Class MasterProtocol

    • Constructor Detail

      • MasterProtocol

        public MasterProtocol​(UrlParser urlParser,
                              GlobalStateInfo globalInfo,
                              ReentrantLock lock,
                              LruTraceCache traceCache)
        Get a protocol instance.
        urlParser - connection URL infos
        globalInfo - server global variables information
        lock - the lock for thread synchronisation
        traceCache - trace cache
    • Method Detail

      • loop

        public static void loop​(Listener listener,
                                GlobalStateInfo globalInfo,
                                List<HostAddress> addresses,
                                SearchFilter searchFilter)
                         throws SQLException
        loop until found the failed connection.
        listener - current failover
        globalInfo - server global variables information
        addresses - list of HostAddress to loop
        searchFilter - search parameter
        SQLException - if not found