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ACCESSOR_ONLY - org.mapstruct.CollectionMappingStrategy
The setter of the target property will be used to propagate the value: orderDto.setOrderLines(order.getOrderLines).
ADDER_PREFERRED - org.mapstruct.CollectionMappingStrategy
Identical to CollectionMappingStrategy.SETTER_PREFERRED, only that adder methods will be preferred over setter methods, if both are present for a given collection-typed property.
AfterMapping - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Marks a method to be invoked at the end of a generated mapping method, right before the last return statement of the mapping method.
ALWAYS - org.mapstruct.NullValueCheckStrategy
This option always includes a null check.
ANY_REMAINING - Static variable in class org.mapstruct.MappingConstants
In an ValueMapping this represents any source that is not already mapped by either a defined mapping or by means of name based mapping.
ANY_UNMAPPED - Static variable in class org.mapstruct.MappingConstants
In an ValueMapping this represents any source that is not already mapped by a defined mapping.
AUTO_INHERIT_ALL_FROM_CONFIG - org.mapstruct.MappingInheritanceStrategy
Inherit the method-level forward and reverse configuration annotations automatically if source and target types of the prototype method are assignable from the types of a given mapping method.
AUTO_INHERIT_FROM_CONFIG - org.mapstruct.MappingInheritanceStrategy
Inherit the method-level forward configuration annotations automatically if source and target types of the prototype method are assignable from the types of a given mapping method.
AUTO_INHERIT_REVERSE_FROM_CONFIG - org.mapstruct.MappingInheritanceStrategy
Inherit the method-level reverse configuration annotations automatically if source and target types of the prototype method are assignable from the target and source types of a given mapping method.


BeanMapping - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Configures the mapping between two bean types.
BeforeMapping - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Marks a method to be invoked at the beginning of a generated mapping method.
builder() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.BeanMapping
The information that should be used for the builder mappings.
builder() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
The information that should be used for the builder mappings.
builder() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
The information that should be used for the builder mappings.
Builder - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Configuration of builders, e.g.
buildMethod() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Builder
The name of the build method that needs to be invoked on the builder to create the type to be build
BUILT_IN_CONVERSION - org.mapstruct.control.MappingControl.Use
Controls the mapping, allows for type conversion from source type to target type


CASE_TRANSFORMATION - Static variable in class org.mapstruct.MappingConstants
In an EnumMapping this represent the enum transformation strategy that applies case transformation at the source.
CDI - Static variable in class org.mapstruct.MappingConstants.ComponentModel
The generated mapper is an application-scoped CDI bean and can be retrieved via @Inject
collectionMappingStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
The strategy to be applied when propagating the value of collection-typed properties.
collectionMappingStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
The strategy to be applied when propagating the value of collection-typed properties.
CollectionMappingStrategy - Enum in org.mapstruct
Strategy for propagating the value of collection-typed properties from source to target.
COMPILE_ERROR - org.mapstruct.SubclassExhaustiveStrategy
If there is no valid constructor or known method to create the return value of a with `@SubclassMapping` annotated mapping then a compilation error will be thrown.
COMPLEX_MAPPING - org.mapstruct.control.MappingControl.Use
Controls the mapping from source to target type, allows mapping by calling: A type conversion, passed into a mapping method A mapping method, passed into a type conversion A mapping method passed into another mapping method
componentModel() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
Specifies the component model to which the generated mapper should adhere.
componentModel() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
Specifies the component model to which the generated mapper should adhere.
Condition - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
This annotation marks a method as a presence check method to check check for presence in beans.
conditionExpression() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
A conditionExpression String based on which the specified property is to be checked whether it is present or not.
conditionQualifiedBy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
A qualifier can be specified to aid the selection process of a suitable presence check method.
conditionQualifiedByName() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
String-based form of qualifiers for condition / presence check methods; When looking for a suitable presence check method for a given property, MapStruct will only consider those methods carrying directly or indirectly (i.e.
config() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
A class annotated with MapperConfig which should be used as configuration template.
configuration() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.EnumMapping
The configuration that should be passed on the appropriate name transformation strategy.
constant() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
A constant String based on which the specified target property is to be set.
CONSTRUCTOR - org.mapstruct.InjectionStrategy
Annotations are written on the constructor
Context - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Marks a parameter of a method to be treated as mapping context.


