Class ModelUtils

  • public class ModelUtils
    extends Object
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static getAdditionalProperties​( schema)
      Returns the additionalProperties Schema for the specified input schema.
      static List<String> getAllParentsName​( composedSchema, Map<String,​> allSchemas, boolean includeAncestors)
      Get the list of parent model names from the schemas (allOf, anyOf, oneOf).
      static List<> getAllSchemas​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI)
      Return the list of all schemas in the 'components/schemas' section of an openAPI specification, including inlined schemas and children of composed schemas.
      static List<String> getAllUsedSchemas​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI)
      Return the list of all schemas in the 'components/schemas' section used in the openAPI specification
      static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.responses.ApiResponse getApiResponse​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, String name)  
      static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.callbacks.Callback getCallback​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, String name)  
      static Map<String,​List<String>> getChildrenMap​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI)  
      static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.headers.Header getHeader​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, String name)  
      static List<> getInterfaces​( composed)
      Get the interfaces from the schema (composed)
      static CodegenModel getModelByName​(String name, Map<String,​ModelsMap> models)
      Searches for the model by name in the map of models and returns it
      static SemVer getOpenApiVersion​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, String location, List<io.swagger.v3.parser.core.models.AuthorizationValue> auths)
      Parse the OAS document at the specified location, get the swagger or openapi version as specified in the source document, and return the version.
      static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.Parameter getParameter​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, String name)  
      static String getParentName​( composedSchema, Map<String,​> allSchemas)
      Get the parent model name from the composed schema (allOf, anyOf, oneOf).
      static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.responses.ApiResponse getReferencedApiResponse​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, io.swagger.v3.oas.models.responses.ApiResponse apiResponse)
      If a ApiResponse contains a reference to another ApiResponse with '$ref', returns the referenced ApiResponse if it is found or the actual ApiResponse in the other cases.
      static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.callbacks.Callback getReferencedCallback​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, io.swagger.v3.oas.models.callbacks.Callback callback)
      If a Callback contains a reference to another Callback with '$ref', returns the referenced Callback if it is found or the actual Callback in the other cases.
      static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.headers.Header getReferencedHeader​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, io.swagger.v3.oas.models.headers.Header header)  
      static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.Parameter getReferencedParameter​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.Parameter parameter)
      If a Parameter contains a reference to another Parameter with '$ref', returns the referenced Parameter if it is found or the actual Parameter in the other cases.
      static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.RequestBody getReferencedRequestBody​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.RequestBody requestBody)
      If a RequestBody contains a reference to another RequestBody with '$ref', returns the referenced RequestBody if it is found or the actual RequestBody in the other cases.
      static getReferencedSchema​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, schema)
      If a Schema contains a reference to another Schema with '$ref', returns the referenced Schema if it is found or the actual Schema in the other cases.
      static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.RequestBody getRequestBody​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, String name)  
      static getSchema​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, String name)  
      static getSchemaFromRequestBody​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.RequestBody requestBody)
      Return the first defined Schema for a RequestBody
      static getSchemaFromResponse​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, io.swagger.v3.oas.models.responses.ApiResponse response)
      Return the first defined Schema for a ApiResponse
      static Map<String,​> getSchemas​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI)
      Return a Map of the schemas defined under /components/schemas in the OAS document.
      static List<String> getSchemasUsedOnlyInFormParam​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI)
      Return the list of schemas in the 'components/schemas' used only in a 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' or 'multipart/form-data' mime time
      static String getSimpleRef​(String ref)  
      static List<String> getUnusedSchemas​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI)
      Return the list of unused schemas in the 'components/schemas' section of an openAPI specification
      static boolean hasAllOf​( schema)
      Returns true if the schema contains allOf and may or may not have properties/oneOf/anyOf defined.
