Class ScaleProperties

  • public class ScaleProperties
    extends Algorithm<org.neo4j.gds.scaling.ScaleProperties.Result>
    This algorithm takes as input a list of node property names and a scaler. It applies the scaler to the node property values, respectively, and outputs a single node property. The output node property values are lists of the same size as the input lists, and contain the scaled values of the input node properties.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ScaleProperties

        public ScaleProperties​(org.neo4j.gds.api.Graph graph,
                               ScalePropertiesBaseConfig config,
                               java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService executor)
    • Method Detail

      • compute

        public org.neo4j.gds.scaling.ScaleProperties.Result compute()
        Specified by:
        compute in class Algorithm<org.neo4j.gds.scaling.ScaleProperties.Result>
      • release

        public void release()
        Description copied from class: Algorithm
        Release internal data structures used by the algorithm.
        Specified by:
        release in class Algorithm<org.neo4j.gds.scaling.ScaleProperties.Result>