL is less than current time (as returned by System.currentTimeMillis()).

        When a tile has become stale, the layer will first display the tile referenced by bitmap and attempt to obtain a fresh copy in the background. When a fresh copy becomes available, the layer will replace it and update the cache. If a fresh copy cannot be obtained (e.g. because the tile is obtained from an online source which cannot be reached), the stale tile will continue to be used until another #draw(BoundingBox, byte, Canvas, Point) operation requests it again.

        Specified by:
        isTileStale in class TileLayer<DownloadJob>
        tile - A tile. This parameter is not used for a TileDownloadLayer and can be null.
        bitmap - The bitmap for tile currently held in the layer's cache.
      • onAdd

        protected void onAdd()
        Description copied from class: Layer
        Called each time this Layer is added to a Layers list.
        onAdd in class Layer
      • onRemove

        protected void onRemove()
        Description copied from class: Layer
        Called each time this Layer is removed from a Layers list.
        onRemove in class Layer
      • onChange

        public void onChange()
        Description copied from interface: Observer
        Called whenever the observed object has been changed.

        Time-consuming operations should be performed in a separate thread.

        Specified by:
        onChange in interface Observer