

package cancelables

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BooleanCancelable extends Cancelable

    Represents a Cancelable that can queried for the canceled status.

  2. trait CompositeCancelable extends BooleanCancelable

    Represents a composite of multiple cancelables.

  3. final class MultiAssignmentCancelable extends BooleanCancelable

    Represents a monifu.concurrent.Cancelable whose underlying cancelable reference can be swapped for another.

  4. final class RefCountCancelable extends BooleanCancelable

    Represents a Cancelable that only executes the canceling logic when all dependent cancelable objects have been canceled.

  5. final class SingleAssignmentCancelable extends BooleanCancelable

    Represents a monifu.concurrent.Cancelable that can be assigned only once to another cancelable reference.