dateFormat() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.IterableMapping
A format string as processable by SimpleDateFormat if the annotated method maps from an iterable of String to an iterable Date or vice-versa.
dateFormat() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
A format string as processable by SimpleDateFormat if the attribute is mapped from String to Date or vice-versa.
DecoratedWith - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Specifies a decorator to be applied to a generated mapper, which e.g.
DeepClone - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct.control
Clones a source type to a target type (assuming source and target are of the same type).
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.mapstruct.MappingConstants.ComponentModel
The mapper uses no component model, instances are typically retrieved via getMapper(java.lang.Class)
defaultExpression() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
A defaultExpression String based on which the specified target property is to be set if and only if the specified source property is null.
defaultValue() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
In case the source property is null, the provided default String value is set.
dependsOn() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
One or more properties of the result type on which the mapped property depends.
DIRECT - org.mapstruct.control.MappingControl.Use
Controls the mapping, allows for a direct mapping from source type to target type.
disableBuilder() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Builder
Toggling builders on / off.
disableSubMappingMethodsGeneration() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
If MapStruct could not find another mapping method or apply an automatic conversion it will try to generate a sub-mapping method between the two beans.
disableSubMappingMethodsGeneration() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
If MapStruct could not find another mapping method or apply an automatic conversion it will try to generate a sub-mapping method between the two beans.


elementMappingControl() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.IterableMapping
Allows detailed control over the mapping process.
elementTargetType() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.IterableMapping
Specifies the type of the element to be used in the result of the mapping method in case multiple mapping methods qualify.
EnumMapping - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Configured the mapping between two value types.
ERROR - org.mapstruct.ReportingPolicy
A report with Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR will be created for the given issue, causing the compilation to fail.
Experimental - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct.util
Features that are marked with this annotation are considered experimental.
EXPLICIT - org.mapstruct.MappingInheritanceStrategy
Apply the method-level configuration annotations only if the prototype method is explicitly referenced using InheritConfiguration.
expression() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
An expression String based on which the specified target property is to be set.


FIELD - org.mapstruct.InjectionStrategy
Annotations are written on the field


getMapper(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers
Returns an instance of the given mapper type.
getMapperClass(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers
Returns the class of the implementation for the given mapper type.


ignore() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
Whether the property specified via Mapping.target() should be ignored by the generated mapping method or not.
IGNORE - org.mapstruct.NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy
If a source bean property equals null the target bean property will be ignored and retain its existing value.
IGNORE - org.mapstruct.ReportingPolicy
No report will be created for the given issue.
ignoreByDefault() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.BeanMapping
Default ignore all mappings.
ignoreUnmappedSourceProperties() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.BeanMapping
Unmapped source properties to be ignored.
implementationName() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
Specifies the name of the implementation class.
implementationName() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
Specifies the name of the implementation class.
implementationPackage() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
Specifies the target package for the generated implementation.
implementationPackage() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
Specifies the target package for the generated implementation.
imports() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
Additional types for which an import statement is to be added to the generated mapper implementation class.
imports() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
Additional types for which an import statement is to be added to the generated mapper implementation class.
InheritConfiguration - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Advises the code generator to apply the configuration (as given via Mapping, IterableMapping etc.) from another mapping method (declared on the same mapper type) or prototype method (declared on a mapper config class referenced via Mapper.config()) to the annotated method as well.
InheritInverseConfiguration - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Advises the code generator to apply all the Mappings from an inverse mapping method to the annotated method as well.
injectionStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
Determines whether to use field or constructor injection.
injectionStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
Determines whether to use field or constructor injection.
InjectionStrategy - Enum in org.mapstruct
Strategy for handling injection.
IterableMapping - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Configures the mapping between two iterable like types, e.g.


JAKARTA - Static variable in class org.mapstruct.MappingConstants.ComponentModel
The generated mapper is annotated with @Named and @Singleton, and can be retrieved via @Inject.
JSR330 - Static variable in class org.mapstruct.MappingConstants.ComponentModel
The generated mapper is annotated with @Named and @Singleton, and can be retrieved via @Inject.


keyDateFormat() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapMapping
A format string as processable by SimpleDateFormat if the annotated method maps from a map with key type String to an map with key type Date or vice-versa.
keyMappingControl() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapMapping
Allows detailed control over the key mapping process.
keyNumberFormat() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapMapping
A format string as processable by DecimalFormat if the annotated method maps from a Number to a String or vice-versa.
keyQualifiedBy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapMapping
A key value qualifier can be specified to aid the selection process of a suitable mapper.
keyQualifiedByName() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapMapping
String-based form of qualifiers; When looking for a suitable mapping method to map this map mapping method's key type, MapStruct will only consider those methods carrying directly or indirectly (i.e.
keyTargetType() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapMapping
Specifies the type of the key to be used in the result of the mapping method in case multiple mapping methods qualify.


