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assignedBy - Variable in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.UserAssignedRegion


canProvide(Class<? extends Region>) - Method in interface org.meeuw.i18n.regions.spi.RegionProvider
Wether this provided can create Regions of the specified type.
classes() - Method in annotation type org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.ValidRegion
A list of classes (extensions of Region) that are to be considered valid.
code - Variable in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.UserAssignedRegion
Code - Class in org.meeuw.i18n.regions.bind.jaxb
An XML Adapter for Regions.
Code() - Constructor for class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.bind.jaxb.Code
CONTINENT - org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Region.Type
convertToDatabaseColumn(Region) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.persistence.RegionToStringConverter
convertToEntityAttribute(String) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.persistence.RegionToStringConverter
COUNTRY - org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Region.Type
A country or former country


defaultIsValid(Region, ValidationInfo) - Static method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl.RegionConstraintValidator


equals(Object) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.UserAssignedRegion
excludes() - Method in annotation type org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.ValidRegion
A list of codes to exclude.


from(ValidRegion) - Static method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl.ValidationInfo
fromListProperty(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.RegionValidatorService
Returns the validation info for the given property of the name as a Predicate, which can e.g.
fromProperty(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.RegionValidatorService
Returns the validation info for the given property of the name as a Predicate, which can e.g.
fromSetProperty(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.RegionValidatorService
fromWrappedProperty(Class<?>, String, Function<Object, ?>, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.RegionValidatorService
Returns the validation info for the given property of the name as a Predicate, which can e.g.


getAssignedBy() - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.UserAssignedRegion
getBundle() - Method in interface org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Region
getByCode(String) - Method in interface org.meeuw.i18n.regions.spi.RegionProvider
getByCode(String, boolean) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.RegionService
getByCode(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.meeuw.i18n.regions.spi.RegionProvider
Searches and returns region with given code.
getByCode(String, boolean, Class<T>) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.RegionService
getByCode(String, boolean, Class<T>, Predicate<Region>) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.RegionService
Searches all available RegionProviders for a region with given code and class.
getByCode(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.RegionService
getByCode(String) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.RegionService
Searches all available RegionProviders for a region with given code and class.
getByCodeOrNull(String) - Method in interface org.meeuw.i18n.regions.spi.RegionProvider
getClasses() - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl.ValidationInfo
getCode() - Method in interface org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Region
The code for the region.
getCode() - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.UserAssignedRegion
getExcludes() - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl.ValidationInfo
getIncludes() - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl.ValidationInfo
getInstance() - Static method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.RegionService
The singleton of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.RegionValidatorService
getLocalName() - Method in interface org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Region
Return the name of the region in the locale of the language Region.toLocale()
getName() - Method in interface org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Region
The official name (in english) of the region
getName() - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.UserAssignedRegion
getName(LanguageCode) - Method in interface org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Region
getName(Locale) - Method in interface org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Region
The name of the region in the given Locale.
getProvidedClass() - Method in interface org.meeuw.i18n.regions.spi.RegionProvider
getProviders() - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.RegionService
getType() - Method in interface org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Region
What 'type' this region is.
getTypes() - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl.ValidationInfo
getValidator() - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.RegionValidatorService
groups() - Method in annotation type org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.Language
groups() - Method in annotation type org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.ValidRegion


hashCode() - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.UserAssignedRegion


includes() - Method in annotation type org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.ValidRegion
A list of codes to include.
initialize(Language) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl.LanguageValidator
initialize(ValidRegion) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl.RegionConstraintValidator
isValid(Object, ConstraintValidatorContext) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl.LanguageValidator
isValid(Object, ConstraintValidatorContext) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl.RegionConstraintValidator
isValid(Locale) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl.LanguageValidator
isValidRegion(Object) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl.RegionConstraintValidator


