Class AbstractTypeScriptClientCodegen.ParameterExpander

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class AbstractTypeScriptClientCodegen.ParameterExpander
    extends Object
    Help generating code for any kind of URL parameters (path, matrix, query).

    Generators may use this class when substituting URL-parameter-placeholders with generated code:

    While parsing placeholders character-by-character, this class helps accumulating these characters and building the final placeholder name.

    With the placeholder name, this class tries to find the parameter in the operation. The class then uses this parameter to build code that is usable by the generator.

    • Method Detail

      • appendToParameterName

        public void appendToParameterName​(char c)
      • buildPathEntry

        public String buildPathEntry()
      • escapeForQuotedJSString

        protected static String escapeForQuotedJSString​(String string)
      • nullableQuotedJSString

        protected String nullableQuotedJSString​(@Nullable String string)