Interface SchedulerServiceProviderHolder.SchedulerProvider

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface SchedulerServiceProviderHolder.SchedulerProvider
    Provider for thread pools which allow scheduling capabilities. It is expected that the thread pools entire lifecycle (start to stop) is done through the same provider instance.
    • Method Detail

      • getScheduler

        DynamicSizedSchedulerInterface getScheduler​(int minimumThreads,
                                                    String poolName,
                                                    int maximumPoolSize)
        Request to get a scheduler with a minimum number of AVAILABLE threads.
        minimumThreads - Minimum number of available threads for the returned scheduler
        poolName - name of pool to identify threads
        maximumPoolSize - maximum pool size
        A new scheduler that is ready to accept tasks
      • getTimeoutScheduler

        ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor getTimeoutScheduler()
        Default Timeout scheduler.

        This is a one Thread fixed sized scheduler. This specific scheduler is using java 1.7 RemoveOnCancelPolicy, so the task are removed from queue permitting to avoid memory consumption [CONJ-297]

        A new scheduler that is ready to accept tasks
      • close

        void close()