Language - Annotation Type in org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation
A validator for language codes (or Locales (which also is a container for language codes)
LanguageValidator - Class in org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl
LanguageValidator() - Constructor for class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl.LanguageValidator
LEGACY - Static variable in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl.LanguageValidator


marshal(Region) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.bind.jaxb.Code
mayContainCountry() - Method in annotation type org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.Language
Wether the locale may contain a country.
mayContainVariant() - Method in annotation type org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.Language
Wether the local may contain a variant
message() - Method in annotation type org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.Language
message() - Method in annotation type org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.ValidRegion


name - Variable in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.UserAssignedRegion


org.meeuw.i18n.regions - package org.meeuw.i18n.regions
org.meeuw.i18n.regions.bind.jaxb - package org.meeuw.i18n.regions.bind.jaxb
org.meeuw.i18n.regions.persistence - package org.meeuw.i18n.regions.persistence
org.meeuw.i18n.regions.spi - package org.meeuw.i18n.regions.spi
org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation - package org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation
org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl - package org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl


payload() - Method in annotation type org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.Language
payload() - Method in annotation type org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.ValidRegion


Region - Interface in org.meeuw.i18n.regions
The region interface represents a certain geographical region.
Region.Type - Enum in org.meeuw.i18n.regions
Type of regions.
RegionConstraintValidator - Class in org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl
RegionConstraintValidator() - Constructor for class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl.RegionConstraintValidator
RegionProvider<T extends Region> - Interface in org.meeuw.i18n.regions.spi
The provider which can be registered as a java service provider.
Regions - Class in org.meeuw.i18n.regions
Utilities related to Regions.
RegionService - Class in org.meeuw.i18n.regions
The singleton service providing information about the registered regions.
RegionToStringConverter - Class in org.meeuw.i18n.regions.persistence
How to persist.
RegionToStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.persistence.RegionToStringConverter
RegionValidatorService - Class in org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation


sortByName(LanguageCode) - Static method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Regions
As Regions.sortByName(Locale), but with a LanguageCode argument.
sortByName(Locale) - Static method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Regions
A Comparator to sort regions by Region.getName(Locale), and hence in a certain language.
SUBDIVISION - org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Region.Type
A subdivision of a country, of which the type is otherwise unknown


toLocale() - Method in interface org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Region
The locale associated with the region.
toLocale() - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.UserAssignedRegion
toLocale(Object) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl.LanguageValidator
toString(Region, LanguageCode) - Static method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Regions
As Regions.toString(Region, Locale), but with a LanguageCode argument.
toString(Region, Locale) - Static method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Regions
Utility for Region.toStringBuilder(StringBuilder, Locale) without the hassle of creating a StringBuilder
toStringBuilder(StringBuilder, Locale) - Method in interface org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Region
Writes a string representation of a region to a string builder.
toStringWithCode(Region, LanguageCode) - Static method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Regions
As Regions.toStringWithCode(Region, Locale) but with a LanguageCode argument.
toStringWithCode(Region, Locale) - Static method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Regions
As Region.toStringBuilder(StringBuilder, Locale) but prefixed with the code.
types() - Method in annotation type org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.ValidRegion
A list of types.


UNDEFINED - org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Region.Type
unmarshal(String) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.bind.jaxb.Code
UserAssignedRegion - Class in org.meeuw.i18n.regions
User assigned regions have a method UserAssignedRegion.getAssignedBy()
UserAssignedRegion(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.UserAssignedRegion


ValidationInfo - Class in org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl
Contains the information of a ValidRegion.
ValidationInfo(String[], String[], Class[], Region.Type[]) - Constructor for class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation.impl.ValidationInfo
ValidRegion - Annotation Type in org.meeuw.i18n.regions.validation
A javax.validation annotation that can be used to restrict the values of a Region values.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Region.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.meeuw.i18n.regions.Region.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.RegionService
values() - Method in interface org.meeuw.i18n.regions.spi.RegionProvider
Returns all region instances provided by this provides.
values(Class<T>) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.RegionService
Returns a stream of all known instances of Region.
values(Region.Type...) - Method in class org.meeuw.i18n.regions.RegionService
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