
D G I O P 
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DateGroup - Interface in org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp.parse
Represents a Date instanced parsed out of natural language text.


getDates() - Method in interface org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp.parse.DateGroup
Get all Date instances parsed from the language text.
getLine() - Method in interface org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp.parse.DateGroup
Get the line in which this DateGroup was found.
getPosition() - Method in interface org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp.parse.DateGroup
Get the starting position of this DateGroup in the language text.
getRecurInterval() - Method in interface org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp.parse.DateGroup
If this DateGroup is recurring, return the interval in milliseconds with which this DateGroup recurs, otherwise return -1;
getRecursUntil() - Method in interface org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp.parse.DateGroup
Get the Date to which this DateGroup recurs.
getText() - Method in interface org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp.parse.DateGroup
Get the text fragment parsed into this DateGroup.


isRecurring() - Method in interface org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp.parse.DateGroup
Return true if this DateGroup is a recurring event.


org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp - package org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp
org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp.parse - package org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp.parse


parse(String) - Method in class org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp.PrettyTimeParser
Parse the given language and return a List with all discovered Date instances.
parseSyntax(String) - Method in class org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp.PrettyTimeParser
Parse the given language and return a List with all discovered DateGroup instances.
PrettyTimeParser - Class in org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp
A utility for parsing natural language date and time expressions.
PrettyTimeParser() - Constructor for class org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp.PrettyTimeParser
Create a new PrettyTimeParser with the current system default TimeZone.
PrettyTimeParser(TimeZone) - Constructor for class org.ocpsoft.prettytime.nlp.PrettyTimeParser
Create a new PrettyTimeParser with the given TimeZone.
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