All Classes and Interfaces

Exception support class.
Provides methods for use when working with JMS Message Properties and their values.
Represents a proxy Connection which is-a TopicConnection and QueueConnection which is pooled and on JmsPoolConnection.close() will return its reference to the ConnectionPool backing it.
A JMS provider which pools Connection, Session and MessageProducer instances so it can be used with tools like Camel or any other project that is configured using JMS ConnectionFactory resources, connections, sessions and producers are returned to a pool after use so that they can be reused later without having to undergo the cost of creating them again.
JMSConsumer implementation backed by a pooled Connection.
JMSContext implementation that wraps a JmsPoolConnection
JMSProducer implementation back by a pooled Connection.
A MessageConsumer which was created by JmsPoolSession.
A pooled MessageProducer
A QueueBrowser which was created by JmsPoolSession.
A QueueReceiver which was created by JmsPoolSession.
QueueSender instance that is created and managed by the PooledConnection.
A TopicPublisher instance that is created and managed by a PooledConnection.
A TopicSubscriber which was created by JmsPoolSession.
A pooled connection factory that automatically enlists sessions in the current active XA transaction if any.
XAJMSContext implementation that wraps a JmsPoolConnection
A Simple LRU Cache based on a LinkedHashMap.
Holds a real JMS connection along with the session pools associated with it.
A cache key for the connection details
Used to store a pooled session instance and any resources that can be left open and carried along with the pooled instance such as the anonymous producer used for all MessageProducer instances created from this pooled session when enabled.
A cache key for the session details used to locate PooledSession instances.
An XA-aware connection pool.