クラス DefaultResultSetConverter

    • フィールドの詳細

    • コンストラクタの詳細

      • DefaultResultSetConverter

        public DefaultResultSetConverter()
    • メソッドの詳細

      • getValueBySetterParameterType

        public Object getValueBySetterParameterType​(ResultSet resultSet,
                                                    int column,
                                                    Class<?> setterParameterType)
                                             throws SQLException
        インタフェースからコピーされた説明: ResultSetConverter
        Reads a column from the current row in the provided ResultSet and returns an instance of the specified Java Class containing the values read. This method is mainly used for "SEARCH SQL AND READ TO POJO". i.e. Convert from Sql to Java by the specified class. This method is used while converting ResultSet rows to objects. The class type is the field type in the target bean. null's will be respected for any non-native types. This means that if a field is of type Integer it will be able to receive a null value from the ResultSet; on the other hand, if a field is of type int it will receive 0 for a null value from the ResultSet.
        getValueBySetterParameterType インタフェース内 ResultSetConverter
        resultSet - ResultSet (positioned in the row to be processed)
        column - column index in the result set (starting with 1)
        setterParameterType - Class of the object to be returned
      • getValueBySqlType

        public Object getValueBySqlType​(ResultSet resultSet,
                                        int column,
                                        int sqlType)
                                 throws SQLException
        インタフェースからコピーされた説明: ResultSetConverter
        Reads a column from the current row in the provided ResultSet and return a value correspondent to the SQL type provided (as defined in java.sql.Types). null's are respected for all types. This means that if a column is of type LONG and its value comes from the database as null, this method will return null for it. This method is used for "SEARCH AND READ TO MAP". i.e. Convert from Sql to Java by the specified Sql.Types.
        getValueBySqlType インタフェース内 ResultSetConverter
        resultSet - ResultSet (positioned in the row to be processed)
        column - Column index in the result set (starting with 1)
        sqlType - type of the column (as defined in java.sql.Types)
      • sqlTypeToString

        public static String sqlTypeToString​(int type)