Class NativePasswordPlugin

    • Constructor Detail

      • NativePasswordPlugin

        public NativePasswordPlugin()
    • Method Detail

      • encryptPassword

        public static byte[] encryptPassword​(CharSequence password,
                                             byte[] seed)
        Encrypts a password.

        protocol for authentication is like this:

        • Server sends a random array of bytes (the seed)
        • client makes a sha1 digest of the password
        • client hashes the output of 2
        • client digests the seed
        • client updates the digest with the output from 3
        • an xor of the output of 5 and 2 is sent to server
        • server does the same thing and verifies that the scrambled passwords match
        password - the password to encrypt
        seed - the seed to use
        a scrambled password
      • initialize

        public void initialize​(String authenticationData,
                               byte[] seed,
                               Configuration conf)
        Initialized data.
        Specified by:
        initialize in interface AuthenticationPlugin
        authenticationData - authentication data (password/token)
        seed - server provided seed
        conf - Connection string options
      • process

        public org.mariadb.jdbc.client.ReadableByteBuf process​(Writer out,
                                                               Reader in,
                                                               org.mariadb.jdbc.client.Context context)
                                                        throws IOException
        Process native password plugin authentication. see
        Specified by:
        process in interface AuthenticationPlugin
        out - out stream
        in - in stream
        context - connection context
        response packet
        IOException - if socket error