
  • Class
    OMRSEvent defines the common content of a message that is sent through the OMRSTopicConnector to all metadata repositories registered in the open metadata repository cohort.
    OMRSEventCategory defines the different categories of events that pass through the OMRS Topic.
    OMRSEventDirection defines the origin of an OMRSEvent.
    OMRSEventErrorCode is a merging of the OMRSRegistryEventErrorCode, OMRSTypeDefEventErrorCode and OMRSInstanceEventErrorCode that is used in OMRSEvent.
    OMRSEventOriginator is part of an OMRSEvent's header.
    OMRSEventProtocolVersion provides the identifier for the version number of the event payload.
    OMRSInstanceEventErrorCode defines the list of error codes that are used to record errors in the metadata instance replication process that is used by the repository connectors within the open metadata repository cohort.
    OMRSInstanceEventProcessor is an interface implemented by a component that is able to process incoming metadata instance events for an Open Metadata Repository.
    OMRSInstanceEventProcessorClassificationExtension adds methods for classifications that include an entity proxy rather than an entity proxy.
    OMRSInstanceEventProcessor is an interface implemented by a component that is able to process incoming metadata instance events for an Open Metadata Repository.
    OMRSInstanceEventType defines the different types of instance events in the open metadata repository services protocol.
    OMRSMetadataDefaultEventsSecurity provides a default instance events security filter that allows all events to pass unchanged.
    OMRSRegistryEvent provides the conversion between the properties of a registry event and the serialized event body.
    OMRSRegistryEventErrorCode defines the list of error codes that are used to record errors in the registration process that is used by the cohort registries when managing the membership of the open metadata repository cohort.
    OMRSRegistryEventProcessor is an interface implemented by a component that is able to process registry events for an Open Metadata Repository's membership of an Open Metadata Repository Cohort.
    OMRSRegistryEventProcessor is an interface implemented by a component that is able to process registry events for an Open Metadata Repository's membership of an Open Metadata Repository Cohort.
    OMRSRegistryEventType defines the different types of registry events in the open metadata repository services protocol.
    OMRSTypeDefEvent provides the wrapper for an event that relates to a type definition (TypeDef).
    OMRSTypeDefEventErrorCode defines the list of error codes that are used to record errors in the TypeDef synchronization process that is used by the repository connectors within the open metadata repository cohort.
    OMRSTypeDefEventProcessor is an interface implemented by a component that is able to process incoming TypeDef events for an Open Metadata Repository.
    OMRSTypeDefEventProcessor is an interface implemented by a component that is able to process incoming TypeDef events for an Open Metadata Repository.
    OMRSTypeDefEventType defines the different types of TypeDef events in the open metadata repository services protocol:
    OpenMetadataEventsSecurity defines the optional interface that an Open Metadata Server Security Connector can implement to control whether an event is either sent or received from a cohort.