Interface OMRSRegistryEventProcessorInterface

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface OMRSRegistryEventProcessorInterface
    OMRSRegistryEventProcessor is an interface implemented by a component that is able to process registry events for an Open Metadata Repository's membership of an Open Metadata Repository Cohort.
    • Method Detail

      • processRegistrationEvent

        boolean processRegistrationEvent​(String sourceName,
                                         String originatorMetadataCollectionId,
                                         String originatorMetadataCollectionName,
                                         String originatorServerName,
                                         String originatorServerType,
                                         String originatorOrganizationName,
                                         Date registrationTimestamp,
                                         Connection remoteConnection)
        Introduces a new server/repository to the metadata repository cohort.
        sourceName - name of the source of the event. It may be the cohort name for incoming events or the local repository, or event mapper name.
        originatorMetadataCollectionId - unique identifier of metadata collection of originator.
        originatorMetadataCollectionName - display name of metadata collection of originator.
        originatorServerName - name of the server that the event came from.
        originatorServerType - type of server that the event came from.
        originatorOrganizationName - name of the organization that owns the server that sent the event.
        registrationTimestamp - the time that the server/repository issued the registration request.
        remoteConnection - the Connection properties for the connector used to call the registering server.
        flag indicating if the event was sent or not.
      • processRegistrationRefreshRequest

        boolean processRegistrationRefreshRequest​(String sourceName,
                                                  String originatorServerName,
                                                  String originatorServerType,
                                                  String originatorOrganizationName)
        Requests that the other servers in the cohort send re-registration events.
        sourceName - name of the source of the event. It may be the cohort name for incoming events or the local repository, or event mapper name.
        originatorServerName - name of the server that the event came from.
        originatorServerType - type of server that the event came from.
        originatorOrganizationName - name of the organization that owns the server that sent the event.
        flag indicating if the event was sent or not.
      • processReRegistrationEvent

        boolean processReRegistrationEvent​(String sourceName,
                                           String originatorMetadataCollectionId,
                                           String originatorMetadataCollectionName,
                                           String originatorServerName,
                                           String originatorServerType,
                                           String originatorOrganizationName,
                                           Date registrationTimestamp,
                                           Connection remoteConnection)
        Refreshes the other servers in the cohort with the originating server's registration.
        sourceName - name of the source of the event. It may be the cohort name for incoming events or the local repository, or event mapper name.
        originatorMetadataCollectionId - unique identifier of metadata collection of originator.
        originatorMetadataCollectionName - display name of metadata collection of originator.
        originatorServerName - name of the server that the event came from.
        originatorServerType - type of server that the event came from.
        originatorOrganizationName - name of the organization that owns the server that sent the event.
        registrationTimestamp - the time that the server/repository first registered with the cohort.
        remoteConnection - the Connection properties for the connector used to call the registering server.
        flag indicating if the event was sent or not.
      • processUnRegistrationEvent

        boolean processUnRegistrationEvent​(String sourceName,
                                           String originatorMetadataCollectionId,
                                           String originatorMetadataCollectionName,
                                           String originatorServerName,
                                           String originatorServerType,
                                           String originatorOrganizationName)
        A server/repository is being removed from the metadata repository cohort.
        sourceName - name of the source of the event. It may be the cohort name for incoming events or the local repository, or event mapper name.
        originatorMetadataCollectionId - unique identifier of metadata collection of originator.
        originatorMetadataCollectionName - display name of metadata collection of originator.
        originatorServerName - name of the server that the event came from.
        originatorServerType - type of server that the event came from.
        originatorOrganizationName - name of the organization that owns the server that sent the event.
        flag indicating if the event was sent or not.
      • processConflictingCollectionIdEvent

        void processConflictingCollectionIdEvent​(String sourceName,
                                                 String originatorMetadataCollectionId,
                                                 String originatorMetadataCollectionName,
                                                 String originatorServerName,
                                                 String originatorServerType,
                                                 String originatorOrganizationName,
                                                 String conflictingMetadataCollectionId,
                                                 String errorMessage)
        There is more than one member of the open metadata repository cohort that is using the same metadata collection Id. This means that their metadata instances can be updated in more than one server and their is a potential for data integrity issues.
        sourceName - name of the source of the event. It may be the cohort name for incoming events or the local repository, or event mapper name.
        originatorMetadataCollectionId - unique identifier of metadata collection of originator.
        originatorMetadataCollectionName - display name of metadata collection of originator.
        originatorServerName - name of the server that the event came from.
        originatorServerType - type of server that the event came from.
        originatorOrganizationName - name of the organization that owns the server that sent the event.
        conflictingMetadataCollectionId - unique identifier for the metadata collection that is registering with the cohort.
        errorMessage - details of the conflict
      • processBadConnectionEvent

        void processBadConnectionEvent​(String sourceName,
                                       String originatorMetadataCollectionId,
                                       String originatorMetadataCollectionName,
                                       String originatorServerName,
                                       String originatorServerType,
                                       String originatorOrganizationName,
                                       String targetMetadataCollectionId,
                                       Connection remoteConnection,
                                       String errorMessage)
        A connection to one of the members of the open metadata repository cohort is not usable by one of the members.
        sourceName - name of the source of the event. It may be the cohort name for incoming events or the local repository, or event mapper name.
        originatorMetadataCollectionId - unique identifier of metadata collection of originator.
        originatorMetadataCollectionName - display name of metadata collection of originator.
        originatorServerName - name of the server that the event came from.
        originatorServerType - type of server that the event came from.
        originatorOrganizationName - name of the organization that owns the server that sent the event.
        targetMetadataCollectionId - Id for the repository with the bad remote connection.
        remoteConnection - the Connection properties for the connector used to call the registering server.
        errorMessage - details of the error that occurs when the connection is used.