Interface I_CmsShellCommands

  • public interface I_CmsShellCommands
    Provides scriptable access to a class from the CmsShell.

    • Method Detail

      • initShellCmsObject

        void initShellCmsObject​(CmsObject cms,
                                CmsShell shell)
        Provides access to the shell CmsObject and the shell itself.

        cms - the shell CmsObject
        shell - the CmsShell
      • shellExit

        void shellExit()
        May be called after shell exit, can e.g. be used to ouput a goodbye message.

        Please note: This method is not guaranteed to be called. For a shell that has more then one shell command object initialized, only the exit method of one of thouse will be called.

      • shellStart

        void shellStart()
        May be called before shell startup, can e.g. be used to ouput a welcome message.

        Please note: This method is not guaranteed to be called. For a shell that has more then one shell command object initialized, only the start method of one of thouse will be called.