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actualType(Type<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CdiSemantics
Returns true if and only if the supplied Type represents an actual type, which the CDI specification implies, but does not explicitly state, is either a class, a parameterized type or a generic array type.
add(Type) - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException when invoked.
addAll(Collection<? extends Type>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException when invoked.
anyAssignable(Type, Collection<? extends Type>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing at least one of the types modeled by the supplied payloadTypes is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance.
anyAssignable(Type, Collection<? extends Type>, boolean) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing at least one of the types modeled by the supplied payloadTypes is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance.
anyAssignable(Type<X>, Collection<? extends Type<Y>>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing at least one of the types modeled by the supplied payloadTypes is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance.
assignable(Type, Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypes
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverType, according to the assignability rules modeled by the Type.CovariantSemantics class.
assignable(Type, Type) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and using no autoboxing.
assignable(Type, Type, boolean) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypes
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverType, according to the assignability rules modeled by the Type.CovariantSemantics class.
assignable(Type, Type, boolean) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CdiSemantics
assignable(Type, Type, boolean) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and using the specified autoboxing semantics.
assignable(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.InvariantSemantics
assignable(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance.


Bootstraps - Class in org.microbean.type
Bootstrap methods for invokedynamic situations.
box() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
If this JavaType represents a primitive type, and if and only if boxing was enabled in the constructor, returns a JavaType representing the corresponding "wrapper type", or this JavaType itself in all other cases.
box() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
If this Type represents a primitive type, and if and only if boxing is enabled in the type system being represented, returns a Type representing the corresponding "wrapper type", or this Type itself in all other cases.


CD_Bootstraps - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.Bootstraps
The ClassDesc representing this class.
CD_Constructor - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.ConstantDescs
CD_DefaultGenericArrayType - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.ConstantDescs
CD_DefaultParameterizedType - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.ConstantDescs
CD_GenericArrayType - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.ConstantDescs
CD_GenericDeclaration - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.ConstantDescs
CD_LowerBoundedWildcardType - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.ConstantDescs
CD_Member - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.ConstantDescs
CD_Method - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.ConstantDescs
CD_ParameterizedType - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.ConstantDescs
CD_Type - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.ConstantDescs
CD_TypeVariable - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.ConstantDescs
CD_UnboundedWildcardType - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.ConstantDescs
CD_UpperBoundedWildcardType - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.ConstantDescs
CD_WildcardType - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.ConstantDescs
CdiSemantics() - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.Type.CdiSemantics
Creates a new Type.CdiSemantics.
CdiType - Class in org.microbean.type
A JavaType with a flexible means of describing its direct supertypes, suitable only, probaly, for CDI use cases.
CdiType(Type, Function<Type, Collection<Type>>) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.CdiType
Creates a new CdiType.
classIsAssignableFromClass(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadClass is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverClass, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadClass models a Java class and not any other type, and if and only if receiverClass models a Java class and not any other type.
classIsAssignableFromClass(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.VariantSemantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadClass is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverClass, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadClass models a Java class and not any other type, and if and only if receiverClass models a Java class and not any other type.
classIsAssignableFromGenericArrayType(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CovariantSemantics
classIsAssignableFromGenericArrayType(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadGenericArrayType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverClass, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadGenericArrayType models a Java generic array type and not any other type, and if and only if receiverClass models a Java class and not any other type.
classIsAssignableFromParameterizedType(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CdiSemantics
classIsAssignableFromParameterizedType(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CovariantSemantics
classIsAssignableFromParameterizedType(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadClass is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverClass, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadParameterizedType models a Java parameterized type and not any other type, and if and only if receiverClass models a Java class and not any other type.
classIsAssignableFromTypeVariable(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CovariantSemantics
classIsAssignableFromTypeVariable(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadTypeVariable is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverClass, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadTypeVariable models a Java type variable and not any other type, and if and only if receiverClass models a Java class and not any other type.
classIsAssignableFromWildcardType(Type<X>, Type<Y>, boolean) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadWildcardType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverClass, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadWildcardType models a Java wildcard type and not any other type, and if and only if receiverClass models a Java class and not any other type.
clear() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException when invoked.
componentType() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Returns the component type of this JavaType, if there is one, or null if there is not.
componentType() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns the component type of this Type, if there is one, or null if there is not.
ConstantDescs - Class in org.microbean.type
A utility class containing useful ConstantDescs (primarily ClassDescs).
contains(Object) - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
CovariantSemantics() - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.Type.CovariantSemantics


