Interface AdjacencyCompressorBlueprint

  • public interface AdjacencyCompressorBlueprint
    • Method Detail

      • prepareFlushTasks

        void prepareFlushTasks()
        Prepares the compressor for flushing, for example by initializing data structures as they are needed.
      • createCompressor

        AdjacencyCompressor createCompressor()
        a copy of this blueprint that can be used concurrently with other copies to compress data.
      • flush

        void flush()
        Implementors may choose to buffer some internal data and only write it intermittently to its final location. This method is called at the end to ensure that all possible in-flight data can be cleaned up. This method might be called multiple times and any other method may be called after a flush. To release internal data for good, see AdjacencyCompressor.close().