      static boolean hasAnyOf​( schema)
      Returns true if the schema contains anyOf and may or may not have properties/allOf/oneOf defined.
      static boolean hasCommonAttributesDefined​( schema)
      Returns true if any of the common attributes of the schema (e.g.
      static boolean hasOneOf​( schema)
      Returns true if the schema contains oneOf and may or may not have properties/allOf/anyOf defined.
      static boolean hasSelfReference​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, schema)
      Has self reference?
      static boolean hasSelfReference​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, schema, Set<String> visitedSchemaNames)
      Has self reference?
      static boolean hasValidation​( sc)  
      static boolean isAllOf​( schema)
      Returns true if the schema contains allOf but no properties/oneOf/anyOf defined.
      static boolean isAllOfWithProperties​( schema)
      Returns true if the schema contains allOf and properties, and no oneOf/anyOf defined.
      static boolean isAnyOf​( schema)
      Returns true if the schema contains anyOf but no properties/allOf/anyOf defined.
      static boolean isAnyType​( schema)
      For when a type is not defined on a schema Note: properties, additionalProperties, enums, validations, items, and composed schemas (oneOf/anyOf/allOf) can be defined or omitted on these any type schemas
      static boolean isArraySchema​( schema)
      Return true if the specified schema is an array of items.
      static boolean isBinarySchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isBooleanSchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isByteArraySchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isComplexComposedSchema​( schema)
      Return true if the specified schema is composed with more than one of the following: 'oneOf', 'anyOf' or 'allOf'.
      static boolean isComposedSchema​( schema)
      Return true if the specified schema is composed, i.e.
      static boolean isDateSchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isDateTimeSchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isDecimalSchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isDisallowAdditionalPropertiesIfNotPresent()  
      static boolean isDoubleSchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isEmailSchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isExtensionParent​( schema)
      If it's a boolean, returns the value of the extension `x-parent`.
      static boolean isFileSchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isFloatSchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isFreeFormObject​( schema)
      Check to see if the schema is a free form object.
      static boolean isGenerateAliasAsModel()  
      static boolean isGenerateAliasAsModel​( schema)  
      static boolean isIntegerSchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isLongSchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isMapSchema​( schema)
      Return true if the specified 'schema' is an object that can be extended with additional properties.
      static boolean isModel​( schema)
      Check to see if the schema is a model
      static boolean isModelWithPropertiesOnly​( schema)
      Check to see if the schema is a model with properties only (non-composed model)
      static boolean isNullable​( schema)
      Return true if the 'nullable' attribute is set to true in the schema, i.e.
      static boolean isNullableComposedSchema​( schema)
      Return true if the specified composed schema is 'oneOf', contains one or two elements, and at least one of the elements is the 'null' type.
      static boolean isNullType​( schema)
      isNullType returns true if the input schema is the 'null' type.
      static boolean isNumberSchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isObjectSchema​( schema)
      Return true if the specified schema is an object with a fixed number of properties.
      static boolean isOneOf​( schema)
      Returns true if the schema contains oneOf but no properties/allOf/anyOf defined.
      static boolean isParent​( schema)
      Returns true if the schema is a parent (with discriminator).
      static boolean isPasswordSchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isSet​( schema)  
      static boolean isShortSchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isStringSchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isTypeObjectSchema​( schema)
      Return true if the specified schema is type object We can't use isObjectSchema because it requires properties to exist which is not required We can't use isMap because it is true for AnyType use cases
      static boolean isUnsignedIntegerSchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isUnsignedLongSchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isURISchema​( schema)  
      static boolean isUUIDSchema​( schema)  
      static com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode readWithInfo​(String location, List<io.swagger.v3.parser.core.models.AuthorizationValue> auths)
      Parse and return a JsonNode representation of the input OAS document.
      static void setDisallowAdditionalPropertiesIfNotPresent​(boolean value)  
      static void setGenerateAliasAsModel​(boolean value)  
      static void syncValidationProperties​( schema, IJsonSchemaValidationProperties target)  
      static unaliasSchema​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, schema)
      Get the actual schema from aliases.
      static unaliasSchema​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI, schema, Map<String,​String> schemaMappings)
      Get the actual schema from aliases.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModelUtils

