

package reactive

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait Ack extends Future[Ack]

    Represents the acknowledgement of processing that a consumer sends back upstream on Observer.onNext

  2. sealed trait AckIsFuture[T <: Ack] extends Future[T]

  3. class BufferOverflowException extends RuntimeException

  4. sealed trait BufferPolicy extends AnyRef

    Represents the buffering policy chosen for actions that need buffering, instructing the pipeline what to do when the buffer is full.

    Represents the buffering policy chosen for actions that need buffering, instructing the pipeline what to do when the buffer is full.

    For the available policies, see:

    - Unbounded - OverflowTriggering - BackPressured

    Used in BufferedObserver to implement buffering when concurrent actions are needed, such as in Channels or in Observable.merge.

  5. trait Channel[-I] extends AnyRef

    A channel is meant for imperative style feeding of events.

    A channel is meant for imperative style feeding of events.

    When emitting events, one doesn't need to follow the back-pressure contract. On the other hand the grammar must still be respected:

    (pushNext)* (pushComplete | pushError)

  6. trait ConnectableObservable[+T] extends Observable[T]

    Represents an Observable that waits for the call to connect() before starting to emit elements to its subscriber(s).

    Represents an Observable that waits for the call to connect() before starting to emit elements to its subscriber(s).

    Useful for converting cold observables into hot observables and thus returned by Observable.multicast.

  7. trait Notification[+T] extends AnyRef

    Used by Observable.materialize.

  8. trait Observable[+T] extends AnyRef

    Asynchronous implementation of the Observable interface

  9. trait Observer[-T] extends AnyRef

    The Observer from the Rx pattern is the trio of callbacks that get subscribed to an Observable for receiving events.

    The Observer from the Rx pattern is the trio of callbacks that get subscribed to an Observable for receiving events.

    The events received must follow the Rx grammar, which is: onNext * (onComplete | onError)?

    That means an Observer can receive zero or multiple events, the stream ending either in one or zero onComplete or onError (just one, not both), and after onComplete or onError, a well behaved Observable implementation shouldn't send any more onNext events.

  10. trait Subject[-I, +T] extends Observable[T] with Observer[I]

    A Subject is a sort of bridge or proxy that acts both as an Observer and as an Observable and that must respect the contract of both.

    A Subject is a sort of bridge or proxy that acts both as an Observer and as an Observable and that must respect the contract of both.

    Because it is a Observer, it can subscribe to an Observable and because it is an Observable, it can pass through the items it observes by re-emitting them and it can also emit new items.

    Useful to build multicast Observables or reusable processing pipelines.

Value Members

  1. object Ack

  2. object BufferPolicy

  3. object ConnectableObservable

  4. object Notification

  5. object Observable

  6. object Observer

  7. package builders

  8. package channels

  9. package internals

  10. package observers

  11. package operators

  12. package streams

  13. package subjects