DefaultGenericArrayType - Class in org.microbean.type
A GenericArrayType implementation.
DefaultGenericArrayType(Type) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.DefaultGenericArrayType
DefaultParameterizedType - Class in org.microbean.type
A ParameterizedType implementation.
DefaultParameterizedType(ParameterizedType) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType
DefaultParameterizedType(Type, Type, Type) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType
DefaultParameterizedType(Type, Type, Type...) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType
DefaultParameterizedType(Type, Type, Type, Type) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType
DefaultParameterizedType(Type, Type, Type, Type, Type) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType
DefaultTypeVariable<T extends GenericDeclaration> - Class in org.microbean.type
A TypeVariable implementation.
DefaultTypeVariable(GenericDeclaration, String) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
Creates a new DefaultTypeVariable.
DefaultTypeVariable(GenericDeclaration, Predicate<? super TypeVariable<?>>) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
Creates a new DefaultTypeVariable.
DefaultTypeVariable(TypeVariable<? extends T>) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
Creates a new DefaultTypeVariable.
describeConstable() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultGenericArrayType
describeConstable() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType
describeConstable() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
describeConstable() - Method in class org.microbean.type.LowerBoundedWildcardType
describeConstable() - Method in class org.microbean.type.UnboundedWildcardType
describeConstable() - Method in class org.microbean.type.UpperBoundedWildcardType
describeConstable(Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypes
Returns an Optional containing the nominal descriptor in the form of a ConstantDesc for the supplied Type, or an empty Optional if there is no such descriptor.
directSupertypes() - Method in class org.microbean.type.CdiType
Returns an unmodifiable and immutable Collection of the direct supertypes of this CdiType as provided by the directSupertypesFunction supplied at construction time.
directSupertypes() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Returns an unmodifiable and immutable Collection of the direct supertypes of this JavaType, or an empty Collection if there are no direct supertypes.
directSupertypes() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns an unmodifiable and immutable Collection of the direct supertypes of this Type, or an empty Collection if there are no direct supertypes.
directSupertypes(Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypes
Returns the direct supertypes of the supplied Type, provided that it is either a Class, a ParameterizedType, a GenericArrayType or a TypeVariable.
DMHD_REFLECT_AS - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.ConstantDescs


emptyTypeArray() - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypes
Returns a Type array with a length of 0.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.microbean.type.LowerBoundedWildcardType
equals(Object) - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultGenericArrayType
equals(Object) - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType
equals(Object) - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
equals(Object) - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
equals(Object) - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType.Token
Returns true if the supplied Object is equal to this JavaType.Token.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
equals(Type, Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypes
Tests two Types for equality in a manner that is independent of their implementations.
erase() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType.Token
Returns the type erasure of this JavaType.Token's modeled Type, or null if erasing the Type would result in a non-Class erasure (in which case the erasure is simply the Type itself), or if an erasure cannot be determined.
erase(Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypes
Returns the type erasure for the supplied Type according to the rules of the Java Language Specification, section 4.6.