        public ModelUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • isDisallowAdditionalPropertiesIfNotPresent

        public static boolean isDisallowAdditionalPropertiesIfNotPresent()
      • setDisallowAdditionalPropertiesIfNotPresent

        public static void setDisallowAdditionalPropertiesIfNotPresent​(boolean value)
      • isGenerateAliasAsModel

        public static boolean isGenerateAliasAsModel()
      • setGenerateAliasAsModel

        public static void setGenerateAliasAsModel​(boolean value)
      • isGenerateAliasAsModel

        public static boolean isGenerateAliasAsModel​( schema)
      • getModelByName

        public static CodegenModel getModelByName​(String name,
                                                  Map<String,​ModelsMap> models)
        Searches for the model by name in the map of models and returns it
        name - Name of the model
        models - Map of models
      • getAllUsedSchemas

        public static List<String> getAllUsedSchemas​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI)
        Return the list of all schemas in the 'components/schemas' section used in the openAPI specification
        openAPI - specification
        schemas a list of used schemas
      • getUnusedSchemas

        public static List<String> getUnusedSchemas​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI)
        Return the list of unused schemas in the 'components/schemas' section of an openAPI specification
        openAPI - specification
        schemas a list of unused schemas
      • getSchemasUsedOnlyInFormParam

        public static List<String> getSchemasUsedOnlyInFormParam​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI)
        Return the list of schemas in the 'components/schemas' used only in a 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' or 'multipart/form-data' mime time
        openAPI - specification
        schemas a list of schemas
      • getSimpleRef

        public static String getSimpleRef​(String ref)
      • isTypeObjectSchema

        public static boolean isTypeObjectSchema​( schema)
        Return true if the specified schema is type object We can't use isObjectSchema because it requires properties to exist which is not required We can't use isMap because it is true for AnyType use cases
        schema - the OAS schema
        true if the specified schema is an Object schema.
      • isObjectSchema

        public static boolean isObjectSchema​( schema)
        Return true if the specified schema is an object with a fixed number of properties.

        A ObjectSchema differs from a MapSchema in the following way: - An ObjectSchema is not extensible, i.e. it has a fixed number of properties. - A MapSchema is an object that can be extended with an arbitrary set of properties. The payload may include dynamic properties.

        For example, an OpenAPI schema is considered an ObjectSchema in the following scenarios:

        type: object additionalProperties: false properties: name: type: string address: type: string

        schema - the OAS schema
        true if the specified schema is an Object schema.
      • isComposedSchema

        public static boolean isComposedSchema​( schema)
        Return true if the specified schema is composed, i.e. if it uses 'oneOf', 'anyOf' or 'allOf'.
        schema - the OAS schema
        true if the specified schema is a Composed schema.
      • isComplexComposedSchema

        public static boolean isComplexComposedSchema​( schema)
        Return true if the specified schema is composed with more than one of the following: 'oneOf', 'anyOf' or 'allOf'.
        schema - the OAS schema
        true if the specified schema is a Composed schema.
      • isMapSchema

        public static boolean isMapSchema​( schema)
        Return true if the specified 'schema' is an object that can be extended with additional properties. Additional properties means a Schema should support all explicitly defined properties plus any undeclared properties.

        A MapSchema differs from an ObjectSchema in the following way: - An ObjectSchema is not extensible, i.e. it has a fixed number of properties. - A MapSchema is an object that can be extended with an arbitrary set of properties. The payload may include dynamic properties.

        Note that isMapSchema returns true for a composed schema (allOf, anyOf, oneOf) that also defines additionalproperties.

