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add(Type) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException when invoked.
addAll(Collection<? extends Type>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException when invoked.
anyIsAssignable(Type, Collection<? extends Type>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
Returns true if an object bearing any of the Types contained by the supplied payloadTypes Collection is assignable to an object reference bearing a Type equal to the supplied receiverType.


box(Class<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
Returns a boxed representation of the supplied Class if TypeSemantics.isBoxing() returns true or the supplied Class if it does not.
box(T) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.Types
Returns the result of boxing conversion on the supplied Type.


clear() - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException when invoked.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
CovariantTypeSemantics - Class in org.microbean.type
CovariantTypeSemantics(boolean) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.CovariantTypeSemantics
Creates a new CovariantTypeSemantics instance.


DefaultGenericArrayType - Class in org.microbean.type
A GenericArrayType implementation.
DefaultGenericArrayType(Type) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.DefaultGenericArrayType
DefaultParameterizedType - Class in org.microbean.type
A ParameterizedType implementation.
DefaultParameterizedType(Type, Type, Type...) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType


EMPTY_TYPESET - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
A TypeSet that is forever empty.
emptyTypeSet() - Static method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
Returns EMPTY_TYPESET when invoked.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultGenericArrayType
equals(Object) - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType


getActualTypeArguments() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType
getClasses() - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
Returns a non-null, unmodifiable SortedSet of all Classes (not interfaces) contained directly or indirectly by this TypeSet.
getGenericComponentType() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultGenericArrayType
getInterfaces() - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
Returns a non-null, unmodifiable Set of all interfaces contained directly or indirectly by this TypeSet.
getInvariantTypeSemantics() - Method in class org.microbean.type.CovariantTypeSemantics
Returns a TypeSemantics used for certain cases where invariant type assignability semantics are called for, such as when comparing ParameterizedType type arguments.
getMostSpecializedClass() - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
Returns an arbitrarily selected Class that is guaranteed to be the most specialized subclass in its type hierarchy drawn from the classes in this TypeSet.
getMostSpecializedInterface() - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
Returns an arbitrarily selected Class that is guaranteed to be the most specialized interface in its type hierarchy drawn from the interfaces in this TypeSet, or null if this TypeSet contains no interfaces.
getOwnerType() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType
getRawType() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType
getRawTypes() - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
Returns a non-null, unmodifiable SortedSet of all raw types contained directly or indirectly by this TypeSet.
getSemanticsFor(Type, Type) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
Returns the TypeSemantics instance to use when testing if objects bearing the supplied payloadType are assignable to references bearing the supplied receiverType.


hashCode() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultGenericArrayType
hashCode() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType


INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.UnboundedWildcardType
The sole instance of this class.
InvariantTypeSemantics - Class in org.microbean.type
An abstract TypeSemantics that, in general, compares Types using invariant semantics.
InvariantTypeSemantics(boolean) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.InvariantTypeSemantics
Creates a new InvariantTypeSemantics.
isAssignable(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.CovariantTypeSemantics
isAssignable(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.InvariantTypeSemantics
isAssignable(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(Class<?>, GenericArrayType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.CovariantTypeSemantics
isAssignable(Class<?>, GenericArrayType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(Class<?>, ParameterizedType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.CovariantTypeSemantics
isAssignable(Class<?>, ParameterizedType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(Class<?>, TypeVariable<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.CovariantTypeSemantics
isAssignable(Class<?>, TypeVariable<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(Class<?>, WildcardType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(GenericArrayType, Class<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.CovariantTypeSemantics
isAssignable(GenericArrayType, Class<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(GenericArrayType, GenericArrayType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(GenericArrayType, ParameterizedType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(GenericArrayType, TypeVariable<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(GenericArrayType, WildcardType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(ParameterizedType, Class<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.CovariantTypeSemantics
isAssignable(ParameterizedType, Class<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(ParameterizedType, GenericArrayType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(ParameterizedType, ParameterizedType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.CovariantTypeSemantics
isAssignable(ParameterizedType, ParameterizedType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.InvariantTypeSemantics
isAssignable(ParameterizedType, ParameterizedType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(ParameterizedType, TypeVariable<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.CovariantTypeSemantics
isAssignable(ParameterizedType, TypeVariable<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(ParameterizedType, WildcardType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(Type, Type) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
Returns true if an object bearing a Type equal to the supplied payloadType can be assigned to an object reference bearing a Type equal to the supplied receiverType, according to the semantics represented by the return value of an invocation of the TypeSemantics.getSemanticsFor(Type, Type) method with the given parameter values.
isAssignable(TypeVariable<?>, Class<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(TypeVariable<?>, GenericArrayType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(TypeVariable<?>, ParameterizedType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(TypeVariable<?>, TypeVariable<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.CovariantTypeSemantics
isAssignable(TypeVariable<?>, TypeVariable<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.InvariantTypeSemantics
isAssignable(TypeVariable<?>, TypeVariable<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(TypeVariable<?>, WildcardType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(WildcardType, Class<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.CovariantTypeSemantics
isAssignable(WildcardType, Class<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(WildcardType, GenericArrayType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.CovariantTypeSemantics
isAssignable(WildcardType, GenericArrayType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(WildcardType, ParameterizedType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.CovariantTypeSemantics
isAssignable(WildcardType, ParameterizedType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(WildcardType, TypeVariable<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.CovariantTypeSemantics
isAssignable(WildcardType, TypeVariable<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isAssignable(WildcardType, WildcardType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.CovariantTypeSemantics
isAssignable(WildcardType, WildcardType) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
isBoxing() - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
Returns true if the method will actually attempt a boxing operation in appropriate circumstances, or false if it will simply return the supplied Class.
isClass(Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.Types
Returns true if the supplied Type is an instance of Class.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
isPrimitive(Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.Types
Returns true if and only if type is a Class and is primitive.
isRawClass(Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.Types
Returns true if and only if the supplied Type is a raw Class.
iterator() - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet


LowerBoundedWildcardType - Class in org.microbean.type
A WildcardType implementation that has only lower bounds.
LowerBoundedWildcardType(Type) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.LowerBoundedWildcardType
LowerBoundedWildcardType(Type[]) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.LowerBoundedWildcardType


normalize(Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.Types
For the vast majority of cases, returns the supplied Type unchanged, but in the case where a raw Class is supplied, returns an equivalent ParameterizedType whose actual type arguments are not resolved.


org.microbean.type - package org.microbean.type
Provides classes and interfaces related to Java Type instances.


remove(Object) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException when invoked.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException when invoked.
resolve(Type, Function<? super Type, ? extends Type>) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.Types
Resolves the supplied Type and returns the result.
resolve(Type, Function<? super Type, ? extends Type>, boolean) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.Types
Resolves the supplied Type and returns the result.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException when invoked.


size() - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
spliterator() - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet


toArray() - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
toClass(Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.Types
Does what is necessary to extract a Class from the supplied Type if at all possible.
toString() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultGenericArrayType
toString() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType
toString() - Method in class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
toTypes(Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.Types
Returns a non-null, unmodifiable Set of Types, each element of which is a Type which any instance bearing the supplied Type will implement.
toTypes(Type, boolean) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.Types
Returns a non-null, unmodifiable Set of Types, each element of which is a Type which any instance bearing the supplied Type will implement.
toTypes(Type, Predicate<? super Type>) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.Types
Returns a non-null, unmodifiable Set of Types, each element of which is a Type which any instance bearing the supplied Type will implement.
toTypes(Type, Predicate<? super Type>, boolean) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.Types
Returns a non-null, unmodifiable Set of Types, each element of which is a Type which any instance bearing the supplied Type will implement.
Types - Class in org.microbean.type
A hub for Java Type-related operations.
TypeSemantics - Class in org.microbean.type
An object representing Type compatibility and assignability semantics.
TypeSemantics(boolean) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.TypeSemantics
Creates a new TypeSemantics.
TypeSet - Class in org.microbean.type
An unmodifiable AbstractSet of Types with additional convenient functionality.
TypeSet() - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
Creates a forever-empty TypeSet.
TypeSet(Type) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
Creates a TypeSet that contains only the supplied Type unless the supplied Type is null, in which case the resulting TypeSet will be forever empty.
TypeSet(Collection<? extends Type>) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.TypeSet
Creates a TypeSet that contains only the Types supplied unless the supplied Collection is null or empty, in which case the resulting TypeSet will be forever empty.


UnboundedWildcardType - Class in org.microbean.type
A WildcardType implementation that has no bounds, i.e.
UpperBoundedWildcardType - Class in org.microbean.type
A WildcardType implementation that has only upper bounds.
UpperBoundedWildcardType(Type) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.UpperBoundedWildcardType
UpperBoundedWildcardType(Type[]) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.UpperBoundedWildcardType
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