MapMapping - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Configures the mapping between two map types, e.g.
Mapper - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Marks an interface or abstract class as a mapper and activates the generation of a implementation of that type via MapStruct.
MapperConfig - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Marks a class or interface as configuration source for generated mappers.
Mappers - Class in org.mapstruct.factory
Factory for obtaining mapper instances if no explicit component model such as CDI is configured via Mapper.componentModel().
Mapping - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Configures the mapping of one bean attribute or enum constant.
MAPPING_METHOD - org.mapstruct.control.MappingControl.Use
Controls the mapping, allows for Direct Mapping from source type to target type.
MappingConstants - Class in org.mapstruct
Contains all constants defined in the mapping process.
MappingConstants.ComponentModel - Class in org.mapstruct
Specifies the component model constants to which the generated mapper should adhere.
mappingControl() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.BeanMapping
Allows detailed control over the mapping process.
mappingControl() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
Allows detailed control over the mapping process.
mappingControl() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
Allows detailed control over the mapping process.
mappingControl() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
Allows detailed control over the mapping process.
MappingControl - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct.control
Controls which means of mapping are considered between the source and the target in mappings.
MappingControl.Use - Enum in org.mapstruct.control
MappingControls - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct.control
Allows multiple MappingControl on a class declaration.
mappingInheritanceStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
The strategy to use for applying method-level configuration annotations of prototype methods in the interface specified with Mapper.config().
mappingInheritanceStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
The strategy to use for applying method-level configuration annotations of prototype methods in the interface annotated with this annotation.
MappingInheritanceStrategy - Enum in org.mapstruct
Strategy for inheriting configurations given for methods of prototype mapping methods (declared on mapper config classes) to actual mapping methods declared on mappers referring to such config class via Mapper.config().
Mappings - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Configures the mappings of several bean attributes.
MappingTarget - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Declares a parameter of a mapping method to be the target of the mapping.


name() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.InheritConfiguration
The name of the mapping method to inherit the mappings from.
name() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.InheritInverseConfiguration
The name of the inverse mapping method to inherit the mappings from.
Named - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Marks mapping methods with the given qualifier name.
nameTransformationStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.EnumMapping
Specifies the name transformation strategy that should be used for implicit mapping between enums.
NoComplexMapping - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct.control
Disables complex mappings, mappings that require 2 mapping means (method, built-in conversion) to constitute a mapping from source to target.
NULL - Static variable in class org.mapstruct.MappingConstants
In an ValueMapping this represents a null source or target.
nullValueCheckStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.BeanMapping
Determines when to include a null check on the source property value of a bean mapping.
nullValueCheckStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
Determines when to include a null check on the source property value of a bean mapping.
nullValueCheckStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
Determines when to include a null check on the source property value of a bean mapping.
nullValueCheckStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
Determines when to include a null check on the source property value of a bean mapping.
NullValueCheckStrategy - Enum in org.mapstruct
Strategy for dealing with null source values.
nullValueIterableMappingStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
The strategy to be applied when null is passed as source argument value to an IterableMapping of this mapper.
nullValueIterableMappingStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
The strategy to be applied when null is passed as source argument value to an IterableMapping.
nullValueMapMappingStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
The strategy to be applied when null is passed as source argument value to a MapMapping of this mapper.
nullValueMapMappingStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
The strategy to be applied when null is passed as source argument value to a MapMapping.
nullValueMappingStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.BeanMapping
The strategy to be applied when null is passed as source bean argument value to this bean mapping.
nullValueMappingStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.IterableMapping
The strategy to be applied when null is passed as source value to this iterable mapping.
nullValueMappingStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapMapping
The strategy to be applied when null is passed as source value to this map mapping.
nullValueMappingStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
The strategy to be applied when null is passed as source argument value to the methods of this mapper.
nullValueMappingStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
The strategy to be applied when null is passed as source argument value to mapping methods.
NullValueMappingStrategy - Enum in org.mapstruct
Strategy for dealing with null values passed to mapping methods.
nullValuePropertyMappingStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.BeanMapping
The strategy to be applied when a source bean property is null or not present.
nullValuePropertyMappingStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
The strategy to be applied when a source bean property is null or not present.
nullValuePropertyMappingStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
The strategy to be applied when a source bean property is null or not present.
nullValuePropertyMappingStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
The strategy to be applied when the source property is null or not present.
NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy - Enum in org.mapstruct
Strategy for dealing with null or not present properties in the source bean.
numberFormat() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.IterableMapping
A format string as processable by DecimalFormat if the annotated method maps from a Number to a String or vice-versa.
numberFormat() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
A format string as processable by DecimalFormat if the annotated method maps from a Number to a String or vice-versa.