        For example, an OpenAPI schema is considered a MapSchema in the following scenarios:

        type: object additionalProperties: true type: object additionalProperties: type: object properties: code: type: integer allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Class1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Class2' additionalProperties: true

        schema - the OAS schema
        true if the specified schema is a Map schema.
      • isArraySchema

        public static boolean isArraySchema​( schema)
        Return true if the specified schema is an array of items.
        schema - the OAS schema
        true if the specified schema is an Array schema.
      • isSet

        public static boolean isSet​( schema)
      • isStringSchema

        public static boolean isStringSchema​( schema)
      • isIntegerSchema

        public static boolean isIntegerSchema​( schema)
      • isShortSchema

        public static boolean isShortSchema​( schema)
      • isUnsignedIntegerSchema

        public static boolean isUnsignedIntegerSchema​( schema)
      • isLongSchema

        public static boolean isLongSchema​( schema)
      • isUnsignedLongSchema

        public static boolean isUnsignedLongSchema​( schema)
      • isBooleanSchema

        public static boolean isBooleanSchema​( schema)
      • isNumberSchema

        public static boolean isNumberSchema​( schema)
      • isFloatSchema

        public static boolean isFloatSchema​( schema)
      • isDoubleSchema

        public static boolean isDoubleSchema​( schema)
      • isDateSchema

        public static boolean isDateSchema​( schema)
      • isDateTimeSchema

        public static boolean isDateTimeSchema​( schema)
      • isPasswordSchema

        public static boolean isPasswordSchema​( schema)
      • isByteArraySchema

        public static boolean isByteArraySchema​( schema)
      • isBinarySchema

        public static boolean isBinarySchema​( schema)
      • isFileSchema

        public static boolean isFileSchema​( schema)
      • isUUIDSchema

        public static boolean isUUIDSchema​( schema)
      • isURISchema

        public static boolean isURISchema​( schema)
      • isEmailSchema

        public static boolean isEmailSchema​( schema)
      • isDecimalSchema

        public static boolean isDecimalSchema​( schema)
      • isModel

        public static boolean isModel​( schema)
        Check to see if the schema is a model
        schema - potentially containing a '$ref'
        true if it's a model with at least one properties
      • isModelWithPropertiesOnly

        public static boolean isModelWithPropertiesOnly​( schema)
        Check to see if the schema is a model with properties only (non-composed model)
        schema - potentially containing a '$ref'
        true if it's a model with at least one properties
      • hasValidation

        public static boolean hasValidation​( sc)
      • isFreeFormObject

        public static boolean isFreeFormObject​( schema)
        Check to see if the schema is a free form object.

        A free form object is an object (i.e. 'type: object' in a OAS document) that: 1) Does not define properties, and 2) Is not a composed schema (no anyOf, oneOf, allOf), and 3) additionalproperties is not defined, or additionalproperties: true, or additionalproperties: {}.


        components: schemas: arbitraryObject: type: object description: This is a free-form object. The value must be a map of strings to values. The value cannot be 'null'. It cannot be array, string, integer, number. arbitraryNullableObject: type: object description: This is a free-form object. The value must be a map of strings to values. The value can be 'null', It cannot be array, string, integer, number. nullable: true arbitraryTypeValue: description: This is NOT a free-form object. The value can be any type except the 'null' value.

        schema - potentially containing a '$ref'
        true if it's a free-form object
      • getReferencedSchema

        public static getReferencedSchema​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
        If a Schema contains a reference to another Schema with '$ref', returns the referenced Schema if it is found or the actual Schema in the other cases.
        openAPI - specification being checked
        schema - potentially containing a '$ref'
        schema without '$ref'
      • getSchema

        public static getSchema​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
                                                                      String name)
      • getSchemas

        public static Map<String,​> getSchemas​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI)
        Return a Map of the schemas defined under /components/schemas in the OAS document. The returned Map only includes the direct children of /components/schemas in the OAS document; the Map does not include inlined schemas.
        openAPI - the OpenAPI document.
        a map of schemas in the OAS document.
      • getAllSchemas

