Class FailoverProxy

    • Constructor Detail

      • FailoverProxy

        public FailoverProxy​(Listener listener,
                             ReentrantLock lock,
                             LruTraceCache traceCache)
                      throws SQLException
        Proxy constructor.
        listener - failover implementation.
        lock - synchronisation lock
        traceCache - trace cache
        SQLException - if connection error occur
    • Method Detail

      • invoke

        public Object invoke​(Object proxy,
                             Method method,
                             Object[] args)
                      throws Throwable
        Proxy that catch Protocol call, to permit to catch errors and handle failover when multiple hosts.
        Specified by:
        invoke in interface InvocationHandler
        proxy - the current protocol
        method - the called method on the protocol
        args - methods parameters
        protocol method result
        Throwable - the method throwed error if not catch by failover
      • hasToHandleFailover

        public boolean hasToHandleFailover​(SQLException exception)
        Check if this Sqlerror is a connection exception. if that's the case, must be handle by failover

        error codes : 08000 : connection exception 08001 : SQL client unable to establish SQL connection 08002 : connection name in use 08003 : connection does not exist 08004 : SQL server rejected SQL connection 08006 : connection failure 08007 : transaction resolution unknown 70100 : connection was killed if error code is "1927"

        exception - the Exception
        true if there has been a connection error that must be handled by failover
      • reconnect

        public void reconnect()
                       throws SQLException
        Launch reconnect implementation.
        SQLException - exception
      • getListener

        public Listener getListener()