Class ProfilingListener

    • Constructor Detail

      • ProfilingListener

        protected ProfilingListener​(@NonNull
                                    @NonNull File outputFile,
                                    boolean all,
                                    int warmup,
                                    int nIter,
                                    long nMs,
                                    Operation[] operations)
    • Method Detail

      • isActive

        public boolean isActive​(Operation operation)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Returns whether this listener is active during the given operation. If this returns false for the given operation, those listener methods will not be called.
      • operationEnd

        public void operationEnd​(SameDiff sd,
                                 Operation op)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Called at the end of an operation, e.g. training or validation
        Specified by:
        operationEnd in interface Listener
        operationEnd in class BaseListener
        sd - The SameDiff instance
        op - The operation being started
      • iterationDone

        public void iterationDone​(SameDiff sd,
                                  At at,
                                  MultiDataSet dataSet,
                                  Loss loss)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Called at the end of every iteration, after all operations (including updating parameters) has been completed
        Specified by:
        iterationDone in interface Listener
        iterationDone in class BaseListener
        sd - The SameDiff instance
        at - Current iteration/epoch etc
        dataSet - The current dataset (minibatch) used for training
        loss - The loss value for the current minibatch. Will be null except for during training
      • preOpExecution

        public void preOpExecution​(SameDiff sd,
                                   At at,
                                   SameDiffOp op,
                                   OpContext opContext)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Called just before each operation is executed (native code called, etc) - after all inputs etc have been set
        Specified by:
        preOpExecution in interface Listener
        preOpExecution in class BaseListener
        sd - The SameDiff instance
        at - Current iteration/epoch etc
        op - Operation that has just been executed
      • opExecution

        public void opExecution​(SameDiff sd,
                                At at,
                                MultiDataSet batch,
                                SameDiffOp op,
                                OpContext opContext,
                                INDArray[] outputs)
        Description copied from interface: Listener
        Called at the end of each operation execution

        Note: Outputs will most likely be freed later, use detach() if you need to save it.

        Specified by:
        opExecution in interface Listener
        opExecution in class BaseListener
        sd - The SameDiff instance
        at - Current iteration/epoch etc
        batch - The batch's input data. May be null if not called with a batch
        op - Operation that has just been executed
        outputs - The output arrays for the just-executed operation
      • jsonMapper

        public static org.nd4j.shade.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper jsonMapper()
        Get a new JSON mapper for use in serializing/deserializing JSON format
      • builder

        public static ProfilingListener.Builder builder​(File outputFile)
        Create a new builder
        outputFile - Output file. Will be overwritten if file already exists