Interface NodePropertyValues

    • Method Detail

      • doubleValue

        default double doubleValue​(long nodeId)
      • longValue

        default long longValue​(long nodeId)
      • doubleArrayValue

        default @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable double[] doubleArrayValue​(long nodeId)
      • floatArrayValue

        default @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable float[] floatArrayValue​(long nodeId)
      • longArrayValue

        default @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable long[] longArrayValue​(long nodeId)
      • getObject

        @Nullable java.lang.Object getObject​(long nodeId)
      • value

        org.neo4j.values.storable.Value value​(long nodeId)
      • nodeCount

        long nodeCount()
      • dimension

        java.util.Optional<java.lang.Integer> dimension()
        The dimension of the properties. For scalar values, this is 1. For arrays, this is the length of the array stored for the 0th node id. If that array is null, this method returns Optional.empty().
        the dimension of the properties stored, or empty if the dimension cannot easily be retrieved.
      • getMaxLongPropertyValue

        default java.util.OptionalLong getMaxLongPropertyValue()
        the maximum long value contained in the mapping or an empty OptionalLong if the mapping is empty or the feature is not supported.
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the type is not coercible into a long.
      • getMaxDoublePropertyValue

        default java.util.OptionalDouble getMaxDoublePropertyValue()
        the maximum double value contained in the mapping or an empty OptionalDouble if the mapping is empty or the feature is not supported.
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the type is not coercible into a double.
      • hasValue

        default boolean hasValue​(long nodeId)
        Returns whether the value is present. This is necessary as for primitive types, we do not have a `null` value.