genericArrayType() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns true if and only if this Type models a generic array type.
genericArrayTypeIsAssignableFromClass(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CovariantSemantics
genericArrayTypeIsAssignableFromClass(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadClass is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverGenericArrayType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadClass models a Java class and not any other type, and if and only if receiverGenericArrayType models a generic array type and not any other type.
genericArrayTypeIsAssignableFromGenericArrayType(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadGenericArrayType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverGenericArrayType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadGenericArrayType models a Java generic array type and not any other type, and if and only if receiverGenericArrayType models a generic array type and not any other type.
genericArrayTypeIsAssignableFromGenericArrayType(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.VariantSemantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadGenericArrayType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverGenericArrayType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadGenericArrayType models a generic array type and not any other type, and if and only if receiverGenericArrayType models a generic array type and not any other type.
genericArrayTypeIsAssignableFromParameterizedType(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadParameterizedType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverGenericArrayType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadParameterizedType models a Java parameterized type and not any other type, and if and only if receiverGenericArrayType models a generic array type and not any other type.
genericArrayTypeIsAssignableFromTypeVariable(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadTypeVariable is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverGenericArrayType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadTypeVariable models a Java type variable and not any other type, and if and only if receiverGenericArrayType models a generic array type and not any other type.
genericArrayTypeIsAssignableFromWildcardType(Type<X>, Type<Y>, boolean) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadWildcardType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverGenericArrayType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadWildcardType models a Java wildcard type and not any other type, and if and only if receiverGenericArrayType models a generic array type and not any other type.
getActualTypeArguments() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType
getAnnotatedBounds() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
getAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
getAnnotations() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
getAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
getBounds() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
getDeclaredAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
getDeclaredAnnotations() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
getDeclaredAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
getDelegate() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
Returns the TypeVariable this DefaultTypeVariable wraps.
getGenericComponentType() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultGenericArrayType
getGenericDeclaration() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
getLowerBound() - Method in class org.microbean.type.LowerBoundedWildcardType
Returns the sole lower bound of this AbstractWildcardType, if there is one, or null.
getLowerBounds() - Method in class org.microbean.type.LowerBoundedWildcardType
getName() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
getOwnerType() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType
getRawType() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType
getTypeVariable(GenericDeclaration, String) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.Bootstraps
Returns a TypeVariable with a name equal to the supplied name and that is declared by the supplied GenericDeclaration, or null if there is no such TypeVariable.
getUpperBound() - Method in class org.microbean.type.LowerBoundedWildcardType
Returns the sole upper bound of this AbstractWildcardType.
getUpperBounds() - Method in class org.microbean.type.LowerBoundedWildcardType


hashCode() - Method in class org.microbean.type.LowerBoundedWildcardType
hashCode() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultGenericArrayType
hashCode() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType
hashCode() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
hashCode() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
hashCode() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType.Token
Returns a hashcode for this JavaType.Token computed from the Type it models.
hashCode() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
hashCode(Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypes
Computes and returns a hashcode for the supplied Type independent of its implementation.
hasParameters() - Method in interface org.microbean.type.Owner
Returns true if and only if this Owner represents an executable by virtue of having parameters.
hasParameters() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns false when invoked since Types don't have parameters (unlike Owners representing executables).
hasTypeArguments() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Returns true if and only if this Type represents a ParameterizedType by virtue of having type arguments.
hasTypeArguments() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns true if and only if this Type represents a parameterized type by virtue of having type arguments.
hasTypeParameters() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Returns true if and only if this JavaType represents a generic Class by virtue of having type parameters.
hasTypeParameters() - Method in interface org.microbean.type.Owner
Returns true if and only if this Owner represents a generic class or a generic executable by virtue of having type parameters.
hasTypeParameters() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns true if and only if this Type represents a generic class by virtue of having type parameters.


INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.Type.CdiSemantics
An instance of Type.CdiSemantics.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.Type.CovariantSemantics
A convenient instance of Type.CovariantSemantics.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.Type.InvariantSemantics
An instance of Type.InvariantSemantics.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.UnboundedWildcardType
The sole instance of this class.
interfaceTypes() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
Returns a new JavaTypeSet containing only the interface types from this JavaTypeSet.
InvariantSemantics() - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.Type.InvariantSemantics
isAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
isClass() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns true if and only if this Type models a class.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
iterator() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet


JavaType - Class in org.microbean.type
A Type that models a java.lang.reflect.Type for use primarily by a Type.Semantics instance.
JavaType(Type) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Creates a new JavaType with no autoboxing.
JavaType(Type, boolean) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Creates a new JavaType.
JavaType(JavaType.Token<?>) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Creates a new JavaType with no autoboxing.
JavaType(JavaType.Token<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Creates a new JavaType.
JavaType.Token<T> - Class in org.microbean.type
A holder of a Type that embodies Gafter's gadget.
JavaTypes - Class in org.microbean.type
A utility class providing useful operations related to Java Types.
JavaTypeSet - Class in org.microbean.type
An immutable AbstractSet of Types that ensures that Type implementations from different vendors use the same equality semantics.


lowerBounded() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Returns true if and only if this Type represents a WildcardType with a lower bound.
lowerBounded() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns true if and only if this Type represents a wildcard type with a lower bound.
LowerBoundedWildcardType - Class in org.microbean.type
A WildcardType implementation that has only lower bounds.
LowerBoundedWildcardType(Type) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.LowerBoundedWildcardType
LowerBoundedWildcardType(Type...) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.LowerBoundedWildcardType
LowerBoundedWildcardType(WildcardType) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.LowerBoundedWildcardType
lowerBounds() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Returns an unmodifiable List of this JavaType's lower bounds.
lowerBounds() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns an unmodifiable List of this Type's lower bounds.


mostSpecializedInterfaceType() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
Returns an arbitrarily selected Type that is guaranteed to be a Type representing the most specialized interface drawn from types representing interfaces in this JavaTypeSet, or null if this JavaTypeSet contains no interfaces.
mostSpecializedNonInterfaceType() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
Returns an arbitrarily selected Type that is guaranteed to represent the most specialized subclass drawn from the types in this JavaTypeSet.


name() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Returns the name of this JavaType if it has one or null if it does not.
name() - Method in interface org.microbean.type.Owner
Returns the name of this Owner if it has one or null if it does not.
name() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns the name of this Type if it has one or null if it does not.
named() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Returns true if and only if this JavaType represents a Java type that has a name.
named() - Method in interface org.microbean.type.Owner
Returns true if and only if this Owner represents either a Java type that has a name, or an executable.
named() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns true if and only if this Type represents a Java type that has a name.
nonInterfaceTypes() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
Returns a new JavaTypeSet containing only the Types that are not interface types from this JavaTypeSet.