        public static List<> getAllSchemas​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI)
        Return the list of all schemas in the 'components/schemas' section of an openAPI specification, including inlined schemas and children of composed schemas.
        openAPI - OpenAPI document
        a list of schemas
      • getReferencedRequestBody

        public static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.RequestBody getReferencedRequestBody​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
                                                                                               io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.RequestBody requestBody)
        If a RequestBody contains a reference to another RequestBody with '$ref', returns the referenced RequestBody if it is found or the actual RequestBody in the other cases.
        openAPI - specification being checked
        requestBody - potentially containing a '$ref'
        requestBody without '$ref'
      • getRequestBody

        public static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.RequestBody getRequestBody​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
                                                                                     String name)
      • getReferencedApiResponse

        public static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.responses.ApiResponse getReferencedApiResponse​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
                                                                                              io.swagger.v3.oas.models.responses.ApiResponse apiResponse)
        If a ApiResponse contains a reference to another ApiResponse with '$ref', returns the referenced ApiResponse if it is found or the actual ApiResponse in the other cases.
        openAPI - specification being checked
        apiResponse - potentially containing a '$ref'
        apiResponse without '$ref'
      • getApiResponse

        public static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.responses.ApiResponse getApiResponse​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
                                                                                    String name)
      • getReferencedParameter

        public static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.Parameter getReferencedParameter​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
                                                                                           io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.Parameter parameter)
        If a Parameter contains a reference to another Parameter with '$ref', returns the referenced Parameter if it is found or the actual Parameter in the other cases.
        openAPI - specification being checked
        parameter - potentially containing a '$ref'
        parameter without '$ref'
      • getParameter

        public static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.Parameter getParameter​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
                                                                                 String name)
      • getReferencedCallback

        public static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.callbacks.Callback getReferencedCallback​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
                                                                                        io.swagger.v3.oas.models.callbacks.Callback callback)
        If a Callback contains a reference to another Callback with '$ref', returns the referenced Callback if it is found or the actual Callback in the other cases.
        openAPI - specification being checked
        callback - potentially containing a '$ref'
        callback without '$ref'
      • getCallback

        public static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.callbacks.Callback getCallback​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
                                                                              String name)
      • getSchemaFromRequestBody

        public static getSchemaFromRequestBody​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.RequestBody requestBody)
        Return the first defined Schema for a RequestBody
        requestBody - request body of the operation
        first schema
      • getSchemaFromResponse

        public static getSchemaFromResponse​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
                                                                                  io.swagger.v3.oas.models.responses.ApiResponse response)
        Return the first defined Schema for a ApiResponse
        openAPI - OpenAPI spec.
        response - API response of the operation
      • hasSelfReference

        public static boolean hasSelfReference​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
        Has self reference?
        openAPI - OpenAPI spec.
        schema - Schema
        boolean true if it has at least one self reference
      • hasSelfReference

        public static boolean hasSelfReference​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
                                               Set<String> visitedSchemaNames)
        Has self reference?
        openAPI - OpenAPI spec.
        schema - Schema
        visitedSchemaNames - A set of visited schema names
        boolean true if it has at least one self reference
      • unaliasSchema

        public static unaliasSchema​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
        Get the actual schema from aliases. If the provided schema is not an alias, the schema itself will be returned.
        openAPI - specification being checked
        schema - schema (alias or direct reference)
        actual schema
      • unaliasSchema

        public static unaliasSchema​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
                                                                          Map<String,​String> schemaMappings)
        Get the actual schema from aliases. If the provided schema is not an alias, the schema itself will be returned.
        openAPI - OpenAPI document containing the schemas.
        schema - schema (alias or direct reference)
        schemaMappings - mappings of external types to be omitted by unaliasing
        actual schema
      • getAdditionalProperties

        public static getAdditionalProperties​( schema)
        Returns the additionalProperties Schema for the specified input schema.

