Package com.mongodb

Interface DBDecoder

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    DefaultDBDecoder, LazyDBDecoder

    public interface DBDecoder
    extends org.bson.BSONDecoder
    An interface for decoders of BSON into instances of DBObject that belong to a DBCollection.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      com.mongodb.DBObject decode​(byte[] bytes, DBCollection collection)
      Decode a single DBObject belonging to the given collection from the given array of bytes.
      com.mongodb.DBObject decode​(InputStream input, DBCollection collection)
      Decode a single DBObject belonging to the given collection from the given input stream.
      DBCallback getDBCallback​(DBCollection collection)
      Get a callback for the given collection.
      • Methods inherited from interface org.bson.BSONDecoder

        decode, decode, readObject, readObject
    • Method Detail

      • getDBCallback

        DBCallback getDBCallback​(DBCollection collection)
        Get a callback for the given collection.
        collection - the collection
        the callback
      • decode

        com.mongodb.DBObject decode​(InputStream input,
                                    DBCollection collection)
                             throws IOException
        Decode a single DBObject belonging to the given collection from the given input stream.
        input - the input stream
        collection - the collection
        the DBObject
        IOException - may throw an exception while decoding from the InputStream
      • decode

        com.mongodb.DBObject decode​(byte[] bytes,
                                    DBCollection collection)
        Decode a single DBObject belonging to the given collection from the given array of bytes.
        bytes - the byte array
        collection - the collection
        the DBObject