object() - Method in interface org.microbean.type.Owner
Returns the object this Owner is modeling, or null if that information is not supplied by the implementation.
object() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns the object supplied at construction time that is the type this Type is representing.
of(GenericArrayType) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultGenericArrayType
If the supplied GenericArrayType is a DefaultGenericArrayType, returns it; otherwise creates a new DefaultGenericArrayType with the supplied GenericArrayType's generic component type and returns it.
of(ParameterizedType) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType
If the supplied ParameterizedType is a DefaultParameterizedType, returns it; otherwise creates a new DefaultParameterizedType with the supplied ParameterizedType's owner type, raw type and type arguments and returns it.
of(Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.CdiType
Creates a new CdiType.
of(Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Creates a new JavaType without autoboxing.
of(Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
Returns a JavaTypeSet whose sole element models the supplied Type.
of(Type, boolean) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.CdiType
Creates a new CdiType.
of(Type, boolean) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Creates a new JavaType.
of(Type, Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
Returns a JavaTypeSet whose elements are modeled by the supplied Types.
of(TypeVariable<T>) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
Returns a DefaultTypeVariable representing the supplied TypeVariable.
of(WildcardType) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.LowerBoundedWildcardType
If the supplied WildcardType is a LowerBoundedWildcardType, returns it; otherwise creates a new LowerBoundedWildcardType with the supplied WildcardType's upper bounds and lower bounds and returns it.
of(WildcardType) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.UpperBoundedWildcardType
If the supplied WildcardType is a UpperBoundedWildcardType, returns it; otherwise creates a new UpperBoundedWildcardType with the supplied WildcardType's upper bounds and returns it.
of(Collection<?>) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
Returns a JavaTypeSet whose elements are drawn from the supplied Collection, in its iteration order.
of(JavaType) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
Returns a JavaTypeSet whose sole element is the supplied JavaType.
of(JavaType.Token<?>) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.CdiType
Creates a new CdiType.
of(JavaType.Token<?>) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Creates a new JavaType without autoboxing.
of(JavaType.Token<?>, boolean) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.CdiType
Creates a new CdiType.
of(JavaType.Token<?>, boolean) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Creates a new JavaType.
of(JavaType, JavaType) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
Returns a JavaTypeSet whose elements are the supplied JavaTypes.
ofSupertypes(Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
Returns a JavaTypeSet whose elements are the supertypes of the supplied Type (which include the supplied Type itself).
ofSupertypes(JavaType) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
Returns a JavaTypeSet whose elements are the supertypes of the Type modeled by the supplied JavaType (which include the modeled Type itself).
org.microbean.type - module org.microbean.type
Provides packages related to type systems.
org.microbean.type - package org.microbean.type
Provides classes and interfaces related to Java Type instances.
owner() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Returns the owner of this JavaType as an Object, suitable only for equality comparisons, or null if this JavaType does not represent either a Class, a ParameterizedType or a TypeVariable.
owner() - Method in interface org.microbean.type.Owner
Returns the Owner of this Owner, or null if there is no such Owner.
owner() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns the owner of this Type as an Owner<T>, suitable only for equality comparisons, or null if this Type is not owned.
Owner<T> - Interface in org.microbean.type
An interface whose implementations represent a Java type or a Java executable for equality comparison purposes and no other.


parameterizedType() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns true if and only if this Type models a parameterized type.
parameterizedTypeIsAssignableFromClass(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CdiSemantics
parameterizedTypeIsAssignableFromClass(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CovariantSemantics
parameterizedTypeIsAssignableFromClass(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadClass is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverParameterizedType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadClass models a Java class and not any other type, and if and only if receiverParameterizedType models a parameterized type and not any other type.
parameterizedTypeIsAssignableFromGenericArrayType(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadGenericArrayType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverParameterizedType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadGenericArrayType models a Java generic array type and not any other type, and if and only if receiverParameterizedType models a parameterized type and not any other type.
parameterizedTypeIsAssignableFromParameterizedType(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CdiSemantics
parameterizedTypeIsAssignableFromParameterizedType(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CovariantSemantics
parameterizedTypeIsAssignableFromParameterizedType(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadParameterizedType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverParameterizedType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadParameterizedType models a Java parameterized type and not any other type, and if and only if receiverParameterizedType models a parameterized type and not any other type.
parameterizedTypeIsAssignableFromTypeVariable(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CovariantSemantics
parameterizedTypeIsAssignableFromTypeVariable(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadTypeVariable is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverParameterizedType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadTypeVariable models a Java type variable and not any other type, and if and only if receiverParameterizedType models a parameterized type and not any other type.
parameterizedTypeIsAssignableFromWildcardType(Type<X>, Type<Y>, boolean) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadWildcardType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverParameterizedType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadWildcardType models a Java wildcard type and not any other type, and if and only if receiverParameterizedType models a parameterized type and not any other type.
parameters() - Method in interface org.microbean.type.Owner
Returns an unmodifiable List of this Owner's parameters, if this Owner represents an executable, or null if it does not.
parameters() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns null when invoked since Types don't have parameters (unlike Owners representing executables).


remove(Object) - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException when invoked.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException when invoked.
represents(Owner<X>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Returns true if this JavaType represents the same type as that represented by the supplied Owner.
represents(Owner<X>) - Method in interface org.microbean.type.Owner
Returns true if this Owner represents the same thing as that represented by the supplied Owner.
represents(Owner<X>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns true if this Type represents the same type as that represented by the supplied Owner.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException when invoked.