        The additionalProperties keyword is used to control the handling of additional, undeclared properties, that is, properties whose names are not listed in the properties keyword. The additionalProperties keyword may be either a boolean or an object. If additionalProperties is a boolean and set to false, no additional properties are allowed. By default when the additionalProperties keyword is not specified in the input schema, any additional properties are allowed. This is equivalent to setting additionalProperties to the boolean value True or setting additionalProperties: {}

        schema - the input schema that may or may not have the additionalProperties keyword.
        the Schema of the additionalProperties. The null value is returned if no additional properties are allowed.
      • getReferencedHeader

        public static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.headers.Header getReferencedHeader​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
                                                                                  io.swagger.v3.oas.models.headers.Header header)
      • getHeader

        public static io.swagger.v3.oas.models.headers.Header getHeader​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
                                                                        String name)
      • getChildrenMap

        public static Map<String,​List<String>> getChildrenMap​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI)
      • getInterfaces

        public static List<> getInterfaces​( composed)
        Get the interfaces from the schema (composed)
        composed - schema (alias or direct reference)
        a list of schema defined in allOf, anyOf or oneOf
      • getParentName

        public static String getParentName​( composedSchema,
                                           Map<String,​> allSchemas)
        Get the parent model name from the composed schema (allOf, anyOf, oneOf). It traverses the OAS model (possibly resolving $ref) to determine schemas that specify a determinator. If there are multiple elements in the composed schema and it is not clear which one should be the parent, return null.

        For example, given the following OAS spec, the parent of 'Dog' is Animal because 'Animal' specifies a discriminator.

        animal: type: object discriminator: propertyName: type properties: type: string

        dog: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/animal' - type: object properties: breed: string

        composedSchema - schema (alias or direct reference)
        allSchemas - all schemas
        the name of the parent model
      • getAllParentsName

        public static List<String> getAllParentsName​( composedSchema,
                                                     Map<String,​> allSchemas,
                                                     boolean includeAncestors)
        Get the list of parent model names from the schemas (allOf, anyOf, oneOf).
        composedSchema - schema (alias or direct reference)
        allSchemas - all schemas
        includeAncestors - if true, include the indirect ancestors in the return value. If false, return the direct parents.
        the name of the parent model
      • isExtensionParent

        public static boolean isExtensionParent​( schema)
        If it's a boolean, returns the value of the extension `x-parent`. If it's string, return true if it's non-empty. If the return value is `true`, the schema is a parent.
        schema - Schema
      • isNullable

        public static boolean isNullable​( schema)
        Return true if the 'nullable' attribute is set to true in the schema, i.e. if the value of the property can be the null value.

        In addition, if the OAS document is 3.1 or above, isNullable returns true if the input schema is a 'oneOf' composed document with at most two children, and one of the children is the 'null' type.

        The caller is responsible for resolving schema references before invoking isNullable. If the input schema is a $ref and the referenced schema has 'nullable: true', this method returns false (because the nullable attribute is defined in the referenced schema).

        The 'nullable' attribute was introduced in OAS 3.0. The 'nullable' attribute is deprecated in OAS 3.1. In a OAS 3.1 document, the preferred way to specify nullable properties is to use the 'null' type.

        schema - the OAS schema.
        true if the schema is nullable.
      • isNullableComposedSchema

        public static boolean isNullableComposedSchema​( schema)
        Return true if the specified composed schema is 'oneOf', contains one or two elements, and at least one of the elements is the 'null' type.

        The 'null' type is supported in OAS 3.1 and above. In the example below, the 'OptionalOrder' can have the null value because the 'null' type is one of the elements under 'oneOf'.

        OptionalOrder: oneOf: - type: 'null' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order'

        schema - the OAS composed schema.
        true if the composed schema is nullable.
      • isNullType

        public static boolean isNullType​( schema)
        isNullType returns true if the input schema is the 'null' type.

