Class DefaultMirroringDescription

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultMirroringDescription

        public DefaultMirroringDescription​(MirroringName name,
                                           List<String> monitorsrcports,
                                           List<String> monitordstports,
                                           List<org.onlab.packet.VlanId> monitorvlans,
                                           Optional<String> mirrorport,
                                           Optional<org.onlab.packet.VlanId> mirrorvlan,
                                           SparseAnnotations... annotations)
        Creates a mirroring description using the supplied information.
        name - the name of the mirroring
        monitorsrcports - the monitored src ports
        monitordstports - the monitored dst ports
        monitorvlans - the monitored vlans
        mirrorport - the mirror port
        mirrorvlan - the mirror vlan
        annotations - optional key/value annotations
    • Method Detail

      • monitorSrcPorts

        public List<String> monitorSrcPorts()
        Returns src ports to monitor. If it is empty, then no src port has to be monitored.
        Specified by:
        monitorSrcPorts in interface MirroringDescription
        set of src ports to monitor
      • monitorDstPorts

        public List<String> monitorDstPorts()
        Returns dst ports to monitor. If it is empty, then no dst port has to be monitored.
        Specified by:
        monitorDstPorts in interface MirroringDescription
        set of dst ports to monitor
      • monitorVlans

        public List<org.onlab.packet.VlanId> monitorVlans()
        Returns vlans to monitor. If it is empty, then no vlan has to be monitored.
        Specified by:
        monitorVlans in interface MirroringDescription
        monitored vlan
      • mirrorVlan

        public Optional<org.onlab.packet.VlanId> mirrorVlan()
        Returns mirror vlan. If it is not set the no destination vlan for mirrored packets.
        Specified by:
        mirrorVlan in interface MirroringDescription
        mirror vlan