Package org.mockito

Interface MockedStatic<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type being mocked.
All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, ScopedMock
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface MockedStatic<T> extends ScopedMock
Represents an active mock of a type's static methods. The mocking only affects the thread on which this static mock was created and it is not safe to use this object from another thread. The static mock is released when this object's ScopedMock.close() method is invoked. If this object is never closed, the static mock will remain active on the initiating thread. It is therefore recommended to create this object within a try-with-resources statement unless when managed explicitly, for example by using a JUnit rule or extension.

If the Mock annotation is used on fields or method parameters of this type, a static mock is created instead of a regular mock. The static mock is activated and released upon completing any relevant test.