Semantics() - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Creates a new Type.Semantics.
size() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
spliterator() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
stream() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
supertype(Type, Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypes
Returns true if and only if sup is a supertype of sub.
supertype(Type<X>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns true if and only if this Type is a supertype of the supplied Type.
supertypes() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns all the supertypes of this Type (which includes this Type).
supertypes(Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypes
Returns the supertypes of the supplied Type, provided that it is either a Class, a ParameterizedType, a GenericArrayType or a TypeVariable.


Token() - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.JavaType.Token
Creates a new JavaType.Token.
top() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Returns true if and only if the return value of Type.object() is identical to Object.class.
top() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns true if and only if this Type represents the uppermost reference type in the type system.
toString() - Method in class org.microbean.type.LowerBoundedWildcardType
toString() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultGenericArrayType
toString() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultParameterizedType
toString() - Method in class org.microbean.type.DefaultTypeVariable
toString() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType.Token
Returns a String representation of this JavaType.Token.
toString() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypeSet
toString(Type) - Static method in class org.microbean.type.JavaTypes
Returns a String representation of the supplied Type that is independent of its implementation.
type() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType.Token
Returns the Type modeled by this JavaType.Token.
type() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
If this JavaType represents a ParameterizedType or a GenericArrayType returns a JavaType representing its raw type or generic component type, or, if this JavaType does not represent a ParameterizedType or a GenericArrayType, returns this.
type() - Method in interface org.microbean.type.Owner
If this Owner represents a parameterized type or a generic array type, returns a Type representing its raw type or generic component type, or, if this Owner represents an constructor, returns a Type representing void or Void, or, if this Owner represents a method, returns a Type representing its generic return type, or returns this (the Owner in this case will be known to be a Type).
type() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
If this Type represents a parameterized type or a generic array type, returns a Type representing its raw type or generic component type, or, if this Type does not represent a parameterized type or a generic array type, returns this.
Type<T> - Class in org.microbean.type
A value-like object representing a (Java-like) type for purposes of testing assignability.
Type(T) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.Type
Creates a new Type.
Type.CdiSemantics - Class in org.microbean.type
A Type.VariantSemantics implementation that implements the rules of typesafe resolution.
Type.CovariantSemantics - Class in org.microbean.type
A Type.VariantSemantics implementation that implements Java type assignability semantics, which are covariant.
Type.InvariantSemantics - Class in org.microbean.type
A Type.VariantSemantics implementation that does not permit subtyping, but that compares wildcard types covariantly.
Type.Semantics - Class in org.microbean.type
An abstract embodiment of Type assignability rules.
Type.VariantSemantics - Class in org.microbean.type
An abstract partial Type.Semantics that permits subtyping.
typeArguments() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Returns an unmodifiable List of this JavaType's type arguments.
typeArguments() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns an unmodifiable List of this Type's type arguments.
typeParameters() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Returns an unmodifiable List of this JavaType's type parameters.
typeParameters() - Method in interface org.microbean.type.Owner
Returns an unmodifiable List of this Owner's type parameters.
typeParameters() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns an unmodifiable List of this Type's type parameters.
typeVariable() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns true if and only if this Type models a type variable.
typeVariableIsAssignableFromClass(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadClass is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverTypeVariable, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadClass models a Java class and not any other type, and if and only if receiverTypeVariable models a type variable and not any other type.
typeVariableIsAssignableFromGenericArrayType(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadGenericArrayType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverTypeVariable, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadGenericArrayType models a Java generic array type and not any other type, and if and only if receiverTypeVariable models a type variable and not any other type.
typeVariableIsAssignableFromParameterizedType(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadParameterizedType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverTypeVariable, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadParameterizedType models a Java parameterized type and not any other type, and if and only if receiverTypeVariable models a type variable and not any other type.
typeVariableIsAssignableFromTypeVariable(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CovariantSemantics
typeVariableIsAssignableFromTypeVariable(Type<X>, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadTypeVariable is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverTypeVariable, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadTypeVariable models a Java type variable and not any other type, and if and only if receiverTypeVariable models a type variable and not any other type.
typeVariableIsAssignableFromWildcardType(Type<X>, Type<Y>, boolean) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadWildcardType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverTypeVariable, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadWildcardType models a Java wildcard type and not any other type, and if and only if receiverTypeVariable models a type variable and not any other type.


