Package com.mongodb

Interface DBObject

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    BasicDBList, BasicDBObject

    public interface DBObject
    extends org.bson.BSONObject
    This interface adds some specific behaviour to BSONObject for MongoDB documents.
    MongoDB documentation
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean isPartialObject()
      Whether markAsPartialObject() was ever called only matters if you are going to upsert and do not want to risk losing fields.
      void markAsPartialObject()
      If this object was retrieved with only some fields (using a field filter) this method will be called to mark it as such.
      • Methods inherited from interface org.bson.BSONObject

        containsField, containsKey, get, keySet, put, putAll, putAll, removeField, toMap
    • Method Detail

      • markAsPartialObject

        void markAsPartialObject()
        If this object was retrieved with only some fields (using a field filter) this method will be called to mark it as such.
      • isPartialObject

        boolean isPartialObject()
        Whether markAsPartialObject() was ever called only matters if you are going to upsert and do not want to risk losing fields.
        true if this has been marked as a partial object