

package events

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CurrentHttpRequestMessage(nettyHttpRequest: HttpRequest) extends HttpRequestMessage with Product with Serializable

    HTTP request message for the current event (as opposed to an initial HTTP required to triggered a HTTP Chunk or web socket event).

  2. case class EndPoint(method: String, host: String, uri: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Identifies the end point associated with the firing of an event.

  3. case class HttpChunkEvent(channel: Channel, initialHttpRequest: InitialHttpRequestMessage, nettyHttpChunk: HttpChunk, config: HttpEventConfig) extends HttpEvent with Product with Serializable

    Event fired when a HTTP chunks is received

  4. case class HttpChunkMessage(nettyHttpChunk: HttpChunk) extends Product with Serializable

    HTTP chunk sent from client to sever

  5. class HttpContent extends AnyRef

    Represents the contents or body of the HTTP request

  6. abstract class HttpEvent extends SockoEvent

    Abstract event triggered on HTTP related activity

  7. case class HttpEventConfig(serverName: String, minCompressibleContentSizeInBytes: Int, maxCompressibleContentSizeInBytes: Int, compressibleContentTypes: List[String], webLogWriter: Option[ActorRef]) extends Product with Serializable

    HTTP event configuration used in the processing of

  8. case class HttpRequestEvent(channel: Channel, nettyHttpRequest: HttpRequest, config: HttpEventConfig) extends HttpEvent with Product with Serializable

    Event fired when a HTTP request has been received

  9. trait HttpRequestMessage extends AnyRef

    Encapsulates the all the data sent in a HTTP request; i.

  10. case class HttpResponseMessage(event: HttpEvent) extends Product with Serializable

    Encapsulates all the data to be sent to the client in an HTTP response; i.

  11. case class HttpResponseStatus(code: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Port of Netty's HttpResponseStatus class for convenience.

  12. case class InitialHttpRequestMessage(headers: Map[String, String], endPoint: EndPoint, isKeepAlive: Boolean, acceptedEncodings: Array[String], httpVersion: String, is100ContinueExpected: Boolean, ifModifiedSince: Option[Date], isChunked: Boolean, isWebSocketUpgrade: Boolean, contentType: String, contentLength: Long, createdOn: Date) extends HttpRequestMessage with Product with Serializable

    Details of the HTTP request that initiated the web socket connection or chunk transfer.

  13. abstract class SockoEvent extends AnyRef

    Socko Events are fired by Socko and passed to your routes for dispatching to your handlers.

  14. case class WebSocketEventConfig(serverName: String, webLogWriter: Option[ActorRef]) extends Product with Serializable

    Web Socket configuration used by

  15. case class WebSocketFrameEvent(channel: Channel, initialHttpRequest: InitialHttpRequestMessage, wsFrame: WebSocketFrame, config: WebSocketEventConfig) extends SockoEvent with Product with Serializable

    Event fired when a web socket text or binary frame is received.

  16. case class WebSocketHandshakeEvent(channel: Channel, nettyHttpRequest: HttpRequest, config: HttpEventConfig) extends HttpEvent with Product with Serializable

    Event fired when performing a web socket handshake to upgrade a HTTP connection to a web socket connection.

Value Members

  1. object HttpResponseMessage extends Serializable

  2. object HttpResponseStatus extends Serializable

    Standard HTTP response status codes
