

package commons

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BaseImports extends AnyRef

  2. trait Implicits extends AnyRef

  3. trait Imports extends BaseImports with TypeImports with Implicits

  4. class Logger extends AnyRef

    Scala SLF4J wrapper

  5. trait Logging extends AnyRef

    Base trait for all classes that wants to be able use the logging infrastructure.

  6. class MongoDBList extends Seq[Any] with Castable

  7. sealed class MongoDBListBuilder extends Builder[Any, Seq[Any]]

  8. class MongoDBObject extends Map[String, AnyRef] with MapLike[String, AnyRef, MongoDBObject] with Logging with Castable

    MapLike scala interface for Mongo DBObjects - proxies an existing DBObject.

  9. sealed class MongoDBObjectBuilder extends Builder[(String, Any), commons.Imports.DBObject]

  10. sealed trait NotNothing[A] extends AnyRef

    Nice trick from Miles Sabin using ambiguity in implicit resolution to disallow Nothing

  11. trait TypeImports extends AnyRef

  12. abstract class ValidBSONType[T] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object BaseImports extends BaseImports

  2. object EnsureConversionHelpersRegistration

  3. object Implicits extends Implicits

  4. object Imports extends Imports

  5. object Logger

    Logger factory

  6. object MongoDBList

  7. object MongoDBObject

  8. object NotNothing

  9. object TypeImports extends TypeImports

  10. object ValidBSONType

  11. package conversions