UnboundedWildcardType - Class in org.microbean.type
A WildcardType implementation that has only a single upper bound of Object.class.
upperBounded() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Returns true if and only if this JavaType represents either a TypeVariable or a WildcardType.
upperBounded() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns true if and only if this Type represents either a type variable or a wildcard type.
UpperBoundedWildcardType - Class in org.microbean.type
A WildcardType implementation that has only upper bounds.
UpperBoundedWildcardType(Type) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.UpperBoundedWildcardType
UpperBoundedWildcardType(Type...) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.UpperBoundedWildcardType
UpperBoundedWildcardType(WildcardType) - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.UpperBoundedWildcardType
upperBounds() - Method in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
Returns an unmodifiable List of this JavaType's upper bounds.
upperBounds() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns an unmodifiable List of this Type's upper bounds.


VariantSemantics() - Constructor for class org.microbean.type.Type.VariantSemantics
Creates a new Type.VariantSemantics.


wildcard() - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type
Returns true if and only if this Type models a wildcard type.
wildcardTypeIsAssignableFromClass(Type<X>, boolean, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CovariantSemantics
wildcardTypeIsAssignableFromClass(Type<X>, boolean, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadClass is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverWildcardType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadClass models a Java class and not any other type, and if and only if receiverWildcardType models a wildcard type and not any other type.
wildcardTypeIsAssignableFromGenericArrayType(Type<X>, boolean, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CovariantSemantics
wildcardTypeIsAssignableFromGenericArrayType(Type<X>, boolean, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadGenericArrayType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverWildcardType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadGenericArrayType models a Java generic array type and not any other type, and if and only if receiverWildcardType models a wildcard type and not any other type.
wildcardTypeIsAssignableFromParameterizedType(Type<X>, boolean, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CovariantSemantics
wildcardTypeIsAssignableFromParameterizedType(Type<X>, boolean, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadParameterizedType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverWildcardType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadParameterizedType models a Java parameterized type and not any other type, and if and only if receiverWildcardType models a wildcard type and not any other type.
wildcardTypeIsAssignableFromTypeVariable(Type<X>, boolean, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CovariantSemantics
wildcardTypeIsAssignableFromTypeVariable(Type<X>, boolean, Type<Y>) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadTypeVariable is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverWildcardType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadTypeVariable models a Java type variable and not any other type, and if and only if receiverWildcardType models a wildcard type and not any other type.
wildcardTypeIsAssignableFromWildcardType(Type<X>, boolean, Type<Y>, boolean) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.CovariantSemantics
wildcardTypeIsAssignableFromWildcardType(Type<X>, boolean, Type<Y>, boolean) - Method in class org.microbean.type.Type.Semantics
Returns true if and only if a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied payloadWildcardType is assignable to a reference bearing the type modeled by the supplied receiverWildcardType, according to the assignability rules modeled by this Type.Semantics instance, and if and only if payloadWildcardType models a Java wildcard type and not any other type, and if and only if receiverWildcardType models a wildcard type and not any other type.
wrapperTypes - Static variable in class org.microbean.type.JavaType
An immutable Map of Java wrapper classes indexed by their primitive equivalents.
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