        The 'null' type is supported in OAS 3.1 and above. It is not supported in OAS 2.0 and OAS 3.0.x.

        For example, the "null" type could be used to specify that a value must either be null or a specified type:

        OptionalOrder: oneOf: - type: 'null' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order'

        schema - the OpenAPI schema
        true if the schema is the 'null' type
      • isAnyType

        public static boolean isAnyType​( schema)
        For when a type is not defined on a schema Note: properties, additionalProperties, enums, validations, items, and composed schemas (oneOf/anyOf/allOf) can be defined or omitted on these any type schemas
        schema - the schema that we are checking
      • syncValidationProperties

        public static void syncValidationProperties​( schema,
                                                    IJsonSchemaValidationProperties target)
      • readWithInfo

        public static com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode readWithInfo​(String location,
                                                                           List<io.swagger.v3.parser.core.models.AuthorizationValue> auths)
                                                                    throws Exception
        Parse and return a JsonNode representation of the input OAS document.
        location - the URL of the OAS document.
        auths - the list of authorization values to access the remote URL.
        A JsonNode representation of the input OAS document.
        Exception - if an error occurs while retrieving the OpenAPI document.
      • getOpenApiVersion

        public static SemVer getOpenApiVersion​(io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI openAPI,
                                               String location,
                                               List<io.swagger.v3.parser.core.models.AuthorizationValue> auths)
        Parse the OAS document at the specified location, get the swagger or openapi version as specified in the source document, and return the version.

        For OAS 2.0 documents, return the value of the 'swagger' attribute. For OAS 3.x documents, return the value of the 'openapi' attribute.

        openAPI - the object that encapsulates the OAS document.
        location - the URL of the OAS document.
        auths - the list of authorization values to access the remote URL.
        the version of the OpenAPI document.
      • isAllOf

        public static boolean isAllOf​( schema)
        Returns true if the schema contains allOf but no properties/oneOf/anyOf defined.
        schema - the schema
        true if the schema contains allOf but no properties/oneOf/anyOf defined.
      • hasAllOf

        public static boolean hasAllOf​( schema)
        Returns true if the schema contains allOf and may or may not have properties/oneOf/anyOf defined.
        schema - the schema
        true if allOf is not empty
      • isAllOfWithProperties

        public static boolean isAllOfWithProperties​( schema)
        Returns true if the schema contains allOf and properties, and no oneOf/anyOf defined.
        schema - the schema
        true if the schema contains allOf but no properties/oneOf/anyOf defined.
      • isOneOf

        public static boolean isOneOf​( schema)
        Returns true if the schema contains oneOf but no properties/allOf/anyOf defined.
        schema - the schema
        true if the schema contains oneOf but no properties/allOf/anyOf defined.
      • hasOneOf

        public static boolean hasOneOf​( schema)
        Returns true if the schema contains oneOf and may or may not have properties/allOf/anyOf defined.
        schema - the schema
        true if allOf is not empty
      • isAnyOf

        public static boolean isAnyOf​( schema)
        Returns true if the schema contains anyOf but no properties/allOf/anyOf defined.
        schema - the schema
        true if the schema contains oneOf but no properties/allOf/anyOf defined.
      • hasAnyOf

        public static boolean hasAnyOf​( schema)
        Returns true if the schema contains anyOf and may or may not have properties/allOf/oneOf defined.
        schema - the schema
        true if anyOf is not empty
      • hasCommonAttributesDefined

        public static boolean hasCommonAttributesDefined​( schema)
        Returns true if any of the common attributes of the schema (e.g. readOnly, default, maximum, etc) is defined.
        schema - the schema
        true if allOf is not empty
      • isParent

        public static boolean isParent​( schema)
        Returns true if the schema is a parent (with discriminator).
        schema - the schema.
        true if the schema is a parent.