Interface IJsonSchemaValidationProperties

    • Method Detail

      • getPattern

        String getPattern()
      • setPattern

        void setPattern​(String pattern)
      • getMaximum

        String getMaximum()
      • setMaximum

        void setMaximum​(String maximum)
      • getMinimum

        String getMinimum()
      • setMinimum

        void setMinimum​(String minimum)
      • getExclusiveMaximum

        boolean getExclusiveMaximum()
      • setExclusiveMaximum

        void setExclusiveMaximum​(boolean exclusiveMaximum)
      • getExclusiveMinimum

        boolean getExclusiveMinimum()
      • setExclusiveMinimum

        void setExclusiveMinimum​(boolean exclusiveMinimum)
      • getMinLength

        Integer getMinLength()
      • setMinLength

        void setMinLength​(Integer minLength)
      • getMaxLength

        Integer getMaxLength()
      • setMaxLength

        void setMaxLength​(Integer maxLength)
      • getMinItems

        Integer getMinItems()
      • setMinItems

        void setMinItems​(Integer minItems)
      • getMaxItems

        Integer getMaxItems()
      • setMaxItems

        void setMaxItems​(Integer maxItems)
      • getUniqueItems

        boolean getUniqueItems()
      • setUniqueItems

        void setUniqueItems​(boolean uniqueItems)
      • getUniqueItemsBoolean

        Boolean getUniqueItemsBoolean()
      • setUniqueItemsBoolean

        void setUniqueItemsBoolean​(Boolean uniqueItems)
      • getMinProperties

        Integer getMinProperties()
      • setMinProperties

        void setMinProperties​(Integer minProperties)
      • getMaxProperties

        Integer getMaxProperties()
      • setMaxProperties

        void setMaxProperties​(Integer maxProperties)
      • getMultipleOf

        Number getMultipleOf()
      • setMultipleOf

        void setMultipleOf​(Number multipleOf)
      • getIsModel

        boolean getIsModel()
      • setIsModel

        void setIsModel​(boolean isModel)
      • getIsDate

        boolean getIsDate()
      • setIsDate

        void setIsDate​(boolean isDate)
      • getIsDateTime

        boolean getIsDateTime()
      • setIsDateTime

        void setIsDateTime​(boolean isDateTime)
      • getIsMap

        boolean getIsMap()
      • setIsMap

        void setIsMap​(boolean isMap)
      • getIsArray

        boolean getIsArray()
      • setIsArray

        void setIsArray​(boolean isShort)
      • getIsShort

        boolean getIsShort()
      • setIsShort

        void setIsShort​(boolean isShort)
      • getIsBoolean

        boolean getIsBoolean()
      • setIsBoolean

        void setIsBoolean​(boolean isBoolean)
      • getIsUnboundedInteger

        boolean getIsUnboundedInteger()
      • setIsUnboundedInteger

        void setIsUnboundedInteger​(boolean isUnboundedInteger)
      • getIsPrimitiveType

        boolean getIsPrimitiveType()
      • setIsPrimitiveType

        void setIsPrimitiveType​(boolean isPrimitiveType)
      • setAdditionalProperties

        void setAdditionalProperties​(CodegenProperty additionalProperties)
      • getIsNull

        boolean getIsNull()
      • setIsNull

        void setIsNull​(boolean isNull)
      • getIsVoid

        boolean getIsVoid()
      • setIsVoid

        void setIsVoid​(boolean isVoid)
      • getHasValidation

        boolean getHasValidation()
      • setHasValidation

        void setHasValidation​(boolean hasValidation)
      • getAdditionalPropertiesIsAnyType

        boolean getAdditionalPropertiesIsAnyType()
      • setAdditionalPropertiesIsAnyType

        void setAdditionalPropertiesIsAnyType​(boolean additionalPropertiesIsAnyType)
      • getHasVars

        boolean getHasVars()
      • setHasVars

        void setHasVars​(boolean hasVars)
      • getHasRequired

        boolean getHasRequired()
      • setHasRequired

        void setHasRequired​(boolean hasRequired)
      • getHasDiscriminatorWithNonEmptyMapping

        boolean getHasDiscriminatorWithNonEmptyMapping()
      • setHasDiscriminatorWithNonEmptyMapping

        void setHasDiscriminatorWithNonEmptyMapping​(boolean hasDiscriminatorWithNonEmptyMapping)
      • getIsString

        boolean getIsString()
      • setIsString

        void setIsString​(boolean isNumber)
      • getIsNumber

        boolean getIsNumber()
      • setIsNumber

        void setIsNumber​(boolean isNumber)
      • getIsAnyType

        boolean getIsAnyType()
      • setIsAnyType

        void setIsAnyType​(boolean isAnyType)
      • setRef

        void setRef​(String ref)
      • getHasMultipleTypes

        boolean getHasMultipleTypes()
      • setHasMultipleTypes

        void setHasMultipleTypes​(boolean hasMultipleTypes)
      • getIsBooleanSchemaTrue

        boolean getIsBooleanSchemaTrue()
      • setIsBooleanSchemaTrue

        void setIsBooleanSchemaTrue​(boolean isBooleanSchemaTrue)
      • getIsBooleanSchemaFalse

        boolean getIsBooleanSchemaFalse()
      • setIsBooleanSchemaFalse

        void setIsBooleanSchemaFalse​(boolean isBooleanSchemaFalse)
      • getSchemaIsFromAdditionalProperties

        boolean getSchemaIsFromAdditionalProperties()
      • setSchemaIsFromAdditionalProperties

        void setSchemaIsFromAdditionalProperties​(boolean schemaIsFromAdditionalProperties)
      • setFormat

        void setFormat​(String format)
      • getFormat

        String getFormat()
      • setTypeProperties

        default void setTypeProperties​( p)
        Syncs all the schema's type properties into the IJsonSchemaValidationProperties instance for now this only supports types without format information TODO: in the future move the format handling in here too
        p - the schema which contains the type info
      • getBaseType

        default String getBaseType()
        basic type - no generics supported.
      • getComplexType

        default String getComplexType()
        complex type that can contain type parameters - like List<Items> for Java
      • getImports

        default Set<String> getImports​(boolean importContainerType,
                                       boolean importBaseType,
                                       FeatureSet featureSet)
        Recursively collect all necessary imports to include so that the type may be resolved.
        importContainerType - whether or not to include the container types in the returned imports.
        importBaseType - whether or not to include the base types in the returned imports.
        featureSet - the generator feature set, used to determine if composed schemas should be added
        all of the imports