

package casbah

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BaseImports extends AnyRef

  2. sealed class CursorExplanation extends MongoDBObject

  3. trait Implicits extends AnyRef

    Implicits object to expose implicit conversions to implementing classes which facilitate more Scala-like functionality in Mongo.

  4. trait Imports extends BaseImports with TypeImports with Implicits

  5. class MongoClient extends AnyRef

    Wrapper class for the MongoClient object.

  6. class MongoClientURI extends AnyRef

    Create a new MongoURI with a URI String e.

  7. class MongoCollection extends MongoCollectionBase with Iterable[casbah.Imports.DBObject]

    Concrete collection implementation expecting standard DBObject operation This is the version of MongoCollectionBase you should expect to use in most cases.

  8. trait MongoCollectionBase extends Logging

    Scala wrapper for Mongo DBCollections, including ones which return custom DBObject subclasses via setObjectClass and the like.

  9. class MongoConnection extends AnyRef

    Wrapper class for the Mongo Connection object.

  10. class MongoCursor extends MongoCursorBase with Iterator[casbah.Imports.DBObject]

    Concrete cursor implementation expecting standard DBObject operation This is the version of MongoCursorBase you should expect to use in most cases.

  11. trait MongoCursorBase extends Logging

    Scala wrapper for Mongo DBCursors, including ones which return custom DBObject subclasses.

  12. class MongoDB extends AnyRef

    Wrapper for the Mongo DB object providing scala-friendly functionality.

  13. class MongoGenericTypedCollection[A <: casbah.Imports.DBObject] extends MongoTypedCollection

  14. class MongoGenericTypedCursor[A <: casbah.Imports.DBObject] extends MongoCursorBase

    Concrete cursor implementation for typed Cursor operations via Collection.

  15. trait MongoTypedCollection extends MongoCollectionBase

    Concrete collection implementation for typed Cursor operations via Collection.

  16. class MongoURI extends AnyRef

    Create a new MongoURI with a URI String e.

  17. trait TypeImports extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object BaseImports extends BaseImports with casbah.commons.BaseImports with casbah.query.BaseImports

  2. object Implicits extends Implicits with casbah.commons.Implicits with casbah.query.Implicits

  3. object Imports extends Imports with casbah.commons.Imports with casbah.query.Imports with FluidQueryBarewordOps

  4. object MongoClient

    Wrapper object for MongoClient connections, providing the static methods the Java driver gives.

  5. object MongoClientOptions

    Helper class for creating MongoClientOptions instances

  6. object MongoClientURI

  7. object MongoCollection extends Logging

    Helper object for some static methods

  8. object MongoConnection

    Wrapper object for Mongo Connections, providing the static methods the Java driver gives.

  9. object MongoCredential

    Helper class for creating MongoCredential instances

  10. object MongoCursor extends Logging

  11. object MongoDB

    Wrapper for the Mongo DB object providing scala-friendly functionality.

  12. object MongoDBAddress

  13. object MongoOptions

    Helper class for creating MongoOptions instances

  14. object MongoURI

  15. object ReadPreference

    Helper class for creating ReadPreference instances

  16. object TypeImports extends TypeImports with casbah.commons.TypeImports with casbah.query.TypeImports

  17. object WriteConcern

    Helper class for creating WriteConcern instances

  18. package map_reduce

  19. package util