ObjectFactory - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
This annotation marks a method as a factory method to create beans.
ON_IMPLICIT_CONVERSION - org.mapstruct.NullValueCheckStrategy
This option includes a null check.
org.mapstruct - package org.mapstruct
MapStruct is a code generator which simplifies the implementation of mappings between Java bean types by generating mapping code at compile time, following a convention-over-configuration approach.
org.mapstruct.control - package org.mapstruct.control
org.mapstruct.factory - package org.mapstruct.factory
Provides the Mappers factory class for the retrieval of mapper instances if no explicit component model such as CDI is configured via Mapper.componentModel().
org.mapstruct.util - package org.mapstruct.util


PREFIX_TRANSFORMATION - Static variable in class org.mapstruct.MappingConstants
In an EnumMapping this represent the enum transformation strategy that adds a prefix to the source enum.


qualifiedBy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.BeanMapping
A qualifier can be specified to aid the selection process of a suitable factory method or filtering applicable @BeforeMapping / @AfterMapping methods.
qualifiedBy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.IterableMapping
A qualifier can be specified to aid the selection process of a suitable mapper.
qualifiedBy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
A qualifier can be specified to aid the selection process of a suitable mapper.
qualifiedByName() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.BeanMapping
Similar to BeanMapping.qualifiedBy(), but used in combination with @Named in case no custom qualifier annotation is defined.
qualifiedByName() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.IterableMapping
String-based form of qualifiers; When looking for a suitable mapping method to map this iterable mapping method's element type, MapStruct will only consider those methods carrying directly or indirectly (i.e.
qualifiedByName() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
String-based form of qualifiers; When looking for a suitable mapping method for a given property, MapStruct will only consider those methods carrying directly or indirectly (i.e.
Qualifier - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Declares an annotation type to be a qualifier.


ReportingPolicy - Enum in org.mapstruct
Policy for reporting issues occurring during the generation of a mapper implementation.
resultType() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.BeanMapping
Specifies the result type of the factory method to be used in case several factory methods qualify.
resultType() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
Specifies the result type of the mapping method to be used in case multiple mapping methods qualify.
RETURN_DEFAULT - org.mapstruct.NullValueMappingStrategy
If null is passed to a mapping method, a default value will be returned.
RETURN_NULL - org.mapstruct.NullValueMappingStrategy
If null is passed to a mapping method, null will be returned.
RUNTIME_EXCEPTION - org.mapstruct.SubclassExhaustiveStrategy
If there is no valid constructor or known method to create the return value of a with `@SubclassMapping` annotated mapping then an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a call is made with a type for which there is no SubclassMapping available.


SET_TO_DEFAULT - org.mapstruct.NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy
If a source bean property equals null the target bean property will be set to its default value.
SET_TO_NULL - org.mapstruct.NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy
If a source bean property equals null the target bean property will be set explicitly to null.
SETTER_PREFERRED - org.mapstruct.CollectionMappingStrategy
If present, the setter of the target property will be used to propagate the value: orderDto.setOrderLines(order.getOrderLines).
source() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
The source to use for this mapping.
source() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.SubclassMapping
source() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.ValueMapping
The source value constant to use for this mapping.
SPRING - Static variable in class org.mapstruct.MappingConstants.ComponentModel
The generated mapper is a Spring bean and can be retrieved via @Autowired
STRIP_PREFIX_TRANSFORMATION - Static variable in class org.mapstruct.MappingConstants
In an EnumMapping this represent the enum transformation strategy that strips a prefix from the source enum.
STRIP_SUFFIX_TRANSFORMATION - Static variable in class org.mapstruct.MappingConstants
In an EnumMapping this represent the enum transformation strategy that strips a suffix from the source enum.
subclassExhaustiveStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.BeanMapping
Determines how to handle missing implementation for super classes when using the SubclassMapping.
subclassExhaustiveStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
Determines how to handle missing implementation for super classes when using the SubclassMapping.
subclassExhaustiveStrategy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
Determines how to handle missing implementation for super classes when using the SubclassMapping.
SubclassExhaustiveStrategy - Enum in org.mapstruct
Strategy for dealing with subclassMapping annotated methods.
SubclassMapping - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Configures the mapping to handle hierarchy of the source type.
SubclassMappings - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Configures the SubclassMappings of several subclasses.
SUFFIX_TRANSFORMATION - Static variable in class org.mapstruct.MappingConstants
In an EnumMapping this represent the enum transformation strategy that adds a suffix to the source enum.
suppressTimestampInGenerated() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
Flag indicating whether the addition of a time stamp in the @Generated annotation should be suppressed.
suppressTimestampInGenerated() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
Flag indicating whether the addition of a time stamp in the @Generated annotation should be suppressed.


target() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapping
The target name of the configured property as defined by the JavaBeans specification.
target() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.SubclassMapping
target() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.ValueMapping
The target value constant to use for this mapping.
TARGET_IMMUTABLE - org.mapstruct.CollectionMappingStrategy
Identical to CollectionMappingStrategy.SETTER_PREFERRED, however the target collection will not be cleared and accessed via addAll in case of updating existing bean instances, see: MappingTarget.
TargetType - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Declares a parameter of a custom mapping method to be populated with the target type of the mapping.
THROW_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class org.mapstruct.MappingConstants
In an ValueMapping this represents any target that will be mapped to an IllegalArgumentException which will be thrown at runtime.
typeConversionPolicy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
How lossy (narrowing) conversion, for instance long to integer should be reported.
typeConversionPolicy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
How lossy (narrowing) conversion, for instance: long to integer should be reported.


unexpectedValueMappingException() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.EnumMapping
Exception that should be thrown by the generated code if no mapping matches.
unexpectedValueMappingException() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
Exception that should be thrown by the generated code if no mapping matches for enums.
unexpectedValueMappingException() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
Exception that should be thrown by the generated code if no mapping matches for enums.
unmappedSourcePolicy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
How unmapped properties of the source type of a mapping should be reported.
unmappedSourcePolicy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
How unmapped properties of the source type of a mapping should be reported.
unmappedTargetPolicy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.BeanMapping
How unmapped properties of the target type of a mapping should be reported.
unmappedTargetPolicy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
How unmapped properties of the target type of a mapping should be reported.
unmappedTargetPolicy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
How unmapped properties of the target type of a mapping should be reported.
uses() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mapper
Other mapper types used by this mapper.
uses() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapperConfig
The mapper types used by this mapper.


value() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.control.MappingControl
value() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.control.MappingControls
value() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.DecoratedWith
The decorator type.
value() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Mappings
The configuration of the bean attributes.
value() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.Named
A name qualifying the annotated element
value() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.SubclassMappings
value() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.util.Experimental
value() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.ValueMappings
valueDateFormat() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapMapping
A format string as processable by SimpleDateFormat if the annotated method maps from a map with value type String to an map with value type Date or vice-versa.
ValueMapping - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Configures the mapping of source constant value to target constant value.
valueMappingControl() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapMapping
Allows detailed control over the value mapping process.
ValueMappings - Annotation Type in org.mapstruct
Constructs a set of value (constant) mappings.
valueNumberFormat() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapMapping
A format string as processable by DecimalFormat if the annotated method maps from a Number to a String or vice-versa.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.CollectionMappingStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.control.MappingControl.Use
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.InjectionStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.MappingInheritanceStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.NullValueCheckStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.NullValueMappingStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.ReportingPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.SubclassExhaustiveStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueQualifiedBy() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapMapping
A value qualifier can be specified to aid the selection process of a suitable mapper for the values in the map.
valueQualifiedByName() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapMapping
String-based form of qualifiers; When looking for a suitable mapping method to map this map mapping method's value type, MapStruct will only consider those methods carrying directly or indirectly (i.e.
values() - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.CollectionMappingStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.control.MappingControl.Use
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.InjectionStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.MappingInheritanceStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.NullValueCheckStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.NullValueMappingStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.ReportingPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.mapstruct.SubclassExhaustiveStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
valueTargetType() - Method in annotation type org.mapstruct.MapMapping
Specifies the type of the value to be used in the result of the mapping method in case multiple mapping methods qualify.


WARN - org.mapstruct.ReportingPolicy
A report with Diagnostic.Kind.WARNING will be created for the given issue.
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