Interface AdjacencyListPageSlice

  • public interface AdjacencyListPageSlice
    • Method Detail

      • address

        long address()
        Global address of the offset() in this page().
      • writeInt

        default void writeInt​(int value)
        Write a single int at the current offset(). The endianness of the int is left to the implementation.
      • insert

        default void insert​(byte[] bytes,
                            int arrayOffset,
                            int length)
        Write some bytes at the current offset().
      • page

        byte[] page()
        The current page. Only writes starting at offset() are safe.
      • offset

        int offset()
        Start offset for safe writes into the page().
      • bytesWritten

        void bytesWritten​(int numberOfBytes)
        Notify that this many bytes have been written to the page().