Instantiate a new MongoOptions instance
Instantiate a new MongoOptions instance
# of connections allowed per host (pool size, per host)
Multiplier for connectiosnPerHost at # of threads that can block, default 5
wait time for a blocking thread for a connection from the pool, default 1000 * 60 * 2
timeout in milliseconds, for establishing the socket connections, default 0 (infinite)
timeout, passed to Socket.setSoTimeout, default 0
if socket keep alive is enabled, default false
if true use a WriteConcern of WriteConcern.SAFE for all operations
The "w" value, (number of writes), of the global WriteConcern
The "wtimeout" value of the global WriteConcern
The "fsync" value of the global WriteConcern, true indicates writes should wait for data to be written to server data file
The "j" value of the global WriteConcern, true indicates writes should wait for a journaling group commit
the default decoder factory
the default encoder factory
sets the socket factory for creating sockets to mongod
The description for Mongo
instances created with these options
Helper class for creating MongoOptions instances
(Since version 2.7) Please use MongoClient and MongoClientOptions