AdjacencyCursor |
Cursor iterating over the target ids of one adjacency list.
AdjacencyList |
The adjacency list for a mono-partite graph with an optional single relationship property.
AdjacencyProperties |
The properties for a mono-partite graph for a single relationship property.
BatchNodeIterable |
Iterate over each graph-nodeId in batches.
CompositeRelationshipIterator |
CompositeRelationshipIterator.RelationshipConsumer |
CSRGraph |
A subtype of Graph which exposes datastructures specific to the csr graph representation
such as AdjacencyList .
Degrees |
The Degree interface is intended to return the degree of a given node.
Graph |
GraphLoaderContext |
GraphStore |
GraphStoreFactory.ImportResult<STORE extends GraphStore> |
GraphStoreFactory.Supplier |
GraphStoreWrapper |
IdMap |
Bi-directional mapping between two id spaces.
IdMap.NodeLabelConsumer |
IntBinaryPredicate |
IntersectionConsumer |
NodeIterator |
Iterate over each node Id until either
all nodes have been consumed or the consumer
decides to stop the iteration.
PartialIdMap |
This interface exposes the relevant parts of IdMap used
for relationship loading.
PropertyCursor |
Cursor iterating over the values of relationship properties.
RelationshipConsumer |
TODO: Define interface contract, esp regarding source/target node ids returned and how that maps to relationship direction
consumer interface for relationships without property.
RelationshipCursor |
RelationshipIntersect |
RelationshipIterator |
RelationshipPredicate |
RelationshipProperties |
Getter for property values at relationships
RelationshipProperty |
RelationshipPropertyStore |
Relationships |
Relationships.Properties |
Relationships.Topology |
RelationshipWithPropertyConsumer |