Class DocUtil

  • public final class DocUtil
    extends Object
    This provides methods for handling documentation generation The is mainly for generating REST documentation but it could be used for other things as well
    See Also:
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static String generate​(DocData data, String template)
      Use this method to generate the documentation using passed in document data, allows the user to specify the template that is used
      static String loadTemplate​(String path)
      Loads a template based on the given path
      static String processTextTemplate​(String templateName, String textTemplate, Map<String,​Object> data)
      Handles the replacement of the variable strings within textual templates and also allows the setting of variables for the control of logical branching within the text template as well
      Uses and expects freemarker ( style templates (that is using ${name} as the marker for a replacement)
      NOTE: These should be compatible with Velocity ( templates if you use the formal notation (formal: ${variable}, shorthand: $variable)
      static void reset()  
    • Method Detail

      • reset

        public static void reset()
      • processTextTemplate

        public static String processTextTemplate​(String templateName,
                                                 String textTemplate,
                                                 Map<String,​Object> data)
        Handles the replacement of the variable strings within textual templates and also allows the setting of variables for the control of logical branching within the text template as well
        Uses and expects freemarker ( style templates (that is using ${name} as the marker for a replacement)
        NOTE: These should be compatible with Velocity ( templates if you use the formal notation (formal: ${variable}, shorthand: $variable)
        templateName - this is the key to cache the template under
        textTemplate - a freemarker/velocity style text template, cannot be null or empty string
        data - a set of replacement values which are in the map like so:
        key => value (String => Object)
        "username" => "aaronz"
        the processed template
      • generate

        public static String generate​(DocData data,
                                      String template)
        Use this method to generate the documentation using passed in document data, allows the user to specify the template that is used
        data - any populated DocData object
        template - any freemarker template which works with the DocData data structure
        the documentation (e.g. REST html) as a string
        IllegalArgumentException - if the input data is invalid in some way
        See Also:
      • loadTemplate

        public static String loadTemplate​(String path)
        Loads a template based on the given path
        path - the path to load the template from (uses the current classloader)
        the template as a string